by M. Catharine Evans
School does not tolerate "acts of hate"...unless they are directed at a Trump-supporter.
The principal of a high-performing magnet high school located in the Foggy Bottom neighborhood of Washington, D.C. has jeopardized the safety of one of his students because of her support for President Trump.
Jayne Zirkle, a senior at School Without Walls High School, known as "Walls," will spend the rest of the school year taking classes online. The severity of threats and harassment coming from her classmates has made it impossible for her to attend the public school without fear of physical harm.
When Zirkle went to D.C. public school leaders, including the principal of Walls, Richard Trogisch, she presented them with 200 pages of evidence outlining harassment, threats, and cyber-bullying from fellow students.
Zirkle told One America News reporter Neil McCabe that officials were not sympathetic, stating that "it would all blow over in a couple of weeks." Incredibly, she also was informed by those at the meeting that some of the "things these kids were saying were arrestable but not actually suspendable."
From YouTube:
Various videos posted on YouTube reveal to my eyes that Walls is an indoctrination camp for future hardcore socialist voters with zero tolerance for anyone who dares to dissent.
Zirkle never had a chance at this school once the student body of almost 600, their activist teachers, and the principal became aware of her political beliefs.
In 2012, Mr. Trogisch marched with his Walls students in support of Trayvon Martin (see video). During the Trayvon Martin protest, the principal was briefly interviewed by a local reporter in the following video.
From YouTube:
In 2017 and 2018, unlike his flippant disregard for the hate directed at Miss Zirkle, Principal Trogisch went into action when swastikas and other "hateful paraphernalia" showed up in the school's bathrooms. The Walls principal contacted the Metropolitan Police Department to investigate the matter.
As with so many of these incidents, the person or persons responsible were never caught, but the Anti-Defamation League, led by Obama's former special adviser, Jonathan Greenblatt, quickly came to the rescue, advising the school to use the event as "a teachable moment." ADL became a member of the school's advisory board, meeting with students to discuss inclusion, diversity, and equality as essential in improving the overall climate of the school.
The swastika incident prompted Mr. Trogisch to send an urgent letter home to parents:
Jayne Zirkle, a senior at School Without Walls High School, known as "Walls," will spend the rest of the school year taking classes online. The severity of threats and harassment coming from her classmates has made it impossible for her to attend the public school without fear of physical harm.
When Zirkle went to D.C. public school leaders, including the principal of Walls, Richard Trogisch, she presented them with 200 pages of evidence outlining harassment, threats, and cyber-bullying from fellow students.
Zirkle told One America News reporter Neil McCabe that officials were not sympathetic, stating that "it would all blow over in a couple of weeks." Incredibly, she also was informed by those at the meeting that some of the "things these kids were saying were arrestable but not actually suspendable."
From YouTube:
Various videos posted on YouTube reveal to my eyes that Walls is an indoctrination camp for future hardcore socialist voters with zero tolerance for anyone who dares to dissent.
Zirkle never had a chance at this school once the student body of almost 600, their activist teachers, and the principal became aware of her political beliefs.
In 2012, Mr. Trogisch marched with his Walls students in support of Trayvon Martin (see video). During the Trayvon Martin protest, the principal was briefly interviewed by a local reporter in the following video.
From YouTube:
In 2017 and 2018, unlike his flippant disregard for the hate directed at Miss Zirkle, Principal Trogisch went into action when swastikas and other "hateful paraphernalia" showed up in the school's bathrooms. The Walls principal contacted the Metropolitan Police Department to investigate the matter.
As with so many of these incidents, the person or persons responsible were never caught, but the Anti-Defamation League, led by Obama's former special adviser, Jonathan Greenblatt, quickly came to the rescue, advising the school to use the event as "a teachable moment." ADL became a member of the school's advisory board, meeting with students to discuss inclusion, diversity, and equality as essential in improving the overall climate of the school.
The swastika incident prompted Mr. Trogisch to send an urgent letter home to parents:
I wanted to inform you of this incident and assure you that acts of hate will not be tolerated. At School Without Walls, we remain committed to ensuring that our campus is a safe space for learning and achievement for all students regardless of race or religion.Mr. Trogisch apparently does not tolerate "acts of hate" unless they are directed at Jayne Zirkle, a future Trump voter. His own political leanings seem to keep him and the students he incites comfortably within the School Without Walls while an innocent student with different views is denied the same safe space afforded to the Trump-haters. To date, no student has been arrested, expelled, or suspended for threatening and harassing Miss Zirkle. Why would they be? They are simply doing what the Democrat politicians and their minions like Trogisch want them to do.
M. Catharine Evans
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