Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Democrats: The Party of Political Violence - Mark Tapson


​ by Mark Tapson

From the Weather Underground and Black Panthers to Antifa and Black Lives Matter.


[Order David Horowitz’s new book, America Betrayed, HERE.]

During last weekend’s The Saturday Show on MSNBC, California Democrat Congresswoman and anti-Trump demagogue Maxine Waters claimed that if former President Trump wins the presidential election in November, there will be “blood in the streets” and “more killings” like in the January 6, 2021 Capitol “insurrection.”

“I’m concerned about the safety of so many people in this country, particularly people of color,” Waters told host Jonathan Capehart, suggesting that the political violence will come from racist MAGA supporters:

Donald Trump has said that if he does not win, it is going to be fraud, and because it is going to be fraud, there will be blood in the streets. He threatens about a civil war, and he threatens there’s going to be violence. I would say all of this talk is motivational with many of those who are racist, who are sitting at home listening to him, and they are taking him up on his threats even before the elections take place. It is about thousands, maybe millions of people being threatened and being at risk because of Donald Trump and his desire to seek revenge on anything and everybody.

This is simply false rabble-rousing. Trump has not “threatened” violence over the election, and her insinuation that his followers are racist is an unconscionably ugly smear – but par for the course with Mad Max. This is the same woman, you will recall, who once incited her followers to harass and intimidate Trump officials in public places and “tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere.”

She added on MSNBC, “I do believe having listened to Donald Trump so many times and having the attack, the insurrection that took place on the House of Representatives in Congress, on the Capitol, the Capitol grounds, we could be in for more killings like that.”

Killings like what? First of all, there was no attempted insurrection, only FBI-facilitated crowd confusion laced with a containable dose of hooligan opportunism. No one attempts an insurrection without weapons, a carefully-constructed plan, and a leader – none of which the January 6 participants had. Second, the only people who died on that date – four, to be exact – were all Trump supporters. The only killing that day was the shooting of unarmed protester Ashli Babbitt by a Capitol police officer who later claimed ridiculously that he “saved countless lives” by opening fire.

The Democrats, who never let a good crisis go to waste, have exploited the Deep State-instigated Capitol chaos of January 6th to smear Trump supporters relentlessly as violent, white supremacist insurrectionists who are A Threat to Democracy™. The Dems have done this in order to fear-monger about the upcoming election, which they know they cannot win on the strength of Biden/Harris’ accomplishments or popularity, both of which hover just above nonexistent.

The very next day after Waters’ interview aired on the propaganda outlet MSNBC, left-wing Hamas supporters and Jew-haters targeted a pair of Los Angeles synagogues to harass Jews violently. Freedom Center Shillman Fellow Daniel Greenfield was actually present for one of the incidents and wrote about it for FrontPage Mag’s “The Point” blog. In the post, Greenfield shared his X (Twitter) posts in which he wrote,

There were multiple instances of Jewish community members being maced/bear sprayed with no police response the LAPD was deployed in riot gear but did nothing for nearly an hour, failed to separate protesters from counter-protesters, intervene or put up barriers.

He added, “Hamas supporters were able to freely roam around a Jewish neighborhood in the Pico-Robertson area threatening people. A Muslim man in a keffiyeh told me ‘billions will come to kill you.’” Why did “these Hamas thugs feel empowered to come into the Pico Robertson neighborhood at the Adas Torah synagogue on Pico Blvd and threaten Jews? Because Los Angeles Democrats have their back.”

Greenfield concluded,

The violence was bad enough that politicians have condemned it (rather than the specific perpetrators) even as the media, including the LA Times, predictably describes “clashes erupting between both sides” condemning the Muslims and Marxists who attacked a synagogue and the Jews who didn’t want their synagogue attacked.

Muslims and Marxists – what David Horowitz calls the “unholy alliance” of Jew haters. The anti-Zionist antisemites harassing and assaulting Jews in L.A. were left-wing, not right-wing. Jew haters on the Right share the Left’s hatred of Israel and Jews, but they don’t march in the streets alongside Queers for Palestine and Code Pink, or settle in campus encampments with cultural Marxists waving Hamas and Hezbollah flags. They mostly just congregate online in the comments sections of X (Twitter), posting “Christ is King” dog whistles, sharing video clips from slimy white supremacist leader Nick Fuentes, and cheering social media grifter Candace Owens. No, the hordes of antisemites who have physically taken to the campuses and streets to support and celebrate Hamas’ October 7th savagery, and to promise more of the same, are left-wing.

The entrapment of January 6th “insurrectionists” notwithstanding, the overwhelming amount of political violence in modern American history has come not from the Tea Party or the MAGA crowd, but from the Democrat Party. And yet the Left’s gaslighting about which side dominates political violence continues. One can find no end of articles online hyping the threat of Trump-sanctioned MAGA violence. The left-wing Washington Post, for example, keeps up a steady drumbeat of fear-mongering editorials warning of rage and retribution from Trump “militants.”

By contrast, Google the term “political violence” and try to find coverage of left-wing violence in American news. Try to find mainstream articles labeling as “political violence” the incalculable devastation and deaths wrought by the Marxist revolutionaries of Black Lives Matter and the anarchic shock troops of Antifa. The mainstream media has previously whitewashed BLM rioting as “mostly peaceful protests,” and defended the brownshirts of Antifa as just “an idea, not an organization,” as Biden himself stated.

Despite the disinformation and bias in Big Tech resources like Google, and the relentless gaslighting and projection from the left-wing mainstream media like MSNBC and Democrat leaders like Maxine Waters, the demonstrable truth is that all but a fraction of political violence – not only recently but for decades – is attributable to the Democrat Party. From the Weather Underground and the Black Panthers to today’s Hamas supporters, violent revolution drives the Left.

If Trump loses in November – which will only happen through massive Democrat voter fraud – it is possible that some fed-up Trump supporters may lash out in violence. Indeed, I wrote recently about the very possibility that we are on the verge of a hot civil war, which another stolen election could trigger. But that would pale in comparison to the level of left-wing political violence we will witness if Trump wins in November. It will dwarf the unrest this country has suffered over the last 60 years, including during the 1969 “Days of Rage” and the “Summer of Floyd” rioting of 2020.

And still the media will label it “mostly peaceful,” justifiable “resistance” to the perceived fascism of Donald Trump and his voters who just want to make America great again.

Follow Mark Tapson at Culture Warrior

Mark Tapson is the Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center, focusing on popular culture. He is also the host of an original podcast on Frontpage, “The Right Take With Mark Tapson”. Follow him on Substack.


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