Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Pager explosions hint at shift in strategy against Hezbollah - analysis - Herb Keinon


by Herb Keinon

Rigging pagers so that they explode in the hands of hundreds of Hezbollah fighters and operatives simultaneously from Beirut to Damascus is obviously something not done overnight.


People gather outside a hospital in Beirut, Lebanon, September 17, 2024 (photo credit: REUTERS/MOHAMED AZAKIR)
People gather outside a hospital in Beirut, Lebanon, September 17, 2024

At 2:36 am on Tuesday, the Prime Minister’s Office sent out a statement saying that the security cabinet updated the objectives of the current war to include “returning the residents of the North securely to their homes.”

The brief statement concluded: “Israel will continue to act to implement this objective.”

 Fourteen hours later, hundreds of wireless pagers exploded across Lebanon and even in Damascus in the pockets and bags carried by members of Hezbollah, wounding more than 2,800 and delivering a substantial physical and morale blow to the terrorist organization.

 Coincidence? Probably not.

 As of Tuesday evening, Israel has not taken responsibility for the attack, which is the stuff of which action movies are made, yet Lebanon, Hezbollah, and others are pointing their fingers squarely at Israel.

Enlrage image

 If indeed Israel was behind the innovative attack, and even before it becomes clear whether this is a prelude to a much bigger Israeli military action – this sowed chaos inside Hezbollah, neutralized hundreds of their fighters for at least several days if not longer, and created disarray regarding the organization’s ability to communicate – it does demonstrate several factors:

First, the security cabinet updating the war’s aims was not without significance.

Israel did not need to declare that returning the 60,000 displaced Israelis to their homes was a war aim to go after Hezbollah men carrying pagers via those pagers, but that declaration does put the attack into a certain context: what was for the last 11 months is not what will be.

After nearly a year of tit-for-tat exchanges with Hezbollah – during which Israel has had the upper hand, killing more Hezbollah fighters and inflicting far greater damage on their strategic and military sites than they did on Israel – this action signals that Israel is taking off the gloves and escalating to a new level of operation.

 The public’s patience with the status quo in the North has run out, and the government understands this – one of the reasons why it updated the aims of the war – and this action, so soon after the war aims were updated, sends a message to Hezbollah that the government is serious about more aggressive steps to return its citizens home.

That message is not only for Hezbollah but also for the international community, first and foremost to the US: get Hezbollah to stand down, meaning to move significantly north of the border with Israel and cease firing missiles and drones, or Israel will indeed take the steps it has been threatening to take for months.

Second, this action shows awesome, jaw-dropping capabilities that will be seen throughout the region.

Rigging pagers so that they explode in the hands of hundreds of Hezbollah fighters and operatives simultaneously from Beirut to Damascus is obviously something not done overnight.

This shows that whoever was responsible for this had been planning it for a long time. The message in that is also clear: even though Hezbollah may be expecting an Israeli attack, they have little idea of what form it will take.

An early warning?

Defense Minister Yoav Gallant said months ago that Israel has new capabilities that will surprise Hezbollah and Israel’s enemies. This comment was lost among endless other “we-will-send-Lebanon-back-to-the-stone-age” threats he has issued since Hezbollah began attacking Israel on October 8.

Yet this attack, if carried out by Israel, shows that Gallant’s words about surprises were not empty.

The level of pre-planning involved is also significant. Given that this war of attrition has dragged on for months and the government has now declared its readiness to go to war to change the situation in the North, Israel has lost the element of surprise in any conventional attack on Hezbollah.

In other words, if the IAF were to strike Beirut tomorrow or tanks rolled into southern Lebanon, it would neither be surprising nor preemptive. The enemy is expecting something.

 Tuesday’s pager explosions, however, show that there are other, non-conventional ways to surprise the enemy and gain a tactical advantage. And this leads to a third lesson: the next war is never fought like the previous one.

 Following the security cabinet’s declaration Tuesday night, the mind immediately went to tanks moving into Lebanon like they did during the First Lebanon War in 1982, or planes bombing Hezbollah’s Dahiyeh stronghold in Beirut as they did in the Second Lebanon War in 2006. And all that still might materialize if a full-blown Third Lebanon War now erupts. But those are both elements of yesterday’s war.

 Monday’s action shows that the next war with Hezbollah will be fought differently and in an innovative and creative way: two traits with which Israel has been amply blessed.

Herb Keinon

Source: https://www.jpost.com/middle-east/article-820574

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Hezbollah’s worst nightmare: Chaos in its ranks - opinion - Seth J. Frantzman


by Seth J. Frantzman

Hezbollah, a highly trained and disciplined terrorist group, is now facing chaos and vulnerability after a large number of its members were injured by exploding communication devices.


An ambulance vehicle drives as hundreds of members of Hezbollah were seriously wounded, in Sidon, Lebanon September 17, 2024 (photo credit: REUTERS/AZIZ TAHER)
An ambulance vehicle drives as hundreds of members of Hezbollah were seriously wounded, in Sidon, Lebanon September 17, 2024
(photo credit: REUTERS/AZIZ TAHER)

Hezbollah is known as a disciplined group. Highly trained, the group invests heavily in its recruits. It is not known to waste them as cannon fodder. It views itself as an elite organization, and within its own structure, there are centers of terrorist excellence, such as the Radwan force.

Hezbollah has achieved this through decades of fine-tuning its capabilities. It has built itself up slowly, first in the 1980s and then in the last two decades as it came to dominate Lebanon. Now, the group faces its worst nightmare: Chaos.

Hezbollah is facing chaos because a large number of its alleged members were wounded on September 17 by exploding communications devices. The full details of this incident are not yet known, and they will only be known over time. However, video and images from Lebanon show men, many of them in their forties, wounded in the hands and faces by exploding communications devices.

The devices are alleged to be pagers. The video shows at least one man pulling his pager from his pocket, only to have it explode in his hand. Gruesome videos, apparently from hospitals in Lebanon, show a large number of men missing parts of their hands or wounded in the legs, stomach, or face.

Suffering so many casualties to key members of the terrorist group may not be crippling, but it clearly will harm a swatch of the group’s key members. This will put the men in hospital for a period of time. Some of them can go back to serving Hezbollah, but they will not have access to one of their hands.

Hezbollah members in Lebanon take part in a funeral procession for their comrade Akram Sadek Hourani, who was killed in the recent battles in Syria's Qalamoun region. (credit: REUTERS)Enlrage image
Hezbollah members in Lebanon take part in a funeral procession for their comrade Akram Sadek Hourani, who was killed in the recent battles in Syria's Qalamoun region. (credit: REUTERS)

These will most likely be their dominant hand, meaning the hand they’d also use to hold the trigger of a rifle or push the button to launch a missile. The men will also be marked going forward, so many men with bandages on their hands will be a mark of working for the terrorist group.

