Thursday, May 16, 2024

Nation Building’s Last Stand in Gaza - Daniel Greenfield


by Daniel Greenfield

Israel’s war teaches us what we should have done after September 11.


[Order Daniel Greenfield’s new book, Domestic Enemies: HERE.]

Rafah isn’t just the last stand for Hamas, but for an entire foreign policy establishment.

The desperate effort to keep Israeli soldiers from going into the last Gaza stronghold of the Islamic terrorist organization is about more than the sum of the geopolitical parts.

After nation building failed in Afghanistan and Iraq, and everywhere else it’s been tried, the radioactive ‘Palestinian’ nation building experiment from over 30 years ago is its last hope.

Long before George W. Bush tackled nation building after 9/11, his father began the era of turning Muslim terrorist groups into countries with the project to give the PLO a state. Where the first Bush failed, Bill Clinton succeeded with the Oslo accords and a Nobel prize for Arafat.

The PLO state failed long before Iran took over Iraq and the Taliban took over Afghanistan. There had never been anything peaceful, democratic or aspirational about Arafat and the PLO. By the time that Hamas had captured Gaza after winning democratic elections, it had long been clear to everyone outside of D.C. that rather than ending terrorism, statehood had incarnated it.

Any ‘Palestinian’ state was doomed to be a terrorist state. The only question is who would run it. And the answer was that the biggest and deadliest terrorists would command popular support.

When Iraq and Afghanistan went bad, America could just leave, Israelis did not have that luxury. Sharon forcibly expelled the Jews living in Gaza to the other side of a border wall, but despite all the sob stories that the terrorists were living in an “open air concentration camp” with five-star hotels and mansions, walls weren’t that hard to get through even before Oct 7.

Israel has been stuck living next door to a failed thirty year nation-building experiment gone bad. And everyone in the international community is worried that the Oct 7 war will see it taken apart.

Lately the nation building experts have taken to warning that Israel is doing it the wrong way. Former CIA Director David Petraeus who also oversaw American forces in Iraq and Afghanistan, has been arguing that Israel needs to pivot to a “counterinsurgency” model. And then we’re back to “winning hearts and minds” instead of actually trying to win a war.

The Biden administration has never stopped insisting that Israel needs a “day after” plan for rebuilding Gaza under a PLO government and some “moderate” terrorists from Hamas. Three generations after it became the norm, fighting a war without nation building as an endgame is so impossible that warfare experts can’t even understand what they’re seeing in Israel.

But among all the other problems with nation building is that it doesn’t work. And the Israelis who have been living next to the original chernobyl of nation building know it better than anyone.

Nation building has failed in every single Muslim country it’s been tried, not just by the United States after 9/11, but by the British between WWI and WWII. The entire Middle East is one long great nation building disaster shaped by primeval nation building experiments such as the Sykes-Picot agreement, the Hashemite monarchies and finally the recession of colonialism.

But it’s not just Muslim countries where nation building has backfired in familiar patterns.

D.C. elites can look to Haiti where decades of interference led to one disaster after another. The armed gangs overrunning the island nation started life as police forces. Democracy initiatives just worsened tensions and led to murderous outbreaks of political violence.

The same situation abounds across much of Africa, and parts of Latin America and Asia, where no amount of nation building could overcome tribalism, gang violence and political extremists.

Our nation building fails even worse than the British variety because it follows the American model of trying to overcome tribalism, assuming that democracy will empower individuals instead of blocs, and that having elected officials control institutions will lead to good government when in reality the majority seizes power and then viciously suppresses minorities.

American foreign policy believes that no people or group are good or bad, they just lack sufficient representation or the ability to participate in democratic elections. And that any governments that suppress any group, no matter how evil, are inherently illegitimate.

That’s why Truman insisted on ending Chiang Kai-Shek’s repression of Communists in China, why Carter bailed out the Islamists in Iran, and why, based on this stunning track record, we decided that the only way to stop terrorism in Israel was to give the terrorists their own state.

Faced with 30 years of terrorism, the nation builders see no other alternative to a terror state.

But Israelis do. They saw it before Oct 7 and they certainly see it all too clearly now. David, Ben and Ezra aren’t dying in tunnels and bombed buildings to create another terrorist state in Israel.

Americans have gotten sick of sending their sons to die for nation building. The term has become so toxic that no one wants to use it anymore. Biden loudly claimed that the withdrawal from Afghanistan marked the end of nation building. And now he’s back to nation building again.

Biden, Secretary of State Blinken and every one of the nearly 80,000 State Department employees are very upset (some have already resigned) that Israel isn’t following the nation building playbook. Some accuse Israel of harboring dire plots to expel all the Muslims from Gaza or to impose their own authority on them, but they’re too blind to see the actual reality.

The Israelis have had friends and family members brutally butchered, burned to death, raped and kidnapped on Oct 7 and they don’t care what exists in Gaza so long as it isn’t the terrorists. They’re being forced to supply food and medical aid to the perpetrators by D.C., which no army was forced to do in the past, but they have no interest beyond that in the enemy population.

Israelis care as much about Gazans as we cared about Afghans on 9/11. And while the U.S. officials who oversaw over a decade of failed nation building experiments may not understand,. America would have been far better off if we had focused on hunting down the perpetrators, their enablers and then left giant holes in the ground as a warning to any future terrorists.

Our “day after” plans for Afghanistan and Iraq cost us a generation of fighting men for nothing. Even the ‘Surge’, the last stand of the counterinsurgency model, did nothing to stop Iraq from falling into the hands of Iran which is now using it to launch attacks on American bases.

“Truly winning this war would require creating some sort of government in Gaza that could gain the support of the people and prevent Hamas from returning after Israeli soldiers pull out,” ex-neo con Max Boot argues in his Washington Post column.

But what if killing Jews is what the ‘people’ in Gaza really want? Just as what the Shiites in Iraq really wanted was to step on the Sunnis and the Kurds, what the Sunnis in Iraq really wanted was to kill the Shiites and rape the Yazidis, and what the Kurds wanted was their own country. And just as a whole lot of Afghans really wanted to lock up women and mandate beards again.

Nation building’s faulty premise is that people everywhere want what Americans want.

And so we ignore what they say they want. We ignore what they vote for. And then we ignore it when they actually start killing each other as we try to give them what they’re supposed to want.

Nation building was built on denying that tribalism is a fundamental force and that demographics is destiny. We refused to believe that in Afghanistan, we refused to believe it in Iraq and now we still refuse to believe it in Gaza. But the trouble is that the Arab Muslims of Gaza do believe it.

After two decades of failing to win a war (because we didn’t even try) maybe it’s time to let the Israelis give it a shot. What’s the worst that could happen? Gaza will be overrun by Islamic terrorists? Muslims will hate us and try to kill us? There will be op-eds in the New York Times?

