Saturday, August 31, 2024

Israeli Security Cabinet votes to keep troops on Gaza’s Sinai border - JNS


by JNS

The IDF will remain stationed along the Philadelphi Corridor in any hostages-for-ceasefire-deal with Hamas.


A three-meter-high tunnel discovered by the Israel Defense Forces in the Philadelphi Corridor, Aug. 4, 2024. Credit: IDF.
A three-meter-high tunnel discovered by the Israel Defense Forces in the Philadelphi Corridor, Aug. 4, 2024. Credit: IDF.

Israel’s Security Cabinet voted over the weekend in support of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s stance of maintaining an Israel Defense Forces presence in the Philadelphi Corridor, which runs along the Gaza Strip’s border with Egypt, in any hostages-for ceasefire-and-terrorists-release deal with Hamas.

Eight ministers voted in favor, while Defense Minister Yoav Gallant opposed the measure and National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir abstained.

The ministers effectively approved several maps showing how Israel will preserve troop deployments along the corridor, previously Hamas’s main conduit for smuggling weapons to Gaza, through a vast network of tunnels.

The maps have reportedly been incorporated into the “bridging proposal” the U.S. put out two weeks ago that Jerusalem accepted but Hamas rejected.

Earlier this month, Secretary of State Antony Blinken urged Hamas to reconsider its position, following meetings with senior officials in Jerusalem.

“In a very constructive meeting with Prime Minister Netanyahu … he confirmed to me that Israel accepts the bridging proposal, that he supports it. It’s now incumbent on Hamas to do the same,” said Blinken.

“The single quickest, best, most effective way to relieve the terrible suffering of the Palestinians that was instigated by Hamas’s attack on Oct. 7 and the war that ensued is to complete this agreement,” he added.

During a Cabinet meeting this month, Netanyahu said that he is “prepared to go very far to release all of our hostages, while maintaining the security of Israel.”

The premier said that Hamas is demanding “that Israel not be able to return to the war [following a ceasefire]. It demands that we withdraw from the Philadelphi Corridor and the Rafah Crossing [between Gaza and Egypt]—its lifelines, which would allow it to rearm and rebuild its strength. It is important to determine the principle: We are not leaving from there.

“Hamas is also unprepared to allow any mechanism to check for and prevent the passage of munitions and terrorists to the northern Gaza Strip. It is doing all this because it wants to recover and rebuild, and return again and again to the massacre of October 7, as it has promised to do,” Netanyahu continued.

“The fact is that it is Hamas which is preventing the release of our hostages, and which continues to oppose the outline, and not the government of Israel, which has accepted it. Whoever, like us, wants the release of our hostages needs to direct the pressure onto Hamas, and not onto the government of Israel,” he added.

The latest round of hostage negotiations ended without results as the Israeli delegation led by Mossad chief David Barnea returned home from Cairo last Sunday.

Despite the lack of progress, Washington responded optimistically, calling the talks “constructive.” U.S. National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan said the Biden Administration was working “feverishly” to reach a deal.

Off-and-on negotiations have continued for months with the U.S., Egypt and Qatar acting as mediators.

One hundred and seven hostages—alive and dead—remain in Hamas captivity in Gaza.



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Howard Horowitz, George Soros: The Jewish sponsors of Palestinian activism in the West - opinion - David Ben-Basat


by David Ben-Basat

Anyone who thinks that a Palestinian state will solve the conflict is mistaken and guilty of self-deception.


Pro-Palestinian protestors demonstrate as they call for a ceasefire in Gaza amid the ongoing conflict between Israel and the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas, in Los Angeles, California, U.S., May 31, 2024.  (photo credit: KYLE GRILLOT/REUTERS)
Pro-Palestinian protestors demonstrate as they call for a ceasefire in Gaza amid the ongoing conflict between Israel and the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas, in Los Angeles, California, U.S., May 31, 2024.
(photo credit: KYLE GRILLOT/REUTERS)

The October 7 massacre was a catalyst that led radical left-wing groups in the United States and Europe to emerge from obscurity, spreading their venomous, vitriolic antisemitic hatred of Israel and Jews under the guise of “enlightenment and fighting against injustice and discrimination.” Unfortunately, some Jews are significantly contributing to spreading these lies and distorting the truth.

Antisemitic poison is disseminated via pro-Palestinian groups and nonprofit organizations. A few months ago, the New York Jewish Week published an article about pro-Palestinian organizations and their sources of funding. One of these organizations is led by an Orthodox Jew named Howard Horowitz, who once lived in Israel and collaborated with left-wing organizations there. He claims to be embarked upon tikkun olam (repairing the world). These groups protest global warming and, of course, Israel.

Tracking all the sources of funding is difficult, as some of these groups are funded through a small, lesser-known organization in Westchester led by Horowitz. He chairs the Westchester Peoples Action Coalition (WESPAC). While he initially condemned the October 7 massacre and claimed to support non-violent protests, his stance quickly shifted to supporting pro-Palestinian organizations.

Horowitz wrote to New York Jewish Week that the financial sponsorship aligns with WESPAC’s mission to support “those who would otherwise be the unrecognized victims of war, injustice, and environmental degradation.” He said that the group’s peace and justice mission “aligns with ours” and that “their principles of non-violence align with ours.

WESPAC’s office is in White Plains, and its roots are in the anti-Vietnam War protests and the Civil Rights Movement (CRM), said Horowitz, who joined the group in the 1970s, after living in Jerusalem and on a kibbutz. Living among secular Israelis was a change for Horowitz – who grew up in an Orthodox family in New York – leading to another shift in his views. He became disillusioned with Israel, which was moving toward a right-wing ideology at the time – especially regarding its policy toward Palestinians.

“My Zionist faith was broken by the historical facts,” Horowitz explained, noting that his opposition to Israel has continued since its establishment, following the UN vote recommending the partition of the land into separate Jewish and Palestinian states.

 Protesters from the national group Jewish Voice for Peace call for a ceasefire in the Israel-Hamas war during rallies across the U.S. marking the 8th night of Hanukkah as they block a highway in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US, December 14, 2023. (credit: REUTERS/HANNAH BEIER)Enlrage image
Protesters from the national group Jewish Voice for Peace call for a ceasefire in the Israel-Hamas war during rallies across the U.S. marking the 8th night of Hanukkah as they block a highway in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US, December 14, 2023. (credit: REUTERS/HANNAH BEIER)

“The partition plan robbed the Palestinian population of their homes, livelihoods, and land,” he wrote. Using the term “Nakba,” that Palestinians use to refer to the establishment of Israel, he added, “It was the Nakba.”

