Saturday, June 29, 2024

All of a Sudden, A Crisis Is Revealed - John F. Di Leo


​ by John F. Di Leo

Much was revealed about Joe Biden in this debate. But much more was revealed about his party in its aftermath


The first official presidential debate of 2024 was held on June 27, and the reactions are fascinating.

Joseph Robinette Biden, who has held offices in the Newcastle County Council, the United States Senate, and the White House for the past 54 years, was clearly as close to incapacitated as one can imagine for a person currently holding public office.

Biden frequently mumbled, often appeared not to know where he was or what the questions concerned (despite it being public knowledge that he had been given the questions in advance), even needed to be guided on and off the debate stage.

This has embarrassed the politicians and pundits of the Left, with some exhibiting horror that he could be in such bad shape, and amazement that it was displayed for the world to see.

Such reactions indicate an acknowledgement of this thoroughly shameful situation, and a recognition that it reflects badly on their party, their supporters, and the nation, for anyone to see him like this.

While the Right has been talking about this issue for years, this is the first time that most such voices of the Left have done anything but deny the fact of Biden’s incapacity.

Here’s the fascinating part: a presidential debate is about politics, not about governance.  They are embarrassed by his performance as a political candidate, in the partisan political setting of a campaign debate.  Why weren’t they this embarrassed by such performances when he was performing the role of America’s head of state?

To all these voices in the media and the political class who are now suddenly saying that the DNC needs to somehow dump him from the ticket and find someone else, America has questions about these past four years.

Biden, senile 

They weren’t embarrassed when he lost focus in public meetings honoring veterans or mourning military losses, wandering off in the middle of the event, leaving the honorees and attendees insulted. Why?

They weren’t embarrassed when he gave speeches, recounting the life stories of others as if they were his own, as a fabulist imagining histories that could easily be fact-checked and disproven in real time, again and again. Why?

They weren’t embarrassed when he sniffed the hair of a prime minister or literally bumped heads with a pope.

They weren’t embarrassed when he had “bathroom malfunctions” on stage in the middle of speeches and meetings with foreign heads of state.

They weren’t embarrassed when he spouted insulting gaffes to his own constituents, shouting such insults as “I don’t work for you!”, and “They should learn to code!” whenever his policies attacked a business, a profession, or a state.

They weren’t embarrassed when he fell asleep in the middle of cabinet meetings, state events, even one-on-one press conferences with other world leaders.

But most importantly, they weren’t embarrassed when mountains of undeniable evidence proved his criminality -- and the criminality of his family -- in a pay-for-play pattern that has been going on for decades.

And they weren’t embarrassed when he appointed incompetents, criminals and freaks to be cabinet secretaries and department heads, ranging from an airport kleptomaniac in drag to a man wearing a plastic nursing chest prosthesis for imitation breastfeeding. 

And they weren’t embarrassed when his policies caused record deficits, unprecedented inflation, a collapse in the American standard of living, a flood of illegal aliens, a lethal crime wave, and the destruction of our standing as a net exporter of energy.

None of this has embarrassed them about Joseph Biden.  These are the things that matter -- to our nation’s standing in the world at large, to the security of our allies, to the peace and prosperity of our people at home.

And none of it is new; none of it has changed since January 20, 2021 when he first usurped the office of the presidency.

But the Left is embarrassed now. Today, they recognize a crisis, because they now see that their own hands on the reins of power are in jeopardy.

Much was revealed about Joe Biden in this debate.

But much more was revealed about his party in its aftermath.

Image: Gage Skidmore via Wikipedia

John F. Di Leo is a Chicagoland-based international transportation manager, trade compliance trainer, and speaker.  A one-time Milwaukee County Republican Party chairman, he has been writing a regular column for Illinois Review since 2009.  Read his book on vote fraud (The Tales of Little Pavel) and his political satires on the current administration (Evening Soup with Basement Joe, Volumes IIIand III).


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'Panico,' 'Panique,' whatever the language, Europe's headlines all screamed same about Biden debate - Eric J. Lyman


​ by Eric J. Lyman

Those within the EU hoped for some insight about the rise of conservative politicians ahead of their parliamentary elections, but Biden's halting performance overwhelmed opportunities for big-picture takeaways


The languages varied from country to country, but the main message in European media coverage of the first U.S. presidential debate of 2024 was the same: Democrats and other President Joe Biden supporters were left in a "panic" about whether their candidate could win a second term. 

The debate began at 3 a.m. Friday in most European countries, too late for coverage to make it into the print editions across the region. But in online editions there was a broad consensus – “panico” reported Italy’s Corriere della Sera; “panique” from France’s Libération; panik” opined The Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung in Germany; “pánica” in Spain’s El Mundo; and just plain “panic” in The Guardian from the U.K.

The newspaper headlines appeared to be riffing off a post-election comment by David Axelrod, a trusted Democrat voice who is largely considered the architect of Barack Obama's rise in 2008 to become the United States' first black president, for whom Biden served as vice president.

"I think there was a sense of shock, actually, how he came out at the beginning of this debate, how his voice sounded," Axelrod said on CNN, which hosted the debate. "He did get stronger as the debate went on, but by that time, I think the panic had set in."

What was more clear across Europe and the region's political spectrum was the likelihood that Biden debate partner and Republican challenger Donald Trump improved his chances of again become the country's president and a major force on the world stage – or that the Democratic Party might replace Biden. 

Germany’s national newspaper Die Welt went into great depth to explain how a switch could still take place, considering the Democratic Party's nominating convention, in Chicago this year, doesn't take place until late August.

Italy's La Repubblica reported Democrats were sent scrambling to find an alternative to Biden, which as of Friday morning did not appear to be an active, public effort.

Top Washington Democrats were essentially mum – from the Democrat National Committee to Senate Democrat leader Chuck Schumer to Nancy Pelosi, the still powerful ex-Democratic House speaker. 

"He got off to a bad start, said Pelosi, a California Democrat. "I thought he came through OK on the issues later.”

The U.K.’s BBC said Biden’s Democrat Party was “backed into a corner” over the president’s performance and had quotes from Vice President Kamala Harris and California Democrat Gov. Gavin Newsom – considered two of the best and most likely replacements should Biden be removed or step down. 

European media had its criticism of Trump’s performance as well, with El País, in Spain, highlighting inaccuracies in the former president’s statements.

France’s Le Figaro said both candidates undermined the usefulness of debates in picking a president, pointing out personal attacks from each and wondered aloud whether the second presidential debate of the 2024 campaign scheduled to take place in September should even happen. 

Though the post-debate analysis focused mostly on Biden, some Trump comments did appear to reaffirm his foreign policy stances, calling Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky "the greatest salesman ever" because "every time [he] comes to this country he walks away with $60 billion."

