Sunday, October 6, 2024

The real lessons of Oct. 7 must not be ignored - Jonathan S. Tobin


by Jonathan S. Tobin

There’s more to it than the failure to stop a surprise attack. Myths about the Palestinians, two states and hopes for an illusory peace need to be discarded.


A public bomb shelter where Israelis were murdered at the Oct. 7 massacre one year ago, on a road near the Israeli-Gaza border in southern Israel, Sept. 19, 2024. Photo by Chaim Goldberg/Flash90.
A public bomb shelter where Israelis were murdered at the Oct. 7 massacre one year ago, on a road near the Israeli-Gaza border in southern Israel, Sept. 19, 2024. Photo by Chaim Goldberg/Flash90.

The first anniversary of the Oct. 7 Hamas massacres in southern Israel adds yet another sacred date to a calendar already filled with those devoted to mourning tragedies in Jewish history. But the fresh pain from this most recent instance of Jewish suffering is due to more than the fact that it happened only 12 months ago. The war against Islamist terrorists that began that date is ongoing with hostilities against Hamas in the Gaza Strip and Hezbollah in Lebanon. And more than 100 of the hostages taken on Oct. 7 are still unaccounted for or continue to be held captive by Palestinian terrorists.

The main purpose of the memorial ceremonies and commemorations will be to mourn those lost amid that orgy of mass murder, rape, torture, kidnapping and wanton destruction by Hamas operatives and ordinary Palestinians who joined in the mayhem. Still, there’s little doubt that a lot of what will be said and written about the anniversary will be about the lessons that should be learned from what happened that day and the war that followed it.

In Israel, much of the commentary will focus, as it has in the previous 365 days, on pinning responsibility for the massive failure on the part of Israel’s military, intelligence and political establishments that allowed the catastrophe to unfold. At the top of the list of those who will be held responsible will be Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on whose watch the disaster happened.

Others deserve to be in the dock with him, including the entire leadership of the Israel Defense Force as well as that of the intelligence agencies. Their complacency and blind belief in the “conzeptzia” that Hamas couldn’t and wouldn’t successfully attack Israel in force explained why the vaunted IDF was asleep on that Simchat Torah morning.

A widely shared complacency

Sadly, the complacency about Hamas was shared by most of Israel’s leading politicians, including those opposed to Netanyahu like former IDF Chief of Staff Benny Gantz, and former prime ministers Yair Lapid and Naftali Bennett, all of whom hope to replace Netanyahu at the next election. The truth is that no one except those considered on the “far right” rejected the notion that Hamas could be contained in Gaza and, if necessary, paid off in funds from terror- and Iran-supporting Qatar in order to keep the border quiet.

This is an issue that deserves not just discussion but a full-blown governmental investigation, although, like everything else that happens in Israel, the politicization of any such effort is more than likely. The debate about Oct. 7 should not be just another version of the one Israelis have been having for the last decade about Netanyahu’s seemingly endless tenure in office. Whether that is the way it plays out or not, other more important questions should be addressed.

The post-mortems about the Oct. 7 disaster shouldn’t be limited to how and why Hamas was able to breach the border so easily, setting in motion a day of horror that was the worst instance of mass slaughter of Jews since the Holocaust.

Both in Israel and in the Diaspora, the discussion about what happened must also include broader misconceptions that not only helped bring about this epic disaster but that might conceivably allow it to be repeated in the future. That’s especially true in the United States, where public discussion of the war on Hamas continues to center on myths that should have been rejected long ago.

The ‘solution’ was tried and failed

Belief in the idea of a two-state solution to the conflict evaporated in Israel in the wake of the collapse of the 1993 Oslo Accords with the outbreak of the Second Intifada in 2000, which brought nearly five years of suicide bombings into every realm of Israeli civilian life. The two-state concept was once embraced by a majority of Israelis amid the euphoria that ensued when those accords were signed on the White House Lawn in September 1993. But the once-dominant Israeli parties or the left were destroyed when the Palestinians—then led by the arch-terrorist Yasser Arafat, head of the PLO—proved they regarded them as merely a stepping stone to the destruction of the Jewish state.

That point was made even clearer after 2005 when then-Prime Minister Ariel Sharon withdrew every Israeli settlement, settler and soldier from Gaza in a vain effort to “disengage” from the Palestinians. Some on the left, especially in the United States and Europe, cling to the lie that Gaza was nevertheless still “occupied” by Israel or an “open-air prison.” The Strip might have been transformed—with the help of the billions in Western foreign aid—into a Palestinian Singapore; instead, it was taken over by Hamas in 2007, which turned it into a terrorist fortress.

More to the point, it was, for those 16 years until Oct. 7, an independent Palestinian state in all but name. As such, it was an experiment that demonstrated what a two-state solution that encompassed the far larger and more strategic Judea and Samaria (the “West Bank”) would mean.

Among those most resistant to this basic fact were those who wound up failing on Oct. 7. In the years following the Hamas takeover, I took part in dozens of public debates with a liberal colleague, former Forward editor J.J. Goldberg, about the two-state solution and related issues. When I would point out that most Israelis regarded the idea of repeating Sharon’s Gaza experiment in Judea and Samaria as not so much ill-advised but madness, he would invariably respond that his sources in Israel’s intelligence community disagreed. They were sure, he said, that the various efforts at “mowing the grass”—a term that referred to Israel’s periodic efforts to degrade Hamas’s military capabilities with offensive operations in 2009, 2012, 2014, 2019 and 2021, demonstrated that even a terrorist-controlled Palestinian state was no real threat to Israel.

The events of Oct. 7 proved just how wrong they were.

Yet none of this seems to have penetrated the consciousness of the American foreign-policy establishment and, in particular, those like Vice President Kamala Harris, who tout advocacy for a two-state solution as part of what she thinks ought to be the world’s response to Oct. 7.

While there are individual Palestinians who may believe in the idea of peace with Israel, they are isolated and overwhelmingly outnumbered by supporters of Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad and the so-called “moderates” of the Fatah party (whose nearly 89-year-old leader Mahmoud Abbas serves as the head of the Palestinian Authority). They have all made it clear over and over again in their organizational charters, statements and rejection of every effort at a compromise peace plan over the decades that they deny the legitimacy of a Jewish state, no matter where its borders might be drawn.

