Sunday, September 22, 2024

UN General Assembly overwhelmingly votes to make Jerusalem's Old City free of all Jews - Just the New Staff


by Just the New Staff

The text of the resolution doesn’t mention Israeli security concerns, its historic ties to the lands or Hamas’s terror attacks in Israel on Oct. 7.


The United Nations General Assembly passed a resolution on Wednesday calling on the Israel Defense Forces to withdraw completely from Judea and Samaria, commonly referred to as the West Bank, eastern Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip within one year. 

That would mean the evacuation of all Jewish communities beyond the 1949 armistice line, including Jerusalem’s Old City. In effect, it would require that area to be free of all Jews, according to the Jewish News Syndicate.  

The resolution passed by a vote of 124-14 with 43 abstentions. It is meant to give force to a July advisory opinion by the International Court of Justice, which declared it illegal for any Israeli presence in any area over the 1949 armistice line.

The text of the resolution doesn’t mention Israeli security concerns, its historic ties to the lands or Hamas’s terror attacks in Israel on Oct. 7.

The vote followed a day of debate on Tuesday. Those voting against the resolution were: Argentina, Czechia, Fiji, Hungary, Malawi, Micronesia, Nauru, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, Tonga, Tuvalu, the United States and Israel. Germany, the United Kingdom, Canada, Italy, Ukraine and Australia were among the 43 abstentions, according to the JNS.

While General Assembly resolutions have no legal force, its passage is expected to be used in international courts to seek additional action against Israel.

Danny Danon, Israel’s ambassador to the United Nations, called it “a shameful decision that backs the Palestinian Authority’s diplomatic terrorism,” and said that the General Assembly “continues to dance to the music of the Palestinian Authority, which backs the Hamas murderers.”

Just the New Staff


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Herzog: Terrorists slain in Beirut were plotting Oct. 7-style attack - JNS


by JNS

Hezbollah has long threatened to invade the Galilee.


Israeli President Isaac Herzog speaks during a swearing-in ceremony for new judges at his official residence in Jerusalem, June 23, 2024. Photo by Chaim Goldberg/Flash90.
Israeli President Isaac Herzog speaks during a swearing-in ceremony for new judges at his official residence in Jerusalem, June 23, 2024. Photo by Chaim Goldberg/Flash90.

Hezbollah leaders killed in an airstrike on Friday were planning the same type of invasion Hamas carried out on Oct. 7 farther south, Israeli President Isaac Herzog said in an interview with Britain’s Sky News on Sunday.

“We do not want to get into a war with Lebanon, but Lebanon has been hijacked by a terror organization which is also a political party in Lebanon called Hezbollah,” the president told senior news presenter Sir Trevor Phillips via satellite feed from Jerusalem.

“It’s been armed to its teeth by the Iranian empire of evil, and all of these leaders who were eradicated on Friday by the Israeli attack, all of these leaders were meeting together in order to launch the same horrific, horrendous attack that we had on October 7 by Hamas, by burning Israelis, butchering them, raping their women, abducting and taking hostage old people and young, and little babies,” Herzog continued.

“So this is exactly the same plan that they’ve been planning for years under the empire of evil of Iran. So we are fighting, actually the war for the entire free world,” the president said.

On Friday, Israel bombed a building in Beirut, killing more than a dozen Hezbollah officers including Ibrahim Aqil, 61, who was the second top commander of Hezbollah killed since Oct. 7. This was preceded earlier in the week by a series of communication device explosions that killed dozens and wounded thousands of Hezbollah terrorists across Lebanon.

IDF Spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari said in a video statement on Friday that Aqil and the Radwan Force commanders at the meeting were discussing plans to carry out an Oct. 7-style invasion of Israel, which they called “Conquer the Galilee.”

“These terrorists planned to do in northern Israel what Hamas did in southern Israel on Oct. 7,” Hagari said.

A source close to Hezbollah confirmed to AlMonitor that the meeting in the Dahiya neighborhood of Beirut was convened to study “plans for a ground operation in the heart of the occupied territories [i.e., Israel]” in response to the communication device attacks.

During the Sky News interview, Herzog stressed that “we are working to change this equation, meaning we have to bring our hostages back from Gaza, and we have to make sure that this attack does not recur from Gaza, and we have to make sure that this attack does not recur again from Lebanon. That’s all there is. It’s very simple, and life can go on in a peaceful manner on an internationally recognized boundary between Israel and Lebanon.”

Herzog also had choice words from the government in London, which hasn’t always seen eye-to-eye with Jerusalem during the campaign against Hamas and other Iranian-supported terrorist groups.

“I believe our friends should understand that we are fighting their war too. In the long term, you have to understand that there is an empire of evil which really thinks and believes as part of an ideology in the jihadist ideology, in conquering the Middle East and moving on into Europe and the rest of the world,” he said.

“They call you Satans. They want to plant bombs in your cities all over the world. Hezbollah has terror cells situated in countries all over the world so and you ask yourself, why? How come Iran armed a tribe in Yemen called the Houthis on the shore of the Red Sea, and they’re affecting the cost of living of each and every British family or European family or American family [by attacking commercial shipping in the Red Sea]?

“This cannot go on. We expect that all our allies will be side-by-side with us in combating this terrible situation and fighting like we are to bring back our hostages home. There are 101 Israeli hostages, already 352 days they are in the dungeons of Gaza,” Herzog said.



