by Daniel Greenfield
If you disagree with the Democrats, you’re a “domestic terrorist.”

As the 20th anniversary of the September 11 attacks approaches, Joe
Biden has made it clear that he doesn’t intend to fight Al Qaeda.
Instead he’s going to fight other Americans.
The Biden administration’s newly released National Strategy for
Countering Domestic Terrorism mentions Al Qaeda only once in its 30
pages. Even though the FBI continues to break up Islamic terrorist plots
against America, the document only defines Muslims as victims.
Just last month a Seattle Muslim convert was arrested. The convert
had discussed driving a "semi-truck" through "the gay pride parade in
downtown Seattle". Even though the arrest came shortly before the
anniversary of the ISIS massacre at the Pulse nightclub, both Biden and
the media ignored the potential plot and the fact that the Pulse
shooting was Islamic terrorism.
“I wish to see the kuffar (non-Muslims) as I kill them, I want to
strike terror in them and make Allah pleased for doing so,” the Seattle
convert had boasted.
That same month another Muslim convert pled guilty to plotting to
attack an Ohio synagogue and murder a rabbi. A third Muslim convert in
Brooklyn was also sentenced that month for promoting terrorist plots
against Americans. American converts to Islam are a major source of
recruits for domestic terrorist plots. Despite that, Biden’s strategy
ignores their existence.
In a flashback to the Clinton era, the National Strategy for
Countering Domestic Terrorism claims that the only serious terrorist
threats come from the militia movement and racists.
And the only racists whose existence the Biden administration will admit to are white racists.
Micah X. Johnson, a black supremacist who murdered 5 police officers
in Dallas, is described as an “anti–authority violent extremist”.
Racist and supremacist terrorism can only be practiced by members of the
majority against “minority populations”. It can’t work the other way
Antifa is also rolled together into “anti-government”, a category
that encompasses the militia movement, black supremacists, white
anarchists, and everyone who isn’t a white racist.
Islamic terrorists, like the three in May, don’t even make the list.
The two categories, anti-government and racists, tell us little
about the actual domestic terrorist threat, but a great deal about the
Biden administration’s agenda for exploiting terrorism.
Either you’re with the Biden administration or the “anti-government extremists”.
The National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism redefines
the terrorist threat as coming first and foremost from political
opponents of the Biden administration. And it defines that threat as a
primarily political and ideological battle rather than a violent threat.
The new strategy doesn’t come up with any new ideas for fighting
terrorism. Its ideas fall into the murky territory of preventing terror
through everything from internet censorship to critical race theory.
Biden is rebooting Obama’s CVE or Countering Violent Extremism program
to target Americans in a battle of ideas against “misinformation” and
This also defines the administration’s two approaches: indoctrination and suppression.
The National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism redefines
domestic terrorism as a domestic ideological struggle against people who
disagree with Biden and his partisan party.
The strategy’s concluding sentence speaks of “finding ways to
counter the influence and impact of dangerous conspiracy theories that
can provide a gateway to terrorist violence.” It warns of “an
information environment that challenges healthy democratic discourse”
and cautions that, “today’s digital age requires an American population
that can utilize essential aspects of Internet–based communications
platforms while avoiding vulnerability to... harmful content
deliberately disseminated by malicious actors online.”
The binary model is a choice between people who believe everything
the media tells them or terrorists. Fighting terrorism requires a
national security system that indoctrinates its citizens.
The strategy blithely notes that “the Department of Homeland
Security and others are either currently funding and implementing or
planning... digital programming, including enhancing media literacy and
critical thinking skills, as a mechanism for strengthening user
resilience to disinformation and misinformation online for domestic
A one-word term for this is ‘propaganda’.
The “broader priority” is “enhancing faith in government and
addressing the extreme polarization, fueled by a crisis of
disinformation and misinformation” on the internet.
Elected officials don’t address “polarization”, they’re a product of
it. They enhance faith in government by keeping their promises instead
of indoctrinating and censoring the people.
Governments that suppress “misinformation” to fight “polarization” are totalitarian states.
The Democrats and their media had previously blamed President
Trump’s election on “misinformation”. The new strategy blames
“misinformation” for domestic terrorism.
