by Robert Spencer

The wreckage of earlier Israeli-Palestinian peace efforts – the Camp David Accords, Oslo, the Road Map to Peace and all the rest – was on particularly vivid display this week.
Reuters reported Monday that “at least one rocket fired from Lebanon hit northern Israel on Monday….The rocket was fired from the area around the southern city of Tyre, Lebanese security sources said.” AFP noted that “a rocket fired from Syria hit the Israeli-occupied sector of the Golan Heights on Sunday.” Rockets from Gaza continue to hit Israel despite the Israeli defensive actions. And according to Al Arabiya, “Egyptian security thwarted on Sunday an attempt to launch two rockets from Sinai at Israel.”
Southern Lebanon, Gaza, Sinai – all previously “occupied territory” from which Israel withdrew in order to help bring about peace.
Israel withdrew from southern Lebanon in May 2000. Prime Minister Ehud Barack’s government thought that the withdrawal would show that Israel was serious about making peace, and would bring to an end the relentless attacks against Israel at the United Nations and in the international media. Israel withdrew from Gaza in September 2005. Prime Minister Ariel Sharon’s government thought that the withdrawal would show that Israel was serious about making peace, and would bring to an end the relentless attacks against Israel at the United Nations and in the international media. Israel withdrew from the Sinai Peninsula by 1982 as part of the Israel-Egypt Peace Treaty resulting from the Camp David Accords. Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin’s government thought that the withdrawal would show that Israel was serious about making peace, and would bring to an end the relentless attacks against Israel at the United Nations and in the international media.
Are you starting to see a pattern?
Israel carried out all three of these withdrawals in pursuit of peace. But peace never came.
The UN and the media never let up on Israel, and in each case, the Israeli withdrawal led to the previously “occupied territory” becoming a base for new jihad attacks against the Jewish state.
How many more times is this going to have to happen before the leaders of the free world stop pressuring Israel into entering into these self-defeating and fruitless “peace” agreements? The events of the last few days have assuredly not persuaded Barack Obama and John Kerry to stop pressuring Israel to withdraw from the “settlements” so as to show that Israel is serious about making peace, and to bring to an end the relentless attacks against Israel at the United Nations and in the international media. But even if such an agreement comes about, and it looks unlikely now with the latest jihad savagery and Netanyahu apparently resolute against it, it will fail, yet again. The war against Israel is a jihad for the sake of Islam. It will never be negotiated away. It will never be turned away from its ultimate goal of the destruction of Israel and the genocide of the Jews.
Obama and Kerry and the rest may know this. Obama’s anti-Semitic associations are so many and so long-lasting that it is hard to sustain the idea that he is pressing the Israelis to curtail their latest operations and enter into what would certainly be a disastrous ceasefire agreement with Hamas out of naivete and a well-meaning but ill-considered desire to make peace. He must know. And many in the Leftist intelligentsia must know.
Those who do not yet know, however, should ponder the spectacle of Israel being attacked from southern Lebanon, Gaza and the Sinai all in one day, as well as from Syria, with which the Nixon Administration pressed Israel to make peace in 1973.
Robert Spencer is the director of Jihad Watch and author of the New York Times bestsellers The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades) and The Truth About Muhammad. His latest book, Arab Winter Comes to America: The Truth About the War We're In, is now available.
Copyright - Original materials copyright (c) by the authors.
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