Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Why isn't Anyone Talking about "Gender Appropriation"? - Sally Zahav


by Sally Zahav

Isn't it time to confront the gender appropriation that is occcuring in Western culture?

The Biden candidate for Supreme Court Justice, Ketanji Brown Jackson, cannot - or will not - define the term "woman". That should not surprise anyone. Getting pinned down on such a controversial matter would make you an enemy of one group or another. But it was interesting that the reason she gave for her reluctance was that "I am not a biologist". Really? Would a biologist's definition suffice? Because it seems to me that it is precisely the biologist's definition that the Left tries so hard to avoid!

In recent years, the Left has harassed us with the idea of "cultural appropriation". Though the idea is somewhat vague, it basically seems to mean that foods, customs, clothing, etc. of minority communities may not be enjoyed by people who are not members of that community. For instance, white people are not allowed to have dreadlocks, since that hair style is usually seen among black people. 

There was the case of Rachel Dolezal, who assumed a POC (Person of color) identity and made adjustments to her appearance so that she could - ironically - pass for a POC.

On the left is a picture of Ms. Dolezal in a teenager in her "birth" identity - white girl.

On the right is a picture of Ms. Dolezal in her adopted identity - light-skinned black woman. This is actually a true case of cultural appropriation. Is it bad or sinful? It seems to me like the symptom of a problem.

Race of Rachel Dolezal, Spokane NAACP head, questioned | CNN

  And while this:

Beautiful Black Woman with Long Straight Hair Stock Photo - Image of  beautiful, color: 37441472

 Is not considered cultural appropriation - (it's just attractive, you know).


25 Cool Dreadlock Hairstyles For Women In 2020 | White girl dreads, Pretty  dreads, Thin dreads

Is not a fashion choice. It's cultural appropriation. What?!

We have also been scolded - if we are non-Hispanic white - if we have a preference for Mexican food. How dare we like spicy food that did not originate in our country of birth? Insufferable audacity!

In these cases, the so-called "appropriation" was an expression of admiration, not a hostile takeover.

If I eat Tacos, I am asserting that I am Mexican. If I eat Peking duck, no one will accuse me of trying to pass myself off as Chinese! In fact, I would not be depriving anyone of anything. If I put my hair in dreadlocks, I would not be trying to erode any of the special qualities of "black culture".

But "trans" people actually do try to pass themselves off as something they are not. As I see it, they are guilty of gender appropriation. 

Frankly, I am not interested in what other people do in their bedrooms or how they dress. But I am offended when I am expected to bend reality to conform to an unfortunate person's gender dysphoria. It is somewhat insane to expect an entire society to ignore reality just to make a very few people feel better about themselves. And males should certainly not be able to compete in women's sports, no matter what pronouns they use. When males compete with women as "trans" women, they actually are depriving someone of something.

But there is reason for optimism.

More and more people and institutions are - pardon the expression, but it's so appropriate - "growing a pair" and stating the obvious. Trans athletes may be fine human beings. Although even here, I have my doubts, since males - there, I've said it - know that they have an obvious physiological advantage over their female competitors.  Why would a male be okay with competing with females as if he is comparable, physiologically. It's not fair - he must know it on some level. Since every cell in his body, since it contains the XY sex chromosome, states quietly and firmly, that he is male.

Sally Zahav

Source: Middle East and Terrorism

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