by Arnold Ahlert
Perez sought to apply the policy of “disparate impact” to housing. Judicial Watch explains this
contemptible concept. “Under the theory of ‘disparate impact,’ a
defendant can be held liable for discrimination for a race-neutral
policy that statistically disadvantages a specific minority group
even if that negative ‘impact’ was neither foreseen nor intended,” they
write. “In such cases, defendants can be forced to pay for harm caused
not by their own actions, but by economic and statistical realities,
even if beyond their control.” (italics original)
Leon wasn’t buying it. He characterized the
attempt to legitimize disparate impact as a vehicle to expand the
possibility of filing discrimination cases as “hutzpah (sic) (bordering
on desperation).” “This is yet another example of an administrative
agency trying desperately to write into law that which Congress never
intended to sanction,” he wrote, adding that the arguments made by Obama
administration attorneys were “nothing less than an artful
misinterpretation” of the law.
The law to which Leon referred is the Fair Housing Act, administered by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). In February 2013, HUD made disparate
impact a policy tool, one the administration employed to build
discriminatory cases against mortgage lending institutions that garnered
them hundreds of millions of dollars.
In July of that year, Wells Fargo paid a $175
million settlement after the Department of Justice (DOJ) accused the
bank of discriminating against thousands black and Hispanic
borrowers—based on loan analyses made by the bank and its independent
brokers from the years 2004 and 2009. Wells Fargo admitted no
wrongdoing, claiming it was settling to avoid even costlier litigation
expenses. That windfall was topped by a record-setting $335 million
settlement made by Bank of America in 2011, following allegations of
discrimination by Countrywide Lending, purchased by Bank of America in
2008. Once again the feds used disparate impact to allege that minority
borrowers had received less favorable borrowing terms than whites.
Perez is an old hand at
this shakedown racket. In 2011, the DOJ created the Fair Lending Unit
staffed with more than 20 lawyers, economists and statisticians,
determined to ferret out discriminatory lending practices at the more
than 60 banks that were targeted at the time. The man in charge of that
division was Special Counsel for Fair Lending Eric Halperin. Halperin
ultimately answered to none other than Tom Perez, who headed the DOJ’s
Civil Rights Division.
That would be the same Tom Perez who compared
bankers to KKK Klansmen, insisting the only difference between the two
groups was that bankers discriminate “with a smile” and “fine print,”
but were nonetheless “every bit as destructive as the cross burned in a
That would also be the same Tom Perez who in 2010 railed against
the housing meltdown “fueled in large part by risky and irresponsible
lending practices that allowed too many Americans to get unsustainable
or unaffordable home loans.” It was then he promised that once the Fair
Housing Unit was up and running, it “will use every tool in our arsenal,
including, but not limited to, disparate impact theory.”
Perez is determined to protect disparate
impact theory from being adjudicated by the Supreme Court. On Nov. 7,
2011 the Court agreed to hear Magner v. Gallagher, a case about racial discrimination in housing. As the Weekly Standard reveals, a
Supreme Court decision on the theory was utterly anathema to Perez,
whose effort to make the case “go away” became his self-admitted “top
The case was about several property owners who alleged
that St. Paul, Minnesota’s ramped up enforcement of the city’s housing
code for rental units reduced the availability of low-income rentals,
creating a disparate impact affecting black Americans. The district
court tossed the suit, but the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eighth
Circuit reinstated it, complete with the concept of disparate impact.
The city appealed that ruling to the Supreme Court, which was poised to
decide for the first time whether disparate impact cases pursued under
the auspices of the Fair Housing Act can be brought before the courts.
Perez, who has referred to disparate impact
as the “lynchpin” of his civil rights agenda, didn’t want to take that
chance. He managed to get the city to drop its case from the Supreme
Court docket. Judicial Watch provided some of the sordid details, noting
they had obtained documents “under the Minnesota Data Practices Act,
showing that St. Paul City Attorney Sara Grewing arranged a meeting
between the then-chief of DOJ’s Civil Rights Division, current Secretary
of Labor Tom Perez, and Mayor Chris Coleman a week before the city’s
withdrawal from the case, captioned Magner v. Gallagher. Following Perez’s visit, the city withdrew its case and thanked DOJ and officials at HUD for their involvement.”