He also said that if reelected he'd settle the Russia-Ukraine war ever before taking office in late-January 2025.

Trump, who has long considered China a major threat to U.S. security and the country's economy, also suggested Biden is taking money from the communist-run country, calling him a "Manchurian Candidate."

Still, For Bild, a German tabloid that usually focuses on gossip, sports news and pinup girls, the conclusion was clear: “Good night, Joe!” it said, in English, in bold, over-sized print. 

Eric J. Lyman


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'Reckless gamble': New York Times editorial board calls for Biden to drop out after debate - Misty Severi


​ by Misty Severi

Biden's performance in the televised debate has shaken many Democratic insiders, leaving some liberal leaders reportedly scrambling to find a replacement candidate that has a chance of beating former President Donald Trump in November.


The New York Times editorial board released a blistering editorial on Friday night that called for President Joe Biden to drop out of the presidential race after his disastrous debate performance on Thursday. 

Biden's performance in the televised debate has shaken many Democratic insiders, leaving some liberal leaders reportedly scrambling to find a replacement candidate that has a chance of beating former President Donald Trump in November. But the White House has maintained that Biden will remain in the race.

"The president appeared on Thursday night as the shadow of a great public servant," the board wrote. "He struggled to explain what he would accomplish in a second term. He struggled to respond to Mr. Trump’s provocations ... More than once, he struggled to make it to the end of a sentence."

They continued: "As it stands, the president is engaged in a reckless gamble. There are Democratic leaders better equipped to present clear, compelling and energetic alternatives to a second Trump presidency."

The board acknowledged the president's long devotion to the country, and praised his leadership over the past few years. But the board claimed that trying to pass off Biden's performance in the debate as a bad cold, or a bad night, was no longer sufficient and a new leader and candidate must take his place.

"It’s too big a bet to simply hope Americans will overlook or discount Mr. Biden’s age and infirmity that they see with their own eyes," the board said.

The editorial board also reminded readers that the debate was largely set up by Biden, and the decision to have a debate so far ahead of the November general election was to qualm the fears of voters regarding the president's future.

"He understood that he needed to address longstanding public concerns about his mental acuity and that he needed to do so as soon as possible," the group wrote. "The truth Mr. Biden needs to confront now is that he failed his own test."

The event on Thursday night was the first official presidential debate of the 2024 election cycle. A second debate is still scheduled for September, but it is not clear whether the president will still participate in it.

Misty Severi is an evening news reporter for Just the News. You can follow her on X for more coverage.


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Schumer’s Jewish Support Crashed After Attacking Israel - Daniel Greenfield


​ by Daniel Greenfield

Poll also shows 46% of New York Jews would vote for Trump.


[Order Daniel Greenfield’s new book, Domestic Enemies: HERE.]

Two years ago, Senator Chuck Schumer enjoyed an 82% approval among New York Jews. In contrast to the 40% unfavorable rating among New Yorkers, only 18% of Jews disapproved.

Now he’s tied as 45% of New York Jews have come to hate Chuck.

What happened in the last two years to send his approval rating crashing from 82% to 48%?

This spring, Schumer agreed to become the public face of the Biden administration’s campaign to bring down the Israeli government, save Hamas and end the war. In a high-profile Senate speech, the lifelong politician who had spent his career pretending to be pro-Israel, equated the Israeli government with Hamas, forbade Israel to go into Rafah to pursue the terror group, claimed that “the Israeli war campaign has killed so many innocent Palestinians” and warned that the Biden administration would use its “leverage” to create a terrorist state inside Israel.

While many pro-Israel figures excoriated Schumer, he trotted out his ‘rabbi’, Rachel Timoner, a radical leftist anti-Israel activist who had taken part in anti-Israel rallies, to defend his betrayal.

According to Timoner, Schumer said “what most of us think” and “what the overwhelming majority of American Jews are saying to each other”. However what Timoner was saying, according to T’ruah, one of the anti-Israel groups she was allied with, could be summed up as, “American Jews must tell our govt we oppose this war and want an end to the occupation.”

Was Schumer saying what most American Jews were really thinking?

Schumer’s latest Siena poll numbers in New York are in. And while his total unfavorable rating in the state is only up a few percent, his numbers among Jewish New Yorkers are catastrophic. With a 48% approval rating among New York Jews, his is only 3% higher than Trump’s at 45%. And his disapproval rating is higher than that of any other statewide figure in the poll. He now has a higher disapproval rating among Jews than among blacks, Latinos or protestants.

Those are stunning numbers and they show a sharp reversal of political fortune. They also help explain why the same poll shows that 46% of New York Jews would now vote for Trump.

A Siena poll that covered the pro-Hamas campus riots found that 87% of New York Jews believed that they had crossed the line into antisemitism and 80% supported calling in the cops.

This is completely at odds with the messaging that has come from Timoner and the infrastructure of allied anti-Israel astroturf groups like J Street, T’ruah, Bend the Arc, New York Jewish Agenda, Jewish Voice for Peace, If Not Now, and Jews for Racial and Economic Justice which receive nonstop coverage from a media that pretends these extremists represent Jews.

The views of New York Jews are not actually reflective of those pushed by the JTA, The Forward and other anti-Israel leftist narrative outlets and Sen. Schumer is now paying the price.

In the months since his ill-fated speech, Schumer has struggled to backtrack his remarks, but in June he was booed at New York’s Israel parade even when he was avoiding any controversy. And there was more booing at the Jerusalem Post’s annual conference in Manhattan.

The Jewish Democratic Council of America is no longer vocally celebrating the Schumer speech or advocating for an “end to this conflict” and has instead taken to sending panicked emails with headlines like “How to Persuade Your Friends that Trump is Not the Answer”.

What that really says is that quite a few Jewish Democrats now believe Trump just might be.

Despite popular narratives about what percent of Jews voted which way in presidential elections, there is no reliable independent polling of Jewish voters nationwide.

The numbers that are thrown around usually come from Democrat and left-wing organizations.

For example, a recent rash of media stories with headlines like “Jewish people in US overwhelmingly support Biden and oppose Trump” used a poll from the Jewish Electorate Institute which is headed by Halie Soifer who is also the executive director of the Jewish Democratic Council of America. The JDCA then put out a press release announcing a “just released poll from the non-partisan Jewish Electorate Institute”. And the poll was conducted by GBAO Strategies which boasts of being 2022’s Democratic Pollster of The Year.

Siena, the pollster quoted in this article, is the one reliable independent pollster which regularly measures Jews as a part of the larger electorate. While these polls are generally limited to New York, that is also the state with the largest single Jewish population. And the Siena polls often show that the hoax polls of Jews promoted by leftist organizations are simply wrong.

