by Israel National News
'Israel will not rely on your promises to protect women and girls, we’ll shield our own against the monsters you choose to ignore or excuse,' May Golan Minister for Women's Empowerment to UN says.
Please note: This article contains material describing extreme violence and extreme sexual violence.
Minister for Women's Empowerment May Golan speaks at the UN
Minister for Women's Empowerment May Golan spoke at the United Nations event marking 30 years since the Beijing Declaration, and condemned the UN for their deafening silence facing brutal violence against women in Israel and around the world, accusing them of hypocrisy and "selective blindness."
She said, “We gather here today to mark 30 years since the Beijing Declaration—a milestone of hope, a moment etched in history. Thirty years ago, the world came together and pledged, in Section 29, to “prevent and eliminate all forms of violence against women and girls.” It was a noble promise, a stirring commitment that echoed through the halls of that conference. The leaders of nations stood tall and declared their resolve. Or so they said.”
“I stand before you today not just as a voice for my people, but as a voice for every girl whose dreams have been crushed by brutality, every woman whose dignity has been stripped away, every mother whose last breath was a cry for her child. I stand here for the victims you’ve ignored—the ones whose suffering - you’ve excused because it didn’t fit your narrative.”
“It seems some were left out of that memo. Boko Haram didn’t get the update. The Taliban must have missed the call. Hamas apparently didn’t hear the news. These groups—subhuman in their cruelty—were somehow exempt from the world’s grand proclamation. And honestly, I don’t expect humanity from those monsters, My expectations lie elsewhere…”
“My wrath is for YOU, the UN, with your hollow resolutions and selective blindness, abandoning Christian girls, Jewish women, and Muslim children - who dare to dream beyond oppression. UN officials - explained these rapes did not occur without context. UN officials - are spokespeople for the gang rapists! UN officials - are advocating for terrorists!”
“Let me take you back a year and a half ago. A swarm of vile creatures invaded the sovereign land of Israel. They unleashed a systematic campaign of rape: girls, teenagers, women - violated in the most unimaginable ways. Women were found with dozens of nails driven into their genitals, breasts hacked off, gang-raped while surrounded by the demon's laughter — stabbed and violated as children hid in closets for 14 hours - like in the Holocaust.”
“Mothers gang-raped in front of their screaming children, their bodies desecrated again and again.
Babies wailing, pleading with murderers to stop torturing their mothers—only to watch them butchered, then murdered themselves; their corpses paraded by fiends who grinned with their own kids in tow. This is the hell you ignore - "The United Nations"!!!”
“You dare call these beasts human? Demand aid for them? Humanitarian aid for the INHUMAN?! Your shame drowned in your cowardice long ago. My people know your silence—your betrayal stinks of history’s rot. We won’t beg your useless councils for help. We’ll shield our own.”
“Do you know what it sounds like when a child begs for his mother’s life?
Do you know what it feels like to watch the world turn away? My people do.
And we will not wait for your approval to act. We will not beg for your compassion. We will protect our own—because no one else will.”
“From this stage, I wish to salute the President of the United States - Donald Trump, who teaches us what true values are. His commitment to bring back hostages and the women among them - is what real leadership with morals & principles is all about!”
“And let me say this: other civilized nations would do well to join us in this effort before this plague creeps into their own backyards. Rape gangs already roam the streets of Europe, cloaked under the banner of political correctness. Some nations have chosen to commit cultural suicide, sacrificing their daughters on the altar of “accepting the other.” Yes, we should accept the other—but not monsters. Never monsters!”
“And you, the mighty and oh-so-moral UN—your inaction breeds this plague! So I ask you today: Will you honor the promise you made 30 years ago? You penned that pledge—where’s your fire?”
“Will you enforce it, or let it fester in your paper-pushing complicity, soaked in innocent blood..?!
I promise you all: from the river to the sea – Jewish women will be free!”
עם הנצח לא מפחד מדרך ארוכה! (The eternal people is not deterred from the long path ahead).
Israel National News
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