The only relevant debate

To Israelis and those elsewhere who have been paying attention to Palestinian rejectionism, this is nothing new. Post-Oct. 7, belief in the myth that the conflict can be solved by partitioning the country beggars the imagination. The point of the mass terror attack wasn’t to end the “occupation” of a coastal enclave that had been evacuated by Israelis 18 years earlier or to push for a withdrawal from Judea and Samaria. It represented a Palestinian desire to turn back the clock to 1947 or even 1917 and destroy the State of Israel, even within the borders that existed before 1967.

The widespread support among Palestinians for this effort (and for the atrocities that ensued) lays bare the futility and the insanity of any attempt to force Israel to make territorial retreats to accommodate yet another attempt at a Palestinian state. Palestinian political culture is solely predicated on the premise that Zionism and a Jewish state are incompatible with the minimum demands of their national identity.

This is something that ought to be clear to all Americans by now. Oct. 7 should have ended the debate about two states and the peace process for the foreseeable future. That is frustrating and hard to grasp for Americans who believe compromise is always possible or for Jews who are hard-wired to believe in millenarian solutions even when the facts on the ground argue otherwise. At the moment, the only debate about Israel that is relevant is the one that the pro-Hamas mobs that took over America’s streets and college campuses since Oct. 7 have been wanting to have: whether one Jewish state on the planet is one too many.

Calling out the antisemites

That is a position many on the American left have increasingly adopted. Indeed, it is the reason why anti-Israel protesters chant “from the river to the sea” and “globalize the intifada.” The whole point of woke ideology, such as critical race theory and intersectionality, as it applies to the Middle East, is to delegitimize Israel as a “settler/colonial” state. Seen from that perspective, nothing it does in its defense—even against the most barbarous opponents, like Hamas and Hezbollah—can be falsely characterized as “genocide” since there is virtually nothing Israel could do to defend itself that could be justified in their eyes. And it’s why the same people dismiss the atrocities of Oct. 7 (which, like Holocaust deniers, they simultaneously justify and minimize).

And so, it is incumbent on Israelis and friends of Israel elsewhere to stop bickering over peace plans or pretending that Israel should be “saved from itself,” as former President Barack Obama believed it should.

In the absence of a complete transformation of Palestinian society that is nowhere in sight, any advocacy for a Palestinian state in the post-Oct. 7 world from those who claim to support Israel is a unique form of delusionary thinking.

The only logical way to defend Israel going forward must begin by recognizing this truth and stop treating those who wish to deny Israel the same rights granted to every other nation in the world as if their opinions were reasonable and well-intentioned. We must not hesitate to label those who seek to “flood” cities like New York with protests glorifying the Oct. 7 massacres as justified “resistance” and call them out for being antisemites and proponents of foreign terror groups.

After Oct. 7, we must no longer treat those who oppose Israel’s existence as if there was some distinction between their position and that of classic Jew-hatred. The brutal truth is that whether or not they root their stand in what they call “anti-racism” or even if they claim to be Jewish, those who wish to eradicate the only Jewish state on the planet are, at best, the “useful idiots” of the Oct. 7 murderers, rapists and kidnappers. At worst, they are their active supporters.

As much as Israelis can and must sort out the crucial questions about who bears the lion’s share of the blame for the success of Hamas’s brutal surprise attack, there are more important lessons to be learned from this episode than just another repeat of the same questions that were asked after the 1973 Yom Kippur War, which began with a similar failure. Doing so will be extremely hard for liberal Americans who believe in the two-state myth as if it were a religious doctrine handed down from Mount Sinai. But if we fail to learn them, then they will set the stage for more such tragedies, just as much as if the IDF chose to repeat its pre-Oct. 7 complacency.

Jonathan S. Tobin is editor-in-chief of JNS (Jewish News Syndicate). Follow him @jonathans_tobin.


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Iranian Quds Force chief reportedly MIA since Israeli strike in Lebanon - JNS Staff


by JNS Staff

Authorities are probing the possibility that Esmail Ghaani was killed or wounded in an Israeli attack last week that targeted Hashem Safieddine, a potential successor to Hezbollah's slain leader Hassan Nasrallah.


Iranian IRGC commander Esmail Ghaani pictured January 2020. Source: Wikimedia Commons.
Iranian IRGC commander Esmail Ghaani pictured January 2020. Source: Wikimedia Commons.

Questions are being raised in Iran regarding the whereabouts of Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Quds Force commander Esmail Ghaani, who according to The New York Times traveled to Beirut last week to meet with Hezbollah officials. Ghaani was last seen in public visiting Hezbollah’s offices in Tehran last week.

The concerns in Tehran come amid reports in Israeli and Arab media on Saturday that Ghaani may have been wounded or killed in an Israeli airstrike in Beirut.

His predecessor Qassem Soleimani was killed by an American drone strike in Iraq in 2020.

According to three Iranian officials cited by The New York Times, Ghaani, 67, was in the Lebanese capital to assist Hezbollah following a series of devastating Israeli attacks that have disrupted its chain of command.

He was last seen publicly in Tehran, two days after Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah was killed in an Israeli strike in Beirut.

Ghaani was notably absent from Friday’s prayer service in Tehran led by Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei commemorating Nasrallah.

An IRGC member stationed in Beirut told the Times that the silence from senior Iranian officials on Ghaani’s whereabouts is “creating panic among rank-and-file members.”

Israel’s Channel 12 reported on Saturday that Ghaani may have been hit in an airstrike that targeted Hashem Safieddine in an underground bunker in Beirut’s Dahiyeh neighborhood late on Thursday. Three Israeli officials confirmed to Axios that Safieddine was the target of the strike.

However, sources told the Saudi news outlets Al-Hadath and Al-Arabiya that Ghaani is in “isolation” following the recent assassinations of top Iranian officials. Iran’s semi-official Mehr news agency reported on Saturday that Ghaani is “in excellent health,” citing security sources.

