Sunday, July 21, 2024

Secret Service admits denying Trump protective resources in the past despite complaints - Terrance Kible


by Terrance Kible

The Secret Service admitted resorting to 'utilizing state or local partners' when it had insufficient resources


The Secret Service admitted on Saturday to denying former President Donald Trump's team protective resources in the past and instead "utilizing state or local partners" to supplement insufficient Secret Service resources.

Trump's protective detail previously complained about receiving insufficient resources and personnel from the Secret Service.

Secret Service Chief of Communications Anthony Guglielmi admitted the agency denied some requests from Trump's protective detail in years past.

"In some instances where specific Secret Service specialized units or resources were not provided, the agency made modifications to ensure the security of the protected," Guglielmi told CNN.

Guglielmi said the agency made substitutions "utilizing state or local partners . . . to reduce public exposure of a protected."

The Secret Service, however, asserted it "added protective resources & technology & capabilities" in the leadup to the July 13 rally where a gunman killed one rallygoer, seriously injured two others, and wounded Trump, according to CNN.

Terrance Kible


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