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An America First Foreign Policy - James E. Fanell and Bradley A. Thayer


by James E. Fanell and Bradley A. Thayer

America First is America’s traditional foreign policy, and only President Trump offers the possibility of returning the United States to its traditional principles.



A major component of Americans’ decision-making as they go to the 2024 polls will be foreign policy. That is entirely appropriate, first, because of the importance of what happens abroad to Americans’ lives. Americans should remember Leon Trotsky’s purported observation that “you might not be interested in war, but war might be interested in you.” That is, the world is a dangerous place. There are many people who wish to destroy America. They need to be met not by attempting to hide from them or with rainbow flags, but with the force of a Mike Tyson punch to the face. Second, this election provides Americans a choice between an America First foreign policy or the disastrous alternative of President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris’s administration. In this essay, we offer our interpretation of an America First foreign policy and what it means for Americans.

Based on the past three and a half years of performance, the Biden-Harris regime has sustained a foreign policy, largely born from the Obama administration, that ignores the existential threat posed by the People’s Republic of China (PRC), undermines our allies like the Philippines, distances itself from key partners like India and Taiwan, fuels the Russo-Ukrainian war, punishes Israel, embraces the Islamic Republic of Iran, and supports international organizations like the World Health Organization (WHO) and international agreements like the Paris Climate Agreement that advance the PRC’s interests. All of which has undeniably damaged the sovereignty and national security of Americans. In addition, there is the joint domestic-foreign policy issue of America’s open borders. The Biden-Harris administration has imported 12 to 15 million people from around the world in almost four years, and tens of millions more will certainly enter the U.S. if Harris is elected.

At root, for many Americans, the Biden-Harris actions and policies seem difficult to understand as they are such a break with traditional American policies, culture, and history and are so deleterious to the health and well-being of the American people. However, once you realize that is precisely the point—that they are the most radical Marxist-oriented administration in U.S. history—then their actions make perfect sense. Their intent is to fundamentally transform the U.S. from being a constitutional republic to a one-party state. Thus, their goal is to replace and transition every established institution, organization, and cultural norm. Theirs is a policy of America Last or as it was called during the Obama era—leading from behind.

In contrast, an America First foreign policy does precisely the opposite—it places the American people and their interests first. America First recognizes that American power is essential for the security of Americans in every respect. An America First policy promotes, as American strategists did throughout American history, that American hard power capabilities—the health of its economy, military, and the society upon which both depend—are inextricably linked.

The vigor of the American economy means that the U.S. must master both manufacturing and high technology. The strength of the military means that the United States must possess an informed citizenry that supports the military—many of whom want to serve in the services. It means American industrial might to support the conventional and nuclear missions of the United States military, making everything from ships and tanks to computer chips and tritium, and conventional and nuclear capabilities, are second to none. The well-being of society means that Americans understand and are proud of their heritage, are patriotic and honored to serve in the military, have prosperous and safe communities, and have a sovereign United States that enforces its immigration laws.

America First recognizes the U.S. does have a profound, indeed, existential enemy, the PRC. The PRC is using every means at its disposal to destroy the U.S. from within, as well as the U.S. position in world politics. From the Arctic to the South Pacific, and from its support of Russia in the Ukraine war to its coercive measure to evict the Philippines from its Exclusive Economic Zone and ever-increasing military actions against Taiwan and Japan, key U.S. partners, the aggression of the PRC against U.S. interests is quickening and intensifying.

Tie that realization to the steps it takes to hollow out U.S. communities through its trade practices, its chemical warfare against Americans through fentanyl and other opioids, its interference in U.S. elections, its lying about the origins and spread of COVID-19, lies that it still maintains today, compels the realization that the PRC is waging a multiple front, People’s War against the American people.

America First understands that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is at war with America. Except for President Trump, the U.S. response has been feckless because of the fatally flawed engagement policy pursued by all presidents since the first Bush and Clinton administrations, and that will be pursued with a vengeance by a Harris administration. Only America First can consign the CCP to the dustbin of history as another America First president, Ronald Reagan, did to the Soviet Union.

In the diplomatic realm, America First understands that the U.S. has a tremendous number of exceptional allies who work with the U.S. to cooperate on mutual economic and security threats and, in some cases, to share intelligence. Great allies like Australia, Japan, and the United Kingdom, among many others, have worked with the U.S. to address their mutual threats and have contributed to the fight against the Soviet Union or the PRC today. America First comprehends the value and contribution of allies in the past or today. America First is, by definition, not America Alone.

Our many allies have made tremendous sacrifices in war or have assisted the U.S. in tangible and countless other ways. We see this bravery in action today as the Philippines, a steadfast U.S. ally, stands up to Beijing’s aggression. But America First also grasps that the “free riding” problem is inherent in alliances and at the heart of this issue. That is, if the most powerful alliance member, Uncle Sam, is going to do it anyway, why should alliance members contribute? NATO allies and others have tended to shirk their responsibilities regarding defense spending and other contributions to the alliance.

But Uncle Sam is not Uncle Sucker. An America First foreign policy labors to get allies to act like allies in every respect, including defense spending, and to honor the letter and spirit of the alliance. Ultimately, that is in the self-interest of the alliance members, who, at the end of the day, depend upon the American extended deterrent for their security. In turn, the American extended deterrent depends on the support and willingness of the American people to honor its commitment and incur its great costs.

