Monday, June 10, 2024

Israel Rescues Hostages, World Mourns Deaths of Hamas Supporters - Mark Tapson


by Mark Tapson

“Would there have been a warning to those civilians for them to get out in time?”


[Order David Horowitz’s new book, America Betrayed, HERE.]

In a daring raid on Saturday, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), Israel Police, and Israel Security Agency (ISA) rescued four hostages who had been in the clutches of Hamas terrorists since the barbaric October 7 attacks: Noa Argamani, 25; Almog Meir Jan, 21,; Andrey Kozlov, 27; and Shlomi Ziv, 40. Decent people everywhere rejoiced, while Hamas apologists in the U.S. government and Western media were left rending their garments in mourning for the jihadists and their supporters killed in the raid.

This downer of a New York Times headline captured the disapproving spirit of the media response to the glorious hostage rescue: “Israel Rescues 4 Hostages in Assault That Killed Scores of Gazans.”

The actual number of Palestinian dead is unconfirmed as of this writing; CNN, the most distrusted name in news, reported that the Gaza Ministry of Health, the propaganda organ of Hamas, claims 274 Palestinians were killed and 698 injured – a number you can be sure has been inflated higher than a Chinese spy balloon. The IDF estimated that the number of casualties from the operation was “under 100.”

Sunday on CNN’s State of the Union, U.S. National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan contributed to the anti-Israel media narrative by stating that “innocent people were tragically killed in this operation. The exact number we don’t know, but innocent people were killed and that is heartbreaking. That is tragic.”

But ­how does he know innocent people were killed? Hamas itself does not distinguish between their militant and civilian casualties, and perhaps we shouldn’t either. According to a March poll of Palestinians, 71% of all Palestinians supported Hamas’ decision to attack Israel on October 7; 59% of all Palestinians think Hamas should rule Gaza; and 70% were satisfied with the role Hamas has played during the war. Support for Hamas has increased since the October 7 attacks.

Sullivan went on to point out correctly that Hamas operates in such a way that “puts [civilians] in the crossfire, that holds hostages right in the heart of crowded civilian areas, that puts military and placement that’s right in the heart of crowded civilian areas.” He added that “there is only one answer to stop that from happening going forward: that is a ceasefire and hostage deal that ends the military operations, brings the hostages home and puts us in a position to give the Palestinians and opportunity for a better future for their people.”

On the contrary, ceasefires in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict only ever aid the savage Jew-haters of Hamas, never Israel. The October 7 attacks themselves took place during one of these purported ceasefires. Sullivan and the Biden administration are wrong: the only way to bring about “a better future” for Palestinians and Israelis alike is continued IDF operations that kill enough terrorists and their supporters to break the back of Hamas forever.

On Saturday evening, epically incompetent Vice President Kamala Harris chimed in with an obligatory sadness over the dead Palestinians who were holding Israelis hostage and protecting Hamas militants. She declared at a Democrat Party dinner in Michigan, “Before I begin, I just say a few words about the mourning which I know weighs heavily on all of our hearts…”

She went on to pay lip service to the hostages before continuing to focus on “innocent” Gazans: “Thankfully four of those hostages were reunited with their families tonight. And we mourn all of the innocent lives that have been lost in Gaza, including those tragically killed today.”

What a useless embarrassment she is. A real leader would have stood tall and called for celebration of the hostages’ return and of dead Hamas militants and their supporters.

Nihad Awad, executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the Muslim Brotherhood legacy group posing as a civil rights organization, predictably condemned the Israeli raid, which he called an “horrific massacre” and blamed on Benjamin Netanyahu for “torpedoing” the peace process “so that he can continue the genocide and stay in office.”

In fact, the only genocide being carried out in the Middle East is by Muslims against Jews and Christians, and Awad supports that. You may recall that he stated openly in October that he was “happy” at news of the October 7 terror attacks.

Hollywood weighed in as well, of course, because they can’t turn off their lockstep virtue-signaling long enough to actually learn the truth about an issue – any issue. Australian-born actor Guy Pearce, for example, whom I actually always enjoy watching but won’t anymore, also paid lip service to celebrating the hostages’ return, tweeting on X, “I’m pleased hostages are home, but let’s not be distracted & forget about all the unnecessary Palestinian deaths. We know the IDF could’ve brought all the hostages home months ago & avoided the senseless murder of innocent Palestinian children. But we know their true motivation.”

So, yeah, it’s good and all, but let’s not be distracted by a few Israeli hostages when the real tragedy is the IDF genocide of terrorists. Shut up and act, Guy.

In a darkly ludicrous example of the Western media’s anti-Israel, pro-Hamas slant, BBC anchor Helena Humphrey asked a former IDF spokesperson in a post-raid interview if Israeli forces, who are unique in the history of war in their effort to minimize civilian casualties, would have warned the Palestinians ahead of time so they could seek safety.

“Would there have been a warning to those [Gazan] civilians for them to get out on time?” Humphrey asked Jonathan Conricus in complete seriousness.

“Of course, we can’t anticipate Israel to be warning ahead of a raid to extract or to save hostages because then what the terrorists would do is to kill the hostages, and that would defeat the purpose,” he replied with astonishing equanimity in the face of such stupidity and blatant BBC bias.

Conricus went on to enlighten her:

The Israeli hostages were held and jailed by Palestinian civilians in a Palestinian civilian area, and as regrettable as any loss of life is, I think that we would have to investigate really who are the people who jailed these Israeli civilians for eight months? Why did they do it? What was the role of the surrounding community and the hundreds if not thousands of Palestinians who for sure were aware of the fact that these Israeli hostages were being held in their midst, and why were they complicit with Hamas?

One hundred and twenty Israeli hostages are still being held by Hamas monsters. Forty-three of them have been declared dead, but Hamas won’t release their bodies. For Israel to retrieve those hostages, alive or dead, the pro-Hamas Western media and elites would accept nothing less than zero Palestinian casualties. In fact, for good to prevail over evil, there should be nothing more than zero Hamas survivors.

Follow Mark Tapson at Culture Warrior

Mark Tapson is the Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center, focusing on popular culture. He is also the host of an original podcast on Frontpage, “The Right Take With Mark Tapson”. Follow him on Substack.


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