Hezbollah has already lost around 450 fighters in its eleven-month confrontation with Israel. This is a significant loss for the group. While Hezbollah can replace losses, it doesn’t have an endlessly deep batting order. This is not only because it has to invest in training and security ahead of recruitment, but it also draws its recruits from a narrow spectrum of Lebanese society.

Hezbollah is based on the Shi’ite population of Lebanon, and even among Shi’ites, it can’t recruit all of them. There are other Shi’ite movements, principally the Amal movement. Amal has 14 seats in Lebanon’s parliament, and Hezbollah has 15.

The overall challenge for Hezbollah is not just replacing wounded and dead fighters. The group will be challenged to rapidly roll out some other way to communicate with its men. The use of pagers may seem archaic, but Hezbollah apparently chose to use this system because it assumed the network could not be penetrated. It issued the pagers, the way a drug gang might do so, and secured the network itself.

Hezbollah has long sought to maintain its own complex and secure communications network in Lebanon. Back in 2008, this became controversial. Hezbollah was accused of killing former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafic Hariri and then dragging Lebanon into the 2006 war with Israel.

At the time, France24 noted that “security sources say Hezbollah has an extensive fixed-line telecommunications network that covers south and east Lebanon as well as Beirut's southern suburbs.” Lebanon’s government, which at the time had elements opposed to Hezbollah’s increasing control of Lebanon, opposed the private communications network. In the end, Hezbollah won out and continued its march to control Lebanon.

In 2011, reports indicated that phone records of Hezbollah terrorists had led to indictments of Hezbollah men for the murder of Hariri in 2005. “Four Hezbollah suspects in the killing of Rafik Hariri were linked to the attack largely by circumstantial evidence gleaned from phone records, according to an indictment published on Wednesday after a six-year investigation which polarised Lebanon,” Gulf News reported.

Hezbollah would have known from the 2005-2011 experience that its communications systems were in the spotlight. The group prides itself on operational security. Hezbollah has also been viewed by experts as one of the more successful Arab military structures in the region. Kenneth Pollack, in his 2019 book Armies of Sand, examined the relative success of Hezbollah compared to other Arab armies in the region.

Strong military structure

In essence, Hezbollah is a more successful military structure, even though it is a terrorist army in Lebanon, than many Arab armies in the region. This is evident from how it has not only been able to confront Israel but also stockpile more rockets, missiles, and drones than many armies in second or third-world countries. Hezbollah has pioneered drone threats against Israel and carried out numerous attacks in this war, for instance.

The chaos that will follow the exploding pagers is already evident in Lebanon. Reports say the Iranian-backed terrorist group is scrambling to tell its members not to use communications devices. Hospitals have numerous injured men. The group will have to scramble to put its organization back together.

Effective groups, whether militaries, terrorist groups, cartels, gangs, or corporations, need to have good communication. A group like Hezbollah needs this to mobilize people and coordinate attacks. It can’t coordinate the launch of large numbers of missiles if it can’t get men to the launchers. Hezbollah requires a way to get in touch with its fighters. It will need to scramble now to replace its pagers or other devices.

It will also now be concerned about the penetration of its operational security. When groups like Hezbollah are in chaos, they are more vulnerable to making mistakes. This reminds us of the story of the penetration of the KKK in the film Mississippi Burning. It took time for the FBI to cause the “rattlesnakes to commit suicide,” but in the end, the KKK was defeated. Similarly, when the US-led coalition defeated Saddam’s army in Iraq in 1991, it set about destroying its command and control nodes. This is how terrorist groups and militaries are defeated.

Hezbollah faces a difficult challenge now. It is in chaos. It may want to lash out and strike back. But it has suffered a major setback. This is also an embarrassing setback. Hezbollah rests on its allure, its sense of being an elite group that is not vulnerable. Now, it feels vulnerable. 

Seth J. Frantzman

Source: https://www.jpost.com/israel-news/article-820559

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Quad nations plan joint coast guard patrols as China gets more aggressive, report says - Seth Robson


by Seth Robson

The plan aims to stem illegal fishing and may be included in a joint statement issued at a summit of the four nations, known as the Quad, for the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue, on Saturday in Delaware, the agency reported.


Originally published by Stars and Stripes

Editor’s Note: This piece by Seth Robson features quotes from CSP Senior Fellow, Grant Newsham.

The United States, Australia, India and Japan are planning joint coast guard and maritime police patrols amid growing Chinese activity in the region, according to unnamed diplomatic sources cited Monday by Japan’s Kyodo News.

The plan aims to stem illegal fishing and may be included in a joint statement issued at a summit of the four nations, known as the Quad, for the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue, on Saturday in Delaware, the agency reported.

It comes as clashes grow in number between Manila and Beijing over territorial claims in the South China Sea.

If the four nations pool efforts, especially surveillance and intelligence resources, and target and locate “high value” targets, such as fishing boats that have turned off electronic identification beacons, and inflict real punishment, that would be helpful, said retired Marine Col. Grant Newsham, a senior researcher with the Japan Forum for Strategic Studies in Tokyo.

“They might also target particular areas where the illegal fishing is most pronounced — and help out certain countries that have particular problems,” he said by email Monday.

New Zealand-based security expert Paul Buchanan said he doesn’t expect the Quad patrols to have a major impact on illegal fishing, especially if China’s military starts escorting fishing boats.

The move signals intent, he said by email Monday, “perhaps with the idea of curtaining illegal Chinese fishing in the first place, particularly in the Indian Ocean and blue water Western Pacific.”

Seth Robson

Source: https://centerforsecuritypolicy.org/quad-nations-plan-joint-coast-guard-patrols-as-china-gets-more-aggressive-report-says/

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‘State of Palestine’ Takes Seat in UN General Assembly - Robert Spencer


by Robert Spencer

Jihad mass murder rewarded.


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The United Nations is currently made up of 193 member nations and two permanent non-member observer states: Vatican City and the “State of Palestine.” The Palestinians, however, are on their way to full member status. The Times of Israel reported Wednesday that “Palestinians took a seat among member states at the UN General Assembly on Tuesday, a new right accorded to the Palestinian Authority’s delegation despite it not being a full member of the body. This is how the UN responds to jihad terrorism: by rewarding those who engage in it.

The initiative to give the “State of Palestine” a seat in the General Assembly began six months after Palestinians murdered 1,200 Israelis on Oct. 7, 2023. “In May,” the Times of Israel notes, an overwhelming majority of the General Assembly asserted that Palestinians deserved full membership, a move that has been blocked by the United States, which along with Israel says recognition of Palestinian statehood must come through a peace agreement.” One of the conditions of Palestinian statehood has always been that the “State of Palestine” recognize Israel’s right to exist, and pledge to live in peace with it. That is something that Palestinian leaders have never been willing to do.