America First is the return of American foreign policy to the principles that won World War II and the Cold War. It is not a policy of endless “whack-a-mole” operations around the world but instead offers a strategy for victory over the evil of the CCP—the one adversary that has both the will and capability to destroy America. An America First foreign policy will ensure America’s friends are treated as friends and America’s enemies are treated as enemies.

The Biden-Harris administration punished America’s friends and rewarded America’s enemies. America First is America’s traditional foreign policy, and only President Trump offers the possibility of returning the United States to its traditional principles that resulted in victory against Nazi Germany, Imperial Japan, and Soviet Russia. America First principles made this country, to borrow from the U.S. Marine Corps, no better friend and no worse enemy. Or, as was exemplified by the Reagan Administration, America First rested on the principle of peace through strength.


James E. Fanell and Bradley A. Thayer are authors of Embracing Communist China: America’s Greatest Strategic Failure. The views expressed are their own.

James E. Fanell and Bradley A. Thayer


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It Is Biden and Harris Who Are Not Doing Enough to Free the Hostages - Alan M. Dershowitz


by Alan M. Dershowitz

[Biden and Harris] should warn Iran that if Hamas harms any American hostages, we will regard that as an attack on the US that warrants a military response against Iranian military targets. Instead, Biden is demanding that Israel compromise its security by allowing Hamas to return to its terrorist tunnels under the critical Philadelphi Corridor.


  • Why should Hamas agree to a ceasefire when its refusal is blamed on Israel by the president of the United States? In addition, when Biden blames Israel, he encourages other allies, such as Great Britain, Canada, France and Germany, to do the same.

  • [Biden] blamed Netanyahu alone without even mentioning Hamas. And this was after Hamas terrorists had murdered six hostages, including an American.

  • Although Biden did say that the Hamas killers would pay a price for the murders of the hostages, he did not say that Iran— which controls Hamas— would pay any price, including increased sanctions, or worse, unless the hostages, including the Americans, are released, unharmed, immediately.

  • [Biden and Harris] should warn Iran that if Hamas harms any American hostages, we will regard that as an attack on the US that warrants a military response against Iranian military targets.

  • Instead, Biden is demanding that Israel compromise its security by allowing Hamas to return to its terrorist tunnels under the critical Philadelphi Corridor.

  • Iran's proxies are its human shields. Unless Iran itself is punished for the terrorism of its surrogates, the mullahs will have no incentive to stop, and we, the Middle East, and South America will all be less secure – especially after Iran unveils its nuclear bombs.

  • Biden should be placing maximum pressure on the criminals — Hamas and Iran — who continue to endanger our citizens and those of our ally. Instead, he is pressuring and blaming the victim, Israel, which has no control over the perpetrators.

  • When Iranians took American diplomats hostage in 1979, and then ordered its surrogates to kill hundreds of US Marines in Lebanon in 1983, it essentially declared war on our nation. Now their surrogates have kidnapped and murdered more Americans. Our responses to these acts of belligerency have been woefully insufficient. Instead, the Obama administration enriched the Iranian mullahs in exchange for a controversial nuclear deal that would have enabled Iran to have as many nuclear weapons as it liked after about a dozen years...

  • The message sent by this administration's weakness and lack of will is being heard loud and clear not only by Iran but by our other enemies as well.

President Joe Biden should be placing maximum pressure on the criminals — Hamas and Iran — who continue to endanger our citizens and those of our ally. Instead, he is pressuring and blaming the victim, Israel, which has no control over the perpetrators. Pictured: Hersh Goldberg-Polin, a citizen of the United States and Israel who was murdered by Hamas after being held hostage by in Gaza for almost 10 months, appears, with his left hand amputated, in a Hamas propaganda video published on April 24, 2024.

US President Joe Biden's off-the-cuff, one-word answer — "no"— to the question of whether Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was doing enough to free Israeli hostages from Hamas captivity and get a cease-fire, will only encourage Hamas to up its demands and refuse to agree to a reasonable deal. So far, it appears as if Hamas, instead of negotiating, has just been saying, "no." The US is reportedly no longer expecting a ceasefire before the November 5 US presidential election.

Biden's remark sends a dangerous message to Israel's and America's enemies that, by continuing to terrorize and hold hostages, they can turn the Biden administration against Israel.

Why should Hamas agree to a ceasefire when its refusal is blamed on Israel by the president of the United States? In addition, when Biden blames Israel, he encourages other allies, such as Great Britain, Canada, France and Germany, to do the same.

Netanyahu responded to Biden's false accusation by quoting Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Deputy CIA Director David Cohen to the effect that it was Hamas and not Israel that was refusing to agree to a ceasefire. Netanyahu cited chapter and verse to document Hamas's rejection of Israeli offers. Biden, however, in election mode, seemed to care more about placating the anti-Israel flank of his party than telling the truth about the complex ongoing negotiations. He blamed Netanyahu alone without even mentioning Hamas. And this was after Hamas terrorists had murdered six hostages, including an American.

Although Biden did say that the Hamas killers would pay a price for the murders of the hostages, he did not say that Iran— which controls Hamas— would pay any price, including increased sanctions, or worse, unless the hostages, including the Americans, are released, unharmed, immediately.

It is Biden and Harris who are not doing enough to secure the release of the hostages. They could be doing far more in the way of issuing credible threats — economic and military — against Iran, which has the power to influence Hamas. They should warn Iran that if Hamas harms any American hostages, we will regard that as an attack on the US that warrants a military response against Iranian military targets.