The Israelis have grown tired of trying to win the hearts and minds of rapists, kidnappers and killers. They’ve grown tired of giving them what we think they want and are giving them what they deserve. Maybe we could learn something from their experiment in ‘un-nation building’.

Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.


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PMW video documentary: “Leave: The origins of Palestinian refugees” - Itamar Marcus


by Itamar Marcus

Arab refugees tell their personal stories: It was Arab leaders, Arab armies, and the Arab media that caused the Arabs to flee and become refugees


Click to play

During Israel’s War of Independence from 1948 to 1949, as many as 750,000 Arabs left their homes in Israel. The PA has made accusing Israel of expelling the Arabs a formative part of its narrative. It still refers to this migration as the “Nakba,” meaning “catastrophe,” which it commemorates every year on May 15.

However, interviews with refugees as well as newspaper articles in the official PA press by refugees and about refugees, show that the Arabs blame their own leaders, their own armies, and their own Arab media—which lied to them and created unnecessary fear—for their flight from Israel.

Direct orders to leave with promises of swift return:

Many Arabs were directly instructed by Arab armies and militias to leave their homes for just a few hours or weeks to clear the way for military operations.


Current PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas recounts that his family and all the Arabs of Safed chose to flee, fearing that Israel would take revenge for the Arab massacres committed against Jews in Safed in 1929. The Arabs left on their own.

“The most dangerous thing for us was the [Arab] media.”

As part of their propaganda to demonize Israel, Arab media fabricated stories of so-called Israeli atrocities, which created fear. One Arab refugee described the Arab media as saying: “In a certain town, the Jews did this and that. They killed and slaughtered. Of course, the newspapers lied, and the radio also lied. In other words, they deceived the people.” He concludes: “The most dangerous thing for us was the [Arab] media.”

No acknowledgment of responsibility:

Whether the Arabs left because of fictitious media or instructions from their leaders, the impact is still felt today. The Arab world has refused to accept responsibility or to absorb the Arab immigrants into their own countries. Instead, they forced them and millions of their descendants to remain as “refugees.”

The great Palestinian Authority secret:

A cornerstone of the PA’s ideology and propaganda is to blame Israel for the refugees and to demand that 100% of the descendants of the Arabs who fled, which have now reached 5.9 million according to UNRWA, be settled in Israel. The PA, however, has never acknowledged the collective Arab responsibility for the refugee problem. Even though PMW has gathered these Arab testimonies from official PA media, the PA itself continues to falsely blame Israel, and only Israel. As time goes on and more refugees speak candidly, the picture emerging is that the refugees themselves have always known the truth and that they really place the blame on their own leaders.

If the PA would finally acknowledge this historical fact and work to settle the 5.9 million descendants of the original refugees as equal citizens in the Arab states where nearly all of them were born, one of the great impediments to peace would be removed.

It should be noted that about 150,000 Arabs remained in the State of Israel and received equal rights and citizenship. Their numbers today have grown to 2,088,000. Israeli Arabs are found throughout society and serve in the Knesset, as judges, and teach in universities. While they are not drafted, many have volunteered to serve in the army, and some are officers.

Click here to view the video documentary.

The following is the text of the documentary:


The origins of Palestinian refugees

(In Their Own Words)

Only with our clothes
Refugee from Bir Ma'in
Fuad Khader

"We left, I mean, the one who made us leave was the Jordanian army, because there were going to be battles and we would be under their feet. They told us: ‘Leave. In 2 hours we will liberate it and then you’ll return." We left only with our clothes. We didn’t take anything because we were supposed to return in 2 hours. Why carry anything?
We’re still waiting for those 2 hours to this day."

[Official PA TV, May 15, 2013]

Two weeks is too much
Refugee from Ein Karem

“The radio stations of the Arab regimes kept repeating to us: ‘Get away from the frontline. It's a matter of ten days, or at most two weeks, and we'll bring you back to Ein Karem [in Jerusalem].’ And we said to ourselves, ‘That's a very long time. Two weeks is too much.’ That's what we thought [then]. And now 50 years have gone by.”

[Official PA TV, July 7, 2009]

Overcome With fear
Refugee from Safed
Mahmoud Abbas, Palestinian Authority Chairman

“The [Arab] Salvation Army withdrew from the city [Safed in 1948], causing the [Arab] people to begin emigrating. In Safed, just like Hebron, people were afraid that the Jews would take revenge for the [Arab] massacre [of 83 Jews] in 1929 (Note: 65 Jews were murdered in Hebron, 18 in Safed) ... [In 1948] the people were overcome with fear, and it caused them to leave the city in a disorderly way.”

[Official PA TV, Jan. 1, 2013]

Go to Jordan
Refugee from Khirbet Al-Amour
Ali Hussein Ali Alyan

“This is all painful. These people defended themselves in 1948... In the end, they were told [by Arab leaders]: ‘Leave and go to Jordan.  It's just for a few weeks all in all and you'll return.’”

[Official PA TV, Oct. 2, 2022]

Leave Jaffa immediately
Refugee from Jaffa
Talal Abu Ghazaleh

“Cars with microphones roamed the streets [of Jaffa], demanding that people leave so the fighting would succeed. They called to us in Arabic to leave our homes: ‘We - the Palestinians, the fighters - want to fight, and don’t want you to impede us so we ask you to leave the city immediately" ... All of us – me, my family, and the others – left any way we could. We went to the port and boarded a ship.”

[Official PA TV, Oct. 2, 2014]

Left their money behind
Refugee from central Israel
Asmaa Jabir Balasimah

“We were told that the Jews attacked our region and it is better to evacuate the village and return after the battle is over. And indeed there were among us those who left a fire burning under the pot, those who left their flocks of sheep, and those who left their money and gold behind, based on the assumption that we would return after a few hours.”

[Palestinian daily Al-Ayyam, May 16, 2006]

(PMW narration of newspaper)

Whoever stays in Palestine is a traitor
Unidentified refugee from Majdal (Ashkelon)

“My grandfather and my father told me that during the Nakba, our district officer issued an order that whoever stays in Palestine and in Majdal is a traitor...”

Ibrahim Sarsur, Head of the Islamic Movement in Israel: “The one who gave the order forbidding them to stay there bears guilt for this, in this life and the Afterlife, throughout history until Resurrection Day.”

[Official PA TV, April 30, 1999]

The chief is a traitor
Displaced from Manshiya
Israeli citizen

- I remember someone, an Israeli officer, named Monjo.

- Yes.

He was from Kibbutz Ein HaMifratz. He was in contact with people from [the Arab village of] Manshiya, with the village chief. He [the Israeli] told the chief: “Tell them that no one has to leave the place.” But what did they [Arabs] start to say? The chief is a traitor. And people began to flee.

[Official PA TV, July 24, 2023]

You’ll return to Palestine
Refugee from Dir Al-Qasi
Sadek Mufid

“What they said at the time: ... ‘By Allah, in a week or two, you’ll return to Palestine.’ The Arab armies entered Palestine, along with the [Arab] Salvation Army. We left - we and those who fled with us - and we all headed for Lebanon.”

