Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Israelis Forced to Bail Out Biden’s Failed Gaza Aid Pier - Daniel Greenfield


by Daniel Greenfield

3 US Soldiers injured. 1 seriously.


Biden wasted over $300 million and two months, put the lives of American soldiers to set up a pier that was supposed to provide a permanent port to move materials in and out of Gaza. I argued at the time that it was meant to be a ‘Trojan Pier” that would lock Israel out of the process.

While administration officials describe the pier as “temporary”, a senior official also admitted that “we look forward to the port transitioning to a commercially operated facility over time.”

That means it’s not actually meant to be temporary, but a permanent port for the terrorists.

That looks like it won’t be happening because the whole JLOTS setup didn’t account for the weather.

Portions of the floating pier already had to be brought to the Israeli port of Ashdod after stormy weather. And now portions of the pier have broken off and need to be taken in for repairs. Some US Navy vessels were also apparently beached. 3 soldiers were reportedly injured while one remains in critical condition. And the only end result of the pier was a lot of damage and some limited supplies delivered to Hamas.

The damage, first reported by NBC News, occurred three days after heavy seas forced two small US Army vessels to beach in Israel, according to US Central Command, while another two vessels broke free of their moorings and were anchored near the pier.

“I believe most of our soldiers were able to remain on the vessels and still are currently on them,” Singh said during Tuesday’s Pentagon press briefing. “And … within the next 24 or 48 hours, the Israeli Navy will be helping push those vessels back and hopefully they’ll be fully operational by then.”

Biden was planning to bring in “partner nations”, but the only partners were the Israelis who provided security and now repair and rescue, to bail out the whole mess.

The whole experiment perfectly captures Biden’s worst-of-both-worlds approach to conflicts. He tries to intervene while outsourcing the actual work to some sort of ‘partner’ nations. We know how that’s working out in Ukraine and it’s working out even worse in Israel where his reliance on Egypt and Qatar proved disastrous.

The only actual reliable partner in this story is Israel. And Biden keeps working against Israel.

Daniel Greenfield


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