Instead, Biden is demanding that Israel compromise its security by allowing Hamas to return to its terrorist tunnels under the critical Philadelphi Corridor. Iran, on the other hand, could pressure its surrogates Hamas to agree to the deal that Israel has agreed to. But Biden believes he can have more influence over our ally Israel than over our enemy Iran. That is not true. By threatening tough measures, Biden could certainly influence Iran to persuade Hamas to accept a deal.

When Americans are being held hostage and murdered by Iranian surrogates, our president must do more to protect them. He should be placing maximum pressure on the criminals — Hamas and Iran — who continue to endanger our citizens and those of our ally. Instead, he is pressuring and blaming the victim, Israel, which has no control over the perpetrators.

Rather than making domestic political points, Biden and Harris, by accusing Israel of not doing enough, should look in the mirror and see the reality: that it is they who are not doing enough to save the lives of American and Israeli hostages.

Failing to pressure Iran will only encourage the mullahs to deploy their terrorist surrogates to attack additional American interests and allies even more. Iran has already attacked US troops in the region at least 170 times just since last October, in strikes that have killed three service members and wounded scores of others. The US has responded with pinpricks. Iran's regime has little to lose and much to gain from its win-win strategy of using surrogates such as Hezbollah and the Houthis, in addition to Hamas. Iran's proxies are its human shields. Unless Iran itself is punished for the terrorism of its surrogates, the mullahs will have no incentive to stop, and we, the Middle East, and South America will all be less secure – especially after Iran unveils its nuclear bombs.

When Iranians took American diplomats hostage in 1979, and then ordered its surrogates to kill hundreds of US Marines in Lebanon in 1983, it essentially declared war on our nation. Now their surrogates have kidnapped and murdered more Americans. Our responses to these acts of belligerency have been woefully insufficient. Instead, the Obama administration enriched the Iranian mullahs in exchange for a controversial nuclear deal that would have enabled Iran to have as many nuclear weapons as it liked after about a dozen years, and which was subsequently rescinded by the Trump administration. The message sent by this administration's weakness and lack of will is being heard loud and clear not only by Iran but by our other enemies as well.

Alan M. Dershowitz is the Felix Frankfurter Professor of Law, Emeritus at Harvard Law School, and the author most recently of War Against the Jews: How to End Hamas Barbarism, and Get Trump: The Threat to Civil Liberties, Due Process, and Our Constitutional Rule of Law. He is the Jack Roth Charitable Foundation Fellow at Gatestone Institute, and is also the host of "The Dershow" podcast.


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Trump Assassination Attempts and Selective Justice - John Nantz


by John Nantz

The embarrassing failure that is Garland’s DOJ.


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Last Thursday Attorney General (AG) Merrick Garland delivered an address to the workforce titled “An Independent Justice Department.” The speech drew howls of derision from the right, and for good reason.

In a completely unaware manner, Garland stated emphatically that his Department of Justice (DOJ) operates based on norms that “treat like cases alike.” He pronounced “there is not one rule for friends and another for foes…one rule for Democrats and another for Republicans…” All of red state America waited for the laugh track to queue, but it never did. Garland made these shocking statements with complete conviction. The degree of self-deception or outright arrogance is breathtaking in this bureaucratic screed.

During the summer of 2020, Black Lives Matter mobs and ANTIFA thugs ravaged cities and towns all across the country. Both BLM and ANTIFA are political action arms of the Democrat party. During that summer, I was still employed as an FBI agent, and witnessed the destruction both groups perpetrated in our nation’s capital firsthand. Across the country, billions of dollars in damages were sustained because of the rioting and lawlessness. Lives were lost during the broad sweep of anarchy endorsed by every major Democrat leader. Democrats loudly attacked the efforts of law enforcement when they attempted to restore order and save lives. Federal buildings were attacked, “autonomous zones” were established wherein women were raped by savages. Democrats presided over the mayhem gleefully. We all remember.

At no point during this nationwide campaign of domestic terrorism did the FBI or DOJ ever mobilize on a national scale. At the Washington field office, investigative priorities weren’t abandoned, nor were new squads created to handle increased investigative efforts designed to thwart the terrorist behavior of the Democrat sponsored goon squads dressed in black. It was, for the most part, business as usual at the FBI and DOJ.

Anyone paying attention recognized the BLM and ANTIFA riot and murder machine as a fully owned and operated subsidiary of Nancy Pelosi’s Democrat party.

Nor will anyone forget the events that developed on Capitol Hill during the grey afternoon of January 6, 2021 (J6th). Certainly, no one can forget how Democrats have caterwauled about the protest gone awry. J6th has been compared to the Civil War by Kamala Harris, and as the greatest threat to liberty since Adolph Hitler’s march into Paris. While still on stage in front of the White House, Trump urged his constituents to move peaceably to the Capitol to peacefully protest the results of what many considered a stolen election. The vast majority of the people there that day did just that.

A small element—in my view ANTIFA false-flag operatives—engaged in acts of violence, vandalism, and made forced entry into the Capitol building. Some protestors were carried away by the mayhem, while others were welcomed in by uniformed Capitol Police officers. It’s all there on video. Contrary to Democrat propaganda, only one person lost her life that day—Ashli Babbitt. Ashli is the veteran who was gunned down in cold blood by Capitol Police Lieutenant Michael Byrd. A handful of arrests and prosecutions have been warranted by documented attacks on law enforcement. But, DOJ made the prosecution of individuals guilty of nothing more than “federal trespassing” a department priority. To this day, J6th defendants still linger in D.C. jails awaiting trial. It is simply unconscionable and a blatant violation of due process.

