Monday, October 16, 2023

It's us or them - Jack Engelhard


​ by Jack Engelhard

When Iran’s mullahs say they intend to “wipe Israel off the map,” believe them.



All men and women of goodwill hope and pray that it never comes to this.

But in a world that has lost its senses, anything is possible. When Iran’s mullahs say they intend to “wipe Israel off the map,” believe them.

Not believing Hamas when it shouted the same slogan, is what caught Israel so unprepared.

For the mullahs, who speak only for themselves and fellow radicals and not the general population, it has always been a question of timing.

Is this the time?

They’ve been threatening, again today, to start up against Israel. They’ve got weapons and manpower fifth largest in the world…and they’re itching to do something.

Iran’s foreign minister has been quoted as saying, “Israel faces a huge earthquake if it invades Gaza on the ground.”

You talkin’ to me?

It must be whispered to him, that, if they cross a line, Israel speaks softly, but carries a big stick.

The Mullahs believe, wrongly, that Israel, preoccupied with Hamas, is on its knees and ripe for the taking.

Those Mullahs would pay a terrible price for such hot-headed miscalculations.

Israel remains powerful, focused, and resolved.

Let’s hope the Intel works better this time, but if the Intel brings news that both Iran and Hezbollah/Lebanon are indeed prepared to go doomsday, and when all other options have failed, so that Israel’s very survival is at stake, Israel will do what it has to do… equivocating be damned.

President Harry S Truman, known for his Plain Speak, saw the situation perfectly clear.

It’s Us or Them.

On February 13, 1945, victory in hand but still not certain, aerial units from both the United States and Britain commenced the firebombing of Dresden.

Tons of high explosive bombs were dropped, along with incendiary devices…to send a message to the rest of Germany

The message? We fight to win.

For Japan, the worst came a few months later, when on August 8, 1945, Truman ordered the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Truman took this measure to spare American lives. Their war mostly lost, Japan continued to fight, kamikaze style.

As Truman had it estimated, to continue and then engage the enemy on their home turf, would gamble the lives of one million US troops.

So he acted, regardless of the timid naysayers, because in a war for survival, there is no second best, and as he liked to say, “The buck stops here.”

Where does the buck stop for Israel?

Let’s be hopeful that through some stroke there in Tehran and Hezbollah/Lebanon, saner minds will prevail.

Israel must be allowed to finish Hamas, and as expected, the media is already focused on moral equivalency and those “poor Palestinians.”

As CBS, ABC, and NBC have it, in Gaza, only one percent are the terrorists, 99 percent are innocents.

In fact, 99 percent are terrorists, or enablers.

Israel has no choice but to crush this enemy.

It’s Us or Them.

New York-based bestselling American novelist Jack Engelhard writes regularly for Arutz Sheva.

Jack Engelhard wrote the worldwide book-to-movie bestsellerIndecent Proposal,” the authoritative newsroom epic, The Bathsheba Deadline,” followed by his coming-of-age classics, “The Girls of Cincinnati,” and, the Holocaust-to-Montreal memoir, “Escape from Mount Moriah. For that and his 1960s epic “The Days of the Bitter End,” contemporaries have hailed him “The last Hemingway, a writer without peer, and the conscience of us all.” Contact here.


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