Horowitz’s pro-Palestinian stance is echoed by WESPAC’s executive Director, Nada Khader, who has Palestinian roots and relatives in the West Bank and Israel. According to reports, WESPAC has long campaigned in support of Palestinians and the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel.

One of the main channels through which WESPAC supports pro-Palestinian activities is via financial sponsorships.

Sponsoring anti-Israel groups

In a 2022 report, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) stated that WESPAC provided sponsorship to 15 groups related to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict – more than for any other cause. It is unclear how many groups it sponsors, overall. In 2021, the last year for which financial information is publicly available, WESPAC spent $750,000 on donations and grants; and held assets of $1.05 million. Its revenues include money that WESPAC receives through its financial sponsorships.

Doug White, a philanthropy advisor, and author of five books on nonprofit organizations, explains that financial sponsorship leaves “many legal gray areas,” as the organizations involved are not required to disclose their relationships and transactions. “There really isn’t a statutory way to track the money that ends up in the hands of these Palestinian groups,” White said. “As a result, you rely on good practices.”

ANOTHER GROUP, the “US Campaign for Palestinian Rights” (USCPR), is funded by Jewish billionaire George Soros.

Soros and his organization pay funds to radical, anti-Israel organizations that fuel hatred and encourage protests on campuses across the US. They are funded and organized by branches of Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP), supported by Soros and other anti-Israel organizations.

Over the past 20 years, SJP has successfully built a dense network of about 200 chapters across American academia. Comprised of local students, these operate as modern guerrilla groups to promote pro-Palestinian causes.

Another organization is Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP), founded by American Jew Noam Chomsky. In an interview with journalist Ran Edelist some 10 years ago, Chomsky said, “I didn’t think Israel would become a Judeo-Nazi state, but something similar is happening now.”

His radical organization supports boycotting Israel, backs military draft refusal, calls Israel a fascist state, and views itself as advocating for peace and social justice. One of the sources of funding for terrorist organizations is advertisements on their websites, without the advertisers being aware. Algorithms developed by Internet giants direct advertisements to sites of hate and terror organizations with millions of followers.

The Jewish-Arab conflict over the Land of Israel began with the end of Ottoman occupation in 1917 and the beginning of British occupation in 1918. The Palestinian Arab National Movement began to grow, viewing the land as Arab territory. Then, as now, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is primarily ideological and religious – and it began long before the state of Israel’s establishment in 1948.

Anyone who thinks that a Palestinian state will solve the conflict is mistaken and guilty of self-deception.

David Ben-Basat is CEO of Radios 100FM, honorary consul general of Nauru, deputy dean of the Consular Corps, president of the Israeli Radio Communication Association, and vice president of the Ambassadors Club.


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We Defeated Pro-Hamas Protestors by Proving They Support Rape and Terror - Dexter Van Zile


by Dexter Van Zile

Iranians who oppose the theocratic leadership in Tehran have become a powerful force of anti-Hamas activism in the United States.


Posters of murdered Israeli hostages kidnapped by Hamas on Oct. 7, 2023. From an Oct. 21, 2023, demonstration in Tel Aviv organized by family members of those kidnapped. (Photo: Shutterstock)

I recently witnessed something I haven't seen in a long time. On Friday, August 16, 2024, a group of pro-Hamas activists packed up their signs and went home in the face of spirited and non-violent opposition from a coalition of pro-American Iranians and American Jews.

The last time I saw anything like that happen was in 2006 or 2007, when I led a crowd of Israel supporters in chants in order to silence a heckler standing on the sidewalk near the town common in Amherst, Massachusetts. The ridicule was enough to prompt him and his fellow anti-Israel activists to walk away, as we cheered their departure. It was glorious.

On August 16, 2024, the pro-Hamas activists conducted their retreat from Lexington in two stages.

First, they walked away from the intersection of Massachusetts Avenue and Pleasant Street, where they have been protesting on an intermittent basis since October 7. Then, after they retreated a couple of hundred feet down Mass. Ave. (while tenacious, but peaceful, pro-Israel protesters followed them), the Hamas supporters packed up their signs and withdrew altogether, leaving an Iranian-born American citizen to conduct a solitary rear-guard action. Once the pro-Israel protesters took pity on the police officers charged with keeping the peace and got ready to leave, the pro-Hamas supporter also left — clearly a little bit worse for wear.

The pro-Hamas folks did not abandon the site of their weekly standout because they were outnumbered. The two groups were evenly matched. In fact, the pro-Hamasniks may have even enjoyed a slight numerical advantage over the pro-Israel folks who challenged them. Nevertheless, it was the anti-Israel folks who retreated.

The pro-Israel activists, who had coalesced around a core of Iranian human rights activists associated with From Boston to Iran, used a very simple message to break the resolve of the pro-Hamas activists: "You are on the side of rapists and murderers."

The pro-Hamas protesters tried countering with the lie that Israel is committing a "genocide" in Gaza, but it didn't work on the pro-Israel folks who just kept repeating their message: If you're pro-Hamas, you're siding with rapists and murderers. They offered this message in chants and individual conversations.

The pro-Israel folks didn't bother reminding their opponents that Hamas attacks civilians while hiding behind civilians, thereby making civilian casualties inevitable. They didn't waste their breath reminding the pro-Hamas folks that Arab and Muslim leaders have killed millions of Arab and Muslim civilians without much comment from the progressive left in the United States. The pro-Israel folks knew these facts — but didn't waste their time repeating them on the streets of Lexington. They just kept repeating the central truth of the conflict in Gaza: Hamas is a bunch of rapists and murderers, and many leftists and anti-democratic radicals in the US have taken their side.

Most importantly, our strategy worked.

By repeating the simple truth of what's happening in the Middle East, a gathering of pro-Israel Jews and Iranians stripped a gathering of pro-Hamas protesters of the moral superiority in which they have wrapped themselves since October 7. By sticking to the "Hamas is a bunch of rapists and murderers" message, pro-Israel activists reminded any self-proclaimed progressives who joined the Hamas supporters, that the October 7 massacre was not performed to "liberate" the Palestinians — but to build a social order in the Middle East in which terror and violence is the dominant culture, as opposed to peace, tolerance, and full rights for all religions, genders, and minorities.

It is no accident that Iranians who oppose the theocratic leadership in Tehran have become a powerful force of anti-Hamas activism in the United States. Having to deal with the rapists and murderers who oppress their friends and relatives, Iranian human rights activists understand that the violence against moderate Muslims, non-Muslims, and women in Iran has a common root with the violence of the October 7 massacre. They know that the violence perpetrated against Iranian and Israeli women is justified by radical Islamism, a supremacist ideology that privileges the rights of Muslim men over non-Muslims and women.