Nevertheless, the UN charged ahead with the plans to reward the Palestinians, apparently under the delusion that a Palestinian state will end all the strife. Thus, “starting with the 79th General Assembly session, which began Tuesday, the Palestinians can submit proposals and amendments, and sit among member states.” Riyad Mansour, the envoy of the “State of Palestine” to the UN, “took his place on Tuesday afternoon at a table marked “State of Palestine” between Sri Lanka and Sudan.

Egyptian Ambassador Osama Mahmoud Abdelkhalek Mahmoud was thrilled, saying: “This is not merely a procedural matter. This is a historic moment for us.Jonathan Miller, deputy Israel ambassador to the UN, was more realistic, observing that any decision and or action that improves the status of the Palestinians, either in the UN General Assembly or bilaterally, is currently a reward… for terrorism in general and the Hamas terrorists in particular.

Indeed. Any doubts about what kind of state the “State of Palestine” might be were removed in late July, when Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas’ Advisor on Religious Affairs and Islamic Relations, Mahmoud Al-Habbash, declared:“Our religion is the religion of tolerance and the religion of human brotherhood. But we are also the people of Jihad and the people of force against those who deserve it from us and against those who want to harm our dignity, desecrate our holy sites, or deprive our rights…Palestine is giving its blood abundantly for your sake, nation of Islam.”

Then in early August, al-Habbash amplified his call for jihad against Israel: “Your best Jihad is Ribat (i.e., religious conflict over land claimed to be Islamic), and your best Ribat is Ashkelon. Where is Ashkelon? Ashkelon is a city in Palestine (sic., an Israeli coastal city), and the land of Palestine is a land of Ribat and Jihad until Judgement Day. His [Prophet Muhammad’s] dear followers came while carrying out Jihad for Allah to Palestine and Greater Syria, and they liberated it from the Byzantine occupation. Saladin liberated it from the Crusader occupation. And today it will be liberated [again], Allah willing. Palestine will return and be liberated, sooner or later.”

Does this sound as if al-Habbash and his comrades will be pacified with a “State of Palestine” and stop making war against Israel? No. Al-Habbash’s jihad will continue “until Judgment Day,” and he is by no means the only one. The Qur’an commands Muslims to “drive them out from where they drove you out” (2:191), and even though it is a historical myth that the Israelis drove the Palestinian Arabs out of Israel, that is the guiding principle of the entire conflict. The Palestinian struggle (in Arabic, “jihad”) will continue until all of Israel is destroyed.

That holds true no matter what the United Nations does. No number of rewards for the Oct. 7 jihad massacre will blunt the force of the jihad against Israel; in fact, such rewards will only embolden the jihadis. When the “State of Palestine” took its seat in the UN General Assembly, the message to the “Palestinians” was clear: murder more Jews, and you’ll get even more of what you want. The “State of Palestine” is only a stepping-stone to the total eradication of Israel and a new genocide of the Jews.

Robert Spencer is the director of Jihad Watch and a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. He is author of 28 books, including many bestsellers, such as The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades), The Truth About Muhammad, The History of Jihad, and The Critical Qur’an. His latest book is Muhammad: A Critical Biography. Follow him on Twitter here. Like him on Facebook here.

Source: https://www.frontpagemag.com/state-of-palestine-takes-seat-in-un-general-assembly/

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Fetterman reams out NY Times for platforming terrorist propaganda after interview with senior Hamas official - Yael Halon


by Yael Halon

The Times traveled to Doha to interview the senior Hamas for two-hours in his home


Sen. John Fetterman, D-Penn., accused the New York Times of spreading Hamas propaganda after the paper quoted Khaled Meshal, one of the terror group's most senior officials, in a new report Tuesday. 

The Times story, headlined "Hamas is surviving war in Israel. Now it hopes to thrive in Gaza again," centers around an interview with Meshal, who insisted Hamas "is winning the war and will play a decisive role in Gaza’s future" despite Israel's commitment to eradicate the terror group responsible for killing 1,200 people on October 7.

The Times interviewed Meshal for two-hours in his living room in Doha, Qatar, where he "offered rare insights into the thinking of Hamas officials," the report reads.



AMMAN, JORDAN- SEPTEMBER 4: Khaled Mashal, the leader of the Islamic Palestinian organization Hamas, on September 4, 2016, in Amman, Jordan.  ((Photo by Jordan Pix/ Getty Images))

"In the interview, Mr. Meshal made clear that Hamas officials are not in a rush to conclude a cease-fire with Israel at any price, and will not give up on their main demands for an end to the war and an Israeli withdrawal," the Times wrote.

Fetterman posted a screenshot of the story's headline on X, rebuking the outlet for giving one of Hamas' most senior leaders a platform to promote the group's message.

"No idea why NYT would platform this propaganda from a terrorist. Undoubtedly, Israel will hold him accountable," the lawmaker wrote. "Hamas is no different than WWII Nazis and I fully support Israel’s commitment to neutralize them."


The Times report notes that the U.S. accused Meshal and other Hamas leaders of playing "a central role in planning and carrying out the Oct. 7 attacks on Israel." Hamas has been designated a terrorist organization by the United States and Israel.

Still, the paper features quotes from Meshal insisting that the terror group "has the upper hand," and "has remained steadfast" while bringing the Israeli military into 'a state of attrition."

"Hamas’s reasoning is simple — winning simply means surviving and, at least for now, the group has managed to do that, even if it is severely weakened," the Times writes.


Former political bureau chief of Hamas, Khaled Mashal speaks as he attends the Baitul Maqdis Opinion Leaders Forum on October 12, 2018 in Istanbul. ((Photo by Momen Faiz/NurPhoto via Getty Images))


Meshal told the paper that President Biden's seemingly changed position - from initially supporting Hamas eradication to demanding a cease fire in the region, sends a message that the U.S. is "practically recognizing" the terror group.

"Despite Hamas’s immense losses, including many senior commanders killed by Israel, Mr. Meshal said he was confident that the group would play a dominant role in Gaza following the war. He dismissed alternative American and Israeli proposals for administering the territory without Hamas," the Times report reads.

2024/07/03: Hamas terrorists in the West Bank.

2024/07/03: Hamas terrorists in the West Bank.  (( Nasser Ishtayeh/SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images))

"All their illusions about filling the vacuum are behind us," Mashal said.

