Saturday, September 14, 2024

What could Israel expect from a Harris administration? - Jonathan S. Tobin


by Jonathan S. Tobin

It wouldn’t cease to exist in two years, but a president and a Democratic Party that is in thrall to its intersectional left wing will have serious consequences for the Jewish state.


U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris speaks at an event at Desert Diamond Arena in Glendale, Ariz., on Aug. 9, 2024. Credit: Gage Skidmore/Creative Commons.
U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris speaks at an event at Desert Diamond Arena in Glendale, Ariz., on Aug. 9, 2024. Credit: Gage Skidmore/Creative Commons.

The path to the Oval Office has seemingly been strewn with roses for Vice President Kamala Harris since she emerged as the chief beneficiary of the Democratic Party establishment’s coup d’état against President Joe Biden. This week’s debate with former President Donald Trump, which she was generally perceived as having won, hasn’t changed that.

Nevertheless, the election is far from decided. Though Harris has taken the lead in most national polls, her path to an Electoral College majority is still relatively narrow. The crucial swing states that will decide the outcome remain too close to call. Yet even though there are still several weeks left in a remarkable campaign in which unexpected occurrences have become commonplace, Harris must now be considered, at the very least, a slight favorite to win in November.

And that means it’s time to seriously consider what exactly a Harris presidency will mean. And there is no subject on which the answer to that question is more consequential than the future of U.S.-Israel relations. With the war on Hamas in Gaza still raging and the possibility of more hostilities with Hezbollah in Lebanon and/or both terrorist groups’ Iranian sponsors, Israelis and those who care about the Jewish state are well aware that the identity of the next president will have life-and-death consequences.

A pro-Israel administration?

As one would expect, the respective campaigns have very different answers about the future of the alliance should Harris win. Jewish Democrats are predictably claiming that Israel need not worry about her. Part of that involves citing her various promises of support. While as she made clear in the debate, Harris is seeking to disassociate herself from the unpopular Biden, this also involves making the case that the administration in which she served has been pro-Israel.

As Republicans and other administration critics point out, that is undermined by Washington’s actions, which have consistently sought to hamstring Israel’s war effort and push for a ceasefire that would essentially allow Hamas to reconstitute itself and threaten more Oct. 7-type massacres of Israelis in the future. But, as they have during the last year, Democrats claim that the supply of arms to Israel (never mind that the flow of supplies is being slow-walked) and military efforts to fend off Iranian attacks prove that the alliance is still rock-solid.

During the debate, Harris walked the same fine line about Israel and the war she has been articulating during the last year.

She expressed horror over the Oct. 7 atrocities in southern Israel and declared her support for Israel’s right to defend itself while adding the caveat that “it matters how” that defense is conducted. That is always followed by language intended to assuage the anti-Israel wing of her party: expressions of sympathy for innocent Palestinians and claims that too many people have died during Israel’s efforts to defeat Hamas and that the war “must end immediately,” regardless of whether that allows the murderers and rapists of Oct. 7 to win by remaining in control of Gaza. She then expressed her belief in a “two-state solution,” ignoring the fact that her pious hopes for security and dignity for both Israelis and Palestinians are inconsistent with the desire of the latter to keep fighting until the Jewish state is eradicated.

Much like her signaling that she views pro-Hamas mobs as having a position that must be “heard,” Harris is leaving open the possibility that her definition of “pro-Israel” will be one that will be hard to distinguish from its fiercest and most vicious critics. At least for now, that is balanced by the fact that she clearly understands that open hostility to Israel is a political loser and that she can’t afford to proclaim herself as someone who isn’t dedicated to protecting the Jewish state’s security. That is true even if that means supporting defense against terror but not efforts to defeat the terrorists.

By contrast, Republicans, and especially Trump, paint a dark picture of a Harris presidency in which the increasingly dominant woke anti-Israel left-wing of the Democrats will have the whip hand over the remnants of pro-Israel Democrats.

In the Sept. 10 debate, Trump was characteristically blunt and hyperbolic, claiming that Harris “hates” Israel and that the Jewish state would “not exist two years from now.” Republicans believe that the ongoing commitment of the Biden administration to appeasing Iran is at the core of the problems of the Middle East and is a dangerous policy Harris will continue.

Which of these perspectives is correct?

Let’s start by stating upfront that Trump’s prediction of Israel’s imminent demise should Harris prevail over him is both irresponsible and almost certainly not true.

The Iranian factor

It is possible that in speaking this way, he was alluding to the possibility of Tehran finally getting nuclear weapons and then using them to essentially wipe Israel off the map in a genocidal war that would also devastate Iran and likely mean the end of the Islamist regime.

Given the existential threats that are routinely made against Israel by the Iranians, this possibility cannot be entirely discounted. And Trump has reason to feel aggrieved about Biden’s return to the policy charted by President Barack Obama in which the United States sought to realign the Middle East with a rapprochement with Iran and distancing itself from traditional allies like Israel and Saudi Arabia. Had it remained in place, Trump’s “maximum pressure” strategy might have forced Iran to give up its nuclear ambition. Obama’s disastrous 2015 nuclear deal had guaranteed that Iran would eventually get a nuclear weapon, and Trump’s rejection of the pact and imposition of tough sanctions had a chance of correcting that grievous mistake.

But in the four years of the Biden administration, during which it failed to get Tehran to agree to a new and even weaker deal, Iran has essentially already become a threshold nuclear power. Washington has already acknowledged that Iran already has enough fissile material to “break out” to a bomb in less than two weeks. That means that the effort to stop Iran has already failed. Even a reversion to Trump’s get-tough policy now would probably be too late to do anything about that. Still, it is also true that further appeasement of Iran will further embolden Tehran’s adventurism.

Biden’s weakness is largely to blame for the current escalation of conflict throughout the region and the growing threats to Israel. More of the same under Harris would increase the chances for even more conflict. Still, barring an apocalyptic decision by the mullahs to blow up the region—and themselves—Israel isn’t going to disappear.

Even if we deprecate that prediction, Israel’s government—whether it continues to be led by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu or he is replaced by one of his opponents—will likely find a Harris administration a difficult and dangerous partner.

Back to the Obama era?

Biden’s foreign-policy team was almost all composed of Obama alumni, which ensured that it would be deeply hostile to Netanyahu, who they resented for his courageous opposition to their nuclear betrayal on Iran.