The JDCA poll promoted by every media outlet claimed to show “Biden leading Trump 72% to 22%”. How could that be possible if the split is 52% to 46% in New York?

Sen. Schumer and the JDCA know the real numbers which is why they’ve adopted a more conciliatory tone. They’ve learned the hard way that the majority of Jews are not on their side.

Each Biden anti-Israel move led to a backlash from American Jews. That’s why the Biden administration, which initially broadcast its decision to block military aid to Israel, has taken to angrily denying it and condemning Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for even mentioning it.

The formal narrative seen from the New York Times to the JTA is that American Jews chose Biden over Israel. But if that were true, why are Sen. Schumer and the JDCA so worried?

Schumer’s poll numbers are a warning that Jews oppose the leftist anti-Israel agenda.

Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.


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Biden’s Mental State Was a Media Lie Too Big to Fail - Daniel Greenfield


​ by Daniel Greenfield

And now it's done.


In recent weeks, the media had taken to claiming that suggestions that Biden was old, confused and out of it were ‘cheapfakes’ and election misinformation.

In the first 10 minutes of the debate, Biden destroyed the ‘cheapfake’ lie by being undeniably old, confused and out of it.

What went down was more than Biden’s reputation but the entire media narrative. After nearly a decade of the media telling the public that its common sense observations were misinformation and disinformation to be remedied with media fact checks, everyone could see that it was the media that had been lying.

And the media was forced to see it too.

Suddenly media figures began arguing that someone should have reported on Biden’s condition. And when the Wall Street Journal and other outlets did, they were attacked for it. Biden’s mental state was another lie too big to fail.

Now it did. And it doesn’t just discredit Biden or his party. It further demolishes the remaining credibility of the media not only among conservatives or independents, few of whom like or trust the media, but even among Democrats.

That’s why the media is suddenly rushing to get ahead of the issue among its own people. Lying to the country for the greater good is not a problem. Lying to the people who think you only lie to Republicans is.

Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.


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Trump takes post-debate victory lap in Virginia in bid to flip the commonwealth to "red" - Ben Whedon


​ by Ben Whedon

“Our case to Virginia is very simple,” he said. “We will seal the border, we will make the American Dream affordable again, but we will bring back the American Dream."


Former President Donald Trump on Friday seized on his post-debate momentum to bolster his efforts in Virginia, appearing alongside the Old Dominion's GOP heavyweight Gov. Glenn Youngkin at a rally in Chesapeake.

Formerly regarded as a prospective presidential candidate himself, Youngkin opted against such a campaign and has instead been floated as a potential vice presidential candidate.

Generally viewed as a more moderate Republican, Youngkin’s appearance alongside Trump could signal a degree of reconciliation between the disparate wings of the party after a brutal primary that saw Trump fend off challenges from conventional conservatives and establishment opponents alike.

During the event, Youngkin vowed that he and Republicans in Virginia would work to return Trump to the White House in 2024.

“Mr. President, this is the best Trump rally that you have ever had and you are doing it in Virginia and yes on behalf of 8.7 million Virginians, Mr. President, we are going to go to work and get you back in the White House,” Youngkin said when Trump called him on stage.

The Old Dominion, for its part, has generally been a Democratic stronghold in recent election cycles and last voted for a Republican for president in 2004. Polling data, however, suggests that the state could be in play, with multiple surveys showing Trump tied with former President Joe Biden.

“We’re leading in the Commonwealth… it could be a very substantial lead, but we have one poll we’re two up, another one we’re three up, another one we’re four up, one we’re even, but that was a very Democrat poll. I don’t believe that,” Trump said.

It remains unclear to which surveys Trump was referring. The RealClearPolitics polling average currently shows Biden with a 2.2% average lead across four polls. Included among them are surveys from Fox News and Roanoke College showing the pair tied, as well as one from Virginia Commonwealth University showing Biden with a 3% lead and a Richmond Times-Dispatch survey showing Biden six points ahead.

An internal poll from McLaughlin and Associates in May, meanwhile, showed Biden with a 3% lead over Trump in Virginia in a race that also included independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., independent candidate Cornel West, the Green Party’s Jill Stein, and Libertarian Lars Mapstead.

Much of Trump’s appeal to Virginia voters appears to rest on immigration and cost of living concerns. During the rally, he emphasized the state of the economy under his administration in contrast to current conditions.

“Our case to Virginia is very simple,” he said. “We will seal the border, we will make the American Dream affordable again, but we will bring back the American Dream, something you don’t hear about anymore… Under my leadership, we had the greatest economy in the history of the world… during my term we had gasoline down to $1.87 a gallon.”

“Working with your great governor, Glenn Youngkin, we will make Virginia greater than it has ever been before,” he concluded.

Virginia has not backed a Republican for president since 2004, when President George W. Bush carried the state in his reelection bid. The state flipped blue for Barack Obama and generally trended towards the Democrats in subsequent years, though Youngkin managed to score an upset win in 2021 that has reignited Republican hopes there.

Trump, for his part, has generally struggled in the state throughout his own political career. In the 2016 election, he lost the state to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who took 49.7% of the vote while he earned 44.4%. President Joe Biden’s in 2020 nearly doubled Clinton’s margin of victory, claiming 54.1% to Trump’s 44.0%.

But with polling data signaling that the state could be up for grabs, the Trump campaign is preparing to invest heavily in Virginia and has begun the process of securing leases for 11 campaign offices in the state.

An internal memo from the campaign Just the News obtained earlier this month revealed that the campaign was also looking to open eight field offices in the Democratic stronghold of Minnesota.

"The addition of Minnesota and Virginia to the electoral map opens up at least 12 additional pathways to 270," the memo read.

Ben Whedon is an editor and reporter for Just the News. Follow him on X.


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The Obama and Biden Administrations: Paving the Way for a Nuclear-Armed Iran - Majid Rafizadeh


​ by Majid Rafizadeh

[T]he growing bellicosity of Iran's huge militia, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), as well as the nuclear program itself, were apparently never addressed with the seriousness they warranted -- thereby allowing Iran to expand its military capabilities and regional aggression unchecked.


  • America's "diplomatic efforts," instead of putting a stop to Iran's nuclear program, have only resulted in a series of concessions that have empowered the Iranian regime. The lack of stringent enforcement and verification measures, and especially lifting secondary sanctions -- by which any country that does business with Iran is prohibited from doing business with America -- have allowed Iran to accelerate its nuclear activities "under the radar."

  • Iran's continued development of ballistic missile technology and its persistent test firings of missiles, both in clear violation of UN resolutions, were largely overlooked. In addition, the growing bellicosity of Iran's huge militia, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), as well as the nuclear program itself, were apparently never addressed with the seriousness they warranted -- thereby allowing Iran to expand its military capabilities and regional aggression unchecked.