Safieddine, a potential successor to Nasrallah, has been out of contact since Friday, a Lebanese security source told Reuters on Saturday. The Lebanese security source and two other Lebanese security sources told the news agency that Israeli strikes on Dahiyeh since Friday have prevented rescue personnel from reaching the site of the strike.

Hezbollah has not commented on the fate of Safieddine.

For its part, the Israel Defense Forces said on Friday that it was still assessing the Thursday night airstrikes, which it said targeted the terror group’s intelligence headquarters. Channel 12 reported on Friday that Israeli security officials were increasingly confident that he had been killed.

Safieddine, a maternal cousin of Nasrallah, is the head of Hezbollah’s Executive Council. He has been declared a Specially Designated Global Terrorist by the United States.

JNS Staff


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Where is America’s Co-President, Dr. Jill? - Richard Truesdell and Keith Lehmann


by Richard Truesdell and Keith Lehmann

By inserting herself on the world stage in the political arena, Jill Biden is fair game for criticism about her unelected influence over U.S. policy and her role in the cover-up of the century.


By inserting herself on the world stage in the political arena, Jill Biden is fair game for criticism about her unelected influence over U.S. policy and her role in the cover-up of the century.

Public officials, both elected and unelected, curiously are rarely held accountable for their actions, as are the rest of us. Harvey Weinstein goes to prison, while Bill Clinton goes on his merry way. That’s just one example of many, yet the lack of accountability has gotten to the point of absurdity. And now we have deceit that has massive consequences for everyone.

Since January 2021, when he took office until his forced departure from the 2024 race on July 21 after his disastrous debate performance on June 27, the aggressively stage-managed presidency of Joe Biden has been exposed as a fraud. This elderly man with failing physical and mental facilities has been foisted upon America as the purported “leader of the free world” who is “fit to serve,” is “sharp as a tack,” and “runs circles around those half his age.”

As we now know, Biden was nowhere near the “unrivaled statesman” who was in “command of the facts” and “performed masterfully” at important cabinet meetings and international summits. This is what was being hidden from the public for nearly three years by the U.S. government, its enablers in the legacy media, Biden’s inner circle of advisors, and most vigorously of all by the nation’s First Lady Jill Biden.

Long claiming to be her husband’s fiercest advocate, Jill Biden had the opportunity and influence to assume the role of a caring wife and confidant to Joe, making sure his health would not worsen given the extreme demands of the American presidency. Jill could have also shown the world what a dedicated spouse looks like, how a devoted wife and mother shows strength and resilience in troubling times as her husband’s age-related condition becomes visible to the world, and how we should treat our elderly loved ones with respect and dignity.

This awful and truly evil person, however, has put on a disgraceful display of naked conceit and unchecked personal entitlement throughout Joe Biden’s entire presidential term. As Joe’s condition worsened, Jill’s shameless quest to be in charge of the Biden White House exposed her as an opportunistic parasite who routinely lied to the country about the real state of Joe’s infirmity while she lived the high life on the taxpayer’s dime.

Insisting that she be referred to as “Dr. Biden,” an honorific issued from her 2007 Ed.D doctorate in education she received from the University of Delaware, a school conveniently located in the state where Joe Biden was currently a five-time-elected Senator, Jill has displayed a notable eagerness to supplant Joe as the public face of his administration. One of the most notorious examples is the picture she posted on social media in 2021, showing her pouring over paperwork on Air Force One with the caption “Prepping for the G7.” Supposedly she thought the public would be delighted to know that an unelected community college teacher would be discussing international affairs with elected world leaders.

Jill Biden repeatedly made speeches and appearances at numerous functions in place of her husband, the president of the United States, inserting herself as a proxy president and speaking on behalf of America’s commander-in-chief. This was not only inappropriate and deceptive, but it was also an important element of the massive cover-up of Joe’s rapidly deteriorating mental and physical health, a conspiracy that included his vice president, the anointed replacement for Joe once it was apparent he couldn’t win in November. This is in addition to other members of his cabinet who should have invoked the 25th Amendment to move him out the door years ago. This is in addition to other Democrat power brokers like Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and so many others who perpetuated this hoax on all Americans, Democrats, Independents, and Republicans alike.

At an event celebrating Pride Month, Jill Biden was featured in an official White House video saying, “Looking out at all of you, I see America. I hope that all of you feel that freedom and love on the South Lawn today because your home is here.” Not seen on that video or the South Lawn that day? The elected president of the United States.

It has been noted that Jill Biden pushed for the appointment of Kimberly Cheatle as director of the Secret Service, who resigned in the aftermath of the assassination attempt on Donald Trump. How many other appointees in Biden’s administration carry Jill Biden’s fingerprints?

It is telling of the ruthless nature of Dr. Jill Biden and her stubborn pursuit to hold onto the perks and privileges of power while maintaining the illusion that her husband had the facilities to serve as president. The term “elder abuse” does not define what we have seen here; this is a person who has an iron grip on a privileged lifestyle and will do anything, including the humiliating parading of her failing husband in front of the world, to keep living the taxpayer-funded luxury life of which she always dreamed.

Nobody is fooled here. Jill has succumbed to a sort of main-character syndrome, similar to that of former First Lady Hillary Clinton, assuming that the public wants “two for the price of one.” Jill will learn the hard way that a presidential spouse’s aggrandizing power is not something the country finds appropriate. She is held in contempt by most Americans who haven’t drunk the Orange Man Bad flavor of Kool-Aid sold by the Democrat Party since 2015.

Jill participated in the elaborate lie that Joe was fit to serve as president. In fact, she was arguably the most guilty of committing fraud against the public. As Axios reported, Jill Biden “created a cocoon” around the president “that initially seemed earnestly protective but now appears potentially deceptive.” This inner praetorian guard helped to “make up for mental lapses, including prompting him to remember people he has known for a long time.”