A Harris team will also likely be heavily influenced by the same mindset. But as fractious as the relationship with Jerusalem has been the past four years, it will probably be even more problematic in the next four years if she wins. That’s because, for all of her cynical political trimming on the issues, both the Democratic Party of 2024 and Harris’ own opinions are very different from the mindset that animated Biden’s presidency.

It must be acknowledged that we don’t know how much Biden is still influencing policy during a period of obvious cognitive decline. In the first years of his presidency, he was a factor. And that meant that although he despised Netanyahu and feared his party’s anti-Israel left-wingers, policy towards Israel was a familiar mix of support and a desire to “save it from itself.” Top positions on foreign policy were held by those who shared this liberal version of “pro-Israel” in which a commitment to protect the Jewish state was always mixed in with a belief that Americans knew more about what was in its interests than the Israelis.

That might mean the U.S.-Israel relationship will revert to the even colder ties that existed under Obama. Many Jewish Democrats still revere Obama and would be perfectly happy with an administration that strove to undermine the decisions of Israel’s voters in order to revive the disastrous and failed policies of that country’s once-dominant left-wing parties. Still, a forecast of a reversion to Obama-era levels of tension might be a trifle optimistic.

Unlike during Obama’s presidency, the administration will no longer be held even slightly in check by pro-Israel Democrats or fear of offending its party base. Harris doesn’t have the same pro-Israel bona fides as a previous generation of Democratic leaders, though she knows it is in her interest to mimic this formula. As someone who came out of a California state party that has always trended to the left, she is far more open to the influence of woke intersectional voices who are inherently hostile to Israel. Such figures have already been given influence in the Biden administration, albeit in lower-level positions. But as someone who aspires to represent the next generation of Democrats, the anti-Israel left will almost certainly have even more influence in her administration and likely dominate its political apparatus.

A dangerous prescription

That is a prescription for unrelenting pressure on Israel to stand down in its war on Hamas, make more concessions to Hezbollah in Lebanon and acquiesce to an Iran that is on the verge of joining the nuclear club. Cutoffs of weapons, a green light to the lawfare against Israel in the United Nations, more sanctions against Israelis and fewer against Palestinian terrorists will become a real possibility.

If Israel survived eight years of Obama’s appeasement of Iran and unrelenting efforts to tilt the diplomatic playing field in favor of the Palestinians, it will likely survive a Harris presidency, even if the road ahead will be even more dangerous than past confrontations. Yet as Oct. 7 and Iran’s escalations have shown, the Jewish state’s security dilemmas are far more perilous than they were from 2009 to 2017.

Would another Trump presidency be better for Israel? That is what Republicans believe and, given his record, they have reason to think so. But it’s also true that the influence of right-wing Israel-haters like Tucker Carlson on Trump and worries about who will fill the roles that staunch friends of Israel had in his first administration are issues that need to be resolved. These are questions for a separate essay.

Israel has already paid a high price in blood and suffering for Biden’s disastrous foreign policy. But as a Harris presidency looms as a real possibility, supporters of Israel, especially among the Democrats, need to take seriously the question of whether her campaign platitudes and hair-splitting about antisemitic mobs is a harbinger of a true turn against the Jewish state or just a continuation of Biden’s equivocal policies.

Jonathan S. Tobin is editor-in-chief of JNS (Jewish News Syndicate). Follow him @jonathans_tobin.


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To Stop Hamas, Confront Qatar and Iran - Majid Rafizadeh


by Majid Rafizadeh

By turning a blind eye to the actions of the Iranian regime while releasing roughly $100 billion to the treasury of the mullahs, the Biden-Harris administration is responsible for empowering these entities.


  • The Biden-Harris administration's lifting of sanctions is what enabled Iran to profit to the tune of an estimated $100 billion, used for waging terror against Israel, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia -- and the US. Just since October, Iran and its terror proxies and militias have attacked US troops in the Middle East more than 160 times, killing three and wounding more than 120...

  • By turning a blind eye to the actions of the Iranian regime while releasing roughly $100 billion to the treasury of the mullahs, the Biden-Harris administration is responsible for empowering these entities.

  • This week in Gaza, more deaths were reported after Israel took out a Hamas command center embedded in what used to function as a school in a "humanitarian zone." If Hamas cares about the Palestinians and does not want them killed, why does it deliberately put its terrorist command centers in the middle of crowded "humanitarian zones"?

  • "He was murdered by Hamas.... And if you want the hostages home, which we all do, you have to increase the cost to Iran.... Iran is the Great Satan here. Hamas is the junior partner.... They [could not] care less about the Palestinian people." -- US Senator Lindsey Graham, referring to the murdered US-Israeli hostage, Hersh Goldberg-Polin, Fox News, September 1, 2024.

  • It is a clear call for the Biden-Harris administration to hold Iran accountable for the remaining hostages, and to target Iran's oil refineries if the hostages are not immediately released.

  • So long as the US government continues to sit on the sidelines, the brutality and savagery of Hamas and their Iranian benefactors will only escalate. It is high time to confront Iran's regime head-on and stop its spread of barbarity before more innocent lives are lost -- above all, before the world's "leading state sponsor of terrorism" produces nuclear weapons.

So long as the US government continues to sit on the sidelines, the brutality and savagery of Hamas and their Iranian benefactors will only escalate. It is high time to confront Iran's regime head-on and stop its spread of barbarity before more innocent lives are lost -- above all, before the world's "leading state sponsor of terrorism" produces nuclear weapons. Pictured: Sayad 4-B missile at a military parade in Tehran, Iran on April 17, 2024. (Photo by Atta Kenare/AFP via Getty Images)

It is almost unimaginable that in the 21st century, such horrors would still take place. The brutal acts of Hamas remind us of the darkest periods in history, such as the atrocities committed by Hitler's Germany. Yet, the Iranian regime and its proxies -- particularly terrorist groups like Hamas -- continue to bring new levels of barbarity into the modern world.

The recent recovery of six executed Israeli hostages, including Israeli-American Hersh Goldberg-Polin, from a tunnel in Rafah highlights the extent of this cruelty. These hostages, four of whom were scheduled to be released in a draft ceasefire deal, were murdered by Hamas before Israeli Defense Forces could reach them -- a reminder of the inhumanity and savagery of Hamas, emboldened by their Iranian backers.

The Biden-Harris administration's lifting of sanctions is what enabled Iran to profit to the tune of an estimated $100 billion, used for waging terror against Israel, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia -- and the US. Just since October, Iran and its terror proxies and militias have attacked US troops in the Middle East more than 160 times, killing three and wounding more than 120 -- all while President Joe Biden falsely claimed that under his watch, no US troops were killed. That does not even include the 13 American troops who were murdered in Kabul while the Biden-Harris administration surrendered to the Taliban terrorist group.