Although leftists should know this as well — many don't, and they need to be reminded repeatedly, and publicly, of the true nature of the radical Islamist movement they help support. One day, they will be the target of the Islamist oppression endured by Iranians and Israelis and when it happens, they won't be allowed to say no one told them.

Dexter Van Zile, the Middle East Forum's Violin Family Research Fellow, serves as managing editor of Focus on Western Islamism.


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Pro-vaccine doctors skeptical of new COVID-19 boosters: 'I'd really like to see the data' - Greg Piper


by Greg Piper

Harris campaign requires staffers to be "up to date" on COVID vaccines. No COVID outbreak during Democratic convention as widely claimed, Chicago says. Former FDA reviewer says new approval is like "reopening an old wound."


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is pushing new COVID-19 boosters, claiming that people who don't stay "up to date" with shots – regardless of how many they've already taken – "are more likely to get very sick" while those who take them annually are "much less likely to get very ill, be hospitalized, or even die" from COVID.

The Democratic nominee for president is so committed to staying up to date on jabs that Vice President Kamala Harris made COVID boosting a requirement to work on her campaign, "unless otherwise prohibited by applicable law." They can also ask the human resources department for a "reasonable accommodation … prior to reporting to an office location."

What's the evidence for these interventions recommended to Americans and required of those who would work for the de facto incumbent?

That's what critics of the public health agencies are asking as officials and mainstream media hype a rise in positive tests for SARS-CoV-2 and some schools shutter – in red states, no less – rather than let the demographic at the lowest risk from COVID learn in person.

The Democratic National Convention is even under fire in the wake of an alleged COVID outbreak that reportedly included two Harris campaign staffers, both presumably boosted, for not requiring attendees to mask up, despite little rigorous evidence that masking makes much difference to infection and transmission.

"While it is not surprising at an event this large that some people would test positive for COVID-19 over the course of the week, there is so far no evidence to suggest that an outbreak occurred," the Chicago Department of Public Health told Just the News in an uncredited statement.

The city, state and federal agencies "established an enhanced public health surveillance strategy to monitor" for COVID at the convention and nearby amid the surge, and "guidance and masks were also provided" to attendees, but "the risks associated with COVID-19 are very different now than they were during the height of the pandemic," CDPH said.

Chicago's most recent publicly available infection rate estimates, using wastewater testing and PCR testing at hospital and commercial labs, as of Tuesday don't include the week it hosted the four-day convention.

The Food and Drug Administration, which fact-checked Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s claim about its heavy funding by the pharmaceutical industry by saying he was 3% off, granted emergency use authorization to new COVID jabs during the convention.

You actually can’t make this up. 

In response to the claim that 50% of the @US_FDA’s budget comes from pharma (a terrible incentive…), the agency released an official statement saying it is only 47%… 

An executive order should be signed tomorrow making this 0.

— Calley Means (@calleymeans) August 25, 2024

Notably, Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel didn't go as far as the CDC in his claims about jabs by his own company and competitor Pfizer, formulated to target the KP.2 strain, calling them "one of the best ways" to stay "protected and prevent severe illness." 

The CDC and FDA also use different adjectives. 

The former's COVID treatment page says "you are protected best when you stay up to date" and Director Mandy Cohen recommended boosting all ages 6 months and up as "the best protection against severe illness," while the FDA and its Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research Director Peter Marks say new jabs offer "better protection."

Asked for granular evidence that the updated vaccines offer "better protection" against circulating variants and serious consequences even for people who took every prior formulation, FDA press officer Cherie DuvallJones cited the June 5 discussions of the FDA's Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee, CDC presentation on the effectiveness of the 2023-2024 formula and decision memos.

She also pointed to the CDC's COVID vaccine effectiveness page and vaccine effectiveness studies page, but neither appear to focus on the new formulation.

The CDC linked the treatment page in an X post Monday that wasn't even about vaccines but rather "early treatment" for people "more likely to get very sick" from COVID: the antivirals Paxlovid, remdesivir and molnupiravir.

Georgia-based COVID analyst Kelley Krohnert, known for documenting repeated COVID data errors by the CDC, flagged the agency's "up to date" statements below the "early treatment" section of the page. 

"That seems like quite a big claim —  one that would require good data," Krohnert wrote on X, referring to a much higher risk for those who took every booster save the most recent.

Paxlovid's abilities have taken critical hits this year due to studies that involve employees of its maker, Pfizer.

The New England Journal of Medicine found "sustained alleviation" from COVID did not "differ significantly between" Paxlovid and placebo patients, and a Journal of the American Medical Association publication found no difference in long-COVID results between the two.

🚩 Dr. Marty Makary & Dr. Vinay Prasad on How Inconvenient Paxlovid Data Was Suppressed for Nearly Two Years

"A study came out in the New England Journal of Medicine on Paxlovid. Two big studies in the same issue. This was a couple months ago. No benefit in people under 65.…

— Chief Nerd (@TheChiefNerd) August 26, 2024

The CDC estimated the KP.2 strain was already plummeting as the share of COVID infections when the FDA authorized new boosters, with the KP.3 strain representing more than half in its latest "Nowcast" estimate for the two weeks ending Aug. 17.

The FDA did not require "any studies measuring the impact on severe disease or hospitalization or death," and Marks picked the KP.2 strain "from his a**," University of California San Francisco epidemiologist Vinay Prasad wrote of the "dishonest booster campaign" in his newsletter.

Marks overruled the agency's VRBPAC, which had picked the JN.1 strain, in June. Moderna and Novavax had already submitted applications for that strain, and the latter said it couldn't meet the fall target with the late change, Reuters reported at the time

The strain switch also left Moderna empty-handed when the FDA issued EUAs last week, though it said jabs would be ready in "coming days." Novavax fans raised their voices against the FDA when it announced only the mRNA vaccines had been approved this month.

Marks told VRBPAC he wanted "the freshest vaccines" based on the "incredibly high premium" the feds were paying for them, comparing them to milk from the store, NBC News reported. "Forget price negotiation," Prasad responded to the EUAs on X. "Biden admin works for Pfizer." 

The FDA's DuVallJones told Just the News it chose KP.2 as the "preferred JN.1-lineage ... if feasible" based on "the most current available data" and recent rise in cases in some places, to "more closely match" circulating strains. 

"The FDA will continue to monitor the safety and effectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccines and the evolution of the SARS-CoV-2 virus," she wrote in an email.