[Official PA TV, Feb. 9, 2010]

We left hoping we would return
Refugee from Safed
Mahmoud Abbas

“To be honest, we were afraid. My family decided – I was the oldest of those who left with my brother’s wife and his two children – that they would move us... I had two pairs of shoes, a new pair and an old pair. I said: 'I’ll leave with the old pair, and leave the new pair for when we come back...' We left hoping we would return. They took us east, east of Safed, to the Jordan River.”

[Abbas' Facebook page, May 14, 2014]

Terror by the Zionist gangs
Refugee from Jerusalem
Poet Iskandar Khuri

“[Iskandar Khuri's] family left first with other families due to the increasing pressure of terror by the Zionist gangs in order to protect their lives and because they thought that their absence from their homes would not last longer than two weeks, and that they would return to them after the entry of the Arab armies into Palestine.”

[Official PA TV, Sept. 8, 2016]

(PA TV narrator)

Leave your houses
PA Journalist Jawad Al Bashiti

“The Arab Salvation Army told the Palestinians: ‘We have come to you in order to exterminate the Zionists and their state. Leave your houses and villages, you’ll return to them safely in a few days.’”

[Palestinian daily Al-Ayyam, May 13, 2008]

(PMW narration of newspaper)

The False promises
Abbas’ advisor Mahmoud Al-Habbash

“The leaders and the elites promised us at the beginning of the Nakba in 1948 that the duration of the exile would not be long, and that it would not last more than a few days or months, and afterwards the refugees would return to their homes, which most of them did not leave until they believed the false promises made by the leaders and the political elites.”

[Official PA daily, Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Dec. 13, 2006]

(PMW narration of newspaper)

Forced us to emigrate
PA daily columnist Fuad Abu Hajla

“You [Arab leaders] are still searching for the way to provide aid, like one who is looking for a needle in a haystack, or like the armies of your predecessors in 1948 who forced us to emigrate, on the pretext of clearing the battlefields of civilians.”

[Official PA daily, Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, March 19, 2001]

(PMW narration of newspaper)

Can’t hand over my wife
Abu Muhammad ‘Amara

“The truth is that the Jews brought a mediator to us, a person we knew and who knew us. They gave us choices. The first choice was that you hand over your weapons and stay on your land and live [peacefully in Israel] the way you live. The second choice was that you leave if you don’t want to hand over [your weapons]. If you don’t want to leave and go away, prepare yourselves for battle. All three were hard... For me, handing over my rifle at that time was just like handing over my wife, [so we left].”

[Official PA TV, May 15, 2013]

The Media Lied
Refugee from Zakariya
Muhammad Khana

“The most dangerous thing for us was the [Arab] media... Every night towards evening I would read the paper to the elderly... They heard that in a certain town, the Jews did this and that. They killed and slaughtered. Of course, the newspapers lied, and the radio also lied. In other words, they deceived the people.”

[Official PA TV, May 14, 2022]

We left out of fear
Refugee from Ajjour
Ahmed Al-Anati

“[Arabs] would come, for example: ‘Leave! [The Jews] committed atrocities in Deir Yassin. Leave so they won’t do horrible things to your wives.’ We left [Ajjour] to Hebron, not out of fear for our bodies but for our honor.”

[Official PA TV, Feb. 19, 2022]

The Arab Salvation Army said: "Leave... then you’ll return"
Refugee from Allar
Ali Muhammad Karake

“The Jews were nearing our village, the Arab [Salvation] Army - may Allah protect them, they said: ‘Leave, but don't go far from the village because they [the Jews] will make a short visit to the village, leave, and then you’ll return to the village.’ The people left with nothing, even without bread, and went to the mountains, and pitched [tents].”

[Palestinian daily Al-Quds YouTube channel, May 17, 2016]

Itamar Marcus


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Israel releases new Gaza death toll, claims historically low civilian deaths - JNS


by JNS

"What Israel has done is take the effort to minimize civilian casualties as no other army has done," said Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at a Memorial Day ceremony at the Mount Herzl Military Cemetery in Jerusalem, May 13, 2024. Photo by Arie Leib Abrams/Flash90.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at a Memorial Day ceremony at the Mount Herzl Military Cemetery in Jerusalem, May 13, 2024. Photo by Arie Leib Abrams/Flash90.

The ratio of terrorists to Palestinian noncombatants killed during Israel’s ongoing war against Hamas in the Gaza Strip is approximately one to one, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu revealed this week.

“What Israel has done is take the effort to minimize civilian casualties as no other army has done,” the Israeli leader said in an interview with U.S. author and political adviser Dan Senor on Monday.

“We use leaflets, we use millions of text messages, phone calls. We actually call the people, give up the benefit of surprise, tell them: ‘Get out of the way. Get out of the war zone so that we can accomplish our military objectives while you’re in a safe place,'” said Netanyahu.

“We’re facing 35,000 Hamas terrorists. We’ve killed already about 14,000, wounded many others, and we’re progressing towards that goal” of destroying the terror group, he added.

Israeli government spokesman Avi Hyman on Monday reinforced Netanyahu’s message, saying that the Israel Defense Forces had killed more than 14,000 terrorists and approximately 16,000 civilians since the outbreak of the war on Oct. 7.

“Israel is setting the new gold standard for urban warfare with what appears to be the lowest civilian-to-combatant casualty ratio in history,” stated Hyman.

Last week, the United Nations admitted it overcounted the number of Gazan children who have been confirmed killed in the war by a staggering 42%.

In March, the U.N. Children’s Fund stated that 13,450 children had been killed, citing figures from the Hamas-run Gazan Health Ministry. Last Wednesday, the U.N. Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) released updated casualty figures according to which 7,797 Gazan children have died in the war as of April 30.

“The revisions are taken…you know, of course, in the fog of war, it’s difficult to come up with numbers,” Farhan Haq, deputy spokesman for U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres, told JNS on Friday.

The 13,450 statistic was cited frequently in the international press, leading to accusations that the Jewish state had committed war crimes, including intentionally targeting children.



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Biden White House keeps telling whoppers, and even the legacy media has started to notice - Ben Whedon


by Ben Whedon

He and the White House have further taken to regularly misrepresenting statistics when discussing the performance of the U.S. economy, an issue on which he faces considerable scrutiny from the public and scores poorly in many polls.


President Joe Biden has long had a history of telling bizarre, incomprehensible narratives while attempting to relate to his audiences. He has also, repeatedly, reiterated long-debunked stories such as the nature of his son’s death, his alleged arrest as a civil rights marcher and even his claim to have been a truck driver.

But he and the White House have further taken to regularly misrepresenting statistics when discussing the performance of the U.S. economy, an issue on which he faces considerable scrutiny from the public and scores poorly in many polls.