Anyone with a soul has to be devastated beyond words at the loss of six innocent lives, whose only crime was being caught in the terror tunnels of Hamas's violence. Each of these individuals had a life, family and dreams, only to murdered by Hamas, which is supported by Iran, with funding enabled by the Biden-Harris team.

All of this started with Hamas' invasion of Israel on October 7, 2023. The barbaric invaders from Gaza claimed murdered more than 1,200 people in Israel, including at least 32 Americans. These terrorists tortured and wounded thousands, and abducted 251 people, and dragged them back to Gaza as hostages -- among them, U.S. citizens.

Most infuriating is the inaction of the Biden-Harris administration. Their failure to confront Hamas, Iran and Qatar -- the other godfather of Hamas and all other Islamic terror groups and poisoner-in-chief of the minds of students in US universities, to which it has donated more than $6 billion -- has emboldened these forces of terror. By turning a blind eye to the actions of the Iranian regime while releasing roughly $100 billion to the treasury of the mullahs, the Biden-Harris administration is responsible for empowering these entities.

This cowardice in the face of tyranny has only allowed Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthis and Iran to grow bolder, unleashing more terror and destruction upon innocent civilians.

This week in Gaza, more deaths were reported after Israel took out a Hamas command center embedded in what used to function as a school in a "humanitarian zone." If Hamas cares about the Palestinians and does not want them killed, why does it deliberately put its terrorist command centers in the middle of crowded "humanitarian zones"?

The world cannot just stand by as these atrocities continue to unfold. What is urgently needed are decisive economic and military measures against Iran. Both Iran and Qatar must be made to pay a price for promoting and sponsoring terror. This means targeting the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, striking Iran's oil refineries, strictly enforcing sanctions against Iran, countering its nuclear weapons program and moving US forces out of Qatar's Al Udaid Air Base, headquarters of the US Central Command (CENTCOM). On January 1, Secretary of State Antony Blinken fecklessly extended the lease on Al Udaid for another 10 years. This must be immediately rescinded. The enormous airbase is doubtless thought of by Qatar's ruling Al Thani family as its own private US protection program.

Countries that choose to violate US sanctions should be held accountable as well. So far, shamefully, the Biden-Harris administration allowed them to, even while Iranian forces were killing and wounding the service members of its benefactor. I do not blame them, I blame us.

Only through strong and resolute action can we hope to cut off the lifeline of support that fuels Hamas and its barbarity – and especially the imminent jihad of Iran's nuclear weapons program.

As US Senator Lindsey Graham stated, referring to the murdered US-Israeli hostage, Hersh Goldberg-Polin:

"He was murdered by Hamas.... And if you want the hostages home, which we all do, you have to increase the cost to Iran.... Iran is the Great Satan here. Hamas is the junior partner.... They [could not] care less about the Palestinian people."

It is a clear call for the Biden-Harris administration to hold Iran accountable for the remaining hostages, and to target Iran's oil refineries if the hostages are not immediately released.

So long as the US government continues to sit on the sidelines, the brutality and savagery of Hamas and their Iranian benefactors will only escalate. It is high time to confront Iran's regime head-on and stop its spread of barbarity before more innocent lives are lost -- above all, before the world's "leading state sponsor of terrorism" produces nuclear weapons.

Dr. Majid Rafizadeh is a business strategist and advisor, Harvard-educated scholar, political scientist, board member of Harvard International Review, and president of the International American Council on the Middle East. He has authored several books on Islam and US Foreign Policy. He can be reached at Dr.Rafizadeh@Post.Harvard.Edu


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Israel reportedly disrupts Iran’s missile accuracy project in Syria - Yaakov Lappin


by Yaakov Lappin

Only a very high-value target could warrant a commando air-drop operation


Special forces operators from the Israeli Air Force's Shadag unit take part in a combat exercise in a built-up area at the Palmachim Airbase, July 12, 2020. Credit: IDF Spokesperson.
Special forces operators from the Israeli Air Force's Shadag unit take part in a combat exercise in a built-up area at the Palmachim Airbase, July 12, 2020. Credit: IDF Spokesperson.

According to foreign media reports, on Sept. 8, Israel conducted a joint air-ground operation targeting a significant weapons production facility, where precise missiles are developed and built for Hezbollah, in western Syria’s Hama Province, near Masyaf.

It seems reasonable to assume that the targeted facility, operated by the Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and associated with Syria’s Scientific Studies and Research Center (CERS), plays a critical role in Tehran’s missile accuracy project for Hezbollah.

The operation would seem to mark an important step in Israel’s long-standing campaign to disrupt Iran’s military entrenchment in Syria and prevent advanced weaponry from reaching Hezbollah, which poses a strategic threat to Israel.

The facility targeted in this complex strike is part of Iran’s broader effort to develop precision missile technology in partnership with Syria and Hezbollah. After many shipments of Iranian missiles kept mysteriously exploding en route to Syria since 2012, Iran took the decision to manufacture and develop precise missiles on Syrian soil, to reduce exposure to Israeli intelligence and firepower. It appears as if that approach failed on Sept. 8.

Israeli commandos, along with air and drone support, reportedly executed a coordinated attack, demolishing key sections of the missile production site and retrieving valuable intelligence.

The facility targeted in the operation is part of the CERS network, with a particular focus on the development of precision-guided missiles. CERS, or the Scientific Studies and Research Center, is central to Syria’s military-industrial complex. Among its various projects, the organization is deeply involved in developing chemical weapons, ballistic missile technology, and other advanced military capabilities.

The site in Masyaf seems to belong to CERS’s Institute 4000, which, according to the Alma Research and Education Center, is heavily involved in Project 99—a program centered on the development of precision ballistic missiles. This effort is directly linked to Iran’s overarching goal of enhancing Hezbollah’s missile capabilities, giving the Lebanese terror group the ability to strike targets in Israel with pinpoint accuracy.

The reported presence of Iranian and North Korean expertise at the site reflects the international dimensions of this weapons development effort, and the facility has long been a prime target for Israeli military planners, according to foreign media reports.

The primary objectives of Institute 4000 include the production of missiles and rockets, with a focus on improving Hezbollah’s arsenal. In addition to precision-guided missiles, the facility produces other critical military hardware, including unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), bombs and missile propellants.

