by Michael Cutler
There's a new sheriff in town.

One of the most treasured hallmarks of America’s democratic electoral process is that following every election the transference of political power is done peacefully. It is also expected that the candidate that loses an election will concede the results of the election and congratulate his/her opponent and wish that person success.
However, members of the Democratic Party and others, such as Presidential candidate Jill Stein, were so upset with the outcome of the election that they have made a series of false, outrageous accusations.
In so doing they not only attacked Donald Trump but our most prized democratic traditions.
The inflammatory and vitriolic statements made by various Democratic politicians, on all levels of government, were followed by violent demonstrations around the United States and on college campuses spurred on by the false accusations.
FBI Director Comey was blamed for causing Hillary to lose the election because he had made public statements about Hillary’s missing e-mails and illegal use of a private e-mail server to receive and transmit highly classified national security information.
Stein sought a recount of the votes in three key states. This costly effort failed to disclose any voting irregularities committed on behalf of Trump.
Now the most recent claim of the Democrats is that Russia hacked the U.S. electoral process to insure that Trump would win the election.
It is impossible to discuss computer security and not raise the issue of Hillary and her outrageous national security transgressions, through the use of her private and non-secure server as well as her non-secure digital devices, that created huge national security vulnerabilities for the United States.
Our government may not ever fully discover the extent of the damage this may have done to America’s intelligence gathering operations and may well continue to hobble those efforts for years to come.
Nevertheless this fact has been entirely ignored by the mainstream media.
Chuck Schumer, the newly anointed Minority Leader in the Senate, immediately jumped in front of the television cameras (actually he is rarely far from those cameras) and complained bitterly about Trump’s purported connection to Vladimir Putin. He was almost immediately joined by Republican senators Graham and McCain.
The mainstream media referred to this triumvirate as a “Bipartisan effort,” ignoring the obvious connection that these three have as members of the “Gang of Eight” that attempted to ram Comprehensive Immigration Reform” down the thr[o]ats of Americans.
We will get to the immigration connection momentarily but first it is extremely important to note that on December 14, 2016, Fox News reported that although the House Intelligence Committee had scheduled a hearing on December 15, 2016 to delve into the claims that Russia had hacked into the U.S. elections, incredibly the intelligence agencies have refused to provide any witnesses for this hearing.
It is unfathomable that representatives of our intelligence agencies would refuse to provide testimony or evidence on a matter of such potential seriousness as the alleged interference by Russia in our elections, unless there is no evidence.
Accusations without corroboration is properly called slander. The accusations about Russian interference into the election of Donald Trump now create the appearance of yet another smear campaign against America’s President-elect.
The conduct of the Democrats is obviously attributable to the outcome of the election. But adding to the consternation of the Democrats is Trump’s promise to address the immigration crisis that has lit the Democrats’ hair on fire.
Donald Trump made building a wall to secure the U.S./Mexican border the rallying cry of his campaign. He has also promised to enforce America’s immigration laws to prevent the entry and continued presence of criminal aliens and make certain that American workers get the jobs being taken by foreign workers, including high-tech workers.
This stands in stark contrast with the policies of the Obama administration and promises made by Hillary during her campaign.
For nearly eight years the Obama administration has issued illegal executive orders to gut the enforcement of our immigration laws. The consequence of the administration’s immigration policies including the release of criminal aliens has resulted in more crimes committed against more victims across the United States.
In fact, at one recent Congressional hearing into the administration’s policies of releasing violent criminal aliens from prison, Congressman Lamar Smith asked the rhetorical question, “President Obama: Accessory To The Crimes Committed By Illegal Aliens?”
The Obama administration flooded the United States with thousands of refugees who cannot be vetted, playing “Immigration Roulette” with national security and public safety. Hillary Clinton promised to admit even more such refugees.
The lack of border security is more than conjecture. The most reliable metric for determining how secure or insecure our nation’s borders are is the price and availability of heroin and cocaine. The supply of these poisons has never been more plentiful and the prices have never been lower. Inasmuch as these substances are not produced in the United States every gram present in the United States was smuggled into our country.
Drug smuggling goes hand-in-glove with alien smuggling. Transnational drug gangs from around the world set up operations in towns and cities across the United States to control the flow of drugs into the United States and to make certain that all proceeds of this extremely violent criminal enterprise are successfully sent back to their home countries and into the bank accounts of criminal as well as terrorist organizations.
This is not the only “price” America and Americans pay, however. There is a clear nexus between narcotics and violence. The drug trade also deals in human suffering and carnage.
Former Speaker of the House Thomas Phillip "Tip" O'Neill Jr. famously stated that “All politics is local.” In point of fact, all law enforcement is also local.
When the federal government fails to secure our nation’s borders and enforce our immigration laws from within the interior of the United States, the stage is set for massive quantities of narcotics to be smuggled into the United States.
However, the daily enforcement of our criminal laws are not only a vital mission for federal authorities but for local, city and state police departments as well.
The DOJ tracks crime statistics but ultimately murders, rapes and muggings occur on streets in our towns and cities. So do drug transactions.
“Sanctuary Cities” further encourage massive numbers of illegal aliens to enter the United States who are secure in the knowledge that by setting up shop in such cities, their violations of our borders and immigration laws will go unreported to federal immigration authorities.
Where transnational criminals and international terrorists are concerned, these violations of our borders and our laws are anything but “victimless” crimes.
As I have noted in previous articles, 'sanctuary city' mayors should be given an MVP Award by ISIS and drug cartels.
Speaking of local crime and local politics, Donald Trump was not the only Republican to win his election. Across the United States nearly two-thirds of the governors are now Republicans.
The Republicans control both the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives.
Clearly the majority of Americans are not “buying” what the Democrats are peddling. Yet the Democratic Party refuses to accept these cold hard facts.
At the beginning of the Presidential campaign, on July 2, 2015 a young woman by the name of Kate Steinle was gunned down by an illegal alien, Francisco Sanchez, a citizen of Mexico who had been previously convicted of seven felonies and, as the the Los Angeles Times reported, was previously deported five times.
Reportedly, Sanchez admitted that he lived in San Francisco because of its “sanctuary” policies.
This case ignited a national firestorm highlighting that San Francisco is a “Sanctuary City” that had refused to honor an ICE detainer. Consequently Sanchez was allowed to roam freely when he should never have been released from custody.
Rather than learn from this tragedy, it has been reported that San Francisco City Supervisor David Campos wants millions of dollars to defend illegal aliens from deportation.
To political leaders, such as Campos, the bodies of the victims of crimes committed by criminal aliens are mere “speed bumps” to his political goals.
While the Steinle murder drew national attention, similar crimes are committed every day across the United States, often on multiple occasions.
Abraham Lincoln sagely observed that “You can fool all of the people some of the time and some of the people all of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time.”
A growing majority of Americans have had it with the duplicitous conduct of the political elite of both parties. There is a new sheriff in town and the Democrats, must accept that Americans are not as dumb as they hoped we are.
Michael Cutler is a retired Senior Special Agent of the former INS (Immigration and Naturalization Service) whose career spanned some 30 years. He served as an Immigration Inspector, Immigration Adjudications Officer and spent 26 years as an agent who rotated through all of the squads within the Investigations Branch. For half of his career he was assigned to the Drug Task Force. He has testified before well over a dozen congressional hearings, provided testimony to the 9/11 Commission as well as state legislative hearings around the United States and at trials where immigration is at issue. He hosts his radio show, “The Michael Cutler Hour,” on Friday evenings on BlogTalk Radio. His personal website is
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