Monday, August 5, 2024

Kamala's marvelous election year conversions - Mike McDaniel


by Mike McDaniel

We’re now in a race to the November finish with the media’s lies and Kamala’s campaign’s lies against Kamala’s own truthful expressions of her Communist ideology.


Human beings are contrary creatures. Decisions made yesterday—or four years ago—might be changed today in light of new, compelling information or fundamental revisions of belief. That’s human beings. Politicians are entirely different animals, far more sensitive to the urgings of the political winds, far more flexible in purported belief, with one notable exception: committed Communists.

I speak, obviously, of Kamala Harris, current POTUS in practice and the Asian/Black/whatever owner of the title: “most liberal senator ever.” In that position, she’s to the left of Bernie Sanders, who actually honeymooned in the Soviet Union:  

New details emerged Friday about Sen. Bernie Sanders' infamous honeymoon in the Soviet Union back in the 1980s -- including an anecdote about how his America-bashing abroad prompted one of his traveling companions to walk out of the room.

“I got really upset and walked out,” David F. Kelley, a Republican who helped arrange the trip and was part of the entourage, recalled in an extensive piece in The Washington Post. Kelley said that during Sanders' 1988 trip, the now-2020 presidential hopeful acted inappropriately by criticizing his own country amid the Cold War.

“When you are a critic of your country, you can say anything you want on home soil," he said. "At that point, the Cold War wasn’t over, the arms race wasn’t over, and I just wasn’t comfortable with it.”

It’s safe to say Harris is well into Communist territory, which means any election year conversion is a lie, meant to trick low information voters into thinking her supposed changes are indications of her future intentions. No one should believe her, not only because her lips are moving, but because of this:

Graphic: X Screenshot

That’s right. Harris hasn’t spoken any of those miraculous political conversions, only her campaign, which is working a repeat of Joe Biden’s basement campaign. With the willing assistance of the Democrat/socialist/communist (D/s/c) media propaganda arm, they’re counting on unending praise of the supernatural wonder that is Kamala, combined with keeping Kamala from answering any questions about her actual stances, and screaming “racist” and “sexist” at anyone daring to point any of that out, to put her in the White House. Well, that and the most massive vote fraud effort in American history.

But politicians change their views all the time! True, but that’s the occasional politician, of either party, and that’s on one, perhaps two, issues at a time. Most commonly, we’re talking about a D/s/c edging toward the middle in a tight political race where a single issue might be the deciding factor. That’s not the case here.

Communists and Islamists have much in common. Their ideologies are complete political systems. For Muslims Allah is the ultimate authority, and for Communists, the Party and its maximum leader serves that purpose. While individual Muslims or Communists might convert toward liberty, those at the top virtually never do, so pure is their faith in their ideology. They also share one other essential quality: their ideology allows, even compels, them to lie to non-believers, the better to ensure the triumph of their ideology. Consider this:  

Harris’s public policy views cannot withstand scrutiny. Although they have essentially reflect the orthodoxy of the Democratic Party, they are stupid and unpopular. Rich Lowry’s column “Kam’s sociopathic lies” demonstrates how she camouflages them in scripted settings. Her nascent campaign doesn’t seem to have an answer ready to hand. Thus the basement campaign.

The basement campaign is also necessary because when Kamala goes off script, this sort of debacle inevitably occurs:

Graphic: CNN Screenshot

At the event welcoming the return of the American prisoner/hostages from Russia, Harris made her first unscripted remarks since the Democrats swapped out Biden for Harris:

This is an extraordinary day, and, um, I’m very thankful for our president and what he has done over his entire career but in particular as it relates to these families and these individuals—what he has been able to do to bring the allies together on many issues but in particular this one. This is just an extraordinary testament to the importance of having a president who understands the power of diplomacy and understands the strength that rests in understanding the significance of diplomacy and strengthening alliances.

It's an extraordinary accomplishment, really. Kamala effortlessly generates incoherence without the benefit of dementia.

Thus far, the Trump Campaign has been damning Harris with her own words. We’re now in a race to the November finish with the media’s lies and Kamala’s campaign’s lies against Kamala’s own truthful expressions of her Communist ideology. 

Barack Obama owns the title of “The One,” leaving Kamala with, at best “The One-half.” Are Americans going to make history by putting a conveniently black Communist woman in the White House? We’ve three months to find out.

Mike McDaniel is a USAF veteran, classically trained musician, Japanese and European fencer, life-long athlete, firearm instructor, retired police officer and high school and college English teacher. He is a published author and blogger. His home blog is Stately McDaniel Manor. 


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