Air, ground, fighter jet, helicopter and drone elements

The attack on Sept. 8 was notable for its coordination between air, ground, fighter jet, helicopter and drone elements, if reports are to be believed. The Israel Defense Forces has not commented on the reports.

While Israel has regularly conducted hundreds of airstrikes on Iranian targets in Syria since the Islamic Republic began entrenchment efforts there in 2012, this operation reportedly involved Israeli commandos on the ground.

According to reports, Israeli helicopters transported commandos to the site, where they planted explosives and gathered intelligence before helping to demolish the facility. Meanwhile, Israeli drones reportedly targeted Syrian military forces attempting to approach the site, ensuring that the commandos could carry out their mission without interference.

The frequency with which Israeli commandos operate behind enemy lines is unknown, but if they do indeed take part in additional operations against enemy sites, they have remained out of the media spotlight, unlike the Sept. 8 attack.

The strike seemingly included aerial bombardments of both the facility and the Syrian military positions and air defenses surrounding it. The ability to neutralize Syrian air defense systems is key to the success of these operations, as Syria’s advanced air defense network, which is partly supplied by Russia, poses a significant threat to Israeli aircraft.

The strike also targeted access roads leading to the facility, preventing reinforcements from arriving or escaping the area, reports claimed.

For years, Hezbollah has been working with Iranian support to upgrade its missile arsenal, moving from unguided rockets to precision-guided missiles. The attack at Masyaf could, in theory, delay or prevent the delivery of these advanced weapons to Hezbollah.

Hezbollah’s growing missile capabilities have long been a focus of concern for Israel. The Iranian-backed Shi’ite terror army already possesses tens of thousands of rockets, and while most of them lack the precision needed to hit specific targets, Hezbollah has converted a growing number of medium- and short-range rockets into precise weapons—some of them at Institute 4000 in Syria. Hezbollah likely has dozens of precise Fateh 110 missiles and several hundred precise short-range rockets, cruise missiles and surface-to-air missiles, according to estimates by the Alma Center.

Precision-guided missiles give Hezbollah the ability to strike critical infrastructure, military bases and civilian centers with far greater accuracy.

Israel has repeatedly stated that it will not allow Hezbollah to acquire precision-guided missiles.

Iran will continue its efforts to arm Hezbollah with precision-guided missiles, while Israel remains committed to preventing these weapons from being deployed against it. With Syria serving as a key battleground in this struggle, further strikes are likely as Israel seeks to defend its security interests and maintain its military edge in the region.

Yaakov Lappin is an Israel-based military affairs correspondent and analyst. He is the in-house analyst at the Miryam Institute; a research associate at the Alma Research and Education Center; and a research associate at the Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies at Bar-Ilan University. He is a frequent guest commentator on international television news networks, including Sky News and i24 News. Lappin is the author of Virtual Caliphate: Exposing the Islamist State on the Internet. Follow him at:


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Elected leaders worldwide call on Brazil to back off censorship as global elite call for more - Greg Piper


by Greg Piper

Brazil's actions "could set a dangerous precedent that quickly spreads," EU, U.K., Mexico, South America leaders warn. Bill Gates floats real-time AI censorship, Robert Reich wants Musk arrested worldwide for "disseminating lies and hate."


With U.S. authorities' silence on Brazil's Supreme Court upholding a nationwide ban on X and $9,000 fines for users who circumvent technical blocks – and the Democratic vice presidential nominee claiming the First Amendment doesn't protect "hate speech" or "misinformation" – foreign leaders elsewhere are stepping up to defend free speech in Latin America and globally.

Former U.K. Prime Minister Liz Truss, three members of its House of Lords, Chilean presidential runner-up José Antonio Kast, current and former lawmakers from Mexico to South America and the European Parliament, five Republican state attorneys general and prominent journalists and academics joined an open letter organized by Alliance Defending Freedom International.

"This situation extends far beyond Brazil, serving as a striking example of a growing trend of censorship by government officials, who are becoming increasingly aggressive in suppressing speech they find objectionable," the 100-plus signatories told Brazil's Federal Senate and Chamber of Deputies. Brazil's actions "could set a dangerous precedent that quickly spreads."

American and European elites, from philanthropist Bill Gates and former U.S. Labor Secretary Robert Reich to Truss's predecessor Tony Blair, are increasingly speaking favorably of suppressing challenges to official government narratives, even preemptively.

Reich may have gone the furthest, laying out a six-point roadmap in the U.K Guardian to "rein in" X owner Elon Musk through economic boycotts, canceled government contracts and arrest for "disseminating lies and hate" wherever the Donald Trump-endorsing billionaire travels, approvingly citing France's arrest of Telegram CEO Pavel Durov.

"I certainly see a position where the world's going to have to come together and agree to some rules around social media platforms," Blair told "Leading Britain's Conversation" last week when asked directly if the U.K. "may have to follow Brazil's lead" on punishing platforms for disinformation in light of the country's own recent protests against unchecked immigration.

As for "what the answer is and what the right system of regulation is, I'm not sure," but "there's got to be" something because "people can provoke, you know, hostility and hatred," Blair said.

"Fascists," Musk responded Thursday to new Australian legislation to fine platforms up to 5% of their global revenue for not preventing the spread of purported misinformation. 

Reuters reported it targets "false content that hurts election integrity or public health, calls for denouncing a group or injuring a person, or risks disrupting key infrastructure or emergency services." If platforms don't devise their own government-approved codes of conduct, a regulator would do it and fine them for noncompliance.

Artificial intelligence is serving as both the justification for censorship and a tool for protecting the public from purported misinformation, as tracked by civil liberties group Reclaim the Net.

California lawmakers recently passed several AI-related bills, which Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom has said he supports, including a ban on content "materially deceptive related to elections in California" that plausibly covers satirical memes. 

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg recently apologized for his platform censoring such content.

"We should have free speech, but you're inciting violence, if you're causing people not to take vaccines, where are those boundaries?" Gates asked rhetorically in a CNBC interview on his new Netflix series "What's Next?" A major vaccine funder, Gates himself spurred vaccine hesitancy by criticizing the lackluster performance of COVID-19 vaccines.

He speculated the U.S. could enforce "rules" through "some AI that encodes those rules, because you have billions of activity [sic] and if you catch it a day later, the harm is done." Reclaim the Net noted Gates didn't say who would enforce those rules.