The Times report states that many in Gaza are upset at Hamas for the October 7 massacre, which launched a full-scale war in the region. But Meshal "dismissed criticism of Hamas’s decision. Palestinian critics of Hamas represented a minority, he said," according to the Times report.

"He acknowledged that the assault had caused enormous destruction but said it was a ‘price’ Palestinians must pay for freedom."

"As a Palestinian, my responsibility is to fight and resist until liberation," he told the Times.

The New York Times did not respond to Fox News Digital's request for comment.


Yael Halon is a reporter for Fox News Digital. Story tips can be sent to yael.halon@fox.com.

Source: https://www.foxnews.com/media/fetterman-reams-ny-times-platforming-terrorist-propaganda-after-interview-senior-hamas-official

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Biden-Harris Admin Launches Investigation of RFK Jr for Whale Incident 30 Years Ago - Daniel Greenfield


by Daniel Greenfield

The total weaponization of the federal government is happening.


Kamala claimed that if Trump wins, he’ll weaponize the government against his political opponents. That’s the most obvious case of projection since the Kinsey report. The Biden-Harris administration uses every part of the government to run investigations of its political opponents on the most implausible of pretexts.

Like trying to put Trump on trial over a law created to stop the KKK from wearing masks on highways.

Or an investigation of RFK Jr over something that happened decades ago.

In 2012, Kick Kennedy, RFK Jr’s daughter, told a story to Town and Country Magazine about something her dad had supposedly done when she was six years old.

Kick’s taste for the extreme was fed by her dad’s eccentric environmentalism. Exhibit A: When she was six, word got out that a dead whale had washed up on Squaw Island in Hyannis Port. Bobby — who likes to study animal skulls and skeletons — ran down to the beach with a chainsaw, cut off the whale’s head, and then bungee-corded it to the roof of the family minivan for the five-hour haul back to Mount Kisco, New York. “Every time we accelerated on the highway, whale juice would pour into the windows of the car, and it was the rankest thing on the planet,” Kick recalls. “We all had plastic bags over our heads with mouth holes cut out, and people on the highway were giving us the finger, but that was just normal day-to-day stuff for us.”

Since Kick was supposedly born in 1988, this would have happened in 1994. Or 30 years ago. (RFK Jr describes it as being 20 years ago so maybe my math is off or his daughter’s age is.)

No one cared. Certainly no one launched investigations of RFK Jr.

Then RFK Jr not only campaigned against Biden, but endorsed Trump. And suddenly the event from 1994 was interesting again in the same way that Justice Kavanaugh’s high school yearbook was suddenly big news.

If there’s any ambiguity about this, let’s look at the timetable.

On Aug 23, RFK Jr dropped out and endorsed Trump.

On Aug 27, the Center for Biological Diversity Action Fund, a Democrat PAC attached to an environmentalist leftist nonprofit, which has endorsed Kamala, demanded that the Biden administration investigate RFK Jr over the whale.

“NOAA law enforcement should open an investigation and potentially bring charges against him,” the Center demanded, four days after RFK Jr had endorsed its political opponent.

The Biden administration’s NOAA waited a few weeks (the wheels of government grind slowly even when AG Garland is screeching on the phone and demanding action) before giving CNN the good news.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration confirmed on Monday it is investigating Robert F. Kennedy Jr. for allegedly decapitating a dead whale carcass and transporting it home two decades ago.

On Saturday, Kennedy said at a campaign event in Arizona he received a letter from the National Marine Fisheries Services, an organization that falls underneath NOAA, informing him he was under investigation for an incident he said occurred 20 years ago in which he collected a dead whale specimen.

A spokesperson for NOAA confirmed to CNN on Monday that Kennedy is under investigation for the incident.

“It is long standing NOAA practice not to comment on open investigations,” the spokesperson said.

Except to CNN. While investigating its political opponents for events that happened decades ago.

The Endangered Species Act has a 5-year statute of limitations. This isn’t an investigation, it’s government weaponization and election interference.

Congress could put a stop to this by zeroing out the NOAA’s enforcement budget. But that would require a spine. And that’s exactly why the NOAA decided to listen to the Biden-Harris administration instead of warning that it’s not a political organization.

The total weaponization of the federal government against political opponents is happening.

Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.

Source: https://www.frontpagemag.com/biden-harris-admin-launches-investigation-of-rfk-jr-for-whale-incident-30-years-ago/

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The Deadly Get-Trump Climate Continues - Victor Davis Hanson


by Victor Davis Hanson

Will the Left stop sending unambiguous messages to would-be assassins?


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Just two months after the failed Trump assassination attempt of one Thomas Matthew Crooks, we witnessed on Sunday yet another foiled one by Ryan Wesley Routh—a would-be assassin and anti-Trump/radical pro-Ukraine War social media addict. Somehow he too once again got within relatively easy shooting range of ex-President Trump.

Is there a continued pattern here of lax Trump Secret Service protection, coupled with a general social media and televised climate that equates Trump with Hitler and lowers the bar of the assassination?

That is, are we sending unambiguous messages to would-be assassins that a) lots of Trump-hating people would welcome an assassination attempt and canonize the wannabe assailant; b) it would not be that difficult to pull an assassination off given security laxity and incompetence; and thus c) we will likely witness a series of such unhinged attempts?

On August 14, almost exactly two months ago, I predicted the following:

If Donald Trump all summer has been compared by his enemies to Hitler and his murderous Third Reich, and if a 20-year-old would-be assassin and murderer with ease took up a sniper’s position to kill Trump—without a notified Secret Service or other law enforcement attempting to abort the shooter’s attempted assassination—what signal does that send to other would-be assassins for the next 80 days of the 2024 campaign?

Is the message that if a 20-year-old amateur sniper can brazenly and visibly for nearly an hour breach all Secret Service security perimeters to shoot eight times at the president, hit him in the ear, kill one innocent bystander, and wound two others, then almost any future, more-experienced serious shooter could match or exceed the ability of that disturbed amateur to get close enough to Trump to fire more than eight shots at his head?

And that shooting Donald Trump in many leftist quarters would subsequently earn the unhinged killer eternal fame, applause, and immortality?

And that if there are such anticipated rewards and perceived opportunities, then we may well see more attempts on candidate Trump’s life?
And here is just today’s example of the usual leftwing daily vitriol equating Trump with some sort of existential enemy that must be somehow stopped—expressed on both television and social media:

After the would-be assassination attempt, the Democratic House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries posted this: “Extreme MAGA Republicans are the party of a national abortion ban and Trump’s Project 2025. We must stop them.”

Jeffries is spreading untruths: Trump has never supported a national abortion ban and has consistently distanced himself from the Heritage Project 2025. And after such deliberately lying what exactly does the House Minority Leader mean by “We must stop them”?

