by Corrine Baum
Israel welcomes home Emily Damari, Romi Gonen, and Doron Steinbrecher.
Israelis joyfully welcomed home released hostages Romi Gonen, Emily Damari, and Doron Steinbrecher from Hamas captivity on Sunday evening.
Romi Gonen's grandmother Dvora Leshem praised her granddaughter to Israeli media.
"She looks great," Leshem told Channel 12 after seeing footage of Gonen being transferred to the Red Cross. "I am glad to see her on her feet," she added.
When asked if she believed that Romi would return, her grandmother said, "of course I believed this would happen, I just don't understand why it took so long." Her grandmother praised Romi, saying she is wonderful, and remarking on her survival of the past nearly 500 days.
She emphasized the need to bring all remaining hostages home, saying that her heart is with all of the hostages.
Hostage and bereaved families forums
The Hostages and Missing Families Forum called the three's release a light in the midst of the darkness.
"After 471 agonizing days in captivity, Emily, Doron, and Romi are finally returning home – to their families who worked tirelessly for their release, to friends who prayed for their well-being, and to an entire nation that never lost faith this day would come," the forum said in a statement.
"Their return today represents a beacon of light in the darkness, a moment of hope and triumph of the human spirit. For their families and for all of us, this is a moment that will be forever etched in our memory."
The forum reminded citizens that the war was not over until all of the hostages returned home.
"Their return reminds us of our profound responsibility to continue working towards the release of everyone - until the last hostage returns home."
Thousands of people are now gathering in Hostages Square for a collective viewing alongside the families of the hostages during these deeply moving, historic moments.
— Bring Them Home Now (@bringhomenow) January 19, 2025
Join us 馃帡️
Photo credit: Paulina Patimer#BringThemHomeNow#UntilTheLastHostage #AllTogether
The Tikva Forum, which represents some families of hostages and pushes for more pressure on Hamas, wrote that it was "deeply moving to see the girls returning home. We share the joy of the families who now get to embrace their daughters."
The Valor Forum, a group of 150 bereaved families whose loved ones have fallen in the Israel-Hamas war and who support increased military action, wrote that it was "deeply moved, together with all of Israel, by the return of Romi, Emily, and Doron and their release from the hands of Hamas terrorists."
"We all hope and pray to witness the release of all our hostages as part of achieving the full objectives of the war, including the dismantling of Hamas and restoring security to the residents of the South," the statement read.
Israeli politicians
President Isaac Herzog expressed his joy at the return of the three women.
"This is a day of joy and comfort, and the beginning of a challenging journey of recovery and healing together," the president wrote on X/Twitter.
Romi, Emily, and Doron – so beloved and missed – an entire nation rejoices at your return.
— 讬爪讞拽 讛专爪讜讙 Isaac Herzog (@Isaac_Herzog) January 19, 2025
We send you and your families a huge embrace. This is a day of joy and comfort, and the beginning of a challenging journey of recovery and healing together.
“The eyes weep bitterly,…
Former defense minister Yoav Gallant expressed his condolences on how long the deal took.
"Thank you for surviving the ordeal; we’re sorry it took too long," he wrote.
讗诪讬诇讬, 讚讜专讜谉 讜专讜诪讬 - 讘专讜讻讜转 讛砖讘讜转 讛讘讬转讛.
— 讬讜讗讘 讙诇谞讟 - Yoav Gallant (@yoavgallant) January 19, 2025
讛转诪讜谞讜转 讛诪专讙砖讜转 讛诪诪诇讗讜转 讗转 讛诇讘 诪讚讙讬砖讜转 讘爪讜专讛 讛诪讜讞砖讬转 讘讬讜转专 讗转 讞讜讘转谞讜 讛诪讜住专讬转, 讛注专讻讬转, 讛讬讛讜讚讬转 讜讛爪讬讜谞讬转, 诇讛砖讬讘 讗转 讻诇 讛讞讟讜驻讜转 讜讛讞讟讜驻讬诐 诇讬砖专讗诇.
转讜讚讛 砖砖专讚转谉 讗转 讛转讜驻转,
住诇讬讞讛 砖讝讛 诇拽讞 讬讜转专 诪讚讬 讝诪谉.
讻诪讛 讟讜讘 砖讘讗转谉 讛讘讬转讛 馃嚠馃嚤
Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich, who voted against the deal that
brought Gonen, Damari, and Steinbrecher home, welcomed the women home in
a post on X/Twitter.
讗诪讬诇讬, 讚讜专讜谉 讜专讜诪讬, 讘专讜讻讜转 讛砖讘讜转 讛讘讬转讛!
— 讘爪诇讗诇 住诪讜讟专讬抓' (@bezalelsm) January 19, 2025
讛诇讘 讬讜爪讗 讗诇讬讻谉 讗讞讬讜转 讬拽专讜转 砖诇谞讜! 注诐 砖诇诐 讙讗讛 讘讻谉, 讚讜诪注 讗讬转讻谉, 讜诪讞讘拽 讗转讻谉 讘诇讬 住讜祝!
MK Simcha Rothman, who heavily opposed the deal, congratulated the three women on their return.
"My opinion on the current framework is well-known to everyone, but the emotional and powerful moment of these three girls being handed over to the IDF and reunited with their families crystallizes the essence of the difference between us and them – every Jewish soul is, for us, a world in its entirety," Rothman said.
Corrine Baum