Between inflation, spending, and other key metrics, the White House has started to take flak while attempting to represent its economic performance more favorably, but Biden’s penchant for dubious statements has prompted even generally sympathetic outlets to push back, and some claims have gone well beyond economic data.

Inflation was not at 9% when Biden took office

Last week, Biden told CNN that “[n]o president’s had the run we’ve had in terms of creating jobs and bringing down inflation. It was 9% percent when I came to office, 9%.”

He later said the same thing to Yahoo Finance on Tuesday, indicating that “inflation has gone slightly up. It was at 9% when I came in, and it’s now down around 3%.”

In reality, inflation stood at 1.4% in January of 2021 and reached a high of 9.1% in June of 2022, during Biden’s term.

Biden’s comments drew rebuke and fact checks from several news outlets. Even far-left Snopes rated the claim “False” while normally Biden-friendly CNN observed that “Biden’s claim… is not close to true.”

The Washington Post fact-checker meanwhile, gave Biden “four pinocchios” for the claim, which the Post defines as a "whopper."

Deficit reduction

Last year, Biden claimed to have been responsible for the largest reduction of the federal deficit of any president in U.S. history. “I cut the deficit by 1.7 trillion dollars in two years – that's more than any president on record,” he posted on X at the time.

The post was quickly subjected to a community note, observing that “[t]he $1.7T spending reduction claimed by Biden was the result of pandemic emergency spending that automatically expired, versus action taken by the president.”

Included with the community note were links to fact checks from the Washington Post, Politifact, and

The Washington Post fact-checker assigned Biden's claim a “bottomless pinocchio” rating.

Gas at $2.35, not $5 when he entered office

In October of 2022, Biden claimed that he had reduced gas prices from a price of more than $5 across the nation from when he took office.

“The most common price of gas in America is $3.39, down from over five dollars when I took office,” he said at the time. “We need to keep making that progress by having energy companies bring down the cost of a gallon of gas that reflects the cost of paying for a barrel of oil.”

The average regular gas price in January of 2021 stood at $2.334 per gallon. CNN, at the time said the claim “isn’t even close to true.”

Fox Business, moreover, highlighted that AAA data indicated the average price of a gallon of regular gas at the time Biden made the comment was $3.76, significantly higher than Biden claimed.

Biden suggests his uncle was eaten by cannibals

Last month, Biden appeared to suggest that his uncle, Ambrose J. Finnegan Jr., had been eaten by cannibals after being shot down near New Guinea.

“They never found the body because there used to be — there were a lot of cannibals for real in that part of New Guinea,” he said at the time, according to CBS News.

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre quickly corrected the record, telling reporters that “[y]ou saw him respond to all of you when asked about the moment yesterday and his uncle, who lost his life when the military aircraft he was on crashed in the Pacific after taking off near New Guinea,” reported the New York Post.

The remarks drew pushback from the government of Papua New Guinea, with Prime Minister James Marape stating that “President Biden’s remarks may have been a slip of the tongue; however, my country does not deserve to be labeled as such,” according to Time Magazine.

Some remote tribes in New Guinea are known to have practiced cannibalism into the 20th Century.

Biden claimed to visit Ground Zero the day after 9/11

Last year, Biden claimed to have visited the site of the World Trade Center one day after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks that brought the complex down.

“Ground Zero in New York - I remember standing there the next day and looking at the building. I felt like I was looking through the gates of hell,” he said at an event in Alaska commemorating the attacks. “It looked so devastating... from where you could stand.”

Biden contradicted himself, claiming that he was in Washington, D.C., on Sept. 12, 2001, in his 2007 book “Promises to Keep,” which stated that he spent the day in D.C. 

He did visit Ground Zero in September 2001, however, though a CNN fact check noted that “[h]e actually went to Ground Zero nine days after the attacks.”

Hur report finds Biden did retain classified documents

Earlier this year, special counsel Robert Hur released his report outlining Biden’s handling of classified materials in which he wrote that his investigation “uncovered evidence that President Biden willfully retained and disclosed classified materials after his vice presidency when he was a private citizen.”

“To report that the special counsel ‘found' or ‘concluded’ willful retention by the president is refuted by the conclusion that charges were not warranted,” Spokesman for the White House Counsel's office Ian Sams wrote in February. “The special counsel determined that the evidence refuted willful retention or disclosure.”

But in his March testimony to the House Judiciary Committee, Hur reiterated that he “obtained evidence President Biden willfully retained classified information.”

Biden, for his part said in a press conference that “I did not share classified information...I did not share it... I guarantee I did not.”

In response to questioning from GOP Rep. Gaetz, Hur stated that Biden’s comments were “inconsistent with the findings based on the evidence in my report.”

Beau "died in Iraq"

Biden has repeatedly misstated the nature of his son Beau’s death throughout his term, though some have attributed his telling of the narrative to advanced age and confusion rather than a deliberate attempt to misstate.

In May of 2023, he told Marines that “[m]y son was a major in the US Army. We lost him in Iraq.”

Beau Biden died of brain cancer in 2015 at Walter Reed National Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland. He was 46 at the time.

In October of 2022, he spoke at Camp Hale, saying "Just imagine – and I mean this sincerely. I say this as a father of a man who won the Bronze Star, the Conspicuous Service Medal, and lost his life in Iraq."

In November of that year, Biden referred to the “war in Iraq” when discussing the Ukraine conflict and explained the gaffe by saying “I'm thinking about Iraq because that's where my son died.” Biden's defenders claim that Beau may have contracted the deadly cancer from being exposed to toxic waste in Iraq, but that has never been established.

In February of this year, moreover, Biden angrily addressed claims in Hur’s report that he had struggled to recall when his son had died. A Washington Post poll published in May of last year said that only 32% believe that Biden has the "mental sharpness it takes to serve effectively as president."

Ben Whedon is an editor and reporter for Just the News. Follow him on X.


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Oversight Committee Chairman Comer says House has enough votes to hold Garland in contempt - Charlotte Hazard


by Charlotte Hazard

The House Oversight and Judiciary Committees will consider a resolution on May 16 and hold a vote.


House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer, R-Ky., says he believes the House has enough votes to hold U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland in contempt.

"Absolutely," Comer answered when asked about the votes on the Wednesday edition of the "Just the News, No Noise" TV show. "I think the Judiciary Committee [is] going to do the same thing. We've worked together, both the Oversight and Judiciary Committee, on a lot of things throughout this whole Biden influence peddling investigation. And remember, the Oversight Committee was one of the first out there that recognized that Joe Biden mishandled classified documents." 

Earlier this week, Comer announced the markup of a resolution to hold Garland in contempt for not complying with a subpoena.

Garland received subpoenas earlier this year for records, notes, and transcripts regarding Special Counsel Robert Hur’s investigation of President Joe Biden for allegedly mishandling classified information. 

The House Oversight and Judiciary Committees will consider a resolution on May 16 and hold a vote. 

