Saturday, February 28, 2015

CJL Benefit Dinner 2015 Speech - Dr. Dan Schuftan

by Dr Dan. Schuftan

Here is an Israeli Jew who explains the essence of the Middle East conflict and why there can never be peace in our generation. He is brilliant and entertaining and presents a historical review of the Middle East conflict and also shows a terrific sense of humor in describing the Jewish and Arab mentality. It's a long speech, but quite enlightening and entertaining, especially the joke he tells as his conclusion.

Dr Dan. Schuftan


Copyright - Original materials copyright (c) by the authors.


IDF50 said...

behind the jokes this man has dangerous ideas which are incompatible with our responsibility as Jews to the world and the middle east.Is he really saying that the lives of our sons are simply an entry in the profit and loss account and we should care less that war beckons on a regular basis and jewish bodies and lives have to be sacrificed at the alter of stubborn bloody mindedness

Sally Zahav said...

Sorry - but in my opinion you've got it wrong. We in Israel do not have the option of not fighting. Not because of "stubborn bloody mindedness" but because of the reality that exists in the Palestinian and general Muslim mindset that Israel must be destroyed. Period. The moment we stop fighting, THAT is when we are finished, as a state and as individuals.

Unknown said...

Peace is not an option.

Anonymous said...

Peace through strength! That is the only way anywhere, until the messianic times.
Even Christians understand it, despite that they think that Messiah has come already.
Peace Now (grave later) is the leftist-jew syndrome.

Sally Zahav said...

We all know by now that Hamas has codified in its covenant the express aim to destroy the Jewish state. But many people do not know that the PLO covenant also calls for destruction of the Jewish state. And to make sure that their children understand, there is continual incitement in TV programs and schoolbooks against Jews (NOT only Israeli Jews) as well as propaganda that repeats over and over again stating that Israel is an illegitimate state and that all of the Land of Israel is stolen Palestinian land. Including, of course, Jaffa, Hebron, Jerusalem and even Tel Aviv. Compromise with this approach is totally out of the question and suicidal.

IDF50 said...

shamefull that apparently cogent human beings can be so brainwashed by Bibis right wing barbarian cabel

Sally Zahav said...

IDF50 - aside from invective and insulting words, can you bring any facts to back up your position? Because there are plenty of data that prove how dangerous it would be for Israel to make territorial concessions to the PA.

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