Gates incorrectly stated U.S. legal precedent by claiming that "yelling 'fire' in a crowded theater" isn't protected by the First Amendment, in another interview with CNET

To guard against "deepfakes" – also the subject of a California bill on its way to Newsom – "most of the time you're online you're going to want to be in an environment where the people are truly identified, that is they're connected to a real-world identity that you trust, instead of just people saying whatever they want," Gates said. His foundation funds such projects.

ADF International previously urged the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, which investigates complaints against signatories including Brazil, to "urgently intervene" after Justice Alexandre de Moraes ordered the "immediate, complete and total suspension of X’s operations" and a freeze on its half-sibling Starlink's assets, partly owned by Musk, two weeks ago.

Both are based on X's refusal to name a legal representative in Brazil after Moraes threatened to imprison the employee in that position for flouting "illegal orders to censor its users as a preemptive measure, without due process," the advocacy group told IACHR commissioners.

Using the "pretext of combatting disinformation and fake news" – the latter not even defined in the country's law – Brazil has "targeted conservative voices for censorship" going back six years, including by blocking pro-life advocacy against the "pro-abortion" position of then-election candidate Lula da Silva in 2022, the letter says. 

It cited a 2023 survey that found most Brazilians felt chilled by these actions, which include "criminal proceedings against individuals, journalists and influencers" for sharing opinions, claiming they violated Article 41 of the convention. 

"The situation, severe and endemic in Brazil, has not even been included by the Rapporteur [for Freedom of Expression] and the Commission in their annual reports!" ADF International said.

Court actions violate Brazil's own constitution, Universal Declaration of Human Rights and International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the new open letter to Brazil's lawmakers says. "Freedom of expression is not negotiable, nor is it a privilege – it is the cornerstone of every democratic society."

Other signatories include Twitter Files journalist Michael Shellenberger, who exposed the efforts of Moraes to criminalize dissent and censor supporters of ex-President Jair Bolsonaro, former ACLU President Nadine Strossen and cofounder Melissa Chen of Ideas Beyond Borders, which translates and digitally distributes "vital, but often banned information" in authoritarian countries.

Current and former U.S. elected officials include Sam Brownback, the former GOP senator from Kansas and ambassador-at-large for international religious freedom, and the Attorneys General for Missouri, Kansas, Louisiana, Utah and Tennessee. High-profile academics include Princeton's Robert George and Ayaan Hirsi Ali at Stanford's Hoover Institution.

Ordinary internet users can also sign the open letter, whose web page of Thursday night says nearly 1,500 have done so.

A recent article on Northeastern University's in-house news site touted its faculty's analysis of Brazil's actions, framing them as a legitimate response to "the vision of the internet as a libertarian, transnational free-speech zone where only the best ideas rise to the top." 

Political science and law professor Claudia Haupt said companies have to regularly change their "community standards" to comply with laws in different countries, "and there’s no First Amendment problems with that."

"Courts are rethinking libertarian free speech paradigms," computer science and law professor Elettra Bietti said. Both professors invoked the European Union's Digital Services Act, which a Brookings Institution scholar said would be mostly unconstitutional stateside.

Northeastern said Justice Samuel Alito "opened the door to regulation" through his concurring opinion in a decision that returned two social media neutrality laws to lower courts. Alito said the DSA requires "similar disclosures" as Texas and California, "yet the sky has not fallen."

On Friday, Brazil's supreme court said that it ordered funds to be moved from Musk's Starlink and X bank accounts to pay fines levied against his social media venture. Following the transfers, the court ordered the seized bank accounts and assets of X and Starlink be unfrozen, according to,

Greg Piper


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‘Policy of intimidation and threat’: How Hamas brutalizes Palestinians to maintain control of Gaza - Jerusalem Post Staff


by Jerusalem Post Staff

“There is no liberation movement that has freed its people without paying a big price in terms of civilians,” Hamas official Salah al-Din al-Awawdeh said.


Palestinians walk next to a destroyed Mosque from an Israeli airstrike in the southern Gaza Strip, on September 9, 2024 (photo credit: ABED RAHIM KHATIB/FLASH90)
Palestinians walk next to a destroyed Mosque from an Israeli airstrike in the southern Gaza Strip, on September 9, 2024
(photo credit: ABED RAHIM KHATIB/FLASH90)

Palestinian activists and whistleblowers complained of the brutal treatment they faced for speaking out against the terror group Hamas, which governs the Gaza Strip, in an article published by the New York Times on Friday. 

The article followed the torture of Palestinian activist Amin Abed - who had previously found bullets on his doorstep in response to speaking out against Hamas. 

Abed told the Times that in July, he was attacked by members of Hamas. They reportedly covered Abed’s face and beat him with hammers and metal bars. 

“At any moment, I can be killed by the Israeli occupation, but I can face the same fate at the hands of those who’ve been ruling us for 17 years,” he told the Times from his hospital bed in the United Arab Emirates. “They almost killed me, those killers and criminals.”

The attack on Abed reportedly only ended when bystanders intervened. He currently remains hospitalized.

“I feel terrible that I’ve left our family and people behind, but at the same time, I feel safe for the first time in 17 years,” he said. “There’s no one that wants to kill, arrest or follow me.”

 Screenshot from Hamas Image threatening to kill more hostages if more military pressure is applied, September 2,2024. (credit: screenshot)Enlrage image
Screenshot from Hamas Image threatening to kill more hostages if more military pressure is applied, September 2,2024. (credit: screenshot)

The assault on Abed is not a one-off, according to the report and numerous other investigations. Palestinians speaking out against Hamas have routinely been attacked or even murdered by members of the terror group.

Many of the murders reportedly come with the excuse that the Palestinian individual had attempted to steal humanitarian aid - which Hamas steals and hoards despite numerous attempts to deliver food and resources to the people of Gaza. 

 Palestinians inspect a school sheltering displaced people, after it was hit by an Israeli strike, amid the Israel-Hamas conflict, in Nuseirat in the central Gaza Strip, September 11, 2024. (credit: REUTERS/Khamis Al-Rifi)Enlrage image
Palestinians inspect a school sheltering displaced people, after it was hit by an Israeli strike, amid the Israel-Hamas conflict, in Nuseirat in the central Gaza Strip, September 11, 2024. (credit: REUTERS/Khamis Al-Rifi)

Hamas's use of civilian infrastructure

If Hamas is not directly slaughtering the civilians, its warfare style, where it utilizes civilian shields, adds to the body count.

Vice Adm. Frank Whitworth, the head of the US intelligence agency that analyzes satellite imagery told the Times “We also have a responsibility to tell the whole story. 