  • The Iranian regime strategically allocated these funds to support and expand its own proxy presence throughout the region, including, among other spots, Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Yemen, Sudan, Somalia, Mali, Burkina Faso and the Gaza Strip.

  • The Trump administration implemented a "maximum pressure" policy aimed at curtailing Iran's economic capabilities by particularly focusing on reducing the country's oil exports, and, most importantly, establishing "secondary sanctions" that banned any country doing business with Iran from doing business with the US.

  • The Biden administration's passive approach of trying to use what might look like "protection money" to try to bribe Iran into compliance has simply backfired. Iran took the billions and, unsurprisingly, appears to have fungibly used them to finance several wars in the region -- Hamas and Hezbollah's war against Israel, the Houthis' war against Israel and the US, and Iran's own April 13 missile- and drone-attack against Israel -- as well as Iran's nuclear weapons program.

  • The Biden administration, sadly, seems to have been the enabling factor in Iran's continued regional assertiveness and nuclear advancement. The administration's series of policies favorable to Iran significantly strengthened the regime to the point where Iran and its proxies are now actively engaged in a comprehensive war against Israel, the Sunni Arab Gulf States and, since October, more than 150 attacks on US troops in the region.

America's "diplomatic efforts," instead of putting a stop to Iran's nuclear program, have only resulted in a series of concessions that have empowered the Iranian regime. (Image source: iStock)

As Iran is on the brink of acquiring nuclear weapons, the responsibility for this development lies squarely on the shoulders of the Obama and Biden administrations. Through a series of misinformed and misguided policies, they have paved the way for Iran to realize its nuclear ambitions.

America's "diplomatic efforts," instead of putting a stop to Iran's nuclear program, have only resulted in a series of concessions that have empowered the Iranian regime. The lack of stringent enforcement and verification measures, and especially lifting secondary sanctions -- by which any country that does business with Iran is prohibited from doing business with America -- have allowed Iran to accelerate its nuclear activities "under the radar." The leniency and strategic missteps of both the Obama and Biden administrations have thus critically undermined global non-proliferation efforts, bringing the world to the current situation where Iran stands about to become a nuclear-armed state.

The concept of granting concessions to Iran, which originated with the Obama administration, culminated in what became known as the "nuclear deal." The deal marked a significant shift in international relations with Iran. On the very first day of implementing the deal, the international community saw the removal of crippling United Nations Security Council sanctions. These sanctions, which had taken decades to establish, represented a robust international effort to contain Iran's nuclear plans.

Iran's continued development of ballistic missile technology and its persistent test firings of missiles, both in clear violation of UN resolutions, were largely overlooked. In addition, the growing bellicosity of Iran's huge militia, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), as well as the nuclear program itself, were apparently never addressed with the seriousness they warranted -- thereby allowing Iran to expand its military capabilities and regional aggression unchecked.

Meanwhile, reports have surfaced, disclosed by whistleblowers to Senators Chuck Grassley and Ron Johnson, that the Obama-Biden State Department went so far as to "actively interfere" with the efforts of the FBI to arrest certain individuals who were in the United States illegally and suspected of supporting Iran's financial endeavors aimed at developing nuclear weapons. Interference by the State Department would have involved obstructing the FBI's law enforcement actions, which were crucial in addressing the illegal activities related to Iran's ambitions for weapons development. The decision to intervene and prevent these arrests raises serious questions about the administration's priorities and commitment to national security. This revelation adds another layer of complexity to the narrative surrounding the administration's approach to Iran, suggesting an eagerness to overlook potential threats.

The newfound legitimacy that Obama granted to Iran, coupled with his lifting sanctions, generated a flood of billions of dollars for the IRGC, as well as for various other militias and terrorist groups supported by the regime. The windfall enabled Tehran to significantly bolster its military and paramilitary operations, and extend its influence across the Middle East. The Iranian regime strategically allocated these funds to support and expand its own proxy presence throughout the region, including, among other spots, Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Yemen, Sudan, Somalia, Mali, Burkina Faso and the Gaza Strip.

In Syria, Iran's backing has been pivotal in bolstering the Assad regime by providing military and logistical support, which helped turn the civil war in Assad's favor. Similarly, in Yemen, Iran's financial and military aid to the Houthi rebels fueled an ongoing conflict that has had devastating humanitarian consequences and has further destabilized the region. In Lebanon, Iran's support for Hezbollah strengthened the group's military capabilities and political clout and made Lebanon into a solid Iranian proxy. Iran's expansion campaign, underpinned by the substantial revenue boost from sanctions lifted by the Biden administration, proved to be immensely successful, significantly intensifying Iran's grip across the Middle East.

When the Trump administration came to office, the fortunes of Iran shifted dramatically. The Trump administration implemented a "maximum pressure" policy aimed at curtailing Iran's economic capabilities by particularly focusing on reducing the country's oil exports, and, most importantly, establishing "secondary sanctions" that banned any country doing business with Iran from doing business with the US. This highly effective policy significantly slashed Iran's oil revenues, a major source of funding for the regime. The Trump administration's re-imposition and expansion of sanctions exerted immense economic pressure on the Iranian government and forced Iranian leaders to make difficult financial decisions, such as cutting back on funding to their regional allies, as well as to Iran's militias and terror groups. As the Islamic regime's proxies and aligned groups found themselves with fewer resources to sustain their activities, the reduction in financial support effectively hobbled Iran's operational capabilities. The "maximum pressure" campaign, therefore, not only weakened Iran's domestic economy but also curtailed its ability to project power and influence through its network of regional proxies.

When President Joe Biden assumed office, Iran experienced a renewed sense of optimism and relief. The Biden administration swiftly took steps that were seen as favorable to Tehran. One of the new administration's first actions was to remove Yemen's Houthi rebels from the U.S. List of Foreign Terrorist Organizations, a move that was perceived as a significant concession. The Houthis reciprocated the goodwill gesture by launching missiles and attack drones on its neighbors in Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. The Biden administration also tried to revive the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), commonly known as the "Iran nuclear deal," which had guaranteed Iran nuclear weapons in just a few years, and was therefore abandoned by the Trump administration. As these financial and diplomatic overtures took shape, Iran's oil exports began to climb, reaching new heights estimated at $100 billion. This resurgence in oil revenue once again empowered Iran to finance its hegemonic regional ambitions and support its network of militias, proxies and allied groups.

Worse, reports indicate that the Biden administration has not only overlooked Iran's advances in its nuclear program, but that it is also actively discouraging the European Union from rebuking Iran for its defiance and progress in nuclear development. The Biden administration's passive approach of trying to use what might look like "protection money" to try to bribe Iran into compliance has simply backfired. Iran took the billions and, unsurprisingly, appears to have fungibly used them to finance several wars in the region -- Hamas and Hezbollah's war against Israel, the Houthis' war against Israel and the US, and Iran's own April 13 missile- and drone-attack against Israel -- as well as Iran's nuclear weapons program.

