by Discover The Networks

In his Sunday interview on ABC’s This Week, Attorney General Eric Holder showed with crystal clarity that he is an ugly, contemptible demagogue. “There’s a certain level of vehemence, it seems to me, that’s directed at me [and] directed at the president,” he said. “You know, people talking about taking their country back…. There’s a certain racial component to this for some people. I don’t think this is the thing that is a main driver, but for some there’s a racial animus.” So, since Mr. Holder insists on pretending that he’s too stupid to understand the very simple fact that every single one of his critics can quite easily cite a lengthy list of very legitimate reasons to denounce him in the strongest possible terms, let’s play along, shall we? Let’s explain to the poor, bewildered Attorney General why—for reasons having nothing whatsoever to do with race—many Americans say they wish to “take their country back.”
Holder was a key figure entrusted with the task of vetting the Clinton administration’s 176 last-minute pardons in January 2001. The beneficiaries of those pardons included former Weather Underground members Susan Rosenberg (involved in a deadly 1981 armed robbery) and Linda Evans (who was in possession of 740 pounds of dynamite at the time of her arrest in 1985).
Holder played a particularly significant role in Clinton’s infamous pardon of the billionaire financier Marc Rich, a fugitive oil broker who had illegally purchased oil from Iran during the American trade embargo, and had then proceeded to hide more than $100 million in profits via dummy transactions with off-shore corporations. Rich later renounced his American citizenship and fled to Switzerland to avoid prosecution for 51 counts of racketeering, wire fraud, tax fraud, tax evasion, and the illegal oil transactions with Iran.
Holder was also intimately involved in President Clinton’s August 11, 1999 pardon of 16 members of the FALN—a Marxist-Leninist Puerto Rican terror group that was active in the U.S. during the 1970s and ’80s, when it detonated nearly 130 bombs in military and government buildings, financial institutions, and corporate headquarters located mainly in big U.S. cities.
In 2004 Holder filed an amicus brief on behalf of al Qaeda terrorist Jose Padilla, who had been dispatched to the United States by Osama bin Laden and Khalid Shaikh Mohammed to carry out a post-9/11, second wave of terrorist attacks. By Holder’s reckoning, Islamic terrorists like Padilla have a right to be treated as criminal defendants, not enemy combatants, if they are not captured on a traditional battlefield.
When Barack Obama in 2007 asked Holder to join his presidential campaign as a legal adviser and strategist, Holder’s law firm was, at that very moment, representing 18 Islamic terrorists who were being detained in Guantanamo Bay.
In 2008, Holder argued that “the Second Amendment did not protect an individual right to keep and bear arms,” but only protected government militias’ rights to guns.
Holder has repeatedly maintained that the world’s most dangerous terrorists should be tried in civilian courts rather than in military tribunals that permit prosecutors to bring more evidence to bear.
In December 2009, Holder’s Department of Justice (DOJ) elected to Mirandize the so-called “Christmas bomber,” a Nigerian-born al Qaeda operative who had tried to blow up a Detroit-bound Northwest Airlines jet with explosives hidden inside his underwear. Informed of his right to remain silent, Abdulmutallab promptly chose to exercise it.
When testifying before the House Judiciary Committee in May 2010, Holder refused to acknowledge that radical Islamic beliefs might have played a role in motivating several recently attempted terrorist attacks against U.S. interests: (a) the aforementioned “underwear” bombing aboard a plane; (b) Major Nidal Malik Hasan‘s November 2009 shooting of 13 fellow U.S. soldiers in Fort Hood, Texas; and (c) Faisal Shahzad’s attempted car bombing in New York’s Times Square on May 1, 2010.
On Election Day of 2008, two members of the New Black Panther Party menaced white voters with racial slurs and threats of violence at a Philadelphia polling place. Bartle Bull, a former civil rights attorney and campaign aide to the late Robert F. Kennedy, called it “the most blatant form of voter intimidation” he had ever seen. In 2009 the Obama administration inherited a lawsuit that the outgoing Bush administration had brought against the perpetrators, and when the defendants failed to answer the suit, a federal court in Philadelphia entered a default judgment against them. But the Holder Justice Department responded by suddenly dropping the charges.
In July 2010, Holder’s DOJ released the former Marxist terrorist Marilyn Buck from prison, where she was serving an 80-year sentence that began in the 1980s. Buck had: helped the Black Liberation Army member and convicted cop-killer Assata Shakur escape from prison in 1979; helped the BLA acquire weapons and ammunition; participated in the deadly 1981 Brink’s armored-car robbery; and played a role in a number of big-city bombings. Explaining the rationale for Buck’s release, Justice Department officials said that Buck had “expressed a dramatic change from her previous political philosophy.”
In an October 2010 meeting that was arranged by the chief of the Justice Department’s Public Integrity Section, Holder’s DOJ asked IRS official Lois Lerner to help the Department build criminal cases against conservative nonprofit groups that were conducting political activity. This was part of the massive IRS political-targeting scandal that eventually began to make headlines in May 2013. When news of the scandal broke, the DOJ selected an avowed political and financial supporter of President Obama to head a criminal probe into the matter.