“We certainly are enabling Israel to protect itself. But we are also calling every ball and strike and balk and foul, and we’re doing so in a very complete way.”

“There’s no international law that justifies Israel killing civilians,” said Mkhaimar Abusada, a professor of political science who fled Gaza early in the war. “But Hamas has acted recklessly.”

“Those launching rockets and firing bullets from civilian areas don’t care about civilians,” Abu Shaker, going by his nickname, told the Times. If you want to fight Israel, you should go do that. But why are you coming to hide among the civilians?” 

Husam Badran, a senior Hamas official, denied that the terror group was deliberately putting Palestinians in harm’s way by utilizing civilian infrastructure for its terror bases. 

“There’s no such thing as being outside residential areas in Gaza,” Badran, said. “These pretexts, primarily made by the Israeli occupation army, are meaningless.”

Despite Badran’s claim, the tunnel in which six hostages were murdered was constructed underneath a child’s bedroom. Tunnels and weapons belonging to the terror group have frequently been found under nurseries and the terror group has used schools, where displaced Gazans have sought shelter, as headquarters. 

Other Hamas officials did not deny putting Palestinians in harms way, rather claiming that “freedom doesn’t come for free,” as was the statement given by Salah al-Din al-Awawdeh, a Hamas terrorist who spent time in prison with Yahya Sinwar.

“There is no liberation movement that has freed its people without paying a big price in terms of civilians,” he said.

While polls on Palestinian opinion show varied results on the support of Hamas in the enclave, and the IDF found that Hamas had manufactured the results of some to show greater levels of support, the Times said it had found dissatisfaction among Gazans with their leadership.

A new poll by the Arab World for Research and Development found only 6% of Gazans would want Hamas to lead a Palestinian state.

The Palestinian Journalists’ Syndicate have also accused Hamas of silencing them with “policy of intimidation and threat.”

The house of Ehab Fasfous, a reporter and Hamas-critic in Gaza, was reportedly stormed by gunmen. The Syndicate did not name Hamas in their statement, but the Times reported “it left little doubt that it was behind the raid.”

“Journalists in Gaza are being constantly killed by Israel,” said Tahseen al-Astal, the deputy head of the group. “When internal Palestinian parties go after them, too, their work becomes impossible.” 

“If you’re not with them, you become an atheist, an infidel and a sinner,” Fasfous said, explaining how the terror group view critics.

Ismail Thawabteh, the director general of the Hamas-run government media office, denied Hamas’s involvement in the incidents relating to Fasfoud and Abed. 

Thawabteh claimed instead that the pair had suffered at the hands of street crime or were attacked over personal disputes.

“This is the story of the Palestinian people in Gaza,” Ahmed Fouad Alkhatib, a Palestinian American who is a fellow with the Atlantic Council claimed. “The powerlessness of being stuck between a ferocious Israeli war machine and a nefarious Islamist group that operates among the civilians.”

Jerusalem Post Staff


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Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s former running mate releases ad titled: 'Who really are the MAGA People?' - Charlotte Hazard


by Charlotte Hazard

"Just recently the MAGA people have joined forces with another group: the MAHA people," the voiceover in the ad says, of "a movement to make America healthy again."


Former independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s running mate, Nicole Shanahan, released a new ad Friday titled, "Who really are the MAGA People?"

The video posted to the social media platform, X shows footage of Americans from rural areas, cities and suburban areas. 

"Join us as we explore the fascinating world of the MAGA people," a voiceover says during the ad. 

"Our media had warned us that these were a vicious, radical and even deplorable people," the ad continues. "Contrary to what we had been told, we found the MAGA people to be warm, loving and even rather cheeky at times."

The ad explains that people who are behind the message of "Make America Great Again" are optimistic that the U.S. can return to a government run by the people and for the people and have the Constitution protected. 

Kennedy Jr. endorsed Trump last month and will be speaking Saturday evening at a rally in Arizona along with Tulsi Gabbard but this time without Trump. Kennedy started the slogan, "Make America Healthy Again."

"Just recently the MAGA people have joined forces with another group: the MAHA people," the voice-over says. "Together the MAGA and MAHA people have started a movement to make America healthy again."

Charlotte Hazard


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New online 'misinformation' bill slammed as 'biggest attack' on freedoms in Australia - Peter Aitken


by Peter Aitken

Elon Musk called the Australian government 'fascists' for the proposed new laws


Australian officials have proposed new laws targeting online disinformation, with critics slamming the measures as potential over-policing and a potential crackdown on "difference of opinion."

"Misinformation legislation introduced into federal parliament today represents a chilling assault on every Australian’s right to free speech. The new Bill broadens provisions to censor speech, which even the government’s fatally flawed first draft did not include," John Storey, the Director of Law and Policy at the Institute of Public Affairs, told Sky News

Storey called the proposed laws "the single biggest attack on freedom of speech in Australia’s peacetime history." 

Australian Communications Minister Michelle Rowland introduced the plan on Thursday, telling parliament that the laws aimed to combat misinformation and disinformation. Rowland labeled such issues a "serious threat" to the "safety and well-being" of Australia.


The laws would penalize companies for enabling misinformation with fines of up to 5% of their global revenue for failing to prevent the spread of misinformation, requiring tech companies to set codes of conduct specifically to tackle misinformation through an approved regulator. 

Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese

Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese (center) gives an address to the Leaders’ Plenary during the 2024 ASEAN-Australia Special Summit at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre in Melbourne, Australia, March 6, 2024.  (Joel Carrett/Pool via Reuters/ File Photo)

The laws would also introduce a punishment of up to seven years in jail for doxxing someone – the term for when an individual either publicly reveals private information about another person online or uses that information for exploitation – and parents can sue for "serious invasions of privacy" related to their children, The Guardian reported

The government scrapped a previous version of the laws after facing widespread condemnation, and the Free Speech Union of Australia argued that the new laws failed to address "key issues" raised from the first effort "despite the outpouring of public concern." 


The new laws have drawn similar ire from across the media landscape, with Elon Musk calling the Australian government "fascists" in a terse tweet about the topic. Labor Assistant Treasurer Stephen Jones countered by calling Musk’s comment "crackpot stuff" and insisting that the issue was a matter of "sovereignty." 

"Whether it’s the Australian government or any other government around the world, we assert our right to pass laws which will keep Australians safe – safe from scammers, safe from criminals," Jones said in response.