Joe Biden was never a good man, a good husband, a good father, or a good leader. His public and private life is rife with failure, mediocrity, and abject disaster, and he will likely go down in history as our nation’s worst president. But even Joe deserves to be treated with human dignity in his final days. As a man facing irreversible debilitation, he should be in a comfortable, loving, safe environment and not paraded in front of the world—stumbling, slurring, shouting, staring, forgetting, whispering, and uncontrollably soiling himselfall so that his narcissistic, opportunistic, greaseball wife can pretend to be important while flying around the world on Air Force One.

As the Biden presidency was in its dying days last month, we witnessed the spectacle of Dr. Jill presiding over the president’s first full cabinet meeting in nearly a year. If his cabinet cared about the country and their constitutional responsibilities, one or all of these sycophants should have stood up, invoked the 25th Amendment for the purpose it was intended, and removed Joe and Jill Biden from their sham presidency.

Dr. Jill Biden is a power-craving status addict. Her role in the purposeful cover-up of Joe Biden’s failing health has consequences for the nation and should never be forgiven nor forgotten.


Richard Truesdell is a former consumer electronics retail executive and automotive travel photojournalist. In the last 25 years, he has visited more than 35 countries on six continents. A former high school history teacher with a BA in Political Science from Waynesburg University, he is a lifelong Conservative moderate who has turned his thoughts and keyboard to political commentary and popular culture. A cross-section of his writings can be found here.

Keith Lehmann is a retired consumer electronics industry executive who has written extensively on technology, transportation, and international travel. Living in Southern California for over fifty years, he has first-hand exposure to societal and cultural happenings of the left and submits decidedly realism-based, Conservative viewpoints, much of which can be found on his Substack.

Richard Truesdell and Keith Lehmann 


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Fake Solutions for a Real Problem - Amir Taheri


by Amir Taheri

Those who have turned real or imagined victimhood into the sole criterion for dispensing fake sympathy want Israel to call it a day and settle for a ceasefire even if the "other sides", that is to say the five H groups... don't give up their declared goal of "wiping the Zionist entity" off the map.


  • [O]ne thing is certain: his [Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei's] 30-year-long policy of using costly proxies to keep war away from Iran has failed. Now he may be forced into doing his own fighting.

  • Depending on how far this goes, Khamenei's latest move could put the very fate of his regime in the bargain.

  • Those who have turned real or imagined victimhood into the sole criterion for dispensing fake sympathy want Israel to call it a day and settle for a ceasefire even if the "other sides", that is to say the five H groups... don't give up their declared goal of "wiping the Zionist entity" off the map.

  • Even an intervention by a deus ex-machina prop cannot lead the action into a fishtail of uncertainty. Just as a tragedy that does not complete its full course isn't a tragedy, and risks morphing into black comedy, a war that is not allowed to do what a war is designed to do, that is to say create clear winners and losers, would be a carnivalesque waste of blood and treasure.

  • The wise men of the New York Times claim that the revival of the Obama "nuclear deal" with Tehran would do the trick, thus implicitly holding the Iranian mullahs responsible for the current wars. The subtext is: surrender to Tehran so that it orders its five "H" hounds to return to their niches.

  • Since World War II, we have witnessed dozens of wars, big and small; all of which ended when war did what it is supposed to do -- that is to say, decide who won and who lost, thus allowing the emergence of a new status quo capable of offering stability if not everlasting peace.

  • Wrecking the furniture in universities and burning the Israeli and American flags may produce feel-good moments, but are unlikely to pave the way to peace.

  • [M]ay I suggest that Netanyahu put his phone on silent for all those who hope to second-guess him on the course he has adopted, which is to let the current war to determine clear winners and losers?

Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei's 30-year-long policy of using costly proxies to keep war away from Iran has failed. Now he may be forced into doing his own fighting. Pictured: Khamenei stands with a rifle as he leads Friday prayer at the Imam Khomeini Musalla Mosque on October 4, 2024 in Tehran. (Photo by Iranian Supreme Leader's Press Office via Getty Images)

Although the war, or in fact wars, triggered against Israel by Hamas are far from over, global punditry is already regimented in a cacophonic chorus to tell the protagonists what to do and what not to do.

In fact, Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei's decision to try and save face by firing missiles at Israel could expand rather than shrink a battlefield that covers a large chunk of the Middle East down to Yemen.

It is too early to decide whether the ayatollah has walked into a trap set to force him into a direct clash with Israel, something he manifestly tried to avoid. But one thing is certain: his 30-year-long policy of using costly proxies to keep war away from Iran has failed. Now he may be forced into doing his own fighting.

Depending on how far this goes, Khamenei's latest move could put the very fate of his regime in the bargain.

Those who have turned real or imagined victimhood into the sole criterion for dispensing fake sympathy want Israel to call it a day and settle for a ceasefire even if the "other sides", that is to say the five H groups, Hamas, Hezbollah, Hashd al-Shaabi, the Houthis and "Imam" Ali Khamenei don't give up their declared goal of "wiping the Zionist entity" off the map.

Some allies of Israel, notably the United States, claim that having "degraded" Hamas and Hezbollah, it is time for Israeli leaders to settle for a half-time pose.

Others like Great Britain have gone further by announcing a moratorium on sale of arms to Israel as a stick to encourage ceasefire.

Other voices, including some inside Israel, call for a pause in the hope of persuading Hamas to release the hostages and Hezbollah to stop rocket attacks on Jewish villages.

The knife left in the wound in 1948 led to even bigger knives in deeper wounds in 1967. Israel's many wars with Hamas and Hezbollah, though theoretically on a smaller scale, produced more victims and opened larger wounds than 1948 and 1967 did.

In classical Greek tragedies, the chorus does not intervene to halt the action of protagonists. It comments and shows empathy or antipathy, but knows that events must take their tragic course to a catharsis.

Even an intervention by a deus ex-machina prop cannot lead the action into a fishtail of uncertainty. Just as a tragedy that does not complete its full course isn't a tragedy, and risks morphing into black comedy, a war that is not allowed to do what a war is designed to do, that is to say create clear winners and losers, would be a carnivalesque waste of blood and treasure.

Another part of the global chorus has already embarked on "peace-making" hallucinations by suggesting "solutions" to what is labeled the "Arab-Israeli problem." The American magazine Foreign Affairs tries to revive the bitter joke of a "two-state solution" with a new slant.