Current prevalence of all KP.2 variants (on which this booster is based): 20% and dropping fast.

— David McCune (@davidemccune) August 22, 2024

Former FDA regulatory review officer Jessica Adams, who has long chronicled the work of the agency's advisory committees, said the booster EUAs for her were like the "reopening of an old wound" because of how the FDA has regulated, communicated and promoted them for three years.

It pushed out "veteran vaccine expert career staff," ignored outside advisors and overruled them with "boosters for all," waved off natural immunity, did not establish "a real correlate" of protection or push for "timely completion of postmarket studies," and does not routinely convene outside advisers to address vaccine concerns, Adams wrote "off the top of my head."

Former FDA vaccine regulator Philip Krause, who resigned three years ago in part because top brass sidelined his office to rush full approval of Pfizer's vaccine and issued a booster EUA over VRBPAC's objections, told Congress in June he didn't get that booster.

what am I talking about?
-pushed out veteran vaccine expert career staff
-skipped adcoms on some of the key decisions
-overrode initial adcom input on boosters for all
-ignored natural immunity
-didn't push to establish a real correlate or protection
-didn't push for timely…

— Jessica Adams (@RxRegA) August 23, 2024

Recommending a product for all ages, "many of whom have just had COVID, without evidence that benefits exceed harms" and against the practice of "most European nations" is close to "malpractice," said Prasad, who specializes in randomized controlled trials. The CDC's Cohen has "the clout to demand or even run" such a study yet has not, he said.

Prasad said he won't get the new booster, and UCSF medical professor Eric Widera said he "probably won't" either because Widera is "not convinced it adds anything," emphasizing he publicly documented his bivalent COVID booster two years ago.

"I’d really like to see the data" that "yearly fall boosters targeted at the spring/summer strains actually reduces COVID related outcomes like hospitalization and death," Widera wrote on X. "Isn’t it time for an RCT?"

Greg Piper


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‘Serious and pervasive’ Jew-hatred at Columbia, per report from school’s task force - JNS


by JNS

The report found that “some” members of the university “have been unwilling to acknowledge the antisemitism many students have experienced.”


A view of protesters demonstrating outside the campus of Columbia University in New York City on April 25, 2024. Credit: Evan Schneider/U.N. Photo.
A view of protesters demonstrating outside the campus of Columbia University in New York City on April 25, 2024. Credit: Evan Schneider/U.N. Photo.

Hundreds of Jewish and Israeli students at Columbia think that the Ivy League school “has not treated them with the standards of civility, respect and fairness it promises to all its students,” according to a report from Columbia’s task force on antisemitism released on Friday.

The 91-page report, which draws on interviews with almost 500 students, found that Jew-hatred on campus is “serious and pervasive.”

“These student stories are heartbreaking, and make clear that the university has an obligation to act,” the task force’s report states. (It wasn’t clear from the report how many of the 500 students were Jewish or Israeli.)

“Unfortunately, some members of the Columbia community have been unwilling to acknowledge the antisemitism many students have experienced—the way repeated violations of university policy and norms have affected them and the compliance issues this climate has created with respect to federal, state and local anti-discrimination law,” the report states. 

“Many of the events reported in the testimonials took place well before the establishment of the encampments and the takeover of Hamilton Hall,” it adds. “The experiences reported during that period were even more extreme.”

Students, who often didn’t know how to report Jew-hatred to Columbia, found that “some faculty and staff responded with compassion and determination,” but “others minimized the concerns of these students, reacting sluggishly and ineffectively even to the most clear-cut violations,” the report states. “Even students who had successfully reported an incident spoke of a recurring lack of enforcement of existing university rules and policies.”

The task force suggested its own working definition of Jew-hatred for Columbia to use, and recommended “in-person workshops about antisemitism and Islamophobia, as well as a range of optional training and workshops for others in our community, including on implicit bias and stereotypes, bystander interventions and having difficult conversations.”

“Many Jewish students said they now avoid walking alone on campus,” the report states. It quotes a student who said that walking on campus with a visible Star of David or wearing a kippah “could start World War III.”

“The experiences of these students demonstrated that there is an urgent need to reshape everyday social norms across the campuses of Columbia University,” per the report. “We need to promote a richer ethic of pluralism, which would encourage greater tolerance of and respect for differences in religion, culture and national origin.”

“If we were really to succeed in promoting tolerance, students would come to understand and value these differences,” it added.



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Will The Biden-Harris Administration Allow the World's Leading State Sponsor of Terrorism to Acquire Nuclear Weapons? - Majid Rafizadeh


by Majid Rafizadeh

Iran already controls five other countries in the region: Syria, Lebanon, Yemen and Iraq. There are flashing neon signs that Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini's dream of "exporting the Revolution" is steadily extending to America's backyard.


  • Iran's runaway strides in its nuclear program have taken place largely under the watch of the Biden-Harris administration.

  • Will this administration allow the world's leading state sponsor of terrorism to acquire nuclear weapons? It many have been what the Obama administration wished -- so long as it was "not on my watch" -- but it was a terrible idea then, and it is a worse one now. The prospect of Iran and its Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps arming groups such as Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthis, and Iraqi militias with nuclear weapons is bad for the world's health.

  • Iran's regime that has also repeatedly vowed to annihilate the State of Israel and the United States— after that, presumably, the oil-rich Gulf states. Iran already controls five other countries in the region: Syria, Lebanon, Yemen and Iraq. There are flashing neon signs that Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini's dream of "exporting the Revolution" is steadily extending to America's backyard. Latin American rogue states allied with Iran could potentially be transformed into nuclear-armed threats.

Iran's runaway strides in its nuclear program have taken place largely under the watch of the Biden-Harris administration. Will this administration allow the world's leading state sponsor of terrorism to acquire nuclear weapons? The prospect of Iran arming groups such as Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthis, and Iraqi militias with nuclear weapons is bad for the world's health. (Image source: iStock)

Despite widespread concerns over Iran's advancing nuclear program, the Biden-Harris administration, along with European leaders, are largely inactive in curbing this growing threat. As the clock ticks, there has been no concrete strategy proposed to halt Iran's march towards nuclear weapons, leaving the world in an alarming position.

In a recent development, Representative Mike Turner, Chairman of the US House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, voiced extreme concern regarding Iran's potential declaration as a nuclear weapons state. Turner pointed out the unsettling prospect that Iran could announce its nuclear status "by the end of the year." He further blamed the Biden administration's policies for contributing to this dangerous situation, and stated that they have set the stage for a significant escalation. Turner emphasized:

"There is a possibility, with the advances that have been made under the Biden administration's policy, that Iran could, reports are out, that Iran could declare itself a nuclear weapon state by the end of the year, if—and you would not have had that."