The Biden administration, sadly, seems to have been the enabling factor in Iran's continued regional assertiveness and nuclear advancement. The administration's series of policies favorable to Iran significantly strengthened the regime to the point where Iran and its proxies are now actively engaged in a comprehensive war against Israel, the Sunni Arab Gulf States and, since October, more than 150 attacks on US troops in the region.

Drawing from historical precedents, it is easy to understand the efficacy of certain measures: imposing stringent sanctions, and especially secondary sanctions, targeting Iran's oil sales to curtail revenue flows to the regime, and considering the deployment of military options to address Iran's nuclear program. These strategic actions are now more crucial than ever in ensuring regional stability, curbing Iran's ambitions and safeguarding global security interests.

Dr. Majid Rafizadeh is a business strategist and advisor, Harvard-educated scholar, political scientist, board member of Harvard International Review, and president of the International American Council on the Middle East. He has authored several books on Islam and US Foreign Policy. He can be reached at Dr.Rafizadeh@Post.Harvard.Edu


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What I Saw at a Terrorist Rally Outside a Synagogue - Daniel Greenfield


​ by Daniel Greenfield

Why is this happening?


  • Despite knowing that a terrorist rally was planned outside a synagogue, the LAPD had allowed the terrorist supporters to take over the entire sidewalk, leaving only a thin lane for attendees to walk through to get inside. The LAPD did little to interfere with the terrorist supporters, but did block Jewish counterprotesters from reaching their own synagogue.

  • Media accounts, especially from the Los Angeles Times, CNN and the JTA, falsely characterize the violence as coming from the Jewish counterprotesters rather than the terrorist supporters.

  • [T]he LAPD brings out the riot gear, allows the radicals free rein and waits as long as possible before taking any action.

  • Why is this happening? ... Mayor Karen Bass is a close political ally of BLM LA boss Melina Abdullah, who has backed the pro-terrorist campaign against Jews. When Jews were attacked at UCLA, Democrat members of the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors passed a motion to fund legal support for the terrorist supporters. The resolution to use taxpayer money to fund legal defenses for antisemites was put forward by Supervisor Lindsey Horvath who 'represents' Council District 3 where the synagogue hate riot was taking place. After all the antisemitic violence at UCLA, the only one facing serious charges is a Jewish student.

  • The Democrat leadership of Los Angeles does not stand with the Jewish communities being targeted by hate, but with the antisemitic mobs surrounding synagogues.

  • Behind the masks, keffiyehs and the terrorist flags is the new Democratic Party.

Thirty minutes after Hamas supporters first set up their operation outside a Los Angeles synagogue, they maced their first Jew. And the Los Angeles police did nothing. Not until an hour into the terrorist rally did the LAPD finally step in. Pictured: Police officers struggle to hold back a mob of Hamas supporters who were attacking Jews and illegally blocking the entrance to the Adas Torah Synagogue in Los Angeles, June 23, 2024. (Photo by David Swanson/AFP via Getty Images)

Thirty minutes after Hamas supporters first set up their operation outside a Los Angeles synagogue, they maced their first Jew. And the Los Angeles police did nothing.

Not until an hour into the terrorist rally outside a synagogue, did the LAPD finally step in, pushing back masked Jihad supporters in keffiyeh terror scarves from the entrance of Congregation Adas Torah (Congregation of the Bible) which they had occupied.

And then the mob, chanting calls for "intifada" and the destruction of Israel, moved outward to target two smaller synagogues attended by Persian Jewish refugees from Islamic terror in Iran.

"Billions of us will come and kill you," a heavily accented Middle Eastern man in a keffiyeh unprompted rasped at me as I walked up. Only dozens had actually shown up, but they made up for it with bullhorns, robotic chants, and assaults in the middle of a Jewish neighborhood.

The Jewish counterprotesters had come waving American and Israeli flags, while the other side was a sea of terrorist flags. A man wore an Antifa cap, another had come in ski goggles during 90-degree heat, while others toted bear spray, metal bottles, and other implements of violence.

The Jewish community members included older men and women, as well as families, while the Hamas contingent was mostly young and many were masked. A pair of rabbis led a melodic song that could hardly be heard over the harsh clatter of the hateful terror chants.

Despite knowing that a terrorist rally was planned outside a synagogue, the LAPD had allowed the terrorist supporters to take over the entire sidewalk leaving only a thin lane for synagogue attendees to walk through to get inside. The LAPD did little to interfere with the terrorist supporters, but did block Jewish counterprotesters from reaching their own synagogue. The police also did nothing as clumps of masked Hamas supporters broke away from the synagogue and began confronting, threatening, and attacking Jewish community members on the street.

LAPD officers did not stir as confrontations escalated into assaults, shoving into mace and bear spray. Jewish community members rushed to provide water bottles to the affected. Only after several such incidents did the LAPD finally bring in reinforcements and push the Hamas supporters away from the synagogue entrance (dispersing them to harass and threaten two other synagogues) while also clearing Jewish families away from the other side of the street who had been peacefully waving flags near a children's school.

The terrorist hate rally spread outside three synagogues, Congregation Adas Torah, Chabad Persian Youth, and Congregation Ateret Israel (Glory of Israel), and the confrontations in the center of the street continued. There were running battles along the large commercial street, with violent assaults outside a kosher luncheonette and running battles down a residential street in the Jewish neighborhood.

The terrorist hate rally was not an aberration, It's become the new normal.

On Thursday, Hamas supporters showed up at Congregation Shaarey Zedek (Gates of Righteousness) in the San Fernando Valley, formerly attended by Ben Shapiro, yelling abuse at parents taking their children to school. Other Jewish schools have been similarly targeted.

Beginning with the assault on the Museum of Tolerance when it was screening a documentary on the October 7 massacre, to the violence at UCLA, it has played out this way for 8 months.

The LAPD has consistently failed to secure protest zones, to separate different groups of protesters and to prevent violence, and only steps in when it escalates past a set point. That point usually comes when the Jewish counterprotesters start fighting back. And then the LAPD begins arresting both sides while politicians, including Mayor Bass, deplore the violence.

Media accounts, especially from the Los Angeles Times, CNN and the JTA, falsely characterize the violence as coming from the Jewish counterprotesters rather than the terrorist supporters.

I had previously heard first-person accounts from people who were assaulted while the police and security at UCLA did nothing, but now I saw it for myself. And after 8 months of the same thing, it's hard to believe that it's simple incompetence or that a major urban police force has no idea how to handle the same kind of protests and is incapable of figuring out how to do so.

Especially when it's been standard procedure by other urban police forces.