And after today’s failed assassination attempt, Rachel Vindman, wife of Alexander Vindman of Trump first impeachment notoriety, and sister-in-law to current Congressional candidate Eugene Vindman, posted “No ears were harmed. Carry on with your Sunday afternoon.”

What does Ms. Vindman mean? Another weekend, just another attempt to kill Trump, so no big deal?

And also, just today on MSNBC Democratic activist Rev. Dr. Jacqui Lewis ranted (to the silence of the network’s host Jonathan Capehart), “Let’s not pretend that Donald Trump isn’t exactly like Mussolini, exactly like Hitler…You nice Christians, kind, loving Jewish people – we’re not these people. We’re not these people. And we’re not going to get what we want if we elect this fascist, authoritarian weasel.”

So, what does the Reverend suggest to Americans that they do with such a Hitlerian weasel?

And we should remind Kamala Harris and Joe Biden, for yet the nth time, that Donald Trump did not call for a “bloodbath” (he was talking about the economic consequences to the U.S. automobile industry of mandating EVs, and outsourcing automobile plants and jobs to Mexico).

Nor did he claim that white supremacists were good people at Charlottesville—but, as the liberal Snopes fact checked, just the opposite: “I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists, because they should be condemned totally.”

These serial assassination attempts, unfortunately, occur in a weary context of Russian collusion, laptop disinformation, state ballot removal, and lawfare. And they are starting to reflect a larger environment of justifying extra-legal means to achieve the ends of ending Trump’s presidency and later reelection by any means necessary.

So, it is all that hard over the next fifty days for President Biden and Secretary Mayorkas to extend adequate Secret Service security for ex-president and Republican presidential nominee Trump—which some congressional Democrats, led by January 6th Committee co-chairman Benny Thompson, had sought to stop entirely in April of this year?

And can we just stop with the demonizing of Trump as a Hitler/fascist/bloodbath/weasel/dictator that must be stopped—before we see third, fourth, and fifth such assassination attempts?

Victor Davis Hanson

Source: https://www.frontpagemag.com/the-deadly-get-trump-climate-continues/

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Israel adds safe return of northern residents to war goals - Joshua Marks


by Joshua Marks

The military is discussing an expanded operation against Hezbollah in Lebanon.


Firefighters at the site of a wildfire following a missiles attack from Lebanon, near Kibbutz Snir, northern Israel, September 16, 2024. Photo by Ayal Margolin/Flash90.
Firefighters at the site of a wildfire following a missiles attack from Lebanon, near Kibbutz Snir, northern Israel, September 16, 2024. Photo by Ayal Margolin/Flash90.

Israel’s Security Cabinet overnight Monday added returning Israelis displaced from their homes in the north to the country’s war goals, bringing a potential major confrontation with Hezbollah in Lebanon closer to reality.

“The Security Cabinet has updated the objectives of the war to include the following: Returning the residents of the north securely to their homes,” the Prime Minister’s Office said in a terse statement on Tuesday morning. “Israel will continue to act to implement this objective.”

According to government figures, over 60,000 people have been evacuated from their residences near the Lebanese border since last October, when the Iranian-backed terror army began near-daily rocket and drone attacks in support of Hamas, after the Gaza-based terror group initiated a war by invading the northwestern Negev.

Communities in the Galilee and Golan have become increasingly frustrated at the ongoing attacks and the government’s response in Jerusalem.

A drone fired from Lebanon into Israel flies over the Israeli border with Lebanon on Sept. 15, 2024. Photo by Ayal Margolin/Flash90.

According to Channel 12, the military is discussing an expanded operation in Lebanon, including the timing and the details.

“In the military, there’s a reluctance to repeat the precedent set in Gaza, where the objectives of the war were not clearly defined” ahead of time, according to the report.

“Instead, they have established several clear targets for defining the success of the operation. Among these targets are: the return of residents, a significant buildup of forces along the border, and pushing Hezbollah forces away from the border. A senior security official stated that preparations should be made for a prolonged campaign that will exact a heavy toll.”

According to the Channel 12 report, “In the IDF, they are convinced that the State of Israel has passed the [tipping point]—that there is no resolution and the situation is escalating, and no one is saying anything different.

“This has enormous implications, but in the security establishment, there is a firm belief that Israel cannot, at this stage, be satisfied with a ‘targeted operation’ like those seen in previous years in Gaza, for example. They believe that a broad and comprehensive action throughout Lebanon, including Dahieh [a Hezbollah stronghold in Beirut], is necessary.”

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told U.S. presidential envoy Amos Hochstein on Monday that the thousands of displaced Israelis will not be able to return without military or diplomatic action against the terror group.

Netanyahu “made it very clear that it will not be possible to return our residents without a fundamental change in the security situation in the north,” according to a readout from the Israeli Prime Minister’s Office.


While Jerusalem “appreciates and respects” the Biden administration’s support, it will “ultimately do what is necessary to safeguard its security and return the residents of the north securely to their homes,” he told Hochstein during a meeting at Israel Defense Forces headquarters in Tel Aviv.

The additional war goal comes amid reports that Netanyahu is considering replacing Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant with New Hope Party leader Gideon Sa’ar.

Gallant for his part publicly supports an expanded military operation to remove the Hezbollah threat in the north, telling his American counterpart Lloyd Austin during a call on Monday that time was running out for an agreed-upon de-escalation with the terror proxy.

“The possibility of a settlement in the north is passing. Hezbollah continues to tie itself to Hamas. The direction is clear,” Gallant told Austin in an overnight phone call, according to the Defense Ministry.

Gallant also met with Hochstein on Monday. The Biden envoy reportedly warned that a major military operation against Hezbollah in Southern Lebanon will not bring about the return of Israel’s displaced residents.

Hochstein informed Gallant that the United States supports a diplomatic deal with Hezbollah, including through a truce with Hamas terrorists in Gaza, a source familiar with the conversation told local media. The United States envoy warned that military action would raise the risk of all-out regional war.

Gallant was said to have informed the White House envoy that only Israeli military action against Hezbollah can create conditions that will allow Israel to return the evacuees to their homes safely.

Joshua Marks

Source: https://www.jns.org/israel-adds-safe-return-of-northern-residents-to-war-goals/

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AZ Sec of State: Nearly 100,000 AZ voters incorrectly listed as providing proof of citizenship - Natalia Mittelstadt


by Natalia Mittelstadt

The error has occurred for about 20 years and over four administrations, Arizona Secretary of State Adrian Fontes said.


Arizona Secretary of State Adrian Fontes (D) said Tuesday that nearly 100,000 voters were incorrectly registered in the state as providing proof of U.S. citizenship, even though they had not done so.