The gravity of the situation has also been acknowledged by the State Department. Secretary of State Antony Blinken issuing a warning that Iran is on the verge of producing the materials needed for a nuclear weapon, potentially achieving this within just "one or two weeks." This prediction underscores the immediacy of the threat and the limited time left to address it.

Iran's runaway strides in its nuclear program have taken place largely under the watch of the Biden-Harris administration. During this administration's tenure, Iran not only surpassed the level of 3.67% uranium enrichment but also accumulated a large stockpile of low-enriched uranium well beyond the 300 kg cap. Additionally, Iran has expanded the number of its centrifuges and invested heavily in additional research and development of centrifuge technology, bringing the regime close to nuclear-weapons capability.

Recent reports paint an even more alarming picture: Iran's uranium enrichment levels have now reportedly reached 84%, a level uncomfortably close to the 90% threshold required for weapons-grade material.

It is perplexing-verging-on-treasonous that the Biden-Harris administration has not taken any decisive action to prevent Iran from going nuclear, or even causing any less devastation in the Middle East. Iran was also behind "over 150 attacks" on US troops in the Middle East, just since October 7, 2023, wounding many American troops.

Will this administration allow the world's leading state sponsor of terrorism to acquire nuclear weapons? It many have been what the Obama administration wished -- so long as it was "not on my watch" -- but it was a terrible idea then, and it is a worse one now. The prospect of Iran and its Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps arming groups such as Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthis, and Iraqi militias with nuclear weapons is bad for the world's health.

Iran's regime that has also repeatedly vowed to annihilate the State of Israel and the United States— after that, presumably, the oil-rich Gulf states. Iran already controls five other countries in the region: Syria, Lebanon, Yemen and Iraq. There are flashing neon signs that Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini's dream of "exporting the Revolution" is steadily extending to America's backyard. Latin American rogue states allied with Iran could potentially be transformed into nuclear-armed threats.

Adding to the problem is the Biden-Harris administration's lack of a clear plan, let alone any desire, to stop Iran's nuclear ambitions. Instead of enforcing stringent sanctions, the administration has provided and enriched Iran with over $50 billion, thereby financing not only its nuclear program, but also its regional aggression as well – including against the US.

The US and the West have only a narrow window of time left to prevent Iran from becoming a nuclear-armed state. It is imperative not only to cut off the flow of funds to the Iranian regime by fully enforcing sanctions and preventing oil sales, but also to neutralize Iran's nuclear plans -- the sooner, the better.

Dr. Majid Rafizadeh is a business strategist and advisor, Harvard-educated scholar, political scientist, board member of Harvard International Review, and president of the International American Council on the Middle East. He has authored several books on Islam and US Foreign Policy. He can be reached at Dr.Rafizadeh@Post.Harvard.Edu


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Extreme Rhetoric in New York Mosques as Imams Call for Destruction of Israel, Praise Hamas - Isabel Vincent and Benjamin Weinthal


by Isabel Vincent and Benjamin Weinthal

Openly calling for the annihilation of Israel in U.S. cities.


Faithful Muslims fill the sidewalk of Bay Ridge's 5th Avenue as worshippers overfill the Islamic Center's interior space for Friday afternoon Jumu'ah prayer on August 11, 2017, the year NYC Mayor Eric Adams joined forces with the mosque to combat hate. (Photo: Shutterstock)

A Brooklyn Muslim cleric who once partnered with New York Mayor Eric Adams on a campaign to end hate is now spreading it by calling for the annihilation of Israel, The Post has learned.

Meanwhile, one of his counterparts at a mosque in the Bronx has taken to blasting "Zionist Hollywood" and Christians for packing their churches with LGBTQ worshippers, whom he claims they are recruiting to bolster dwindling congregations.

As the Israeli war against Hamas in Gaza continues, imam Sheikh Muhammad Al-Barr, called on Allah at his Bay Ridge mosque to "liberate Palestine from the occupiers and the plunderers" during a Friday service earlier this month.

"Oh Allah, annihilate those who occupied their lands, and those who betrayed and deserted them, and those who spilled their blood," Al-Barr said in Arabic August 12 at the Islamic Society of Bay Ridge's Masjid ibn Umair.

Sheikh Muhammad al-Barr in the Bay Ridge Islamic Society in Brooklyn delivering a Friday sermon on August 16, 2024, calling for the annihilation of the Jewish people. (Screenshot: MEMRI)

The video of Al-Barr's sermon was posted last week by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), a think tank that features human rights activist Natan Sharansky and lawyer and former diplomat Stuart Eizenstat, among other religious leaders, on their board of advisors.

Al-Barr, whose last name is also spelled "Elbar," also said that "the mujahideen [Hamas fighters] in Gaza are achieving more than our Arab armies could in 1967 and 1973," a reference to the Six Day War and the Yom Kippur War, respectively.

"Muhammad Al-Barr explains how ... Hamas managed to do what the Arab armies of Egypt and Syria ... did not do in 1967 and 1973," said Yigal Carmon, president and founder of MEMRI in an interview with The Post Monday.

"He ignores one thing: How Hamas used the population as human shields. ... The imam shows total support for a terrorist organization in the heart of New York and totally ignores how October 7 began."

More than 1,200 died and 240 hostages were kidnapped during the Hamas terrorist attacks on Israel on that date last year.

Adams joined forces with the Bay Ridge mosque and a host of elected officials in April 2017 in a campaign to combat hate against the Muslim community. At the time he was Brooklyn Borough President.

"Any attack on one religious life is an attack on all religious ways of life," said Adams in comments at a prayer service at the Bay Ridge mosque. "Right here in the borough, we have a welcome mat for all groups."

It is unclear if Adams has since had any contact with Al-Barr. In response to a request for comment a spokesperson said: "The mayor has been abundantly clear that hate has no place in our city, whether it be antisemitism, Islamophobia, or any other form of bigotry.

"Our houses of worship are places where people go to heal and connect spiritually and should never be a place to attack others or call for violence."

The pro-Hamas comments in Bay Ridge came three days after an imam at the Islamic Center of Rockland County called for "the destruction of the Zionist Jews," according to a translation by MEMRI TV.

"Oh Allah, seize them with a crushing grip," the unnamed imam continued.

The Rockland County mosque apologized for the visiting imam's sermon following complaints from local Jewish groups and elected officials.

"On August 9, during a sermon at our masjid, a guest imam delivered several hurtful statements that included a prayer to God for the destruction of Zionist Jews as part of the conflict in Gaza," the Islamic Center said in a statement.

