Sunday, May 17, 2020

We love you, Sidney - Carol Headrick

by Carol Headrick

In her memorandum, legal scholar Sidney educates Obama that his statement on the law is entirely false.

Attorney Sidney Powell will go down in history as one of the greats.

Obama added his two cents' worth to the DOJ's dismissal of charges against General Flynn and got his tongue handed back to him on a silver platter via Sidney Powell. On is an open memorandum to our former president, Barack Hussein Obama, which addresses his concern for following the rule of law. Sidney rhetorically offers Obama help "if truth and precedent represent your true concern." We Deplorables are all too familiar with Obama's predilection for lying. In her memorandum, legal scholar Sidney educates Obama that his statement on the law is entirely false.

With the exoneration of General Flynn, the dominoes on the Obama administration scandals appear to be faltering. President Trump may have let the swamp creatures fade away without wasting time and energy on their destruction. Right after the election, Trump made a statement about letting Hillary and her crimes go to avoid further divisiveness. This is the pivotal moment when the left could have gathered its people and decided to forgo the insurance policy of destroying Trump. All they had to do was fade away and go live their lives. Instead, they chose to continue their attempts at destroying the Trump family, his presidency, his administration, and anyone who dared support him.

Sidney has stated that Obama has been involved in the framing of General Flynn. The likelihood that Obama's administration, including the DOJ, FBI, and CIA went rogue is nil. The likelihood that Obama learned about his administration's actions on TV is nil. Thank God we have President Trump in office, who now must see Obamagate through. We Deplorables expect convictions and long jail sentences so that no other administration will attempt what Obama and his administration have done to our country. If any of their circus acts had resulted in destroying our president, it is safe to say that a true civil war could have erupted. A big thank you to Sidney for breaking through on legal grounds.

Carol Headrick is the author of Obama Elected Trump.


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