"Merrick Garland has worked with the National Archives to block a lot of things from us and with the special counsel to block things from us," Comer said. "Merrick Garland has obstructed our Biden influence peddling investigation."

Charlotte Hazard


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Gallant: Rafah is about cutting off Hamas's faucet to weapons; Op. will get much larger - Yonah Jeremy Bob


by Yonah Jeremy Bob

Defense Minister Gallant vows to cut off Hamas's rearming ability in Rafah. Despite progress, Hamas still launches rockets, challenging IDF's assertion of dismantling Hamas's military.


Defense Minister Yoav Gallant attends a Memorial Day ceremony in Tel Aviv on May 13, 2024 (photo credit: TOMER NEUBERG/FLASH90)
Defense Minister Yoav Gallant attends a Memorial Day ceremony in Tel Aviv on May 13, 2024
(photo credit: TOMER NEUBERG/FLASH90)

Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, speaking to IDF forces in Rafah on Thursday, said that their operation there was about making sure "the faucet to Hamas is closed" from being able to rearm.

He said, "many tunnels have already been destroyed and many more will be destroyed soon," which would finally end the terror group's major cross-border capability to resupply itself with weapons.

Next, he said that "the operation will continue with additional forces which will invade ... this operation will continue and intensify."

Future and capabilities

 IDF troops operate against Hamas in Rafah. May 8, 2024.  (credit: IDF SPOKESPERSON'S UNIT)Enlrage image
IDF troops operate against Hamas in Rafah. May 8, 2024. (credit: IDF SPOKESPERSON'S UNIT)

"Hamas is an organization with no future. It has no capability to manufacture weapons, no supply, no munitions," saying that the IDF is taking it apart as a military organization.

Despite Gallant's claims, IDF sources were still unclear about how many Hamas cross-border tunnels there were into Egypt, and it was also unclear how long it would take for the IDF to locate and destroy them all.

Further, despite IDF's progress in Rafah, Hamas has managed to fire more rockets and mortars on Israeli forces and southern Israel since the invasion of Rafah started than it had for most of the last month.

The IDF is hoping that these are the last gasps of Hamas's rocket and mortar capabilities, which had been kept hidden in Rafah, but some of the fire has also come from Jabalia in northern Gaza.

Yonah Jeremy Bob


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The Fall of the House of Presidential Persecutions - Victor Davis Hanson


by Victor Davis Hanson

What is the endgame of all this lawfare?


[Order David Horowitz’s new book, America Betrayed, HERE.]

None of the five civil and criminal cases currently lodged against former President Donald Trump have ever had merit. They were all predicated on using the law to injure his re-election candidacy—given a widespread derangement syndrome among the left and a fear they cannot entrust a Trump/Biden election to the people.

These criminal and civil trials are merely the continuation of extra-legal efforts of the last eight years to destroy a presidential candidate in lieu of opposing him in transparent elections.

As such, the current lawfare joins the Mueller investigation of the Russian-collusion hoax. It is a continuation of the laptop disinformation caper and the “51 intelligence authorities” who lied about its Russian origins. It logically follows from the two impeachments, the Senate trial of Trump as a private citizen, and states’ efforts to remove him from their ballots.

The E. Jean Carroll case, the Alvin Bragg, Letitia James, and Fani Willis local and state trials, and the Smith federal indictment share various embarrassments.

Suspension of statutes of limitations: Carroll and Bragg could only go to court through the legal gymnastics of enlisting sympathetic judges and legislators to change or amend the law to suspend the statute of limitations as a veritable bill of attainder to go after Trump.

Violations of the Bill of Rights: In the Bragg case, Judge Merchan’s selective and asymmetrical gag order likely violates the First Amendment (prohibiting “abridging the freedom of speech”). Bragg violated the Sixth Amendment by denying Trump the right “to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation”. Judge Engoron, in the juryless James case, violated the Eighth Amendment (“nor excessive fines imposed”) in assessing Donald Trump an unheard of $354 million fine for supposedly overstating the value of real estate collateral for loans, while violating the Sixth Amendment as well (“the accused shall enjoy the right … to trial by an impartial jury”). The FBI likely violated the Fourth Amendment (“The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures”) by raiding Trump’s private residence, seizing his papers and effects (many of them private), and then lying about its own shenanigans of rearranging the seized classified files to incriminate Trump.

The invention of crimes: The indictments of Bragg, James, Willis, and Smith had no prior precedents. These cases will likely never be seen again. Bragg bootstrapped a federal campaign violation allegation onto a state crime. Yet still, he has never explained exactly how Trump violated any particular law.

No one had ever been tried in New York for allegedly inflating real estate assets to obtain a loan from banks, whose auditors had reviewed favorably the applicant’s assets. Thus, the lending agencies issued the loans, profited from the interest, were paid back in full and on time, and had no complaint against the borrower, Trump. Nonetheless, James indicted Trump and convicted him of a non-crime without a victim, due the New York combination of a politicized left-wing Manhattan judge, prosecutor, and juror.

No local prosecutor until Willis had ever indicted a presidential candidate for calling up a registrar and complaining about the balloting or alleging that some votes cast were not yet counted, followed up by an additional request to find supposedly missing ballots. If such criminalization was the norm, a local Florida prosecutor in 2000 could have indicted both the Bush and Gore campaigns.

Prior to Smith’s federal indictment, all disagreements with presidents about the classification and removal of their private papers were handled administratively, not criminally, much less inaugurated by a staged, performance-art FBI swat-like raid on an ex-president’s residence.

Equal justice?: These indictments are asymmetrical, hounding Trump when other prominent left-wing politicians have been far greater violators of the same alleged crimes and yet were given exemptions. Special prosecutor Robert Hur found Biden culpable for removing classified files for far longer, in more places, in less secure circumstances, and without the presidential authority to declassify them. Yet Biden was not indicted on the Orwellian excuse that he, as president, was so mentally challenged no jury would convict such an amnesiac and debilitated defendant (who otherwise apparently can exercise the office of President of the United States.)

Tara Reade was as believable or unbelievable as E. Jean Carroll. Far poorer, and without Carroll’s New York elite connections, Reade alleged that Senator Joe Biden sexually assaulted her at about the same time as the Carroll claim. Yet Reade was written off as a nut, ostracized, and felt to have opportunistically piggy-banked on the #MeToo movement.

James and her predecessors were aware of hundreds of New York City developers who submitted loan applications with property assessment at odds with those of initial bank appraisals. She knows the solution is that either the bank’s sophisticated auditors refuse the loan or the disagreement is deemed not sufficient enough to sacrifice profit-making by offering a loan that will likely be timely paid back.

Willis knows that Stacey Abrams, in her own state, claimed herself the winner of the 2018 gubernatorial race (she lost by over 50,000 votes). Abrams then declared that the actual winner, current governor Brian Kemp, was and is an illegitimate governor. She further sued to overturn the election in the manner that Jill Stein had tried to overthrow the 2016 presidential election.