The FBI’s response to J6th was out of all proportion in comparison to its response to the carnage unleashed by the wave of terrorist violence perpetrated by BLM and ANTIFA. Every FBI field office was tasked with assisting in the J6th investigations. I personally witnessed the reallocation of resources to stand up three new squads at WFO to deal with the massive investigation.

J6th was laid at the feet of Republicans, and prosecuted by DOJ with exceeding vigor. The 2020 summer of media described “mostly peaceful protests” was happily embraced by leading Democrat policy makers, as DOJ lazily picked through a smattering of possible prosecutions.

What was it Garland said? “Treat like cases alike…there is not…one rule for Democrats and another for Republicans.” I know, it strains credulity. It’d be laughable if the lie weren’t so obviously grotesque and tragically damaging to our republic. But, Garland is only part of the diabolical equation. The Democrat controlled media plays its part, gleefully gaslighting the public and propagating the most horrendous narratives about Republican politicians.

Garland pays lip service to the notion that “our norms are a promise that we will not allow this nation to become a country where law enforcement is treated as an apparatus of politics,” while ignoring the most vile threats of Democrat propagandists in the media as they blatantly violate 18 U.S. Code, Section 871 which makes it a felony to threaten “to take the life of, to kidnap, or to inflict bodily harm upon the President of the United States…” Or, alternatively 18 U.S. Code, Section 373 which covers incitement to violence.

Garland’s perverse brand of justice, with its partisan prosecutorial priorities, has led us to the brink of disaster as Trump narrowly escaped a second assassination attempt on Sunday. The law and order vacuum represented by Garland’s DOJ has emboldened the dangerous rhetoric which places Trump’s life in danger. By allowing reckless politicians to continue to incite violence without bringing the DOJ’s prosecutorial resources to bear on a clear violation of federal law, Garland provides tacit approval, and shares in the responsibility for enabling criminally disturbed individuals to carry out their murderous plans.

The DOJ and FBI are broken institutions. However, as Attorney General Harlan Stone proved in the 1920’s, both institutions can be reformed by powerful leaders with mandates to root out the multitudinous elements of corruption which have come to plague once great bulwarks of civil liberty. It can be done. It must be done. And, Trump is the man for the job.

John Nantz


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IDF to present alternatives for humanitarian aid in Gaza, stripping Hamas of control - Jerusalem Post Staff


by Jerusalem Post Staff

The IDF is set to propose new plans for distributing humanitarian aid in northern Gaza, aiming to prevent Hamas from seizing and profiting from international assistance.


Unloading of humanitarian aid destined for the Gaza Strip, transported via the maritime route from Cyprus to the Port of Ashdod. (photo credit: IDF SPOKESPERSON'S UNIT)
Unloading of humanitarian aid destined for the Gaza Strip, transported via the maritime route from Cyprus to the Port of Ashdod.

In the coming days, the IDF will present Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant with several alternatives to the "partition plan" for humanitarian aid distribution in northern Gaza, with the goal of denying Hamas control over civil governance and the looting of aid, which is later sold at inflated prices.

This update was provided on Sunday by Major General Eliezer Toledano, head of the IDF’s Strategic Division, during a security briefing to the Cabinet. Toledano's remarks came in response to a question from National Missions Minister Orit Strock, who asked why Israel does not put an end to the "vicious cycle" in which it allows Hamas to seize international aid entering Gaza, sell it at exorbitant prices, and thus maintain its rule.

Communications Minister Shlomo Karai also joined the discussion, stating that Israel must take control of the distribution: "It seems that the political issue that was in the air led to decisive action in the north. It's time to also carry out what we’ve long advocated here—to strangle Hamas in the northern Gaza Strip."

Toledano clarified that the defense establishment has plans regarding the northern Gaza Strip and that, in the coming days, different alternatives for replacing the entity in charge of distribution will be presented to the political echelon. One option discussed is for the IDF to distribute the aid itself, but IDF Chief of Staff Lieutenant General Herzi Halevi is strongly opposed to this. Prime Minister Netanyahu confirmed this, saying that Strock's criticism is valid and well-known and that he has instructed the issue to be examined to find alternatives that would strip Hamas of control over aid distribution.

 Armed terrorists attempt to loot an aid truck in Gaza, September 21, 2024. (credit: IDF SPOKESPERSON'S UNIT)Enlrage image
Armed terrorists attempt to loot an aid truck in Gaza, September 21, 2024. (credit: IDF SPOKESPERSON'S UNIT)

IDF already a key participant 

Since the outbreak of the war, the IDF, through the Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT), has been responsible for coordinating the aid in cooperation with aid organizations and the international community. Thus, after the aid undergoes a thorough security check at the crossings, it is collected by international aid organizations, who are responsible for its distribution at points pre-coordinated with the IDF.

Security forces operate at these predefined points to inspect the convoys and prevent armed takeovers of aid trucks. For instance, just yesterday, the IDF spokesperson reported that during an operation by the Tzabar Battalion forces, who are securing the humanitarian route, the soldiers spotted armed men looting a humanitarian aid truck. "In a swift operation, the forces directed drones that located the armed men fleeing in a vehicle, and they were eliminated by an Israeli air force aircraft. Another terrorist who fled from the vehicle was also eliminated," the IDF spokesperson reported.