In 2011 Holder’s Justice Department pushed to maximize Democratic voter turnout for the 2012 elections by filing “motor voter” suits across the country, complaining that state agencies had not been circulating voter-registration forms in welfare offices. By contrast, the DOJ made no effort to enforce another section of the law requiring states to purge voter rolls of dead persons and ineligible felons. In fact, the Department demanded that Florida discontinue a purge it had already begun. When the state refused to comply, the DOJ filed a lawsuit.
Holder has consistently opposed efforts to pass voter-ID laws designed to combat voter fraud. Asserting that such laws have the effect of disenfranchising nonwhite minorities, whom Holder obviously views as too feeble-minded to do something as simple and as inexpensive (actually, it’s free) as procuring a government-issued ID card, the Attorney General once asked: “Are we willing to allow this era—our era—to be remembered as the age when our nation’s proud tradition of expanding the franchise ended?”
An exhaustive PJ Media report reveals that, without exception, every attorney hired by the Civil Rights Division of Holder’s DOJ has a leftist or Democrat activist pedigree. Similarly, the American Spectator notes “the unprecedentedly naked politicization of DOJ’s Civil Rights Division,” as evidenced by the fact that “every one” of the 100+ people the Division has hired for supposedly non-political civil-service positions are “demonstrably liberal activists.”
In the fall of 2011, controversy arose over Holder’s role in endorsing “Fast and Furious,” a program which the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, & Firearms (ATF) had administered during 2009-10. In that initiative, the ATF sold some 2,500 guns to “straw purchasers” in the U.S. who agreed to subsequently smuggle them into Mexico and put them in the hands of cartel leaders, who supposedly were to be arrested at some subsequent point. The entire “Fast and Furious” operation ended with only 20 indictments of straw purchasers—all of whom were already familiar to U.S. authorities from the outset. Moreover, the program was linked directly to two weapons found on the scene where U.S. Border Patrol agent Brian Terry was murdered in Arizona in December 2010. By the fall of 2011, the weapons that had been transferred as part of “Fast and Furious” had been used in at least 200 murders in Mexico. They also had been identified at 11 additional crime scenes in the United States.
When questioned under oath during a Judiciary Committee hearing on May 3, 2011, Holder indicated that he had known nothing about “Fast and Furious’ until about April 2011. But soon thereafter, evidence surfaced demonstrating conclusively that Holder had been aware of the operation since at least July 2010.
In 2011 the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform issued a subpoena instructing Holder to turn over all internal Justice Department documents related to the “Fast and Furious” program. As of late June, 2012, DOJ had supplied fewer than 8% of the 80,000 documents the congressional investigators sought, and had blocked 48 of the 70 Justice Department officials who were involved in “Fast and Furious” from testifying. House Republicans continued to pressure Holder to turn over the remaining documents, but he refused. Eventually he became the first U.S. Attorney General had ever been held in contempt by a chamber of Congress, when the House of Representatives voted overwhelmingly to hold him in both criminal and civil contempt.
Detecting racism virtually everywhere, Holder laments that “students of color” are “disproportionately likely to be suspended or expelled” from school—a state of affairs that “is, quite simply, unacceptable.” “These unnecessary and destructive policies must be changed,” he demands. It doesn’t occur to Holder that disparities in school expulsion rates could possibly be due to something other than subliminal racism.
Similarly, Holder has announced that the Justice Department, in an effort to reduce racial bias in the criminal-justice system, will begin collecting racial data about stops, searches, and arrests made by police. “[The] overrepresentation of young men of color in our criminal justice system is a problem we must confront,” says Holder. “… Racial disparities contribute to tension in our nation generally and within communities of color specifically, and tend to breed resentment towards law enforcement that is counterproductive to the goal of reducing crime.” Clearly, Holder has chosen to ignore the mountains of evidence demolishing the notion that America’s criminal-justice system is racist.
In April 2012, Holder delivered a speech at the 14th annual convention of Al Sharpton‘s National Action Network. In the course of his remarks, he thanked Sharpton—one of the most dishonorable racists in living memory—“for your partnership, your friendship, and your tireless efforts to speak out for the voiceless, to stand up for the powerless, and to shine a light on the problems we must solve.” Stating that he felt “honored to be included” in Sharpton’s gathering, Holder praised those in attendance for having “been on the front lines of our nation’s fight to secure security, opportunity, and justice for all.”
In May 2013, it was learned that Holder’s DOJ—in blatant violation of its own rules—had secretly obtained the records of all calls which had been routed through some 20 separate Associated Press (AP) telephone lines in April and May of the previous year. Moreover, even some personal phone lines belonging to AP staff were subjected to DOJ surveillance.
A week later, it was revealed that the DOJ had also: seized the phone records of Fox News reporter James Rosen; used Rosen’s security badge to access records tracking his movements at the State Department; obtained a search warrant to access Rosen’s personal emails; seized the phone records of Rosen’s parents; and targeted two more Fox News staffers—reporter William La Jeunesse and producer Mike Levine.
And all this is really just the tip of the iceberg.
So rest easy, Mr. Attorney General, your critics’ displeasure with you has nothing at all to do with your being an African American. It’s entirely due to the easily demonstrable fact that you are a certifiable menace to our country. Doesn’t that make you feel better?
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