"We unequivocally condemn these statements. We sincerely apologize for any pain caused by these remarks and will ensure that our platform is not used to promote these types of harmful messages going forward."

In a live stream at the Muslim America Society's Bronx Muslim Center in July, an unidentified imam said that Christians and Jews were jealous of Muslims, and that Christians were forced to allow LGBTQ into churches to bolster their numbers.

"Because your congregation is leaving, you would rather get the homosexuals inside your churches because the regular people ain't coming, so you have to fill them in with them," said the unnamed imam, adding that Muslims "are the best of nations" and that's why Jews want to kill them.

"My brothers and sisters, they have reasons to be jealous of us," the imam continued. "We are the best of nations, those Jews ain't it anymore. ... They can't see that slaughtering innocent children, men and women is wrong. [They say] 'We're looking for the terrorists.' Meanwhile they are the terrorists. May Allah destroy our enemies."

The Bronx imam also warned the congregation against the "Zionist owned" entertainment industry in Hollywood — "all these musicians of yours have contracts with these Zionists" — and warned against taking children to Disney amusement parks.

"Are you going to take them to Disney?" he said. "Forget the Zionism part of it, what about the Satanic part?"

A watchdog group condemned the violent rhetoric

"There is a subtext to this imam in the Bronx claiming Christians are turning to 'LGBT' congregants as the churches lose support," said Sam Westrop, director of the Middle East Forum's Islamist Watch project.

"He and other Islamists across America worry that American Islam has suffered years of dilution from embracing leftist allies too tightly. Now they fear Islamic youth across the country are increasingly embracing 'LGBT' and other 'progressivist' phenomena as well. Their duplicitous radicalism has backfired."

The Muslim American Society, a Washington DC-based non-profit which oversees the Bronx Muslim Center, did not return a request for comment Monday, nor did the Islamic Society of Bay Ridge.

Isabel Vincent, a graduate of the University of Toronto, is a reporter for the New York Post and is the author of seven non-fiction books. Benjamin Weinthal is a Milstein Writing Fellow for the Middle East Forum and covers Middle East affairs for Iran International.

Isabel Vincent and Benjamin Weinthal


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Germany Vows 'Knife Control' After ISIS Refugee Slashes Throats at Diversity Festival - Daniel Greenfield


by Daniel Greenfield

There were 13,844 "knife crime" incidents in Germany in 2023, which the authorities are blaming on the existence of knives and not the perpetrators, who are reportedly mostly young Muslim men.


  • After laying a white rose at the site of the Diversity Festival slashing that left three dead and eight wounded, Chancellor Olaf Scholz promised rapid action would be taken against knives.

  • Right now, people in Germany can carry knives up to 4.7 inches long. The law will be modified so that they can only carry knives up to 2.4 inches long. No one appears to have considered the possibility that Muslim terrorists on the way to killing as many infidels as possible might violate the law and carry a concealed knife of 4 inches or longer. Such thoughts are unthinkable.

  • There were 13,844 "knife crime" incidents in Germany in 2023, which the authorities are blaming on the existence of knives and not the perpetrators, who are reportedly mostly young Muslim men.

  • But locating the source of the problem is probably "not a very helpful insight," In the UK, people sharing such insights are being locked up even as Islamic terrorists are being freed.

  • The German government is more moderate than the Marxist lunatics at Whitehall. Prime Minister Keir Starmer and Justice Minister Shabana Mahmood, a supporter of Islamic terrorism, have decided to ruthlessly suppress all British opposition to mass migration with raids and prison sentences.

  • Much like the American liberal obsession with gun control, literally objectifying the problem, talking about things so that they don't have to talk about people, and then talking about broader social and economic issues, is a useful distraction from seeing what is actually taking place.

There were 13,844 "knife crime" incidents in Germany in 2023, which the authorities are blaming on the existence of knives and not the perpetrators, who are reportedly mostly young Muslim men. Pictured: Firemen clean blood from the pavement where a Muslim migrant stabbed six people, killing one, on May 31, 2024 in Mannheim, Germany. (Photo by Kirill Kudrayavtsev/AFP via Getty Images)

After a Syrian Muslim refugee slashed the throats of a few middle-aged people at the Festival of Diversity, the German government has announced that it will ban knives over three inches long.

The ISIS terrorist was one of over a million migrants who had invaded Germany while claiming to be "refugees". The migrant was also one of the many scheduled to be deported, but was not.

All that the Muslim terrorist had to do to evade deportation was leave government housing when the authorities came looking for him. And then when the military-age Arab Muslim migrant came back, the deportation order had expired and he couldn't be deported. Undeported Muslim refugees have been one of the largest sources of terrorism, crime and violence in Europe.

So the German government is proposing a ban on knives over three inches.

After laying a white rose at the site of the Diversity Festival slashing that left three dead and eight wounded, Chancellor Olaf Scholz promised rapid action would be taken against knives.

Right now, people in Germany can carry knives up to 4.7 inches long. The law will be modified so that they can only carry knives up to 2.4 inches long. No one appears to have considered the possibility that Muslim terrorists on the way to killing as many infidels as possible might violate the law and carry a concealed knife of 4 inches or longer. Such thoughts are unthinkable.

However, the authorities are also proposing "knife-free" zones around railway stations and other areas where stabbings and slashings tend to happen, to finally put an end to the violence.

In May, an Afghan Muslim refugee had attacked a counter-Jihad rally in Germany, stabbing and slashing attendees along with a police officer who had tried to restrain the anti-migrant activists from fighting back against the Muslim refugee trying to kill them.

German authorities responded by vowing to crack down on "knife crime" with "stronger measures to control the possession and carrying of knives, tougher penalties for their misuse and intensive awareness campaigns about the dangers."

If any Muslim terrorists still don't know about the dangers of stabbing people, the awareness campaign would let them know.

There were 13,844 "knife crime" incidents in Germany in 2023, which the authorities are blaming on the existence of knives and not the perpetrators, who are reportedly mostly young Muslim men. The authorities have resisted linking the nearly 10% increase in knife crime to Muslim migration.

"Though non-Germans are disproportionately represented in police knife crime statistics, that in itself is not a very helpful insight," a 'criminologist' interviewed by the Deutsche Welle media outlet argued.

In 2023, nearly 1 in 5 criminals were refugees.

The mostly Muslim migrants were responsible for over 1 in 10 sexual assaults in just one year. They have carried out around 7,000 sexual assaults since the beginning of the migrant crisis. Half of gang rapists are foreigners, and there are on average almost two gang rapes committed in Germany every single day.