It suggests that a Palestinian and an Israeli state should be created alongside each other but with no borders, allowing each other's citizens to reside in either of the two states. It is not clear who the "creator" of the two imaginary states would be, in effect turning both the Palestinians and Israelis into objects in their own history.

Iran's President Masoud Pezeshkian says peace could come only if Israel and Iran are disarmed, and an international force is deployed in the Middle East.

The wise men of the New York Times claim that the revival of the Obama "nuclear deal" with Tehran would do the trick, thus implicitly holding the Iranian mullahs responsible for the current wars. The subtext is: surrender to Tehran so that it orders its five "H" hounds to return to their niches.

Since World War II, we have witnessed dozens of wars, big and small; all of which ended when war did what it is supposed to do -- that is to say, decide who won and who lost, thus allowing the emergence of a new status quo capable of offering stability if not everlasting peace.

The current wars have provided the global chorus with ample opportunity for virtue-signaling of the most cynical type. Contract-deprived stand-up comedians, half-forgotten pop-stars and academics experts in victimology say they are allocating part of their income to Gazan and Lebanese orphans. Ayatollah Ahmad Alam al-Hoda of Mash'had has chosen a cheaper option: an extra evening prayer for Hamas and Hezbollah. An Iraqi poet, seldom praised for his literary prowess, committed an encomium for slain Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah.

Wrecking the furniture in universities and burning the Israeli and American flags may produce feel-good moments, but are unlikely to pave the way to peace.

One typical illusion of leftist French intellectuals of the past century or so has been their belief that, thanks to Cartesian wisdom, whenever there is a problem a solution must also be at hand; all we need to do is to find and apply it.

In real life, however, there are problems that have no solution within a reasonable span of time and space. In such cases, one risks conjuring ersatz solutions of the kind Foreign Affairs, The New York Times and the new French Foreign Minister Jean-Noël Barrot, who suggests priority for rebuilding Lebanon.

Khamenei's opening gambit may lead to a real clash of two visions for the Middle East. Khamenei wants to make the whole region look like his Islamic Republic of Iran. In a fiery speech last Sunday, Benjamin Netanyahu declared his ambition to make the Islamic Republic look like the rest of the region, that is to say swallow the bitter pill of accepting Israel as a reality.

At the risk of appearing as part of the very same chorus I am denouncing, may I suggest that Netanyahu put his phone on silent for all those who hope to second-guess him on the course he has adopted, which is to let the current war to determine clear winners and losers?

This article originally appeared in Asharq Al-Awsat

Amir Taheri was the executive editor-in-chief of the daily Kayhan in Iran from 1972 to 1979. He has worked at or written for innumerable publications, published eleven books, and has been a columnist for Asharq Al-Awsat since 1987. He is the Chairman of Gatestone Europe.


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UNRWA could be nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize despite some staffers being directly tied to Hamas - Charlotte Hazard


by Charlotte Hazard

Israel's United Nations ambassador said that the UNRWA has been taken over by terrorists.


The United Nations Relief and Works Agency, (UNRWA), which is the Palestinian refugee agency, is potentially being considered for a Nobel Peace Prize, experts say. 

Other groups being considered include the International Court of Justice and UN chief Antonio Guterres, according to Arab News.

“UNRWA could be one such candidate," Henrik Urdal, director of the Peace Research Institute Oslo, said in an interview with Reuters. "They’re doing extremely important work for civilian Palestinians that experience the sufferings of the war in Gaza."

However, UNRWA has gotten pushback and criticism for having some of their workers being directly tied to the terrorist group Hamas, which attacked Israel almost a year ago, killing about 1,200 people and kidnapping 251 more, resulting in the ongoing war in Gaza. 

The Wall Street Journal reported this week that Hamas's top leader in Lebanon, who was killed recently in an Israeli air strike, was a high ranking member of UNRWA. He has been identified as Fateh al-Sharif and he reportedly worked as a school principal for the agency. 

Sharif had been placed on leave by UNRWA due to his ties with Hamas , according to ABC News.

Israel's United Nations ambassador said that UNRWA has been taken over by terrorists. 

"How long will the U.N. continue to bury its head in the sand and ignore the fact that Hamas terrorists have taken over UNRWA? Those who were killed yesterday (Wednesday) in the IDF strike were nine terrorists with blood on their hands, and some of them participated in the barbaric massacre on October 7," Ambassador Danny Danon said in a statement, according to Fox News.

While estimates vary, The Wall Street Journal reported in January that based on intelligence reports it had reviewed, at least 12 employees of UNRWA were connected to Hamas’s Oct. 7 attack on Israel, plus around 10% of its Gaza staff of 12,000 have ties to Islamist militant groups. 

Charlotte Hazard


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Florida’s DeSantis takes matters into own hands with relief, investigations after federal delays - Steven Richards


by Steven Richards

From delayed federal disaster response in North Carolina to an independent investigation into the second Trump assassination attempt, DeSantis is charting a roadmap for other state governors to take important issues into their own hands.


From swift hurricane response times and deploying disaster relief resources to other states to spearheading an independent investigation into the second Donald Trump assassination attempt, Florida’s Governor Ron DeSantis is charting a roadmap for state governors to take important issues into their own hands in the face of perceived federal government inaction. 

The popular Florida Republican and former presidential candidate has boldly governed during the Biden era, developing a hotbed of resistance to federal policies and set up his administration as a sharp contrast with the federal government bureaucracy. 

After a narrow first election victory in 2018, DeSantis garnered fame for his anti-lockdown COVID-19 policies that left his state more open than a vast majority of the country. Now, he has moved on to challenging the federal government’s immigration policies and conducting an independent probe into a Trump assassination attempt at a time when many conservatives are losing faith in federal investigators. 

Just last week, when Hurricane Helene devastated his home state and carved a swath of destruction across the Southeast, DeSantis coordinated a swift response and then ordered resources to deploy to North Carolina—a state hit hard by flooding—for search and rescue operations. 