In a similar fashion of election denialism, Democratically-funded ad campaigns and sycophantic celebrities hit the airways in 2016 to flip the electors to become “faithless,” thus renouncing their constitutional duties to reflect their own states’ tallies and instead voting according to the national popular vote.

Bragg knows that Hillary Clinton was fined over $100,000 for 2016 campaign violations after she hid the nature of her illegal payments to foreign national Christopher Steele to collect dirt on her opponent Donald Trump. Barack Obama was fined—five years post facto!—by the same Federal Election Commission a whopping $375,000 for improperly reporting nearly $2 million in 2008 campaign donations. In neither case did a federal prosecutor, much less a local district attorney, seek to criminalize what was customarily considered an administrative or civil violation of federal law.

Bias: Never has an ex-president and leading presidential candidate been targeted with promises of indictment by candidates running for state and local offices. Yet that is precisely what Bragg, James, and Willis have done, fueling their campaigns for offices by promising to find ways to go after Donald Trump and subsequently raising money from such boasts.

Willis’s paramour, fellow prosecutor Nathan Wade, met with the White House counsel’s office. One of Bragg’s prosecutors, Matthew Colangelo, left his prestigious job as a senior federal prosecutor in the Biden DOJ temporarily to work on contract with Bragg’s Manhattan office to go after Trump.

Jack Smith was appointed by the Biden Department of Justice; his left-wing filmmaker spouse helped to produce a puff-piece documentary on Michelle Obama.

The judge in the Bragg case, Juan Merchan, donated to the 2020 Biden campaign. So did one of the lead prosecutors, Susan Hoffinger, who gave generously to Biden in 2020. Merchan’s own daughter, Loren, has made a small fortune as a Democratic campaign consultant, having guided her left-wing clients’ fundraising efforts to the tune of $90 million.

Given these egregious violations of the law, abject political bias, conflicts of interest, asymmetrical application of the law, and manipulations of the statutes of limitations, the public has slowly grown incensed. They rightly conclude that the lawfare is a left-wing coordinated effort to destroy candidate Trump by exhausting him physically and psychologically in five separate cases at the height of the campaign season, bankrupting him with what will likely be $1 billion in legal fees and fines, silencing him with gag orders, defaming him with salacious and sensational but irrelevant court testimonies, and keeping him off the campaign trail.

And now? The sheer preposterousness has resulted in two unexpected developments. One, the more the left tries to subvert the legal system to emasculate Trump, the more the latter wins popularity, especially in traditionally non-Republican constituencies, even as Biden slumps in the polls. And two, the four criminal cases are starting to fall apart because of their sheer ridiculousness and abject bias.

Will and her boyfriend, prosecutor Wade, likely lied under oath about both their covert romantic relationship and the money that fueled their global junketeering. A Georgia state appellate court is reviewing Willis’ suitability to continue the prosecution. One might ask, “How can a prosecutor who lied under oath while trying a case retain any credibility?” Whatever the state court’s findings, a state appellate or federal court will eventually exonerate Trump. No other prosecutor or jurisdiction would likely take over Willis’s tainted indictment.

Smith’s indictment is in limbo, largely because: 1) in unusual and partisan fashion, he sought to rush the prosecution to coincide with the 2024 campaign; 2) the Supreme Court is determining to what extent a president either has immunity or can be hauled into court by a special prosecutor appointed by the opposition party; and 3) his office lied to the court about the condition of the Trump files they found at his residence, collected, and then took possession of—in a fashion that was intended to prejudice the case in the government’s favor.

Bragg’s gambit of putting Stormy Daniels on the stand to offer irrelevant but lurid testimony to hurt candidate Trump may have backfired, given she proved unstable, narcissistic, unreliable, hateful, and promised to break the law and refuse a legally ordered payment to Trump after losing a defamation case against him. Convicted felon and liar Michael Cohen, the prosecution’s key witness, has already hit the internet trying to get rich and will have less credibility.

James’s civil conviction of Trump and massive fine (originally $450 million with interest) may also be overturned on appeal, given it violates Eight-Amendment protection from “unusual punishment” (“bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed”), in addition to the selective prosecution of Trump where there is no criminal act and no victim.

So what will be the endgame of all these attacks on the American legal system and the warping of it for blatant political purposes?

One, we have entered new territory. There will soon be hundreds of local and state prosecutors who feel they have now been given license in election years to go after national presidential candidates for political advantage, both local and national.

Two, conservatives are in a dilemma: whether to restore deterrence by boomeranging the left’s extra-legal effort to ruin a candidate and president or to refrain from what would be a descent into third-world, tit-for-tat criminalization of politics.

Three, the persecution of Trump, coupled with the derelict candidacy of Joe Biden, threatens to erode the traditional base of the Democratic Party and redefine politics in terms of class rather than race. Minorities are beginning to empathize with the gagged, railroaded, and victimized Trump while distancing themselves from the victimizers, who are using their “privilege” to warp the law on behalf of a bullying president.

Four, the U.S. has lost a great deal of credibility abroad due to the erosion of what was once seen as the greatest system of jurisprudence in the world. No longer.

Enemies like China and Russia now boast that America’s new political prosecutions are similar to their own systems, or even more egregious, and will welcome us into their own customs of bastardized justice.

Latin-American, African, and Asian dictators are delighted that the U.S. has lost the moral authority to lecture them on the need for a disinterested and independent judiciary and the rule of law.

Our democratic allies in Europe and Asia are increasingly disturbed that the instability and unlawfulness apparent in the current lawfare put into question the reliability of the United States and its adherence to a rules-based order—whether at home or aboard.

Any president who would sic the justice system on his opponent might be equally vindictive and lawless to his allies abroad.

Victor Davis Hanson


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Biden has opened a Pandora’s box - opinion - Douglas Altabef


by Douglas Altabef

Ironically, Biden's decision has freed Israel’s leadership of some of their reluctance to counter American dictates. Oh, and its also helping Trump's campaign.


FORMER US president and current Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump attends a campaign rally in Wildwood, New Jersey, last Saturday.  (photo credit: EVELYN HOCKSTEIN/REUTERS)
FORMER US president and current Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump attends a campaign rally in Wildwood, New Jersey, last Saturday.

In his never-ending attempt to cultivate the “Where would they go anyway?” Arab vote in Michigan and other possible swing states, US President Joe Biden has opened a Pandora’s box that he is likely to regret.

I suggest that he has just succeeded in creating for himself a “four-bag error,” one with potentially decisive significance, by refusing to arm Israel with kits to be used for providing greater precision for missiles and shells in attacking Gaza.

Biden's blunders

Specifically, Biden’s blunders are the following: First, he has demeaned America both as an ally and as a great power protecting the free world. He has sent a terrible message to current and would-be allies as to the risks and costs of siding with the United States.