The LAPD is clearly aware of the potential for violence because it sends out officers in riot gear. But rather than engaging in proactive policing to prevent violence, they stand passively and wait for orders from higher up before taking any action. This is not normal policing during protests and counterprotests, when the standard doctrine is for police to set up barriers and stand between groups of protesters before they bring out the riot gear. But the LAPD brings out the riot gear, allows the radicals free rein, and waits as long as possible before taking any action.

Why is this happening? I previously reported that Mayor Karen Bass is a close political ally of BLM LA boss Melina Abdullah, who has backed the pro-terrorist campaign against Jews. When Jews were attacked at UCLA, Democrat members of the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors passed a motion to fund legal support for the terrorist supporters. The resolution to use taxpayer money to fund legal defenses for antisemites was put forward by Supervisor Lindsey Horvath, who 'represents' Council District 3 where the synagogue hate riot was taking place. After all the antisemitic violence at UCLA, the only one facing serious charges is a Jewish student.

The Democrat leadership of Los Angeles does not stand with the Jewish communities being targeted by hate, but with the antisemitic mobs surrounding synagogues.

Behind the masks, keffiyehs and the terrorist flags is the new Democratic Party.


Daniel Greenfield is a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. This article previously appeared at the Center's Front Page Magazine.


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By shooting down 'Chevron deference' doctrine, SCOTUS restored democratic rulemaking, experts say - Kevin Killough


​ by Kevin Killough

“The ramifications of this decision are going to be felt for decades,” energy analyst David Blackmon said. The decision removes a considerable amount of power from administrative agencies, who will now have to provide evidence before issuing decisions.


The Supreme Court Friday issued a ruling that will limit federal agencies’ sweeping regulatory power. Libertarians and conservatives have hailed the decision as increasing individual liberty and reducing the power of bureaucrats over Americans' lives.

In a 6-3 decision, the justices vacated a 1984 doctrine known as "Chevron deference," which allows federal agencies broad latitude in interpreting laws when Congress hasn’t provided specific guidelines. Under the doctrine, if Congress has granted an agency the general authority to make rules with the force of law, courts generally defer to the agency’s implementation of that general authority. 

David Blackmon, energy analyst and author of “Energy Absurdities,” called the high court’s decision a “Earth-shaking ruling.” 

“It's going to be much, much harder for federal agencies to invoke major, incredibly complex regulations that are clearly outside the original intent and scope of the governing statute,” Blackmon told Just the News

BASEDPolitics host Hannah Cox said in a video on X that the doctrine was developed by activist judges in the 1980s who didn’t feel restrained to interpretations of the law based on the Constitution, precedent, or originalism. Instead, she said, they just made up the law as it suited them. The Chevron deference grew out of this era, Cox said, and as a result, federal agencies have been able to decide what their own powers are, instead of Congress or the courts. This resulted in an “explosion” in rules and regulation. 

“Americans are no longer living in a representative government for a number of reasons, but predominantly because your elected lawmakers are not the ones really making most of the rules that govern your lives,” Cox said. 

Long overdue

With the Supreme Court’s decision on the matter, instead of deferring to the agencies, judges will interpret the law as written by Congress. This will make it easier to overturn regulations impacting industries and individuals, experts say. 

The challenge to the doctrine originated with a 2020 final rule issued by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, which required fishing companies to hire someone to act as a monitor aboard their vessels. According to New Civil Liberties Alliance (NCLA), which represented the plaintiffs, the monitors would cost the fishermen more than $700 per day, which sometimes exceeds their profits. 

Three fisheries — Relentless, Inc.; Huntress, Inc.; and Seafreeze Fleet Inc. — sued, and in 2023, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the First Circuit upheld NOAA’s rule, relying heavily on the Chevron deference. According to the court’s ruling, the Magnuson-Stevens Act, which governs U.S. fisheries, provided NOAA with the general regulatory authority to manage fisheries, and the agency had executed a reasonable interpretation of the federal statute. 

Friday’s Supreme Court decision remanded the lower court’s ruling. 

“This ruling is long overdue. To allow agencies to pick the pocket of the regulated without congressional authorization is against all the principles of representative government and our constitutional structure,” John Vecchione, senior litigation counsel for the NCLA, said in a statement

The Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI), a regulatory reform think tank, had filed an amicus brief in support of the fisheries. 

“Chevron encourages agencies — not neutral and impartial judges — to interpret the law, and sometimes those agencies are afflicted with institutional self interest,” the CEI argued in its brief. Dan Greenberg, CEI's general counsel, applauded the high court’s decision, saying that it’s a huge step for self-government and “dethrones federal agencies.” 

“This is a welcome decision by the Court. It amounts to the Justices telling the rest of the government: do your job and stay in your lane,” Greenberg said in a statement

Really rogue

Steve Milloy, a senior legal fellow with the Energy and Environmental Legal Institute and publisher of, said that, combined with the June 2022 decision in West Virginia v. EPA, federal agencies will only be able to do what Congress has authorized them to do. 

In West Virginia v. EPA, the Supreme Court ruled that Congress did not grant the EPA authority to regulate emissions from existing power plants based on their type of fuel. The decision invalidated former President Barack Obama’s Clean Power Plan.

“If Congress writes vague laws, well, they can interpret them however they want. But then they're going to be subject to whatever a judge decides. So it’s huge,” Milloy told Just the News

The ruling may bolster legal challenges to regulations enacted by the Environmental Protection Agency, he said, including rules governing semi trucks, power plants and vehicle emissions

However, Milloy said, the EPA is a “bully agency,” and it has issued rules that it knows exceeds any authority Congress has granted it, but it passes the rules anyways.

“These people are really rogue,” Milloy said. 

Friday’s ruling against Chevron deference will “sandwich” them, he said, between the agency’s habit of exceeding its authority and the decisions by judges who will now interpret the law. 

Congressional responsibility

Supporters of Chevron deference argue that the guideline allowed federal agencies to easily pass rules that protect Americans within a general guidance that Congress allows. 

New York University School of Law Professor Melissa Murray argued on MSNBC in January that Congress is too politically polarized, and lawmakers don't have the time to pass all the regulations that protect people. Likewise, she said, lawmakers don’t have the expertise to regulate effectively. 

“Imagine Marjorie Taylor Green making decisions about particulate matter,” Murray said, referring to the Republican representative from Georgia. Murray, who specializes in constitutional law, family law, criminal law, and reproductive rights and justice is a former clerk for Sonia Sotomayor, then of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit. Justice Sotomayor joined Justice Kagan's dissent in the case.

The EPA finalized rules on particulate matter in February, which critics say will raise costs for manufacturers, increase electricity rates and block new manufacturing facilities and infrastructure projects. Twenty-four states are now suing the EPA to block the rules

Supporters of the Supreme Court’s decision say that it will force Congress to assume its role in government as is outlined in the Constitution. 