“Floundering federal establishment"

DeSantis’ recent actions have ensured that the former presidential candidate will not fade into obscurity during his last two years in office as the chief executive of the third largest state and hub of conservative resistance to the Biden Administration.

“Florida shows that results matter. We lead not by mere words, but by deeds,” DeSantis said in the address after winning a nearly 20-point election victory, a larger margin than any Florida gubernatorial candidate has received in forty years. DeSantis’ press secretary told Just the News that the governor’s second inaugural address sums up both his philosophy and motivation for taking those bold actions other executives may not. 

At the time, DeSantis said that Florida was proof that a “floundering federal establishment in Washington, D.C.” did not dictate the success or failure of the individual states. 

“It is often said that our federalist constitutional system—with fifty states able to pursue their own unique policies—represents a laboratory of democracy,” DeSantis said on the steps of the Florida Capitol. 

“Now Florida’s success has been made more difficult by the floundering federal establishment in Washington, D.C.,” he added, criticizing government spending, high levels of illegal immigration, and the heavy-handed federal bureaucracy. 

In many ways, DeSantis had taken more and bolder action than any governor, Republican or Democrat, across the country to take the reigns over policy in areas he believes the federal government has fallen short. 

Using state resources

Most recently, DeSantis used state resources to come quickly to the aid of other Southeastern states in the face of what he insinuated was a slow response. 

After Hurricane Helene slammed into Florida's Gulf Coast causing significant damage and carving a path of destruction across the region, it cut a swath to western North Carolina, leaving the rural mountain counties and the city of Asheville the most severely damaged as the result of historic flooding. 

After mobilizing resources to help his own state and restoring power to a majority his residents in only a few days, DeSantis contrasted his state’s response to a slower federal response in other suffering states. 

“If you look at how this response went—the prep and the immediate response—this was overwhelmingly state and local, and that’s how we view it,” DeSantis said earlier this week. “We don’t want to be waiting on the feds. We want to be able to lean in.” 

The governor touted how he was able to mobilize state resources to respond weeks before the Federal Emergency Management Agency would have been able to. 

Operation Blue Ridge

After tending to his own backyard, DeSantis deployed his own Florida State and National Guard resources to help rescue and recovery efforts in North Carolina and Tennessee. This week he said the federal government should be more focused on getting resources to those states, where many are still stranded without reliable access to food or fresh water and the number of deaths is unknown. 

Called Operation Blue Ridge, the governor said he wanted to “answer the call for Americans when the federal government fails to act.” 

Last week the governor said he would deploy rescue and relief teams from the guardsmen under his authority and from the Florida Department of Emergency Management, Florida Department of Law Enforcement, and the Fish and Wildlife Commission Division of Law Enforcement to participate in the relief effort. 

One Florida guard member deployed to North Carolina told Fox News that he is observing a “failure of leadership” in the state, a void that DeSantis has worked to fill. 

“There is a complete failure of leadership here in North Carolina and from the federal government,” the guardsman said in an interview with anchor Bill Hemmer. “And it takes my strong leadership in Florida to send us up here.” 

“If it wasn’t for DeSantis… this [rescue] never would’ve happened,” he continued.

Days after DeSantis’ order, the Biden White House announced that President Biden ordered the deployment of up to 1,000 active-duty soldiers to aid in the disaster response, including distributing food and water to the impacted communities. 

Lawfare against Trump

Last month, DeSantis also intervened in another matter, the second assassination attempt on former president and GOP nominee Donald Trump. The governor said his state has a “strong interest” in bringing the second Trump assassination attempt suspect to justice and signed an executive order to open an investigation independent from the federal government. 

“The State of Florida has jurisdiction over the most serious, straightforward offense, which is attempted murder,” DeSantis explained at a press conference. 

The suspect, Ryan Wesley Routh was arrested in Florida after his apparent attempt to shoot the former president at a golf course in Palm Beach. Federal prosecutors charged him with attempted assassination, possession of a firearm while a felon, and possessing a firearm with an obliterated serial number. 

DeSantis also raised concerns that the federal agencies investigating the incident may have a conflict, considering the Department of Justice is currently prosecuting former President Trump in the same district for allegedly mishandling classified documents. 

Trump praised DeSantis’ independent investigation in a rare positive statement since the Florida governor challenged him for the Republican nomination earlier this year. 

"If the DOJ and FBI cannot do their job honestly and without bias, and hold the aspiring assassin responsible to the full extent of the Law, Governor Ron DeSantis and the State of Florida have already agreed to take the lead on the investigation and prosecution,” Trump posted to his Truth Social platform

When the Biden administration started flying immigrants from the southern border into Florida under the cover of night, DeSantis strongly criticized federal immigration policy, calling it a "human smuggling operation.” His office said that during the summer of 2021 alone, his administration had recorded more than 70 of those flights, paid for with taxpayers' money. 

"A few weeks ago, one of those people that Biden dumped ended up committing a murder in northeast Florida," DeSantis told the Fox News Channel. "So, these are crimes that would not have happened but for Biden’s recklessness.”

To combat the federal authorities dumping illegal immigrants in his state, DeSantis famously charted flights to sent migrants to liberal jurisdictions across the United States—most notoriously to Martha’s Vineyard in Massachusetts. 

Biden a "mere figurehead"

Other conservative governors followed in DeSantis’ footsteps with Greg Abbott,of Texas, and former Governor Doug Ducey, of Arizona sending immigrants to liberal-leaning and self-declared "sanctuary" towns and cities across the country. 

"Biden is just a figurehead,” DeSantis told Republicans gathered at the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee this summer. “He’s a tool for imposing a leftist agenda on the American people. They support open borders, allowing millions and millions of illegal aliens to pour into our country and to burden our communities—but just don’t send any to Martha’s Vineyard, then they get really upset.”

Steven Richards


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When the Left Got Its Foot in the Door to America - Anthony J. DeBlasi


by Anthony J. DeBlasi

How did the left come to be so prevalent in so many areas of our society? Let's look at the schools.


