Monday, November 26, 2018

Ocasio-Cortez trivializes Holocaust by comparing Jewish refugees from Hitler to Central Americans - Thomas Lifson

by Thomas Lifson

-- to compare fleeing systematic extermination in the Holocaust to people seeking more lucrative employment and better welfare benefits in this country is obscene.

It is by now abundantly clear that the youngest person ever elected to Congress is an ingenue ignoramus, serenely unaware of the depths of her obliviousness. For someone who grew up in New York City – oops, make that Westchester County (but it’s a suburb, so kinda counts) -- to compare fleeing systematic extermination in the Holocaust to people seeking more lucrative employment and better welfare benefits in this country is obscene. It trivializes the Holocaust, period.

Yet, glamour girl Ocasio-Corte did exactly that in a tweet yesterday:

I don’t recall Jews fleeing Hitler announcing they would violate our borders if not accorded entry on demand. And I certainly don’t recall Jews storming the border, throwing rocks at our Border Patrol.

But these differences, as important as they are, pale beside the comparison of the Holocaust to economic deprivation.

The Anti-Defamation League, before it became a shill for Democrats, used to criticize those who compared the Holocaust to lesser perils. So far, there is nothing on the ADL website concerning Ocasio-Cortez’s trivialization of it.

Thomas Lifson


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