Fontes explained that there was an error in state systems that labeled the roughly 97,000 voters as providing documented proof of U.S. citizenship, Votebeat reported. The Motor Vehicle Division (MVD) provides the state’s voter registration system with driver’s license information, and the error occurred in that process. Affected voters had first obtained Arizona driver’s licenses before October 1996 and were issued duplicate replacements before registering to vote after 2004, Fontes said.

The error has occurred for about 20 years and over four administrations, he noted.

Arizona is a state with the unusual situation of bifurcated elections, in which residents who provide proof of U.S. citizenship can vote in all elections while the others may vote only in federal elections, resulting in ballots cast by voters who haven’t proven their U.S. citizenship.

Since 2005, state law has required residents registering to vote in the state to provide proof of U.S. citizenship.  

However, after the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in 2013 that Arizona must accept U.S. voter registration forms because of federal requirements under the 1993 National Voter Registration Act, the state allows residents registering to vote who don't provide proof of citizenship to receive ballots for federal races only.

Gov. Katie Hobbs (D) said she ordered the MVD to fix the error and is ordering “an independent audit to ensure that MVD systems are functioning as necessary to support voter registration.”

The error was discovered by a Maricopa County worker who found a registered voter who hadn't provided proof of U.S. citizenship but was listed as a voter who could cast ballots in both federal and state elections. The voter had a green card but never cast a ballot, Fontes said.

"My office discovered this issue last week, and we have been working with the Governor's Office, the Secretary's Office, the MVD, and the Attorney General to fix this moving forward," Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer posted on his X account Tuesday.

Counties are scheduled to send out military and overseas voter ballots on Thursday.

Richer said that his "office (@RecordersOffice) is suing the Secretary's office (@AZSecretary) regarding how to handle certain voters who need to provide documented proof of citizenship."

"Moving forward (2025 onward), everyone agrees we need [documented proof of citizenship] for those voters for them to vote a full ballot," he added. "But the Secretary and I have different opinions on what the law requires for the November 5, 2024 General Election. It is my position that these registrants have not satisfied Arizona's documented proof of citizenship law, and therefore can only vote a 'FED ONLY' ballot. The Secretary argues that it is too close to the election to implement such a change and that it would be unduly burdensome on voters and deprive them of their voting rights. That is why we are going to the courts. To get a clear answer."

Natalia Mittelstadt

Source: https://justthenews.com/politics-policy/elections/adrian-fontes-nearly-100000-az-voters-incorrectly-listed-providing-proof

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But No Boycotts on Russia, China or Iran: The Staggering Hypocrisy of Starmer, Trudeau and Scholz - Robert Williams


by Robert Williams

The UK government worries about Red Cross access to terrorists who participated in the most gruesome crimes, while the ICRC's blatant lack of interest in the Israeli hostages held by Hamas did not even merit a mention by Lammy.


  • [T]he UK government announced that it is imposing an "immediate" weapons embargo against Israel. The statement followed almost a year of relentless attacks on Israel, not only by Iran's proxies -- Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houthis -- but by Iran itself, and probably several tons of unverified propaganda by Hamas that Israel is supposedly committing "war crimes."

  • Even South Africa is seeking to extend the deadline for presenting evidence against Israel at the International Court of Justice, for lack of evidence of its allegations of genocide. So far, all evidence points to Israel being "the world's most moral army." Meanwhile, the same cannot be said for the entities attacking it.

  • The UK suspended "around 30 licenses for items used in the current conflict in Gaza which go to the IDF, from a total of approximately 350 licenses to Israel" allegedly because of Hamas-induced fear that they "might be used to commit or facilitate a serious violation of international humanitarian law." [emphasis added]

  • Hamas, on the other hand, continues to receive Britain's support: Although UNRWA has proven itself to be identical with Hamas, with roughly 10% of its members proven to have been terrorists or with ties to terror groups, and having used its entire Gaza infrastructure, including schools and hospitals, for the purpose of facilitating terror and missile attacks against Israel and its civilians...

  • UK Foreign Secretary David Lammy, in his announcement of the weapons embargo to the House of Commons, said, "in July, I told this House that this government's priority in the region would be to advance the cause of peace" -- apparently because nothing spells peace more than emboldening terrorists.

  • The UK government worries about Red Cross access to terrorists who participated in the most gruesome crimes, while the ICRC's blatant lack of interest in the Israeli hostages held by Hamas did not even merit a mention by Lammy.

  • The UK's arms embargo appears to represent nothing so much as pure racist perfidy. Lammy completely ignores the extreme lengths to which Israel has gone to avoid civilian casualties, as well as the huge amounts of humanitarian aid it has facilitated into the Gaza Strip.

  • Spain has also suspended arms export licenses to Israel since October 7. Spanish Foreign Minister José Manuel Albares said the Gaza war "made us realize the importance of a fair and lasting solution" to the Palestinian conflict with Israel. Fair and lasting, evidently, means siding with terrorists. It is particularly unbecoming of Spain, after 60 years of having combated the terrorist group ETA, to throw the first stone.

  • By contrast, Germany is massively arming Qatar, which, alongside Iran, is the most significant backer of Hamas, and effectively every other Islamic terrorist group.

  • What will be the result of the embargoes? Western leaders claim to want de-escalation, but placing Israel under arms embargo only serves to strengthen and empower Qatar, Iran and Iran's terrorist proxies -- which in turn can lead only to further destabilizing the Middle East, particularly after Iran regime succeeds in acquiring nuclear weapons.

Arming Israel's enemies, whether through Iran or Qatar, while limiting Israel's ability to defend itself, is setting up a disaster that is likely to end up in Europe, on the heads of British Prime Minister Keir Starmer, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz. Pictured: Starmer (L) and Trudeau at the NATO 75th anniversary summit on July 11, 2024 in Washington, DC. (Photo by Stefan Rousseau - Pool/Getty Images)

On September 2, the day that Hersh Goldberg-Polin -- one of the six hostages recently murdered by Hamas -- was buried, the UK government announced that it is imposing an "immediate" weapons embargo against Israel. The statement followed almost a year of relentless attacks on Israel, not only by Iran's proxies -- Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houthis -- but by Iran itself, and probably several tons of unverified propaganda by Hamas that Israel is supposedly committing "war crimes."

Even South Africa is seeking to extend the deadline for presenting evidence against Israel at the International Court of Justice, for lack of evidence of its allegations of genocide. So far, all evidence points to Israel being "the world's most moral army" (here, here, here and here). Meanwhile, the same cannot be said for the entities attacking it.