In June of 2013, the Supreme Court agreed to hear another case revolving around disparate impact. Township of Mount Holly v. Mount Holly Gardens Citizens concerned the town’s efforts to redevelop a blighted neighborhood. A group of renters filed suit alleging
the move violated the FHA because the majority of the renters were
non-white and they were unable to afford the new mid-priced,
single-family dwellings. The district court dismissed the argument
ruling all the renters were equally affected. The Court of Appeals for
the Third Circuit reversed that ruling, basing their decision on
disparate impact.
Once again Perez prevailed, getting Mt. Holly to drop the case, and once again preventing the Supreme Court from issuing a ruling on disparate impact.
Judge Leon noticed. In a stunning rebuke of
Perez himself, Leon accused the Labor Secretary of gaming the system,
timing cases and arranging the aforementioned settlements he found
“particularly troubling.”
It ought to trouble every American that the
Obama administration remains determined to codify racial discrimination
based on the idea that statistics can be a viable substitute for actual
intent. To image how absurd this theory truly is, one need only apply it
to the National Basketball Association where a “disproportionate”
number of black American athletes, relative to the percentage of the
nations’s overall population, earn a living. Should white college
basketball players who weren’t drafted by the NBA be able to file a
lawsuit alleging discrimination, based on nothing more than that
statistical discrepancy? Absent the necessity of proving intent to
discriminate, the power of the government to file discrimination charges
become virtually unlimited.
Leon noted there was nothing in the wording
of the FHA or anything he read regarding Congress’s intent when it
passed the FHA that supported HUD’s interpretation of the law. He
further noted that complying with disparate impact theories would force
various entities to compile information on a number of factors,
including race, religion, gender, etc., that those entities are often
banned from obtaining under state law.
Perez may be forced to work overtime yet again. The Supreme Court has agreed to hear Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs v. The Inclusive Communities Project. State officials have been sued by
the Inclusive Communities Project, a Dallas-based group advocating
integrated housing. The ICP alleges the state allocated a
disproportionate number of federal low-income housing tax credits to
minority neighborhoods, a practice that “makes dwellings unavailable in
particular areas, thereby perpetuating residential segregation in the
Dallas area,” the group said in court papers. The federal appeals court
that ruled in favor of the plaintiffs is one of 11 that have determined
the Fair Housing Act allows disparate-impact claims. Texas officials,
led by Attorney General Greg Abbott, are eager to have the Supreme Court
hear the case. “The far-reaching scope of disparate-impact liability
makes this a question of exceptional importance,” they said in their
The Equal Credit Opportunity Act used to
hammer Wells Fargo and Bank of America may also be affected by the
ruling. Miami attorney Paul Hancock, who filed a brief backing the Lone
Star state on behalf of business groups led by the American Bankers
Association, illuminated the implications if the Court decides to leave
the theory of disparate impact intact. “It really pushes more toward
advancement of racial quotas as the only way to avoid legal claims,” he
said in a phone interview.
Disparate impact may do far more than
that. After the election, the Obama administration intends to push its
“Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing” agenda. It requires HUD to gather data on segregation and discrimination. That data that will be used to racially diversify every city and suburb in America, superseding all
local zoning ordinances and forcing those cities and suburbs to accept
subsidized housing. “Geospatial data” will pinpoint alleged segregation
hotspots that will be forced to comply with HUD’s efforts to racially
balance the entire nation. “Unfortunately, in too many of our hardest
hit communities, no matter how hard a child or her parents work, the
life chances of that child, even her lifespan, is determined by the zip
code she grows up in. This is simply wrong,” said HUD Secretary Shaun
Donovan when he unveiled the federal rule at the NAACP convention in
That’s nothing less than an exponential expansion of the disparate impact theory.
By the time you read this, it is likely we
will know which party controls the Senate. If it is Republicans, one of
the first orders of business should be making it clear that Tom Perez’s
chance of succeeding Eric Holder are zero. It will send a clear message
that racial huckstering based on dubious legal theories will no longer
be tolerated. After that, pruning as many race-addled zealots from HUD
as possible would be a nice follow up.
Arnold Ahlert is a former NY Post op-ed columnist currently contributing to, and He may be reached at
Copyright - Original materials copyright (c) by the authors.
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