And the best way to fight “misinformation” is with suppression and indoctrination.
The strategy document suggests that the Biden administration will be
engaging in more “robust” efforts to “assist online platforms with
their own initiatives to enforce their own terms of service”. It defines
“private–sector online platforms” as the front line in this new
suppression campaign.
But censorship is very 2016. The 2021 terrorism strategy is much more ambitious than that.
The Biden administration will only acknowledge two terrorist
threats. The first threat comes from “anti-government extremists” which
justifies a crackdown on any kind of political opposition and a
suppression of “conspiracy theories”. The second threat comes from
racists which creates an urgent need to tackle “the threat posed by
domestic terrorism” with “substantial efforts to confront the racism
that feeds into aspects of that threat”.
That “means tackling racism in America” with a civics education that
covers “when racism and bigotry have meant that the country fell short
of living up to its founding principles”.
That’s code for embedding critical race theory in schools to teach students that America is evil.
It’s hard to think of anything more likely to encourage new recruits
to ISIS and other terrorist causes than divisive racist materials that
devalue our country and our common heritage.
But the strategy is also much more ambitious than that,
“prioritizing efforts to ensure that every component of the government
has a role to play in rooting out racism and advancing equity.”
It’s easy to miss the significance of what the Biden terrorism strategy is doing here.
The National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism has defined
domestic terrorism as being caused by conspiracy theories,
misinformation, racism, and hostility to the government. Fighting
domestic terrorism means recreating the government bureaucracy and its
policies around “equity” and the agendas of “critical race theory” while
rooting out their opponents.
Just as Biden’s purge of the military defined military readiness
and national security around a willingness to embrace critical race
theory, identity politics, and hatred of America, this new
counterterrorism strategy makes it the basis for national security
across the government.
Every arm of the government is not only being tasked with imposing
the racial discriminatory and wealth redistribution elements of
“equity”, but with viewing any opposition as terrorism.
Or a gateway to terrorism.
The Obama administration abused national security to target its
Republican political opponents by falsely accusing them of treason and
acting as foreign agents of Russia. With Biden appeasing Putin, the
Russian smear is no longer viable, but the domestic terrorist smear is.
The new strategy document will serve as a basis for using national security to target Republicans as domestic terrorists.
The Biden doctrine creates a phantom terrorist movement of
conspiracy theories and misinformation that is as vaporous as the Russia
smear and seeks to tie any violence to political opponents who engage
in “misinformation” and “conspiracy theories”.
Since the Democrats and their media have defined virtually any
disagreement as “misinformation” and “conspiracy theories”, most
conservatives can be accused of terrorism.
What that will do is make it much easier to surveil and monitor
political opponents by manufacturing networks that are based around
“misinformation” and “conspiracy theories”.
The strategy document begins by redefining terrorism from an
organized, even in the loosest sense, movement to “lone actors” who
“mobilize to violence with little or no clear organizational structure
or direction.” The document skips over the vital question of whether
they are part of any movement calling for terrorism, instead it claims
that their “fluid” ideologies “connect and intersect with conspiracy
theories and other forms of disinformation and misinformation”.
The Biden administration has turned away from dealing with domestic
Islamic terrorists with a clear connection to a terrorist movement like
ISIS to defining ideas as dangerous without regard as to whether those
ideas, theories, or movements are actually calling for violence.
By discarding the existence of any actual terrorist movement or
infrastructure, the Biden administration has set a very low bar for
defining terrorism and an even lower bar for complicity.
There doesn’t have to be any linkage between the perpetrator of a
violent attack and the conservatives who will be blamed for acting as a
“gateway” with their “conspiracy theories”.
This will mean censorship and deplatforming, but also surveillance and worse things.
The National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism defines
political opponents and anyone resistant to critical race theory or who
questions the government as either a gateway to terrorism or possibly
even inciting terrorism. This strategy will be used to target
conservative non-profits through the IRS, to remove conservative speech
from the internet, and to surveil hundreds of thousands of conservatives
on the pretext of fighting domestic terrorism.
While Islamic terrorists continue to plot actual attacks, Biden is plotting to terrorize Americans.
Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an
investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and
Islamic terrorism.
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