Meanwhile, Netanyahu also addressed the issue during a closed session of the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee held today, where he confirmed that Israel is considering the "Generals' Plan," initiated by retired Major General Giora Eiland, aimed at combating Hamas's control over humanitarian aid in Gaza. However, according to Israeli sources, the plan does not currently have US support.

Earlier this month, the document titled "The Generals' Plan" was revealed, led by the former head of the IDF’s Operations Directorate, with the support of dozens of senior officers, both current and retired. "As long as Hamas controls humanitarian aid, it cannot be defeated," said Colonel (res.) Hezi Nechama, one of the founders of the "Commanders and Reservists Forum," when presenting the plan.

Eiland's plan

According to Eiland’s plan, the entire area north of the Nuseirat Corridor, meaning the city of Gaza and all its neighborhoods, would be declared a closed military zone. In other words, the entire population in the area, estimated by the army to be around 300,000 people, would be required to leave immediately through secured IDF routes. After a week in which the population would be given the opportunity to evacuate, a full military siege would be imposed on the area. According to the forum, this siege would leave the terrorists in Gaza City with one option—to surrender or die. The plan also included a reference to international law, stating that "the outline complies with the rules of international law, as it allows the population to evacuate the combat zone before the siege is imposed."

The "Commanders and Reservists Forum" presented the plan to cabinet members and senior government ministers earlier this month, hoping that the political echelon would instruct the military to act in accordance with the proposal as soon as possible.

"The Commanders and Reservists Forum welcomes the Prime Minister's announcement of a discussion on the 'Generals' Plan,' written by retired Major General Giora Eiland in collaboration with the forum," the forum stated. "Since the plan was published, the forum has received hundreds of positive responses from across the political and military spectrum. We believe the defense establishment, along with Prime Minister Netanyahu, must adopt the Generals' Plan to achieve the goals of the war—defeating Hamas and returning the hostages." 

Jerusalem Post Staff


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Levitation 101 - Roger Kimball


by Roger Kimball

Victory for the Democrats will depend on the perpetuation of the illusion that Kamala Harris is in any way a plausible candidate for the presidency of the United States.


Every honest commentator, and even some dishonest ones, acknowledges the supreme oddity of Kamala Harris’s presidential campaign.

As has been oft remarked,  the oddity begins with the campaign’s origin.  Exactly how is it that Kamala Harris even became the candidate?  By what process was Joe Biden, the undisputed winner of the Democratic primary, ousted, eliminated and defenestrated from contention?  The rumors and stories are plentiful, but the actual facts—to say nothing of the dramatis personae behind the facts—remain obscure.

But somehow, exactly two months ago, Joe Biden raised his sleepy head in Rehoboth Beach and announced his departure from the campaign but not, pointedly, from the presidency. (Will that happen before January 20, 2025?  I wonder.)

No sooner had the public begun to get its head around that surprise than they were hit with an even bigger one: Biden’s replacement would be Vice President Kamala Harris.  How did that happen?  Who voted for her? Shhh!  Some questions are mood breakers, and it was clear from the get-go that the Harris campaign was going to have to depend heavily, some experts say nearly exclusively, on mood.

In the weeks since July 21, when Biden made his fateful announcement, there has been a lot of Dr. Johnson’s dog about the Harris campaign.  When it came to female preachers, Dr. Johnson said, we are reminded of dogs who can walk on their hind legs.  They do not do it well, but we are surprised they can do it at all.

Mindful of Harris’s, er, challenges in public speaking and responding ex tempore to questions from interviewers,  her handlers have been assiduous about keeping her out of such dangerous situations. The more she vocalizes (I almost said “talks”), the more damage she does to her candidacy. Her embarrassing performance on a ninety-minute livestream exchange with Oprah Winfrey in Detroit a few days ago underscored the problem.

Even Winfrey, a prominent anti-Trump Harris supporter, seemed taken aback by her guest’s incoherent flights of flaccid, cringe-making glossolalia. Harris supporters just winced and bit their tongues while critics pounced upon and ridiculed the seeping, leaking emission of empty saccharine vocables.

There are only 45 days left until Tuesday, November 5, the nominal election day. Of course, we dispensed with election day back in 2020; now we have an election season. It begins long before the designated day and continues on until Democrats conclude they have reaped all the extra votes they can muster.

Nevertheless, victory for the Democrats will depend not only, or perhaps even principally, on cheating.  It will depend on the perpetuation of an illusion: the illusion that Kamala Harris is in any way a plausible candidate for the presidency of the United States. And that illusion, in turn, can only be perpetuated if she is kept far from the klieg lights of public scrutiny.

Because of the shadowy forces playing out behind the Biden-Harris administration, one often hears it compared to the scene in The Wizard of Oz when the little dog Toto pulls back the curtain and reveals that Oz, the great and terrible, was just a doddery old man.

There’s something to that, but the puppeteers pulling the strings and managing the stagecraft that conceals the vacancy of the Biden-Harris duet depend for their success on a curious magic trick. Biden was—I mean, “is”—what we might call a simulacrum president, what Gertrude Stein would have called an “Oakland president” (“There’s no there there,” she once said of that California city). The trick was to wheel him out, as the stuffed corpse of Jeremy Bentham is still wheeled out to preside, “present but not voting,” at board meetings of University College, London.