Disinformation laws crackdown

Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus during Question Time in the House of Representatives at Australian Parliament House on August 22, 2024, in Canberra, Australia. (Tracey Nearmy/Getty Images)

Storey, in a statement released last year when the government made clear its intention to press on with developing these penalties for alleged misinformation, called the effort "disingenuous," arguing that the government sought to "conflate the protection of Australians … with the federal government’s plan to empower bureaucrats in Canberra with the right to determine what is the official truth." 

"The federal government is cravenly using heightened concerns about current tensions in parts of our community, and the fears of parents and others about harmful online content, as a trojan horse to push forward laws that will in practice impose political censorship," Storey said. 


Officials have argued that the country faces a foreign threat through the influence peddled through social media platforms, and they have concerns over how it will impact the upcoming federal election, due to be held within the next year, according to The Economic Times

Australia disinformation crisis

The Aboriginal and Australian flag flies on top of ANZAC Hill in the center of Alice Springs while a crowd of people gather for a smoking ceremony with Traditional Owner Kumalie Kngwarraye. Indigenous Australians react to the outcome of the Indigenous Voice to parliament which failed to secure a majority vote on October 14, 2023.  (Tamati Smith for the Washington Post)

However, the government did loosen its stance on a few measures, such as narrowing the scope of what will count as "verifiable … false, misleading or deceptive" information and "reasonably likely to cause harm," as well as excluding "reasonable dissemination of content for any academic, artistic, scientific or religious purpose."

The issue came into sharp focus during the referendum on the Australian Indigenous Voice referendum, which would have altered the Australian Constitution to recognize Indigenous Australians in the document. The measure ultimately failed, but the noise around the vote included alleged spread of misinformation that posed a significant concern for officials. 

One example included the claim that the body developing the referendum would be able to seize property or land, should it pass, or that people would need to pay rent to Indigenous people if the measure were to pass, The New York Times reported

Peter Aitken is a Fox News Digital reporter with a focus on national and global news.


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From Republic to Leviathan: Unveiling the Progressive Movement’s Assault on the Constitution - Ned Ryun


by Ned Ryun

It’s time for the American people to understand that the past century has seen a slow regime change, a gradual coup, undermining our Constitution and Constitutional Republic.


What if I told you that the President of the United States doesn’t really run our government? Or that most people in Washington, D.C., don’t really believe in representative democracy? Or that a government of, by, and for the people is just an illusion? Because all of those things are closer to reality than the idea that we are still a republic in which all power flows from the people to their duly elected representatives to create a government that promotes and defends the interests of the American people first and last.

It’s time for the American people to understand that the past century has seen a slow regime change, a gradual coup, undermining our Constitution and Constitutional Republic. This internal insurrection has undercut the original intent of the Constitution, eroded our freedoms, undermined our civil liberties, and called into question who is actually governing this country.

The coup I’m referring to is the focus of my new book, American Leviathan, which examines the Progressive Statist movement that began in the early 20th century and gave rise to the unconstitutional and un-American Administrative State that now dominates Washington, D.C., and, by extension, our country.

The Progressive movement, led by such men as Woodrow Wilson, Herbert Croly, Robert La Follette, and Theodore Roosevelt, was a complete rejection of the original intent of the Constitution. In fact, the Progressive movement, as John Marini wrote in Unmasking the Administrative State, “has as its fundamental purpose the destruction of the political and moral authority of the U.S. Constitution.”

The Progressives’ goal: build a massive bureaucracy filled with unelected bureaucrats, separated from political accountability, who would do the actual governing in this country. Viewing the all-powerful state as salvation for society and mankind, the Progressives weren’t shy about their aims: “We are not bound to adhere to the doctrines held by the signers of the Declaration of Independence,” Wilson declared. “We are as free as they are to make and unmake governments.” So they set out to unmake the American Republic.

Progressive Statists deeply resented the separation of powers, the essence of our Constitution and the greatest protector of our natural inherent rights, so piece by piece they pulled apart the machinery of the Republic. The diffusion of power in their minds was the greatest hindrance to progress, so they set out to consolidate the legislative, executive and judicial powers in the Administrative State in the name of “progress.”

Vehemently opposed to the idea of a rights-based government, Progressives rejected the ideals of the Declaration that “All men are created equal and endowed by their Creator with unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, that to secure these rights governments are instituted among men.” A rights-based government was too limited in size and scope for them to achieve their grandiose “progress.”

As the separation of powers meant to protect those rights was a hindrance to progress, so, too, was a rights-based government: one could not have efficiency in the pursuit of progress if every individual was demanding his or her rights be secured and protected. No, in their thinking, the State was all, a living organism that subsumed everything else—corporations, individuals, individual rights—and the State, for the sake of progress, would return those rights if it deemed it advantageous to the State.

In the end, the Progressives triumphed. They built their Administrative State, consolidating in many ways the executive, legislative, and judicial powers into one entity. Over the course of the 20th century until the present day, this State, which primarily resides in the Executive Branch, has become a sprawling bureaucracy, the American Leviathan, filled with powerful, unelected bureaucrats who owe nothing to the American people, who feel in many ways they rule the people.

This unconstitutional state and its ruling class are now the greatest threat to our freedom and inherent rights.

The question, now, is: What will be done with it? Every aspect of the Administrative State is deeply antithetical to our founding and the idea of representative democracy. When threatened by Donald Trump’s idea that he, as the duly elected representative of the American people, was the one to decide both foreign and domestic policy—with Congress serving in its advise and consent role—the State lashed out, declaring political war on Trump and his supporters.

The American people gained a significant victory against the State earlier this summer when the Supreme Court in Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondi overruled the “Chevron doctrine,” which for the past 40 years allowed the Administrative State to “reasonably interpret” a regulatory statute regardless of congressional intent. In other words, the bureaucrats could do what they felt best regardless of what the other two branches of the government told them to do. As a result of Loper Bright, a host of regulatory and bureaucratic overreaches can now be rolled back to the benefit of our country.

A far more aggressive rollback should take place by Trump when he wins in November: he should declare on Day 1 of his administration that he will break apart the Administrative State, devolve it, returning legislative powers to the Article I branch, that he will break the State to drain the Swamp and then bring about the great restoration of our Republic.

Ned Ryun


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The Post-Modern Presidency: A Chief Executive for America or a Caretaker for the Administrative State? - Thaddeus G. McCotter


by Thaddeus G. McCotter

Over the course of several weeks—the next seventy days—it will become clear whether or not the Democrats, ‘Blue,’ has been successful in reframing the terms of ‘imperial succession.’