The UK suspended "around 30 licences for items used in the current conflict in Gaza which go to the IDF, from a total of approximately 350 licences to Israel" allegedly because of Hamas-induced fear that they "might be used to commit or facilitate a serious violation of international humanitarian law." [emphasis added]

Hamas, on the other hand, continues to receive Britain's support: Although UNRWA has proven itself to be identical with Hamas, with roughly 10% of its members proven to have been terrorists or with ties to terror groups, and having used its entire Gaza infrastructure, including schools and hospitals, for the purpose of facilitating terror and missile attacks against Israel and its civilians, Prime Minister Keir Starmer's government announced in July that it was going to "restart funding to UNRWA in order to get aid as quickly as possible to those who need it in Gaza" as a "moral necessity in the face of such a catastrophe."

Starmer seems unperturbed that all funding goes straight to the terrorist group, Hamas, and not to the needy civilians of Gaza, who are shot if they try to approach the trucks. The UK, which is taking away the annual winter fuel allowance for British pensioners, already sent the first £21 million (approximately $28 million) to the terrorists in Gaza.

UK Foreign Secretary David Lammy, in his announcement of the weapons embargo to the House of Commons, said, "in July, I told this House that this government's priority in the region would be to advance the cause of peace" -- apparently because nothing spells peace more than emboldening terrorists. He then went on to explain:

"These [suspended licenses] include equipment that we assess is for use in the current conflict in Gaza, such as important components which go into military aircraft, including fighter aircraft, helicopters and drones, as well as items which facilitate ground targeting."

Lammy went on to admit that the UK government hasn't the faintest idea whether Israel is, in fact, committing any war crimes, but just in case, better to boycott:

"In many cases, it has not been possible to reach a determinative conclusion on allegations regarding Israel's conduct of hostilities, in part, because there is insufficient information either from Israel, or other reliable sources to verify such claims. Nevertheless, it is the assessment of His Majesty's Government, that Israel could reasonably do much more to ensure lifesaving food and medical supplies reach civilians in Gaza in light of the appalling humanitarian situation."

Aid in trucks is received at the border, then distributed by Hamas. Lammy might have pointed out that so far, Gaza has received more than 1 million tons in humanitarian aid. It is not known how much, if any, aid ever reaches Gazan civilians, or at what prices it is sold on the black-market.

The ghastly humanitarian situation of the Jewish hostages in Hamas' terror tunnels, on the other hand, evidently concerns no one. They have received exactly zero grams of humanitarian aid.

Lammy concluded that the Labour government "is also deeply concerned by credible claims of mistreatment of detainees" (by which he meant terrorists) "which the International Committee of the Red Cross cannot investigate after being denied access to places of detention."

In March, the former UK government, led by Rishi Sunak, reportedly conditioned continued arms supplies to Israel on Israel allowing the Red Cross or international diplomats to visit the detained terrorists of Hamas's elite Nukhba force, which led the October 7 massacre. Then Foreign Secretary David Cameron had even warned Israeli officials at the time that Europe as a whole would impose a weapons embargo on Israel.

The UK government worries about Red Cross access to terrorists who participated in the most gruesome crimes, while the ICRC's blatant lack of interest in the Israeli hostages held by Hamas did not even merit a mention by Lammy.

The UK's arms embargo appears to represent nothing so much as pure racist perfidy. Lammy completely ignores the extreme lengths to which Israel has gone to avoid civilian casualties, as well as the huge amounts of humanitarian aid it has facilitated into the Gaza Strip.

According to Major (ret.) John Spencer, head of urban warfare studies at the Modern War Institute at West Point, who also served for 25 years in the US Army as an infantry soldier and served two tours of duty in Iraq:

"In my long career studying and advising on urban warfare for the U.S. military, I've never known an army to take such measures to attend to the enemy's civilian population, especially while simultaneously combating the enemy in the very same buildings. In fact, by my analysis, Israel has implemented more precautions to prevent civilian harm than any military in history—above and beyond what international law requires and more than the U.S. did in its wars in Iraq and Afghanistan."

The embargo accomplishes one thing only: Emboldening and strengthening Hamas -- not only by withholding necessary military equipment from Israel, but by showing Hamas that its propaganda and lies are working exactly according to plan: to isolate Israel, while emboldening and encouraging Iran.

The UK, unfortunately, is not an isolated case. In March, Canada's Foreign Affairs Minister Mélanie Joly announced that Canada would cease arms exports to Israel, telling the Toronto Star, "It is a real thing."

On September 10, Joly announced that Canada had suspended 30 export permits of Canadian companies exporting military matériel to Israel, adding that Canada will also block the sale of any Canadian arms or parts to a third country that could end up being used by Israel's military in Gaza. This means that US plans to sell 50,000 120mm mortar rounds to Israel are no longer viable, because "[the] principal contractor will be General Dynamics Ordnance and Tactical Systems Inc., located in Quebec, Canada"; such a sale is presumably now prohibited by Canada.

"As for the question regarding General Dynamics, our policy is clear." Joly said. "We will not have any form of arms or parts of arms be sent to Gaza, period."

Israel's Ambassador to Canada, Iddo Moed, said that the move would "actually weaken our possibility to defend ourselves against terrorism of Hamas. That is exactly what it would entail."

Perhaps that is exactly what the UK and Canada want?

Not everyone has made an official announcement of their arms boycotts of Israel. In January, Italy's Foreign Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Antonio Tajani, said, "Since October 7, [2023] we decided not to send any more arms to Israel, so there is no need to discuss this point."

Spain has also suspended arms export licenses to Israel since October 7. Spanish Foreign Minister José Manuel Albares said the Gaza war "made us realize the importance of a fair and lasting solution" to the Palestinian conflict with Israel. Fair and lasting, evidently, means siding with terrorists. It is particularly unbecoming of Spain, after 60 years of having combated the terrorist group ETA, to throw the first stone. Albares continued:

"Starting on 7 October, we have stopped giving any licences for exporting weapons to Israel.

"The Middle East, the last thing they need right now is weapons. What we need is to try and stop this violence that is spreading all over, bringing weapons into the region is the opposite.

"What we need is medicines, foodstuff, fuel, energy, water and, above all, we need peace."

Belgium, in May, called for an EU-wide arms embargo on Israel. "Stop arms deliveries to Israel," Belgian Development Minister Caroline Gennez urged European ministers.

Most recently, according to a September 15 report by the German magazine Bild, Germany has not granted approvals for arms exports to Israel since March, while Scholz has continued to declare his support for Israel publicly, and promised continued military aid. According to Bild:

"Last year, the Israeli government had already requested the purchase of several thousand pieces of ammunition for its main battle tanks, and there were further requests for other types of armament. For the Jewish state, which is currently fighting on several fronts against the terrorist groups Hamas and Hezbollah, the purchase of certain military equipment from abroad is particularly important."