It worked, sort of, for quite a while with Joe Biden.  It is not clear how it is working out with Kamala Harris. Again, the trick is to keep her image before the public while strictly rationing any actual contact between voters and the candidate.  Sightings are acceptable; interviews, press conferences, town halls—all such events must be choreographed down to the last softball question and pliable interlocutor.

Can the Dems keep it up?  I do not know.  A canny friend compared the process to levitation.  “Her campaign,” he said, “depends upon how long the media can keep it levitating in the air, disconnected from reality.  We are confident reality will set in, but maybe they can keep the thing floating for longer than we think.  We talk about the post-industrial society; the post-liberal society; etc.; what about the post-reality society?”

We might well be there already. I will close by noting two things.  One is that when reality is denied or obfuscated, it has a way of rushing back in unpleasant ways.  Whatever else it is, Kamala Harris’s joy-to-the-world socialism is a fantasy mask whose clown-like rictus conceals a multitude of dreadful realities.

My second observation is more in the way of a prediction.  While it is possible that Kamala Harris will win or, even if she doesn’t win, that she will be installed at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue on January 20, 2025, it is much more likely that Donald Trump will win and will once again get the keys to the domicile at that address. In other words, I do not believe that the levitation act will be successful.  Harris’s campaign will fall to earth before November 5 and—though this is not what the polls currently tell us—Trump will win in something approaching a landslide.

Roger Kimball


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Iranian crown prince calls for partnership to defeat Islamic Republic - JNS


by JNS

"We stand on the precipice of history," Reza Pahlavi tells the Israeli American Council summit in Washington.

Iranian Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi attends an event in Ramat Gan, Israel, on April 19, 2023. Credit: Avshalom Sassoni/Flash90.
Iranian Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi attends an event in Ramat Gan, Israel, on April 19, 2023. Credit: Avshalom Sassoni/Flash90.


Israel should work with the Iranian people who oppose the Islamic Republic to overthrow the regime in Tehran, since fighting its terror proxies alone will not bring peace to the region, Iran’s exiled Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi said on Friday.

“War is being waged on you from the south, from the north, from the east, and from a propaganda war in the West,” Pahlavi told the Israeli American Council summit in Washington. “All of this is being coordinated, supported and directed by the Islamic Republic.

“Reacting to each of these threats independently, as if they were independent threats, will leave you in a state of perpetual vulnerability,” he said. “Merely fighting Hamas or Hezbollah will not deliver security for Israel or America. You will be simply reacting and your people will never have peace.”

In his address, the eldest son of the late shah of Iran, who lives in Virginia, said that the world was on the “precipice of history,” and that the time was now to send the Islamic regime that has ruled Iran for four and a half decades to the “ash heaps of history.

“The Iranian people stand with Israelis and Americans because before the Islamic Republic came for you, it came for us,” he said.  “So trust us when we say no deal can be made with such a regime and no accommodation with its proxies.”

‘Solidarity no longer sufficient’

“My friends, in the past year Iranians and Israelis have stood in solidarity. But solidarity is no longer sufficient,” Pahlavi said.

The 63-year-old made a historic visit to Israel last year, before the outbreak of the war, and has been an outspoken advocate of strengthening ties with Israel and Diaspora Jewry.

“As we stand on this precipice together, the question I put before you today is simple. Are you ready to do more than stand together—are you ready to act together?” he said on Friday.

Pahlavi said that the people of Iran who oppose the Islamic regime are fighting against it every day, with no support from the outside world.

‘They have sent me here with a message: They are not only fighting to free themselves, but to free the Middle East and the world from the scourge of this evil regime.”

He called for a “collaborative, coordinated campaign” by the Jewish state and the Iranian people seeking to overthrow the regime.

“We need to reinstate maximum pressure on the Islamic Republic,” Pahlavi said. “We need to offer maximum support to the people of Iran. And we need to facilitate maximum defections from the regime so that we can peacefully transition from this criminal dictatorship to the secular democracy the Iranian people are fighting for.”

True peace would prosper by overthrowing the regime, while the alternative is continued terrorism, he said.

“If we fail to act and the Islamic Republic remains in power, none of that will be possible,” the prince said. “But if we work together, we can secure prosperity and dignity for our people and stability and security for our world and expand from the Abraham Accords to the ‘Cyrus Accords.’

“As we stand on the precipice of history, we do so united in our values and our vision. But now it is time to act,” Pahlavi said.


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Two remain: A look at the Americans still considered wrongfully detained in China - Misty Severi


by Misty Severi

China freed Southern California pastor David Lin on Sunday, after he was detained for nearly 20 years, but two Americans are still considered wrongfully detained in the global superpower.


The Chinese government released one American who the State Department considered "wrongfully detained" last week, but two Americans still bear that label in the global superpower: Mark Swidan and Kai Li.

China freed Southern California pastor David Lin on Sunday, after he was detained for nearly 20 years. Lin was first arrested by China in 2006 and sentenced to life in prison for "contract fraud." But his release was orchestrated by a deal between Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi in July.

The release occurred a few days before Congress held a joint hearing on "Wrongfully Detained Americans in China," which examined Swidan's and Li's cases, along with three Americans who have not been labeled "wrongfully detained" by the U.S. government. Swidan has been imprisoned in China since 2012, and Li has been jailed since 2016.