In North Rhine-Westphalia, the state where the latest Muslim terrorist attack took place, 1 in 3 sex offenders, half of shoplifters and burglars, and 4 out of 5 pickpockets were foreigners.

Typical of this kind of violence was an altercation between two Arab Muslims, which ended with one of them stabbed in Magdeburg, migrants fighting with knives in a refugee center in Bavaria, and a litany of young foreign men confronting and stabbing each other all across Germany.

But locating the source of the problem is probably "not a very helpful insight," In the UK, people sharing such insights are being locked up even as Islamic terrorists are being freed.

The German government is more moderate than the Marxist lunatics at Whitehall. Prime Minister Keir Starmer and Justice Minister Shabana Mahmood, a supporter of Islamic terrorism, have decided to ruthlessly suppress all British opposition to mass migration with raids and prison sentences.

But a "moderate" European government is one that mostly ignores the problem while promising to increase deportations after every Islamic terrorist attack, before realizing that it can do nothing. There is little difference between the putatively conservative Merkel government and the putatively leftist Scholz government, much as every French government, whatever its formal political orientation, has offered the same meaningless condemnations and empty promises.

If the Communist and Islamist party La France Insoumise, which rose to parliamentary victory due to its alliance with President Emmanuel Macron, succeeds in taking over, it can be expected to turn the police loose on political opponents the way that the Starmer regime has done on critics of migration in the UK.

For now, the German authorities are deploring all the stabbings and promising knife control.

Creating "knife-free" zones, limiting the length of knives that can be carried (except for newly purchased knives still in their plastic wrapping) and creating social media campaigns about the dangers of knives is the sort nonsense that the UK and other governments indulged in as a distraction from the reality of who is actually doing the stabbing (not to mention acid-throwing).

Much like the American liberal obsession with gun control, literally objectifying the problem, talking about things so that they don't have to talk about people, and then talking about broader social and economic issues, is a useful distraction from seeing what is actually taking place.

The Festival of Diversity ended in bloodshed, as it always does, but there will be another one. Much of the West now exists in the throes of an endless diversity festival where no one notices the killers, only the number of rounds in their magazines and the lengths of their blades.

Daniel Greenfield is a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. This article previously appeared at the Center's Front Page Magazine.


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Laboring Under a Delusion - Thaddeus McCotter


by Thaddeus McCotter

America is in a Culture War. Détente is not an option, and surrender is unconscionable, for it would mean the end of our free republic.



As the presidential campaign speeds past what was once its traditional kickoff date, Labor Day Weekend, many on the right continue to argue that engaging in the “Culture War” is either a distraction or that it is already lost. In both instances, waging the good fight to protect and promote a virtuous culture will ineluctably lead to the Right’s electoral defeat.

Instead, they aver, dispense with cultural issues, such as abortion, euthanasia, protecting parental rights, etc., and focus solely on the economy, immigration, and the weaponization of government. If these Republican Cassandras prevail upon the Trump campaign and GOP down-ticket campaigns to stand mute on critical cultural issues, what will victory in November accomplish for MAGA and conservative populists? The disintegration of our free republic by an erosion rather than an avalanche. And, in truth, the erosion would prove more painful by not only being slower but by being done by our own Republican hands.

A vibrant, virtuous culture of life is indispensable to the liberty and prosperity of Americans and, indeed, all of humanity. To attempt to divorce culture from democracy and the economy is to agree with the left: government and the economy are essentially mechanistic, materialistic, and deterministic—shaping the human person more than the individual shapes these institutions.

This explains why the left injects its ideology and uses the tools of both government and the economy to indoctrinate the citizenry into its collectivist ideology, and, in its secular atheism, denigrates and often infringes upon the liberty and property of dissenters who cherish faith, family, community, and country—people who are committed to defending and expanding a virtuous culture of life.

The left is waging a culture war on America—indeed a war against the very concept of truth, itself—that aims to impose its collectivist, materialist, secularist ideology upon society; and subordinating and suppressing traditional culture and its adherence to moral truths. Since the left believes it is winning, if largely by default, and is hellbent on finishing its mission, in this Culture War the Republican Cassandras are laboring under the delusion they are seeking a Détente. What they are really calling for is unilateral disarmament on the path to unconditional surrender and serfdom.

In his masterful biography, The End and the Beginning: Pope John Paul II – The Victory of Freedom, the Last Years, the Legacy, George Weigel examined the late pontiff’s social magisterium and, notably, his 1991 encyclical Centesimus Annus [The Hundredth Year], which issued a clarion call for a “free and virtuous society and the priority of culture;” and warned of “the dangers that awaited democratic polities and free-economies that cut themselves loose from sturdy moral-cultural moorings.”

Per Weigel, the crux of John Paul II’s argument was tripartite:

The free and virtuous society [is] composed of three interlocking parts: a democratic polity, a free or market-centered economy, and a robust public moral culture. The third component part, [John Paul II] insisted, was the key to the proper functioning of the political and economic sectors. It took a certain kind of people, possessing certain virtues, to make democracy and the market work so that human beings were ennobled by their participation in free political and economic life.

Yet, what was it that enabled an individual and their society to thrive within democratic states and free market economies? “As always, recognition of the truth about the dignity of the human person was the key to the ultimate success of any human activity.” States that incorporated and protected these moral truths, for example, human rights, by circumscribing the powers of its government; and that allowed for the flourishing of human creativity and responsibility within a free market, would engender the most virtuous and salubrious citizenry.

But, John Paul II was acutely aware of what would happen when secular atheism and/or virulent moral relativism in “democracies that declared wrongs to be rights” impaired a society’s ability to adhere to the moral truths that spurred its virtuous accomplishments.

As Weigel noted, John Paul II discerned the problem at its post-modern root, namely “a world striving for freedom had not learned to live freedom nobly because it had lost touch with the nobility of the human person, which consists in our ability to know, choose, and adhere to the truth.”

And the historical horrors humanity wrought and suffered provided a crystalline vision of where a Godless, vice-addled society would dead end.

John Paul II located the deepest wound of modernity in a defective humanism that had left the world morally adrift and had created a global charnel house in which great hopes had been burnt to ashes. Life had become fragmented and atomized. The alienation experienced by the men and women of late modernity was far deeper and more complex than the alienation analyzed by Karl Marx: men and women had become alienated from their own interiority, having lost sight of a transcendent spiritual and moral horizon against which to live their lives. This deeper alienation had profound public consequences. Like his friend Henri de Lubac, Wojtyla was convinced that defective humanisms had created a situation in which men and women could only organize the world against each other. Ultramundane humanism inevitably became inhuman humanism.