In a thread on X, Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, said that Friday’s ruling will force Congress to “re-learn how to write real laws.” 

“For decades, Congress has relied on a lazy technique. Rather than enacting real laws, Congress has delegated much of its lawmaking power to unelected, unaccountable bureaucrats,” Lee said. 

Blackmon, the energy analyst, agreed the decision will place the onus of rulemaking back on Congress, and this will lead to sweeping changes in federal rulemaking. 

“The ramifications of this decision are going to be felt for decades,” Blackmon said.

Kevin Killough


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DEI trainer says American flag symbolizes 'hate' and 'extremism' - Eric Utter

​ by Eric Utter

The Stars and Stripes has been seen as a symbol of freedom and hope by the majority of people on earth for many decades.


Dr. Nancy Dome, a prominent DEI trainer, recently stated that the American flag symbolizes "hate" and "extremism,” according to a report on and something called Past Chronicle.

The story, by Sam Watanuki, noted that Dome’s assertion “has ignited a heated debate among educators and the broader community.”

Really? “Debate?!” How far we have fallen.

The Stars and Stripes has been seen as a symbol of freedom and hope by the majority of people on earth for many decades.

But not Dr. Dome, who, during a recent DEI training session, stated that the American flag is a constant reminder of oppression for Black Americans. (Maybe she meant the Confederate flag.)

Dome went so far as to suggest the flags should be removed from schools and workplaces. I’m sure she’d be in favor of replacing it with the LGBTQ flag, or possibly the hammer and sickle.

Unsurprisingly, Dr. Dome is a strong advocate for teaching Critical Race Theory (CRT) in schools (and workplaces?). Moreover, she believes that employees who do not support DEI initiatives should be summarily dismissed.

Now that is tolerance and inclusion! “Anyone who disagrees with me should be fired!” Or canned. Or shot.

Dr. Dome also champions equity over equality, meaning she disdains competence and freedom and supports government coercion. The article states that “She believes that without equity, true equality cannot be achieved,” which means she is an actual, devout racist, besides being nonsensical.

Dr. Dome (I admit her name is fun to say) is co-founder and executive officer of Epoch Education, a major DEI consultancy for large school districts. The organization, too, promotes an equity agenda.

Epoch Education’s website states (at the bottom):

We are more than experts. We are educators.

It also says it will provide clients with “the knowledge and tools needed to cultivate compassionate mindsets and practices.” Because, apparently, otherwise we’d all be hate-filled idiots.

In truth, the American flag was there when the slaves were freed and the union re-established, flying over the bodies of thousands of dead and injured soldiers (including black soldiers) who fought to make this so. It was there when our troops landed in Europe, and fought their way across that continent, to free up enslaved nations and defeat fascism. It was placed on the moon, when courageous American astronauts made some dreams come true … and others seem possible. And it has consistently been there when other nations needed help -- financial, humanitarian, disaster, self-defense, being stuck in a cave, or buried in mine collapse, and more.

Why is it so many of today’s self-proclaimed “educators” disdain the U.S., but believe themselves to be indispensable, the finest souls ever to trod the Earth? Especially the ones with multicolored hair, nose rings, and the LGBTQ flag proudly displayed in their classrooms?

Today’s “journalists” have a completely unwarranted sense of their own importance, as well.

Together, they are just another brick in the wall, obscuring the truth and preventing far too many from seeing the light.

Image: U.S. National Archives, via Picryl // no known restrictions

Eric Utter


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Thursday, June 27, 2024

New evidence turned over to Congress disputes Hunter Biden testimony about controversial firm - Steven Richards and John Solomon


​ by Steven Richards and John Solomon

In his interview with impeachment investigators, Hunter Biden claimed he was not an active participant in the Burnham Asset Management venture. That turns out to be not true, evidence shows.


Already accused of lying to Congress about other issues, Hunter Biden's February impeachment inquiry testimony distancing himself from a controversial securities firm directly conflicts with evidence the FBI seized years ago, including his signature on an employment contract that made him the firm's vice chairman.

The documents were gathered by FBI and SEC agents back in 2016 and were recently obtained by Congress and shared with Just the News, but not until after Hunter Biden had already given his deposition in February to the U.S. House as part of his father's impeachment inquiry.

The growing conflicts between evidence now in lawmakers' possession and the stories the Biden camp continually gives to America and Congress are becoming of increasing interest to lawmakers.

This is especially true regarding the Burnham Asset Management firm that was embroiled in a criminal securities fraud case back in 2016 and also was used by Hunter Biden's business partners to help a controversial Russian oligarch a decade ago.

Hunter Biden testified to Congress in February that he never became part of the Burnham investment. “And did you have any active participation in Burnham, either as an equity holder, director, or officer?” Rep. Andy Biggs, R-Ariz., asked Biden in his impeachment inquiry deposition earlier this year.

“No. I don't think that ever came to fruition. I think that there was a proposal that I'd be a part of that, but it all fell apart in all of this,” Biden replied, referring to the federal securities fraud charges against his partners, Devon Archer and Jason Galanis. The two partners were convicted but Hunter Biden was never charged.

Yet, the newly obtained documents show Hunter Biden was in fact working for Burnham during the same time period. An employment agreement signed by Hunter Biden shows he was named the Vice Chairman of Burnham Asset Management and was to be awarded an $800,000 salary, according to the document, which was also signed by then-CEO Jon Burnham in April 2015.

“Burnham hereby hires the Employee, as Vice Chairman and Senior Managing Director, of Burnham,” the agreement reads.

The FBI's longtime signature expert reviewed the employment document at the request of Just the News and confirmed the signature was indeed Hunter Biden's, matching it to numerous other public documents he signed over the years that included his Social Security card. 

"Selecting from those samples, all of them bore similarity with the signature on the Burnham Access Management Employment Agreement," retired Agent Wayne Barnes reported to Just the News. "But there is one which is so close to the current questioned signature that it is all that is needed for today’s conclusion. It is the signature Hunter Biden wrote on his Social Security card dated 9/20/12."

You can read Barnes' analysis here. 

Other documents in the FBI collection also show Hunter Biden's direct involvement in Burnham's matters,

For instance, a contemporaneous "Letter of Intent" shows that Hunter Biden’s employment at Burnham was part of a deal that also acquired two of his firms, Rosemont Seneca Advisors and RSP Investments. The plan was to roll Rosemont’s business into the wider Burnham umbrella under Burnham Asset Management or Burnham Securities. The letter confirms Biden’s salary and promised an “earned/buy-in equity plan for each employee” of his old firms, the documents show.

Emails also show that on occasion Hunter Biden responded to business deals involving Burnham. For example, Hunter Biden emailed a Chinese businessman named Henry Zhao about the partnership with Burnham and implied that he was now officially a part of the venture.

