by Judy Siegel-Itzkovich
Detailed inscriptions of 8th-century BCE Judean King Hezekiah discovered in ‘monumental’ archaeological discovery.
Summary inscription 1 of King Hezekiah.
(photo credit: Istanbul Archaeological Museum)
What a University of Haifa
professor of biblical studies and ancient history has called “one of
the most important archaeological discoveries in Israel of all time” –
five monumental, new royal inscriptions of King Hezekiah of Judah, which
together include dozens of lines and hundreds of letters have been
Prof. Gershon Galil,
a former chairman of the university’s department of Jewish history,
said that the inscriptions mention the name of Hezekiah, and summarize
his main actions during the first 17 years of his reign, including the
water project (the cutting of the Siloam Tunnel and the pool), the
ritual reform, the conquest of Philistia and the accumulation of
inscriptions, he maintained, also indicate the exact date on which the
water project was completed – 2 Tammuz in the 17th year Hezekiah
= 709 BCE. “Now it is clear that the higher chronology that precedes
the reign of Hezekiah in 726 BCE is to be preferred, as I emphasize in
my book on chronology published in 1996. These are the most complete
royal inscriptions we have, and they are further evidence that the kings
of Israel and Judah wrote royal inscriptions that indicated their name
and deeds," Galil said.
of the inscriptions was carved into the rock to the right of the
entrance to tunnel #4 in the round room of the Canaanite pool next to
the Gihon Spring. Exactly 48 centimeters wide and 38 cm long, it is located 140 cm above the floor, the academic explained.
frame of the inscription was discovered in 1909 by Louis-Hugues
Vincent, but he believed that there was no inscription there, but only a
frame and a leveled surface prepared for writing an unwritten text,
said Galil.
“This is
what all the other researchers have claimed for the past 113 years. But
recently it turned out that there is an extremely impressive inscription
there. Though eroded by time, the vast majority of the letters are
legible," he explained.
Inscription 3 has the names and deeds of the biblical King Hezekiah of Judah in ancient Israel. (credit: Eli Shukrun)
What does the ancient biblical inscription say?
This is a verbatim quote of the inscription that includes 11 lines, 64 words, and 243 letters:
- Hezekiah, the son of Ahaz, king of Judah,
- made the pool and the conduit.
- In the seventeenth year, in the second (day), in the fourth (month),
- of king Hezekiah, the king brought
- the water into the city by a tunnel, the king led
- the water into the pool. He smote the Philistines
- from Ekron to Gaza and placed there the OREB unit of
- the army of Judah. He braked the images and braked in ˹pieces˺ the Nehu˹sh˺tan
- and he removed the high ˹places and˺ cut down the Asherah. Hezek˹ia˺h, the king,
- accumulated in all his treasure houses and in the house of YHWH
- a lot of silver and gold, perfumes and good ointment.
“summary inscription,” Galil continued, “is arranged in literary order,
not chronologically, and is divided into five components: title, the
water project, the wars against Philistia, the reform and the
accumulation of property. It includes scriptures that appear verbatim or
with slight changes in the Bible, such as: ‘Hezekiah son of Ahaz, king
of Judah,’ ‘Make the pool and the conduit,’ ‘brought ... the water into
the city,’ ‘smote the Philistines ... as far as Gaza,’ ‘braked the
images and braked in pieces the … Nehushtan and he removed the high
places and cut down the Asherah… in all his treasure houses and in the
house of YHWH, silver ... and gold, perfumes and good ointment’ (see 2
Kings 18: 1, 4, 8; 20: 13, 20).
Eli Shukrun began his work in the City of David
over 15 years ago and has since become one of the leading experts on
the archaeology of Jerusalem with vast experience based on numerous
excavations in the city. Galil said “Shukrun claimed that the frames of
some of these inscriptions were known. As mentioned, everyone thought
they were empty and were only a preliminary preparation for engraving
inscriptions that were never enacted there. But Shukrun believed there
were texts there, inside the frames. That’s why he contacted me recently
and asked me to re-examine the matter. We both conducted tours of the
City of David, walked together in the water inside the Siloam Tunnel and
rechecked everything.”