St. John Paul the Great wrote this in 1959. Sixty-five years later, the inhuman humanism has metastasized throughout our country and our world, in which we are more rapidly and readily being organized against each other in a death of a thousand keystrokes in a cyber-cesspool of disinformation, envy, and animus.

Yet there is life, and yet there is hope. The hope for John Paul II, Weigel wrote, was that “the truth about the human person was ultimately revealed in Jesus Christ, in whom we discover the truth about the merciful Father and the truth about ourselves.”

Thus, in 1976, it was this conviction that led then Cardinal Wojtyla to declare that he and his peers stood “in the front line in a lively battle for the dignity of man.” A quarter century later, the Cold War was over. Through the grace of God and the work of his earthly servants, the “conscience revolution” that affirmed the primacy of everyone’s human dignity had destroyed the evil empire of the totalitarian Soviet Union and its communist satellites.

Today, over thirty years, America is in a Culture War. Launched and waged by the left, it is a Culture War without quarter. Détente is not an option, and surrender is unconscionable, for it would mean the end of our free republic and all we have cherished for generations and hope to bequeath to future generations.

In brutal truth: we cannot make America great again unless we make America good again.

Thus, the heirs of Lincoln and Reagan must dismiss the Republican Cassandras, and engage and win the Culture War. We must proclaim our support for a free and virtuous culture of life and moral truths. We must trust in the innate decency of our fellow citizens. And we must realize that whatever the immediate electoral danger, the greatest danger is to abandon our principles. For we will not only lose our liberty and prosperity.

We will lose the truth about ourselves.


An American Greatness contributor, the Hon. Thaddeus G. McCotter (M.C., Ret.) served Michigan’s 11th Congressional district from 2003-2012, and served as Chair of the Republican House Policy Committee. Not a lobbyist, he is a frequent public speaker and moderator for public policy seminars; and a Monday co-host of the “John Batchelor Radio Show,” among sundry media appearances.

Thaddeus McCotter


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Thursday, August 29, 2024

New Rules for Radicals: How to Reinvent Kamala Harris - Victor Davis Hanson


by Victor Davis Hanson

The complete Harris makeover requires fifteen radical rules followed to the letter.


How do accomplished radicals elect a mediocre far-left presidential candidate?

The task might at first seem impossible.

Kamala Harris is currently a radical incumbent vice president. For more than three years, she was second in command to an unprecedentedly unliked Democrat president, his failed policies, and his unpopular record.

Harris herself had compiled a hard-left trail over her own entire career while loudly boasting indiscreetly to leftist audiences of being proudly “woke” and “radical.”

Most challenging for a Harris candidacy makeover was the long, entrenched Democratic Party’s reluctance to remove a debilitated President Biden from the Democratic ticket.


Because Harris was deemed such a liability that she had become a Spiro Agnew-like insurance policy for a failing Biden.

Until just recently, Democrats had considered an unpopular and enfeebled Biden nonetheless far preferable to an incoherent, lightweight, and widely ridiculed potential replacement Vice President Harris.

After all, she had never before entered a presidential primary. She never won a single delegate by voting. She failed miserably as a candidate in 2020.

And she co-owns the unpopular record of an even more unpopular president.

The complete Harris makeover requires fifteen radical rules followed to the letter:

  1. Remake Harris as an entirely fresh happy face. She’s about joy and vibe—which trumps position papers and policy statements. Banish all thoughts that she is an incumbent vice president and co-owns the last four years of the Biden administration.
  2. Ignore/deny that Harris as vice president could have long ago enacted her new makeover proposal—or could do so right now in the remaining five months of her administration’s tenure. She was the last person out of the room when Biden made those awful decisions.
  3. For the next 70 days, reinvent Harris as a moderate. Xerox much of Donald Trump’s current more popular agenda. Have Harris claim it as her own. Reboot her as a border hawk, a China hawk, a defense hawk, a budget hawk, and a law-and-order hawk.
  4. The word salad Harris must not do a single unscripted media interview, live town hall, extemporaneous chat, ambush hot mic, or lecture without a teleprompter.
  5. Harris must not offer any policy proposals such as her harebrained price controls that deviate from her 70-day new centrist image and teleprompted scripts.
  6. Do not mention Joe Biden at all. Harris is not to be seen with him in photos or at events. Create a vaguely joyful but completely imaginary, “Harris record.” Separate it from the miserable Biden-Harris administration. Leak that she was unhappy with Biden.
  7. Call Donald Trump a mobster, criminal, insurrectionist, and dictator nonstop. Never provide any evidence to support such charges. When challenged, double down and let loose with worse invective.
  8. Talk about abortion nonstop. But never dare mention the word. Relabel abortion “reproductive rights.” Falsely reinvent Donald Trump as a radical anti-abortionist who wants a federal ban.
  9. Follow the 2020 successful Biden “basement” strategy: keep out of the public eye, silent on the issues, reliant on 70 percent of the ballots not being cast on Election Day, and outsourcing the campaign to the fusion media and billionaire class.
  10. Harangue about race and gender nonstop. Define the election as a stark binary between a “young” oppressed but dynamic black woman and an old oppressor racist white guy.
  11. Reinvent the “journey” and life “story” of Kamala Harris—the child of two PhDs—into a hardscrabble, lifelong struggle against poverty, systemic racism, and greedy “billionaires” like Donald Trump. She is always to be from Oakland—never Berkeley.
  12. Talk about transparency nonstop. Feign a willingness to have three or four debates. But agree to hold only one—and only on a left-wing network. Promise interviews and town halls endlessly. Enter into discussions about them. But always delay, stonewall, and evade for the next 10 weeks.
  13. Meet privately and endlessly with the megarich donor class that helped to remove Biden. Assure Wall Street, Hollywood, and Silicon Valley grandees that banter about wealth taxes, taxes on unearned income, and higher corporate taxes are mere campaign posturing. Then outraise Trump again 3-1.
  14. Privately assure leftist activists and Democrat politicos that any backslidings from supporting lifelong left-wing advocacies are temporary and necessary 70-day pretexts. Instead look at what Harris actually does after November 5, not anything she must say before then.
  15. Control and modulate the street. Anti-Trump protests are a legitimate “movement” that are “not going to let up. And they should not.” Any violent anti-Trump demonstrator should be bailed out immediately.

All anti-Democrat, anti-Harris demonstrations should be deterred. A large police presence must be proactive with as many arrests as possible, with barriers, and plenty of backup. Protest leaders should be given private concessions and incentives to tone down their people.

Victor Davis Hanson


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