Secondly, and ironically, he has freed Israel’s leadership of some of their reluctance to counter American dictates. He has just hit Israel with, if not his best shot, then something close to it. Israel will not stop as a result of this. Ironically, they might thereby be forced to use less precise weaponry, thus defeating the stated American goal of minimizing harm to civilians.

Thirdly, the American people will see this embarrassment for what it is: “fair-weather friending” a close ally and clearly showing a preference for its terrorist enemies.

And lastly, he has handed his opponent, former president Donald Trump, on a silver platter no less, an issue that Trump has already railed at, and which likely will become an integral part of his campaign.

 Democratic presidential candidate former Vice President Joe Biden answers a question as President Donald Trump listens during the second and final presidential debate at the Curb Event Center at Belmont University in Nashville, Tennessee, U.S., October 22, 2020. (credit: Morry Gash/Reuters)Enlrage image
Democratic presidential candidate former Vice President Joe Biden answers a question as President Donald Trump listens during the second and final presidential debate at the Curb Event Center at Belmont University in Nashville, Tennessee, U.S., October 22, 2020. (credit: Morry Gash/Reuters)

Those observers who have been wondering where Trump stands on the situation in the Middle East will not be wondering much longer. Trump has been presented with a galvanizing series of American betrayals of its friendship with Israel; despite his often-expressed disillusionment with and dislike of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, he is certain to use these actions to create a glaring contrast.

That contrast was already seen recently with his walking back of support for a two-state solution. Now, on social media (Where else?) Trump quickly responded to Biden’s withholding of weaponry: “Crooked Joe Biden, whether he knows it or not, just said he will withhold weapons from Israel as they fight to eradicate Hamas terrorists in Gaza.

“Hamas murdered thousands of innocent civilians, including babies, and are still holding Americans hostage, if the hostages are still alive. Yet Crooked Joe is taking the side of these terrorists... Remember, this war in Israel... would have NEVER have started if I was in the White House... But very soon, we will be back, and once again demanding PEACE THROUGH STRENGTH!” (Emphases are Trump’s).

So, Trump has been handed several gauntlets, all of which he has gleefully thrown down. He drew the connection between the withholding of weapons and the damaging of Israel’s pursuit of its mission to “eradicate” Hamas. He clearly blames and excoriates Hamas, and is astonished at the idea that Biden is giving them aid and comfort.

He then reminds us that had he been reelected none of this would have happened, and perhaps most tellingly, forecasts the way things will be – peace through strength – once he returns to office.

Now, of course, presidential elections are all about each of the candidates demonizing the other guy. But here, the issue at hand is one that will resonate with a huge swath of the American people. Polls consistently show that most Americans support Israel, and indeed support the goal of eliminating Hamas.

It is one thing to lobby for care and concern in how the IDF pursues Hamas (a care and concern that the IDF has respected to an unprecedented degree in the history of warfare) but to arrogantly assert that if Israel does not do what we want, we won’t respect our commitments to arm them is something else, entirely.

In one fell swoop, Biden has unintentionally reversed the prevailing progressive David and Goliath narrative. Now it is the Left’s Goliath, Israel, that is being told to use rocks and slings because they won’t be given proper missiles and shells.

Biden vs Trump

One can be reasonably certain that Trump will be invoking something similar on the campaign trail. He doesn’t have to swoon over Israel, he just has to repeat his hatred of Hamas, something that he will likely do often, while always reminding Americans that Hamas is being assisted and protected by Joe Biden.

Assuming that this raising of the issue by Trump is in fact what happens, it has the potential to be a great boon for Israel. Trump is likely to increasingly put Biden on the defensive on a subject that he should be on the defensive about. While Biden can and might double down on his condemnation of the war effort by Israel in all its manifestations, it is at least as likely that he starts walking some of the antipathy back.

One does not have to be a Trump supporter to support what he is doing and is likely to continue to do, in highlighting how counterproductive and yes, how un-American Biden’s vilification of Israel is.

The American people are not stupid and the vast majority of them have finely honed moral sensibilities. These should and will be brought to bear in assessing how it is that their nation is unwilling to stand with Israel in fighting a scourge that threatens not just Israel, but also the entire West.

Douglas Altabef is the chairman of the board of Im Tirtzu and a director of the Israel Independence Fund.


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The Biden Reelection Strategy - Victor Davis Hanson


by Victor Davis Hanson

Bidenites believe they can reelect an unhealthy, unpopular, and unsuccessful president by any means necessary. And they may be right.


Joe Biden polls at or below 40 percent approval. Historically, such unpopularity has made it almost impossible for a president to be reelected.

His age advances by the hour. His voice falters, his memory fades, and his gait is reduced to short steps, with his arms, winglike and in tandem, offering balance.

Biden is not so much an octogenarian as an unhealthy and prematurely aging 80-year-old. It is America’s irony that he is fit for almost no other job in the country other than President, which apparently allows for a 3-day-a-week ceremonial role while others in the shadows run the country.

So how does Biden become renominated and reelected, as polls show he is behind in almost every critical swing state on nearly every issue?

Answer: not by campaigning, not by championing his record, and especially not by doubling down on his neo-socialist and now unpopular agendas.

Instead, his campaign is focused on four other strategies to beat Donald Trump.

First, left-wing local, state, and federal prosecutors are tying Trump up in court on crimes that have never been seen before and will never be again after the election. All the cases are politically motivated, with many coordinated with the White House.

Even if Trump is not convicted by blue-state prosecutors, in blue-state courtrooms, in front of blue-state juries, he will lose critical campaigning time.

Trump may end up paying out $1 billion in legal fees and fines. At 76, the monotonous days in court are designed to destroy him financially, physically, and mentally.

Biden and his operatives know that, in the long term, they may have fatally damaged the American legal system with such judicial sabotage. But short-term, they hope to destroy Trump before the ballots are cast.

Second, in his fourth year, Biden is suddenly selling government favors to special-interest voting blocs, or hoping to bring short-term relief to voters at the expense of long-term damage to the nation.

For elite college students and graduates, there are now billions of dollars in student-loan cancellations, despite a Supreme Court ruling declaring such targeted contractual amnesties illegal.

For consumers, before the election, Biden will likely drain the last drops from the critical Strategic Petroleum Reserve to lower gas prices—now sky-high due to his previous disastrous green policies.

If that is not enough, Biden has ordered Ukraine not to hit Russian oil facilities to avoid panic in the global petroleum markets before early and mail-in balloting begin.

Biden will quietly jawbone the Federal Reserve Bank to lower interest rates and reinflate the economy, despite his own creation of hyperinflation that caused interest rates to rise in the first place.

He will pander to Arab-American voters in swing-state Michigan by cutting arms deliveries to Israel, even as it seeks to destroy the killers of October 7.

And if that mollification is not sufficient to win Michigan, he will suddenly slap higher tariffs on imported Chinese electrical vehicles to win back apostate union auto workers.

Three, the left learned after 2016 that the only way to beat Trump is to change the way Americans vote.