Rep. Chris Smith, R-N.J., revealed at the end of the hearing that he would introduce bipartisan legislation that would seek more transparent information from the State Department about wrongfully detained Americans, order the State Department to create a strategy for securing the release of wrongfully detained Americans in China, and review the diplomatic tools the State Department is using to gain their release.

Mark Swidan

Swidan, a Texas native, was arrested by Chinese authorities in 2012 for allegedly trafficking illegal drugs, which Swidan, his mother Katherine Swidan, and the United States government have all denied. He has been sentenced to death, but no execution date has been scheduled so far.

Katherine Swidan told Just The News on Saturday that she gets to speak to her son every month for just 10 minutes, and has not been able to visit him in person because of her health. However, the U.S. consulate in China was able to visit him on Thursday. He is also not allowed to call his mother through Facetime because of the death penalty, and is no longer in good health because of conditions in the prison.

"Mark was visited months ago by U.S. Ambassador to China [Nicholas] Burns. He told Mark hopefully the next time he visits it will be to bring him home. Mark walked away and told him 'I will be dead by then,'" Katherine Swidan said. "If there is anything Biden can do to get Mark home, it will be good for his image. If not, Trump must secure his release."

Mark Swidan, who is currently 49, was arrested while visiting China to purchase flooring and furniture. 

Katherine Swidan said she cannot visit her son in China because of her own health conditions that make it difficult for her to travel. She was also not able to testify in front of Congress on Wednesday in person, but submitted a written testimony, which was read aloud.

"Mark is not just a statistic; he is a son, a brother, and a friend whose absence has left a gaping hole in our hearts and fam" Katherine Swidan wrote of her son. "We are grateful for the Congressional Resolutions passed by the House and Senate last year. I thought he would be home by now, but twelve years into this, I am concerned if I will ever see him again. 

"Over a decade has passed since Mark was taken from us, and every day without him is a day too long," she continued. "Despite overwhelming evidence of his innocence and the arbitrary nature of his detention, Mark continues to languish in a foreign prison, deprived of his freedom, his health deteriorating, and his hope fading."

The 74-year-old testified that she understood how complex diplomacy could be, but urged Congress to put pressure on the Biden administration to get her son home, and claimed China has expressed a "willingness to resolve my son's case." 

"We rightly highlight the suffering of the people of Tibet, the Uyghurs, and repressed Christians in China, but what about the rights of Americans who are wrongfully imprisoned? Who speaks for us?" she wrote. "The U.S. government must remember that its first duty is to its own people, to defend their rights and bring them home."

Kai Li

Kai Li was arrested in China in 2016 on espionage charges, and for allegedly stealing state secrets. He has been sentenced to 10 years in prison, but his family is hoping for an earlier release. 

Harrison Li, the son of Kai Li, testified in front of Congress on Wednesday where he claimed his father has spent more time in a foreign prison than other notable Americans who have since been released, such as Paul Whelan, Alsu Kurmasheva, and Evan Gershkovich combined.

"With each of those successes, my mom and I have experienced a strange mix of emotions: joy and excitement for the reunited families, but also growing frustration and doubt about my dad’s case. When will it be his turn?" Harrison Li said. 

Harrison Li also praised the recent Russian prisoner swap last month, which saw Whelan's and Gershkovich's releases, but lamented that his own loved one was still stuck overseas for a crime he did not commit.

"One thing that is clear in light of recent developments is that when the various parts of our government, from the working level in the State Department and National Security Council on up to the president, put their heads together to come up with creative solutions, American hostages and wrongful detainees come home," Li testified.

He also urged President Joe Biden to secure his father's release while still in the Oval Office, because a new administration would stall negotiations while communication and leverage is rebuilt.

Harrison Li has been a vocal part of the "Bring Our Families Home Campaign," for the past two and a half years, which works with Congress and the U.S. government to bring Americans who have been wrongfully imprisoned in foreign countries back to the United States.

Misty Severi is a reporter for Just The News. You can follow her on X for more coverage.


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Mayor of America's only majority-Muslim city reveals who he is endorsing for president - Alex Hammer


by Alex Hammer

The 45-year-old former health care worker went on to paint Trump as 'a man of principles'


The mayor of a Muslim-majority city in Michigan has endorsed Donald Trump in the 2024 presidential election.

Amer Ghalib, mayor of the Detroit-area suburb Hamtramck, announced the endorsement Sunday, in an impassioned post to Facebook.

The statement came days after the Yemini-born Democrat met with Trump in Flint, after which he personally invited the politician to his town - which has become a destination for immigrants from countries like Yemen, Bangladesh, and Pakistan.

This paved way for the ringing endorsement, which billed the ex-commander-in-chief as 'the right choice for this critical time,' despite the two not 'agree[ing] on everything,' 

The 45-year-old former health care worker went on to paint Trump as 'a man of principles' - an assertion the Republican went on to repost on Truth Social.

Amer Ghalib, mayor of the Detroit-area suburb Hamtramck, has endorsed Donald Trump in the 2024 presidential election.

Amer Ghalib, mayor of the Detroit-area suburb Hamtramck, has endorsed Donald Trump in the 2024 presidential election.

Ghalib announced the endorsement Sunday, in an impassioned post to Facebook. It came two days after he met the former commander-in-chief for 20 minutes and Flint, where he was asked for his endorsement

Ghalib announced the endorsement Sunday, in an impassioned post to Facebook. It came two days after he met the former commander-in-chief for 20 minutes and Flint, where he was asked for his endorsement

Alex Hammer


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