“Henry-I am so glad to hear that we have concluded our joint venture between Harvest and Burnham,” Biden wrote. “This is an exciting milestone and I look forward to helping building a cross border institution that helps investors in our respective countries across the globe.”

In another instance in June 2015, Biden received a welcome communication from Burnham, instructing him how to set up his company email, phone, and computer, according to a record obtained by Just the News.

And in November 2015, just months after his official onboarding as vice chairman, Biden was copied on an email chain where partners discussed the visit of Zhao and his partners to the Burnham offices in New York City. In this email, the partners used Biden's new Burnham email address.

The new evidence has caught the attention of lawmakers, including Biggs who told Just the News he thinks Congress should refer Hunter Biden to the DOJ for additional prosecution.

"It's no longer a surprise when one finds out that Hunter Biden has lied to you," Biggs said. "It's not even a surprise that he would lie during a formal congressional interview. Truth seems to be a stranger to him," Biggs said.

"I'm hoping that Congress takes further action on the Biden family and their propensity to abuse power and lie to members of Congress," he added,

Abbe Lowell, lawyer for Hunter Biden, did not respond to a request for comment from Just the News.

The efforts to obscure Hunter Biden's involvement with Burnham and its controversies go back years, well before his testimony.

Archer and Galanis were charged in May 2016 in a $60 million bonds fraud scheme while they were working at Burnham. According to the Justice Department, the pair, along with several other co-defendants, defrauded an Oglala Sioux Native American tribal entity by inducing it to issue bonds, but then failed to invest them as they promised.

The fraud was carried out from March 2014 to April 2016, according to the Justice Department. Archer and Galanis were ultimately convicted, though a judge recently ruled that Archer should be re-sentenced.

In the wake of their arrests, Hunter Biden's then-lawyer George Mesires said in a statement that his client immediately moved to distance himself from the firm, claiming the pair had used Biden's name without his knowledge.

“The defendants...invoked and used Hunter’s name—without his knowledge—to lend their business venture more credibility,” Mesires said, according to the Wall Street Journal. “As soon as Hunter learned of the illegal conduct, and that his name was being used in this unauthorized and inappropriate manner, Hunter took immediate steps to ensure that his business interests would not be associated with the Burnham Group or with any of the defendants." 

Despite that, The Wall Street Journal also reported that Archer’s attorney, Matthew L. Schwartz, said during the trial that Hunter Biden “was part of this deal."

More than a year before Hunter Biden officially became a part of Burnham, Biden's partners, including Archer and Galanis, sought to overcome a federal watch list that was preventing a potential investor, Russian oligarch Yelena Baturina, from pouring resources into the new Burnham venture. Emails show that Archer and Galanis worked with contacts at Morgan Stanley in order to help Baturina secure a U.S.-based bank account in January of 2014, Just the News previously reported. 

Later that year, Baturina would wire $3.5 million to Rosemont Realty --another project tied to Hunter Biden's partners --just weeks before she dined with then-Vice President Joe Biden at the Cafe Milano restaurant in Georgetown, Just the News reported. Despite this, the president insisted on national television that he never met any of his son's business partners or discussed business with him.

Other foreign business partners of Hunter Biden, including oligarchs from Kazakhstan, were also in attendance with the president. Galanis told Congress that he worked through Burnham to secure a U.S. account for Baturina precisely so she could invest further in the group's "new projects," that is, Burnham.  

"I previously met Ms. Baturina in February 2014 when Devon Archer asked me to help open her a U.S. bank account. She had invested at least $105 million from Rosemont Realty by that time, which was a Devon Archer investment vehicle. She was having trouble opening a U.S. bank account based on reports of her ties to criminal figures in Russia and corruption allegations related to her politician husband," Galanis said in his deposition. 

"Our efforts were to help her open a bank account, done with the understanding that she would provide more funding to our new projects," he added. 

Later in 2014, and still months before Hunter Biden officially signed his employment agreement, Burnham appeared eager to broadcast the future first son’s association with the company. One December 2014 Burnham pitch book outlining the group’s plans identified Biden as part of the “highly experienced” team the company was trying to assemble. This was not the last time that trading on the Biden name would become the go-to business model.

The presentation highlighted the benefits of acquiring Biden’s firms including access to his financially powerful Chinese connections through Bohai Harvest RST and enjoying “more day to day engagement by our Chairman and Biden.”

The slide deck was set to be presented to Harvest Global Investments which was headed by Zhao, the Chinese business executive. Emails from Hunter Biden’s laptop and witness testimony at the impeachment inquiry show Zhao was keen on partnering with Burnham and Biden because of the value of the Biden family name and the access it would provide, Just the News previously reported.

Another email first reported by investigative author Peter Schweizer in his book, "Red-Handed: How American Elites Get Rich Helping China Win" show that Zhao was primarily interested in partnering with Burnham because of Hunter Biden’s proposed involvement.

“Henry we believe, is still interested in doing the JV deal if a fair evaluation of Burnham can be agreed to and if YOU as a deal maker are inside Burnham,” one partner wrote to Hunter Biden in October 2014. “Henry holds you in very high regard.”

Biden and Archer also planned to form another Burnham-connected entity, this time a joint venture with controversial Burisma Holdings founder Mykola Zlochevsky, which would be headquartered in Liechtenstein and serve as Burisma’s expansion vehicle abroad, Just the News reported last week.

The venture was set to be capitalized by Zlochevsky with $120 million investment and the new Burnham entity—Burnham Energy Security LLC—was slated to get a quarter of the new venture's net revenues without putting up any cash.

When the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) began to investigate the tribal bond transactions in 2016, the agency was also aware of Hunter Biden’s apparent affiliation because it subpoenaed him for documents related to his involvement with Rosemont Seneca Bohai, according to a letter from congressional investigators to the SEC. Rosemont Seneca Bohai was a firm jointly utilized by Biden and Archer via a “handshake 50-50 ownership” agreement, Archer testified earlier this year. According to investigators, the firm carried out at least one transaction of tribal bonds related to the scheme.

Hunter Biden’s lawyers responded to the subpoena by producing more than 1,700 responsive documents, Congress says. But, the lawyers also reportedly invoked his father’s name to urge the agency to keep his association with the partners and companies at the center of the investigation private.

“The confidential nature of this investigation is very important to our client and it would be unfair, not just to our client, but also to his father, the Vice President of the United States, if his involvement in an SEC investigation and parallel criminal probe were to become the subject of any media attention,” Biden’s lawyers wrote the SEC after turning over documents, according to records on file with the committee. Indeed, Biden’s affiliation with Burnham was never addressed by prosecutors publicly.

Steven Richards and John Solomon


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