So under the cover of the COVID-19 lockdown, the left sued in critical states to reduce Election Day to a mere construct, while 70 percent of voters mailed in their ballots or voted by early, rolling balloting over many weeks.

The key was the inability to fully authenticate votes, given the old practice of showing up on Election Day and presenting an ID was declared “racist.”

Four, Biden, as he did in 2020, will outsource his campaign to the media, 95 percent of which is left-wing. Talking televised heads will claim Biden is “sharp as a knife” while focusing on Trump’s tweets, Stormy Daniels, Michael Cohen, and lurid but irrelevant testimonies that permeate Trump’s court appearances.

Trump will continue to hold weekend-long, massive 100,000-person rallies, even in blue states. Meanwhile, Biden’s fixers in the media, administrative state, and legal community will counter that even with no crowds and no campaigning, Biden can win through 24/7 nonstop “October Surprises”—all summer long.

So expect more false “Russian collusion,” “laptop disinformation,” and “January 6 insurrection” hoaxes and their new replacements designed to smother the airwaves with salacious scandals nonstop.

Biden’s fading tenure is similar to the last sad months of Woodrow Wilson’s second term, when in 1919-20, the country was assured that a bedridden president was somehow hard at work, even as his wife, doctors, and handlers kept everyone else away.

Biden’s keepers do not seem to care about the president’s own failing health or his dismal polls. They discount his rare, anemic, and disastrous public appearances. They laugh off the huge Trump rallies. And they certainly could care less about the bad optics of pandering to special interests at the expense of the country or the damage done to the American legal and balloting systems.

Instead, Bidenites believe they can reelect an unhealthy, unpopular, and unsuccessful president by any means necessary.

And they may be right.

Victor Davis Hanson


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Obama’s “Longer Game” - Lloyd Billingsley


by Lloyd Billingsley

His final solutions for America, Jews and Israel are coming into focus.


[Order David Horowitz’s new book, America Betrayed, HERE.]

The Democrat Party’s Antisemitism Went Mainstream With Barack Obama,” runs the headline in the May 7 Federalist. As author Shawn Fleetwood notes, the former president “has been noticeably quiet about anti-Israel anarchists’ takeover of U.S. college campuses.”

While wishing Jews a happy Passover, the former president “couldn’t be bothered to condemn the anti-Semitic behavior on display at his alma mater or any of America’s post-secondary institutions.” 

Fleetwood traces back to “The Obama Factor,” David Samuels8/2/23 interview with David Garrow, author of Rising Star: The Making of Barack Obama. Garrow revealed that Dreams from My Father was a novel and the author a “composite character.” He told girlfriends he fantasized about making love to men, which may have been more than a fantasy. After all, his beloved Communist Frank Marshall Davis – disguised as happy-drunk poet “Frank” in Dreams – was a sexual omnivore of ravenous appetite. One of the composite character’s girlfriends raised another issue.

Sheila Miyoshi Jager was troubled by Obama’s refusal to condemn black nationalism and anti-Semitism. The former Barry Soetoro failed to speak out after Chicago mayoral aide Steve Cokeley accused Jewish doctors of injecting black babies with AIDS as part of a genocidal plot. Fleetwood also noted that the composite character’s collaboration with Louis Farrakhan was captured in a 2005 photo and conveniently “suppressed until after Obama’s two terms.” For the composite character, Farrakhan was not a new enthusiasm.

In Dreams from My Father, young Barry gathers books from authors such as James Baldwin, Ralph Ellison, Langston Hughes, Richard Wright and W.E.B. DuBois. He finds “all of them exhausted, bitter men, the devil at their heels,” and “only Malcolm X’s autobiography seemed to offer something different.” In Los Angeles, Barry and his friend Ray meet Malik, a follower of the Nation of Islam but readers learn nothing about the group.

As the late Stanley Crouch explained in 1985, the NOI  believed “the white man was a devil ‘grafted’ from black people in an evil genetic experiment by a mad, pumpkin-headed scientist named Yacub” and “the first devils to roll off Yacub’s assembly line were the Jews,” and so on. As a student, “community organizer,” senator or president, the composite character never openly condemned Farrakhan. As Fleetwood notes, “Obama’s embrace and tolerance of anti-Semites and corporate media’s refusal to hold him accountable for it is responsible for the anti-Israel radicalism rampant throughout the modern left.

It is now okay “for anti-American radicals who harbor the worst sentiments about Jews to join the party’s ranks.” The Democrat Party “now opposes Israel’s right to defend itself from Hamas and Iranian-backed attackers to appease their anti-Semitic wing,” and Obama’s silence on the pro-Hamas movement infecting America’s campuses speaks volumes.” Another volume to consult is the 2015 Believer, by David Axelrod, proclaimed by the New York Times in 2007 as “Obama’s narrator.”

As the believer explains, “authenticity is an indispensable  requirement for any successful candidate, but particularly for a president. Biography is foundational.” Axelrod failed to note that Dreams from My Father is a novel, not an autobiography or memoir, and that the author is not exactly authentic. Readers also have to wonder about the believer his own self. For example:

I knew Barack was an exceptional writer. Dreams From My Father, the memoir he published at the age of 33, was a powerful and poignant work. . . Tracing the paths that brought together the son of a Kenyan goat herder and the daughter of small-town Kansas.

What animated The Audacity of Hope were stories written with the narrative skill of a gifted novelist. It occurred to me, in reading the manuscript, that Obama approached every encounter as a participant and an observer. He processed the world around him with a writer’s eye, sizing up the characters and the plot, filing them away even as he fully engaged in the scene.

In his writings, Barack had introduced the world to Reverend Wright as the pastor, mentor and father figure who brought him to Christ.

I think people who are guilty of that kind of personal attack against Obama have been influenced to a major degree by a belief that he should not be president because he happens to be African American.

[criticism of Obamacare] was rooted in race: a deep-seated resentment of the idea of the black man with the Muslim name in the White House. The facts notwithstanding, to them, health reform was just another giveaway to poor black people at their expense.

And so on, closing out in triumphalist style. “Few of the decisions he had made would satisfy the politics of the moment,” Axelrod explains, “but at home and abroad, Obama was playing a longer game.” That game is now coming into clear focus.

The composite character fundamentally transformed the United States of America into a woke, bankrupt dystopia, what David Samuels called “the disaster we are living through now.” The puppet Joe Biden puts on his best White House face, but Obama calls the shots.

As Samuels explains, the composite character holds the Iran file and “all of his people are already inside the White House.” He funds the Iran’s terrorist regime and his silence on the campus jihadists speaks volumes. His “longer game” exposes American Jews to violence and confronts Israel, an ally, with an existential problem.

At home and abroad, the composite character’s final solutions are coming into view. As Trump likes to say, we’ll have to see what happens.

Lloyd Billingsley is the author of Yes I Con: United Fakes of America, Barack ‘Em Up: A Literary Investigation, Hollywood Party, and numerous other works.


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