The current crop of leftists were accurately described over fifty years ago in a dictionary of philosophy, no less. Under “Individualism,” Oswald von Nell-Breuning, a contributor to the Philosophical Dictionary of Walter Brugger/Kenneth Baker (1972), provided the following definition:

[Individualism can mean] the view of society that so stresses the value of the individual that society turns out to be only the sum of the individuals, but not a real whole or unity. The rights and freedom of the individual in this view are supposed to be limited only by the very same rights of the other person and not by an inner relationship to the community. Thus, “order” can be established only when...the reasonable personal interest of each individual leads to a kind of cooperation and harmony...In actual fact however, the stronger [overpower] the weaker and in place of a “free” society appears a tyrannical, irresponsible use of power under the guise of freedom and equality. In the 19th century this form of individualism (in politics it was called “liberalism”) was dominant in both social and economic thinking, and then it fell into disrepute; but it still lives on as individualism on a higher level in the form of collectivism where it has magnified to gigantic proportions. (Emphasis is mine.)

The collectivist mindset of today’s leftists was identified long before any of us learned to walk. And, I would add, it was pointing to a future for America of distorted comm-unity, not out of carelessness or neglect but out of intent by those wanting to change this country into an authoritarian state. Marxists were first in line.

During my school days in the 1940s I was a witness to the beginning of the Marxist campaign to change America into a collectivist state. My high school principal was concerned enough to sound the alarm in a report to the American Education Association in which he detailed the radical changes being implemented in New York City’s public schools. He made plain the purpose of the new “progressive education,” which was, in the words of its promoters, to “dare the teachers to build a new social order.”

Progressive Education had just come into the junior high school (middle school) that I attended. Its immediately noticeable difference from what school had been up to then was a generally more permissible atmosphere, with less attention to discipline and more to “fun.” It was a novelty that prompted some of us to do what we thought would be good ideas during school hours, granted the permission. A school chum and I thought it would be great to paint murals in the school’s hallways. It would mean cutting classes, of course. Permission was granted.

This “official cheating” didn’t bother those of us with A's and B’s in our subjects. We could always catch up somehow (perhaps in high school?). But what about students who might find it hard or impossible to “catch up” with the growing challenges?

While such relaxed schooling may have pleased the students, most teachers took a dim view of a style of teaching that downgraded authority, tradition, and the knowledge needed for success in the adult world.

This watered-down education was the subject of my high school principal’s concerning report. In it he detailed the deceptive tactics used to get schools to “experiment” with progressive education. The report exposed John Dewey’s “behaviorist” input to the new education. It revealed the adoption of his teaching method in Russia’s Soviet Union for its desired effect on students, which was promptly terminated when it had prepared them for real instruction, according to the Communist doctrines. And it spoke of new textbooks that promoted disloyalty to America and its Judeo-Christian principles.

A feature of major importance was the use of group psychology to weaken individual thinking and initiative, a primary step in brainwashing minds and taking control of loyalties.

The rest, as they say, is history. It is most unfortunate that the many growing up in that history who would be leaders and teachers dont know their own history. The fogging of their minds and attendant doctrinaire education, starting with the introduction of progressive education in the 1940s, has indeed helped build a new social order: a society top to bottom of great confusion, division, and enfeebled spirit of independence, thanks to neo-Marxists who managed to get both feet in America’s door.

While there is no turning back to “correct history,” the future need not be faced with total ignorance. The true fact of the matter is that impostors posing as reformers cannot defeat the human spirit, which is resistant to total suppression, a reality that its would-be destroyers are having a hard time learning.

Anthony J. DeBlasi is a veteran and longtime defender of Western culture.

Image: Pixnio // CC0 public domain

Anthony J. DeBlasi


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US professors are fueling antisemitic violence against Jewish students - study - Clint Van Winkle


by Clint Van Winkle

A report from the AMCHA Initiative links increased antisemitic violence to the US campuses to Faculty for Justice in Palestine (FJP), showing FJP-led protests correlate with threats, attacks.


Anti-Israel protesters at Columbia University broke into the iconic Hamilton Hall building at Columbia University (photo credit: GETTY IMAGES)
Anti-Israel protesters at Columbia University broke into the iconic Hamilton Hall building at Columbia University
(photo credit: GETTY IMAGES)

A report recently released by the AMCHA Initiative provides evidence that an anti-Israel faculty group called Faculty for Justice in Palestine (FJP) has led to faculty-driven anti-Israel protests on campuses.

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The report states that campuses with FJP chapters have experienced more violence against Jewish students and longer-lasting anti-Israel protests, with death threats significantly higher in these locations. “Thorough quantitative analysis confirms what was painfully evident throughout the last academic year: College campuses have become a laboratory of academic-sanctioned antisemitism,” Republican political consultant Brian Seitchik told The Media Line.

“Academic administrators ignored the obvious as FJP chapters fueled a significant rise in harassment and violence for the crime of being a Jew.” Since Hamas attacked Israel last October, 120 FJP chapters have formed on US college campuses. The ten campuses with the most active FJP chapters include the University of Minnesota, NYU, UC Santa Cruz, The New School, University of Pennsylvania, University of Michigan, Columbia, CUNY, Georgetown University, and University of Chicago.

The study was co-authored by Leila Beckwith and Tammi Rossman-Benjamin, both affiliated with the AMCHA Initiative. Contributors included Susan Orbach and Ilan Benjamin. Beckwith is a professor emeritus at UCLA and the co-founder of the AMCHA Initiative.

Rossman-Benjamin, co-founder and director of the AMCHA Initiative, was a faculty member in Hebrew and Jewish studies at the University of California, Santa Cruz, from 1996 to 2016. Rossman-Benjamin told The Media Line that she and Beckwith had never seen a faculty organization so closely tied to an international movement with the explicit goal of dismantling the Jewish state.

 Pro-Palestinian protesters rally on campus of the State University of New York at Stony Brook, in Stony Brook, New York, on May 8, 2024. (credit: James Carbone/Newsday RM via Getty Images)Enlrage image
Pro-Palestinian protesters rally on campus of the State University of New York at Stony Brook, in Stony Brook, New York, on May 8, 2024. (credit: James Carbone/Newsday RM via Getty Images)

The report details frequent instances of professor-led antisemitism on college campuses. “The rise of FJP chapters represents a dangerous new front in the battle against campus antisemitism. Faculty members, empowered by the BDS movement, are using their academic positions to organize against Israel and promote antisemitism (often disguised as anti-Zionism) on a scale we have never before witnessed,” researchers warned. “The presence of FJP chapters correlates strongly with the rise of violent antisemitic behavior on campuses, including physical assaults and death threats.”

