Sunday, December 10, 2023

The best way to fight Hamas - James Arlandson


by James Arlandson

It is possible to use Hamas’s most powerful weapon against it.


It is difficult to sort out what is happening in war.  Will the IDF flood the tunnels with sea water?  Reports say this has already begun.  Other reports say this has not happened yet. 

Whatever the case, the best way to fight Hamas is by quoting the Quran at them.  The Jerusalem Post has the story.

The IDF dropped leaflets over Khan Yunis in the southern Gaza Strip on Wednesday, citing a Quranic verse about how the wicked in the times of Noah were swept away by the biblical flood, according to Palestinian reports.

“Then the Flood overtook them, while they persisted in wrongdoing,” read the leaflets, which also included a Star of David and the emblem of the IDF.

This report on YouTube by Crux shows the leaflets being dropped.  Of course, the Gazans are depicted as being defiant, but no matter, because this is just optics put out by Hamas propaganda. 

Other reports say Hamas terrorists scrambled out of the tunnels and surrendered.  The New York Post on December 7:

“Whoever is left in those areas, they come out from tunnel shafts, and some from buildings, and we investigate who is linked to Hamas, and who isn’t. We arrest them all and interrogate them,” Hagari said during a news conference.

It is difficult to know the timeline because the IDF could have announced the Quranic verse over a loudspeaker. 

In any case, the best way to fight jihadists is by a show of force, which the IDF has done brilliantly, and by quoting the Quran.  It is not possible to exaggerate how effective using the Quran against them can be.  Jihadists believe they are living by it when they fight Jews.  They are not sleepy, sloppy Westerners who are indifferent to sacred things, like the Bible.  Though many parts of the Quran are unintelligible to the average Arab readers, many passages are clear.  Noah’s flood destroyed the wrongdoers.  Hamas’s losses reinforce the idea that this terrorist organization is for losers.  Many verses (about 65) say that all kinds of people are the losers.  Allah is not with the jihadists.  He is judging them as losers.  Therefore, they are the wrongdoers.  Now surrender. 

Call it psychological warfare.  Brilliant strategy. 


James M. Arlandson’s website can be reached here, where he has recently posted Bible Basics about SalvationBible Basics about Grace7. The Torah and Salver: Marrying Captives of War (in contrast to the Quran which permits sex with captives, i.e. rape), and an older post, now very relevant: Muhammad’s Atrocity against the Qurayza Jews.


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