The University of Haifa Bible scholar added that “these are actually the earliest manuscripts of the Bible. They predate the Ketef Hinnom
silver amulets - by about 100 years and the Dead Sea Scrolls by
hundreds of years. They also support the claim that scriptures in the
Book of Kings are based on texts originating from chronicles and royal
inscriptions, and that the Bible reflects historical reality and not
The Ketef Hinnom
scrolls were discovered near the Old City of Jerusalem in 1979 and -
until now - were believed to be the oldest surviving texts of the Bible,
dating back to about 600 BC, the First Temple period.
are actually the earliest manuscripts of the Bible. They predate the
Ketef Hinnom silver amulets by about 100 years and the Dead Sea Scrolls
by hundreds of years. They also support the claim that scriptures in the
Book of Kings are based on texts originating from chronicles and royal
inscriptions, and that the Bible reflects historical reality and not
Gershon Galil
Galil, who earned his doctorate from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem (HU), previously wrote The Chronology of the Kings of Israel and Judah that suggested a new chronology for the kings of ancient Israel and ancient Judah.
new inscription he deciphered does not mention the relations with
Assyria, the Chaldeans, Egypt, the kingdoms of Transjordan, the activity
in Samaria, Hezekiah’s war with the nomads or the fact that the
conquests in Philistia were lost in 712 BCE — because in royal
inscriptions, only successes are mentioned. These are summary
inscriptions, not full descriptions of the king’s deeds, he noted.
these new inscriptions, there are answers to many issues that scholars
have debated for years. The inscriptions are evidence that Hezekiah
carried out a comprehensive reform (before 709 BCE) and even that he
conquered Philistia, especially Ekron, and stationed soldiers there (in
712 BCE), as I argued before, and as pointed out in the ‘Azekah
inscription.’ Moreover, Hezekiah is indeed the king who built the pool
and the Siloam Tunnel and not others. The term ‘oreb’ is mentioned here
for the first time, which until now was known only in its Akkadian form:
urbi. Now it is clear that it is derived, as Tadmor claims, from the
Hebrew term oreb.”
they discovered additional inscriptions. “We took high-quality photos
of these ‘frames.’ It soon became clear that there were indeed exciting
and surprising texts there. In parallel, we re-examined high-quality
photographs of the original Siloam inscription, situated in the
Archaeological Museum of Istanbul. There, as well as in the Siloam
tunnel, we found other important discoveries.”
Inscription 1: What does it tell us about the biblical kings of Israel and Judah? (credit: Eli Shukrun)
checked the Siloam inscription and found that it had additional
scriptures, twice as long as what was known until now. It mentions
Hezekiah’s name and his main deeds, similar to summary inscription #3.
turns out that two more lines are written on the stone found in
Istanbul. Moreover, inside the Siloam Tunnel, another five lines
survived, below the place where the inscription was carved by robbers
and later transported to Istanbul in a clear frame; the bottom line is
70 cm above the tunnel floor, that is, very close to the water. It now
becomes clear that the Siloam inscription (summary inscription #1 below)
included 13 lines and 428 letters, and not (as previously thought) only
six lines and about 200 letters."
The meaning of the discovery is dramatic, Galil declared.
Inscription 1: What does it tell us about the biblical kings of Israel and Judah? (credit: Eli Shukrun)
of the Siloam inscription are found today in the City of David in
Jerusalem, inside the Siloam Tunnel; they have simply remained there
since the inscription was composed—2,731 years ago.
the inscriptions will soon be published in Hebrew and English,
accompanied by high-quality photographs with detailed linguistic,
historical and paleographical discussions, in their forthcoming book:
Gershon Galil and Eli Shukrun, The Inscriptions of Hezekiah King of Judah, which was accepted for publication, and will be published in the coming year.
Judy Siegel-Itzkovich
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