FJP urges action against BDS groups

In a 2024 “Back to School” statement, FJP asked chapters to respond to decisions made by the BDS leadership in Palestine. “These are genocidal organizations. They are not just fighting for justice in Palestine. They are fighting to absolutely destroy, dismantle, the Jewish state and to wipe the Jews off of [the map]. … This is the nature of those groups,” Rossman-Benjamin said.

AMCHA Initiative, a nonprofit group, monitors more than 600 US college campuses for antisemitic activity as defined by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) and the US government. Researchers gathered data from 103 US campuses, primarily from schools on Hillel International’s list of institutions with the largest Jewish student populations.

The researchers note that FJP chapters were formed at the direction of the Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI), part of the Palestinian BDS National Committee, which has alleged ties with at least two Iranian-backed terrorist organizations, Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ).

The researchers said that they had never seen faculty organize like this, with such a powerful international network focused on “bringing down a sovereign nation and harming its inhabitants and those who support them on US campuses, including their own students and colleagues.” They described it as an “extremely alarming development, which shows no sign of diminishing.”

“The mantle has been taken up by faculty, who are so powerful. Students are just pawns, students are foot soldiers, and students are at the bottom of the totem pole with respect to the power they have to affect change. The truth is that faculty are at the top of the totem pole,” Rossman-Benjamin said.

The report advises parents to avoid sending their children to schools with active FJP chapters, citing safety concerns for Jewish students. “The first step to correct course is a genuine acknowledgment that the FJP represents a growing malignancy on college campuses. If ignored, a new generation of students will view violence against Jews, or anyone else, as conventional behavior,” Seitchik said.

Clint Van Winkle


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Pogrom(s) – A Documentary Feature Film by Pierre Rehov - Gatestone Institute


by Gatestone Institute

According to numerous reviews, among the documentaries that have covered the event, Pierre Rehov's documentary, Pogrom(s), stands out for its factual and historical approach to the tragedy.


Since the tragedy of October 7, 2023, many films, books and other forms of artistic expression have sought to depict the atrocities committed by Hamas terrorists and other Palestinian organizations on that day.

According to numerous reviews, among the documentaries that have covered the event, Pierre Rehov's documentary, Pogrom(s), stands out for its factual and historical approach to the tragedy.

Having made documentaries on Middle Eastern conflicts for over 20 years, and specializing in terrorism, Pierre Rehov has chosen to reconstruct the massacre through the eyes of the first responders, and to call on political analysts and historians to re-establish the true context of this attempted genocide.

The film is made up of images that are sometimes difficult to watch, but always announced with modesty, without unnecessarily playing on the audience's emotions. It invites us to reflect on all the other pogroms committed in the name of political Islam, which the world has forgotten. It also takes us back to the birth of the Palestinian cause during the Nazi period, and its promotion in the 1960s by Soviet Russia and the KGB.

This film is indispensable for understanding how, on October 7, 2023, 1,200 innocent people were massacred by Hamas, 7,000 were wounded, several hundred kidnapped and more than 100 are still held hostage in Gaza's tunnels. But, more than that, it allows us to assess the mechanisms that led a large part of the Western world to support, the very next day, not the victims of Hamas, but the torturers who have unlimited means at their disposal to finance their propaganda.

Here is the film's trailer.

You can view the entire 90-minute film before others (for a small fee) here.

It will be available on Apple TV, Amazon Prime and Google TV from October 10.


Gatestone Institute


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We Will Not Let Our Country and Continent Be Destroyed - Geert Wilders


by Geert Wilders

We choose the power of reason. And we will win. Here in the Netherlands and in Israel. Am Israel Chai. [Israel will live.]


Pictured: Geert Wilders addresses the Netherlands House of Representatives in The Hague on July 3, 2024. (Photo by Robin van Lonkhuijsen/ANP//AFP via Getty Images)

The hatred of extreme left-wing agitators and parts of the left-liberal elite in politics and the media against our Jewish compatriots and the State of Israel since the barbaric massacre of innocent civilians on October 7, 2023, has directly fueled anti-Semitism and hatred of Jews.

It started immediately after October 7 with inflammatory demonstrations of millions of people with false flags and slogans in many European capitals, including many non-Western immigrants, who thereby demonstrated that they do not share any of our values ​​and do not belong here. Then followed the betrayal at universities and in parts of our media and politics. Both nationally and internationally, from the [Netherlands] House of Representatives to the EU and UN, as well as in newspapers and on TV. Every day again. There are now even police officers who refuse to protect Jewish objects and instead of being fired on the spot, their cowardly police chiefs show understanding.

We are as strong as our weakest link. And there are so many weak links. All of whom will be commemorating the massacres of a year ago on Monday with packs of butter on their heads [Dutch expression for hypocrites].

I will always continue to point out their cowardice. And stand up for our values, culture and traditions. That also distinguishes us from the hostile killing machines of Hamas cum suis and the defenders of all their evil. They love death but we love life. And we defend our way of life with everything we have. And so we resist with sincere and unprecedented strength against the unfortunately growing hatred of Jews and Israel.

Against giving away our country and continent to migrants who do not share our values. Against politicians, journalists and education administrators who shamelessly choose the side of evil and whose moral compass now lies in Gaza.

We will never give up.
But always fight evil, whatever the cost.
Because we will not let our country and continent be destroyed.

We choose the power of reason.
And we will win.
Here in the Netherlands and in Israel.

Am Israel Chai. [Israel will live.]

Gatestone Institute would like to offer special thanks to Geert Wilders MP for his kind permission to publish this piece.

Geert Wilders founded the Party for Freedom (PVV) in the Netherlands in 2006, and is the party's leader in the House of Representatives. He has been a monumental member of parliament since 1998.


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