My friend John Batchelor is the host of the CBS Eye on the World radio program. Not content with that content creation, he also hosts a personal podcast, The John Batchelor Show, regarding current events. I have been honored to be a weekly contributor on this podcast, albeit if only to lower the bar so that other guests can leap over it. This they easily do, given their depth of experience and level of expertise in an amazing array of subjects. It is impossible to listen in on a conversation between Mr. Batchelor and one of his guests (other than myself) and not come away with new information nor discover an idea upon which to muse.

One of my personal favorite podcasts is “The Londinium Chronicles, 90 A.D.” In these episodes, Mr. Batchelor and Michael Vlahos don the roles of two Roman aristocrats, “Gaius” and “Germanicus,” off in occupied Albion and sitting along the banks of the Thames in Londinium. The pair ponder which play to see and discourse upon the events roiling faraway Rome and its empire. Of course, this theatrical device is ironically employed to facilitate limning the historical parallels between that former empire and today’s American empire. In their conversations, “Blue” is the left (Democrats and progressives); “Red” is the right (GOP and MAGA); and “Rome and the Empire” is Washington and America.

Per the show’s site, Mr. Vlahos is a writer and author who has taught war and strategy at Johns Hopkins University, the Naval War College, and Centro de Estudios Superiores Navales (CDMX) and is a longtime weekly contributor to The John Batchelor Show. In his role as “Germanicus” to Mr. Batchelor’s “Gaius,” Mr. Vlahos has proven an exceedingly astute observer of our chaotic contemporary political scene.

Consider the following “Londinium Chronicle,” wherein at approximately the 8:20 mark, Mr. Vlahos identifies not only what the two parties have at stake in the 2024 election, but more importantly, what is at stake for the American people, the presidency, and the electoral process itself. (Given his role as Germanicus, for the sake of clarity, I have occasionally put in brackets what Mr. Vlahos is referencing in modern American politics.)

"Blue [the left] is attempting to redefine legitimacy itself, so that legitimacy does not require any sort of cognitive or leadership capability. It simply involves presentation, however orchestrated and managed it might be. In other words, ‘Blue’ is attempting to redefine the office of ‘emperor’ [president] as a mere figurehead; and, thus, as the representation—the face—of what is, in effect, oligarchic rule.

Is this attempted redefinition born of an ideological imperative or by necessity? Germanicus—er, Mr. Vlahos—believes both. “This is a risky move, and it is the only move ‘Blue’ has, given the fact that it has found itself for a second time in the position where it does not have a person who is up to the job.”

In sum, having secreted and steered the cognitively impaired Mr. Biden through the COVID pandemic’s restricted campaign possibilities, the Democrats found it impossible to do so a second time. Consequently, following his abysmal debate with former president Donald Trump, the handlers of Mr. Biden were confronted with the necessity of removing and replacing him as the Democrat Party’s [“Blue’s”] nominee. Their handpicked selection was his vice president, Kamala Harris.

It was an unprecedented switch in modern American politics, and, as Mr. Vlahos notes, ordinarily would spell disaster for “Blue”:

In any other situation, the other party would have destroyed any hopes that ‘Blue’ might prevail in this election, because were they to advance an effective leader who is part of the institutional framework of the ‘imperial office,’ then they would be marching to a very strong victory. But that is not exactly the case. So, you have a weak Republican leadership offer, and you have a nonexistent ‘Blue’ [Democrat] leadership offer; and the way that the ‘Blue’ oligarchs have tried to reframe the entire process is to do so as if it were an event, in which one could invest their emotions, because it is no different than a divertissement – an entertainment – and many in the electorate buy into that. So, you have the opportunity here to alter the terms of the constitutional order itself, where the president becomes no more than, say, the monarch is in the United Kingdom…

In sum, then, the Democrats have made two calculations. The first is the recognition that, whatever else the office entails, under ordinary circumstances one only needs to win a primary and a general election to become president. In the instance of Vice President Harris, her handlers have dispensed with the primary and now merely need to help secure the general election.

The second calculation is that the Democrats’ symbiotic relationship with the corporate media and Big Tech parroting their party line and stifling the opposition; with big banks, Wall Street, and a host of billionaires larding their party coffers and dark money accounts; the use of the federal bureaucracy and public and private employee unions to drive out the vote and help ballot harvest, V.P. Harris could be installed as president as readily as Mr. Biden had been in 2020.

As a result, we witness the spectacle of the junior partner in the Biden-Harris administration running a campaign of systemic deceit, pretending to be an agent of “change” and stuffing the failures of the administration she serves down the memory hole. It is a personality-driven exercise in identity politics and personal attacks upon her allegedly despotic Republican opponent, despite the fact that she has stolen many of his once-considered “authoritarian” positions. But again, all Blue must do is win one election.

If it does, V.P. Harris will be inaugurated as a president, and, following on the heels of her caretaker, stage-managed predecessor, Mr. Biden, and with the abetment of her complicit comrades in the media, academia, corporate America, and elsewhere, her elevation will transform the entire conception of the role of a president from a duly elected, active chief executive into a caretaker beholden to priorities and the perpetuation of the unelected administrative state. And a fourth, separate, unequal, and unaccountable branch of the federal government will have been cemented: the administrative, bureaucratic state.

This, of course, makes perfect sense. For despite their limp protestations to the contrary, the Democratic Party is not democratic. Under the guise of “their democracy,” all the power of the sovereign people is to be reposed in the federal Leviathan, from which it can never be returned. Their aim is the elitist rule of “experts” to govern the lives of formerly self-governing and sovereign citizens. In this light, the selection of V.P. Harris and their ensuing campaign of systemic deceit is all of an ideological piece.

As of time of writing, the polls between “Blue’s” and “Red’s” candidates for “emperor” are evenly divided, and whether Blue’s cynical decision to foist V.P. Harris upon the electorate will be rewarded remains to be seen. Per Mr. Vlahos:

There is an expectation, I think, among the broad swath of the electorate for a capable person to be inaugurated as president; and that (opportunity) does not now exist [on the part of ‘Blue’]. So, there are tremendous risks that ‘Blue’ runs right now. We will not know in the course of this week or next week. But, over the course of several weeks—the next seventy days—it will become clear whether or not the Democrats, ‘Blue,’ has been successful in reframing the terms of ‘imperial succession.’

And, therefore, it will become clear whether or not “Blue” has replaced the reality of an election with the illusion of an election, redefined the Post-Modern Presidency as merely a caretaker for the administrative state, and eviscerated the very concept of the consent of the governed.

Thaddeus G. McCotter


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