By contrast, Germany is massively arming Qatar, which, alongside Iran, is the most significant backer of Hamas, and effectively every other Islamic terrorist group. Bild journalist Björn Stritzel noted:

"In the first half of 2024, the federal government approved arms sales worth just over 100 million euros to the rulers in Doha, who are probably the most important supporters of the terrorist organization Hamas."

What will be the result of the embargoes? Western leaders claim to want de-escalation, but placing Israel under arms embargo only serves to strengthen and empower Qatar, Iran and Iran's terrorist proxies -- which in turn can lead only to further destabilizing the Middle East, particularly after Iran regime succeeds in acquiring nuclear weapons. Arming Israel's enemies, whether through Iran or Qatar, while limiting Israel's ability to defend itself, is setting up a disaster that is likely to end up in Europe, on the heads of Starmer, Trudeau, and Scholz.

Robert Williams is based in the United States.

Source: https://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/20945/but-no-boycotts-on-russia-china-or-iran

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Monday, September 16, 2024

Second assassination attempt since July raises question how shooter got within 500 yards of Trump - John Solomon


by John Solomon

Authorities announced they had arrested a 58-year-old man who reportedly took a deep interest in the Ukraine war.


Secret Service agents disrupted the second assassination attempt on Donald Trump’s life in two months, but difficult questions remain on how a would-be assassin with an AK-47 rifle got within 500 yards of the former president while he was golfing and why anti-Trump vitriol in America rages on.

The Sunday incident at Trump’s golf course near Mar-A-Lago drew new calls for civility and repudiations of political violence as authorities announced they had arrested a 58-year-old man who reportedly took a deep interest in the Ukraine war and had a lengthy criminal record.

The episode also sparked new calls for investigations into the ability of the Secret Service to protect candidates, from Congress to Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis.

“The people deserve the truth about the would be assassin and how he was able to get within 500 yards of the former president and current GOP nominee," DeSantis said.

Congress is already investigating significant Secret Service lapses that led to the July 13 assassination attempt on Trump in Butler, Pa.  House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Mark Green said Sunday night the new episode in Florida would also have to be investigated.

“Thanks to the swift action of Secret Service agents on the ground, President Trump was unharmed today. However, new questions present themselves and we must and we will get answers,” Green, R-Tenn., posted on X.

Rep. Elise Stefanik, the No. 3 ranking Republican in the House, was more blunt.

"We must ask ourselves how an assassin was allowed to get this close to President Trump again? There continues to be a lack of answers for the horrific assassination attempt in Pennsylvania and we expect there to be a clear explanation of what happened today in Florida," she wrote on X.

Authorities said a Secret Service agent disrupted the assassination attempt as he was scouting out the next hole where Trump planned to play golf at about 2 p.m. Sunday and saw the barrel of a gun protruding from the bushes between 400 and 500 yards from the former president.

Palm Beach County Sheriff Ric Bradshaw said the man was hiding in the bushes on the perimeter of Trump International Golf Club when the agent took action. 

“He was able to spot this rifle barrel sticking out of the fence and immediately engaged that individual,” Bradshaw told a news conference.

The man fled in a car but was stopped quickly by local law enforcement without incident in nearby Martin County. The AK-47 was found near the bushes where the initial encounter occurred, authorities said.

The FBI and the Secret Service said they are investigating the incident as an assassination attempt on Trump.

Authorities had not officially identified the suspect by late Sunday evening but multiple news agencies reported that law enforcement sources identified the man as Ryan Wesley Routh, 58.

Routh reportedly lived in North Carolina for most of his life before moving to Kaaawa, Hawaii, in 2018 and he and his son operated a company building sheds, the Associated Press reported

Routh posted on social media about the war in Ukraine and had a website on which he tried to raise money and recruit volunteers to go to the country to join the fight against the Russian invasion.

The New York Times reported its reporters interviewed Routh last year during a story on Americans seeking to join Ukraine's fight against Russia. Routh reportedly told the paper he was trying to recruit former Afghan soldiers to fight in Ukraine. 

“We can probably purchase some passports through Pakistan, since it’s such a corrupt country,” he was quoted by the Times as saying last year.

NBC News reported Rouse faced as many as 100 criminal charges over the years in North Carolina, including possession of a weapon of mass destruction, a machine gun.

Routh also made a post in June 2020, on the social media platform X, suggesting then-President Trump could win reelection by issuing an executive order directing the Justice Department to prosecute police misconduct and another in support of the Democratic presidential campaign of then-U.S. Rep. Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii.

However, in recent years, his posts appear to have soured on Trump and expressed support for President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, the wire service reported.

Voter registration records show he registered as an unaffiliated voter in North Carolina in 2012, most recently voting in-person during the state’s Democratic Party primary in March 2024.

Routh also made 19 small political donations totaling $140 since 2019 using his Hawaii address to ActBlue, a political action committee that supports Democratic candidates, according to the federal campaign finance records reviewed by the Associated Press.

Trump told his supporters he was fine and thanked Secret Service agents for their quick actions while making clear he would not recoil from the campaign trail, even after a second attempt on his life.

"My resolve is only stronger after another attempt on my life!" he wrote in an email to supporters Sunday evening. "I will never slow down. I will never give up. I WILL NEVER SURRENDER!"

Across the country, leaders on both sides of the political aisle called for an end to acrimony and political violence.

"I am relieved that the former President is unharmed. There is an active investigation into this incident as law enforcement gathers more details about what happened," President Joe Biden said in a statement. "As I have said many times, there is no place for political violence or for any violence ever in our country, and I have directed my team to continue to ensure that Secret Service has every resource, capability and protective measure necessary to ensure the former President’s continued safety.

House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer credited quick action from agents for saving Trump's life and echoed Biden's calls for more civility.

"Incredibly thankful for the brave Secret Service agents and local law enforcement members in Florida who acted swiftly today to protect President Trump," Comer wrote on X. "While details regarding this second assassination attempt come forward, Republicans and Democrats must stand together united against extremism and political violence of any kind. There is no place for these kind of actions in our great country."

West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrisey, expected to become the next governor of his state, urged the news media to do more to lower the temperature of political rhetoric in America.

"Our former President, and likely next President — Donald Trump — has now survived two attempts on his life.  All of the vile and violence-inciting rhetoric against him and anyone else — for that matter — must end," Morrisey wrote.

"The media has a duty to call out politicians and advocates who fan the flames of violence.  As West Virginia’s next Governor, I will be a staunch advocate for free speech but will never be afraid to call out the haters who want to employ violent means to achieve their ends," he added.

John Solomon

Source: https://justthenews.com/politics-policy/all-things-trump/second-assassination-attempt-two-months-raises-question-how

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