Sunday, October 6, 2024

Where is America’s Co-President, Dr. Jill? - Richard Truesdell and Keith Lehmann


by Richard Truesdell and Keith Lehmann

By inserting herself on the world stage in the political arena, Jill Biden is fair game for criticism about her unelected influence over U.S. policy and her role in the cover-up of the century.


By inserting herself on the world stage in the political arena, Jill Biden is fair game for criticism about her unelected influence over U.S. policy and her role in the cover-up of the century.

Public officials, both elected and unelected, curiously are rarely held accountable for their actions, as are the rest of us. Harvey Weinstein goes to prison, while Bill Clinton goes on his merry way. That’s just one example of many, yet the lack of accountability has gotten to the point of absurdity. And now we have deceit that has massive consequences for everyone.

Since January 2021, when he took office until his forced departure from the 2024 race on July 21 after his disastrous debate performance on June 27, the aggressively stage-managed presidency of Joe Biden has been exposed as a fraud. This elderly man with failing physical and mental facilities has been foisted upon America as the purported “leader of the free world” who is “fit to serve,” is “sharp as a tack,” and “runs circles around those half his age.”

As we now know, Biden was nowhere near the “unrivaled statesman” who was in “command of the facts” and “performed masterfully” at important cabinet meetings and international summits. This is what was being hidden from the public for nearly three years by the U.S. government, its enablers in the legacy media, Biden’s inner circle of advisors, and most vigorously of all by the nation’s First Lady Jill Biden.

Long claiming to be her husband’s fiercest advocate, Jill Biden had the opportunity and influence to assume the role of a caring wife and confidant to Joe, making sure his health would not worsen given the extreme demands of the American presidency. Jill could have also shown the world what a dedicated spouse looks like, how a devoted wife and mother shows strength and resilience in troubling times as her husband’s age-related condition becomes visible to the world, and how we should treat our elderly loved ones with respect and dignity.

This awful and truly evil person, however, has put on a disgraceful display of naked conceit and unchecked personal entitlement throughout Joe Biden’s entire presidential term. As Joe’s condition worsened, Jill’s shameless quest to be in charge of the Biden White House exposed her as an opportunistic parasite who routinely lied to the country about the real state of Joe’s infirmity while she lived the high life on the taxpayer’s dime.

Insisting that she be referred to as “Dr. Biden,” an honorific issued from her 2007 Ed.D doctorate in education she received from the University of Delaware, a school conveniently located in the state where Joe Biden was currently a five-time-elected Senator, Jill has displayed a notable eagerness to supplant Joe as the public face of his administration. One of the most notorious examples is the picture she posted on social media in 2021, showing her pouring over paperwork on Air Force One with the caption “Prepping for the G7.” Supposedly she thought the public would be delighted to know that an unelected community college teacher would be discussing international affairs with elected world leaders.

Jill Biden repeatedly made speeches and appearances at numerous functions in place of her husband, the president of the United States, inserting herself as a proxy president and speaking on behalf of America’s commander-in-chief. This was not only inappropriate and deceptive, but it was also an important element of the massive cover-up of Joe’s rapidly deteriorating mental and physical health, a conspiracy that included his vice president, the anointed replacement for Joe once it was apparent he couldn’t win in November. This is in addition to other members of his cabinet who should have invoked the 25th Amendment to move him out the door years ago. This is in addition to other Democrat power brokers like Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and so many others who perpetuated this hoax on all Americans, Democrats, Independents, and Republicans alike.

At an event celebrating Pride Month, Jill Biden was featured in an official White House video saying, “Looking out at all of you, I see America. I hope that all of you feel that freedom and love on the South Lawn today because your home is here.” Not seen on that video or the South Lawn that day? The elected president of the United States.

It has been noted that Jill Biden pushed for the appointment of Kimberly Cheatle as director of the Secret Service, who resigned in the aftermath of the assassination attempt on Donald Trump. How many other appointees in Biden’s administration carry Jill Biden’s fingerprints?

It is telling of the ruthless nature of Dr. Jill Biden and her stubborn pursuit to hold onto the perks and privileges of power while maintaining the illusion that her husband had the facilities to serve as president. The term “elder abuse” does not define what we have seen here; this is a person who has an iron grip on a privileged lifestyle and will do anything, including the humiliating parading of her failing husband in front of the world, to keep living the taxpayer-funded luxury life of which she always dreamed.

Nobody is fooled here. Jill has succumbed to a sort of main-character syndrome, similar to that of former First Lady Hillary Clinton, assuming that the public wants “two for the price of one.” Jill will learn the hard way that a presidential spouse’s aggrandizing power is not something the country finds appropriate. She is held in contempt by most Americans who haven’t drunk the Orange Man Bad flavor of Kool-Aid sold by the Democrat Party since 2015.

Jill participated in the elaborate lie that Joe was fit to serve as president. In fact, she was arguably the most guilty of committing fraud against the public. As Axios reported, Jill Biden “created a cocoon” around the president “that initially seemed earnestly protective but now appears potentially deceptive.” This inner praetorian guard helped to “make up for mental lapses, including prompting him to remember people he has known for a long time.”

Joe Biden was never a good man, a good husband, a good father, or a good leader. His public and private life is rife with failure, mediocrity, and abject disaster, and he will likely go down in history as our nation’s worst president. But even Joe deserves to be treated with human dignity in his final days. As a man facing irreversible debilitation, he should be in a comfortable, loving, safe environment and not paraded in front of the world—stumbling, slurring, shouting, staring, forgetting, whispering, and uncontrollably soiling himselfall so that his narcissistic, opportunistic, greaseball wife can pretend to be important while flying around the world on Air Force One.

As the Biden presidency was in its dying days last month, we witnessed the spectacle of Dr. Jill presiding over the president’s first full cabinet meeting in nearly a year. If his cabinet cared about the country and their constitutional responsibilities, one or all of these sycophants should have stood up, invoked the 25th Amendment for the purpose it was intended, and removed Joe and Jill Biden from their sham presidency.

Dr. Jill Biden is a power-craving status addict. Her role in the purposeful cover-up of Joe Biden’s failing health has consequences for the nation and should never be forgiven nor forgotten.


Richard Truesdell is a former consumer electronics retail executive and automotive travel photojournalist. In the last 25 years, he has visited more than 35 countries on six continents. A former high school history teacher with a BA in Political Science from Waynesburg University, he is a lifelong Conservative moderate who has turned his thoughts and keyboard to political commentary and popular culture. A cross-section of his writings can be found here.

Keith Lehmann is a retired consumer electronics industry executive who has written extensively on technology, transportation, and international travel. Living in Southern California for over fifty years, he has first-hand exposure to societal and cultural happenings of the left and submits decidedly realism-based, Conservative viewpoints, much of which can be found on his Substack.

Richard Truesdell and Keith Lehmann 


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