Wednesday, August 28, 2024

The largest operation in over 20 years - Israel National News


by Israel National News

Israeli forces continue to operate in Jenin, Tulkarm, and the Jordan Valley.


Israeli security forces continued on Wednesday to conduct a counterterrorism operation that began overnight in the Jenin and Tulkarm in the Menashe Brigade and in the Jordan Valley.

Overnight, an IDF aircraft struck and eliminated three armed terrorists in Jenin who posed a threat to the soldiers on the ground. The forces arrested wanted terrorists, and located and seized arms including an M16 assault rifle, ammunition, and other military equipment. In addition, undercover Border Police officers eliminated two additional armed terrorists.

Parallely, the forces began operating using a helicopter in Fara'a in the Jordan Valley, during which an aircraft struck and eliminated four armed terrorists who endangered the troops on the ground. The soldiers seized weapons and uncovered and destroyed explosives buried under roads in the area.

According to Palestinian Arab reports, at least 15 terrorists have been eliminated so far in the operation.

In addition, the reports said that some terrorists were injured in Nur Shams near Tulkarm and that an explosive device went off there.

Israel National News


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