Wednesday, June 12, 2024

The ‘International Community’ Has No Right To Exist - Hugh Fitzgerald


by Hugh Fitzgerald

Why the world’s democracies should abandon the UN immediately.


[Order David Horowitz’s new book, America Betrayed, HERE.]

Benjamin Kerstein has cast a skeptical eye on the so-called “international community,” and suggests it is time to put an end to this malignant entity. His argument can be found here: “The ‛International Community’ Has No Right to Exist,” by Benjamin Kerstein,, June 2, 2024:

Recent decisions against Israel by the International Criminal Court and International Court of Justice, which are clearly intended to rescue Hamas and aid and abet its genocidal war on the Jewish state, can only reinforce a truism often expressed by Israelis: Kol ha’olam negdeinu. “The whole world is against us.”

Israelis have reason enough to feel this way, but it is worth asking whether it’s actually true. What, after all, is the “whole world”?

If the term refers to world popular opinion, then it is almost certainly wrong. It is unlikely that the majority of the world’s 8 billion human beings particularly care about Israel. If they do, it can only be in the most shallow and cursory way.

In another sense, however, Israelis’ angry rumination is quite accurate: What is often called the “international community” is most certainly against Israel.

The phrase “international community” is usually used as shorthand for the entire world. In fact, the international community is an elite, a clique, even something like a religious sect. It is made up of the vanishingly small minority of privileged and powerful people who work at or with an alphabet soup of international organizations and NGOs led by the United Nations.

It is worth emphasizing how small this cabal actually is. The largest international organization—the United Nations—employs some 116,000 people in total. This is approximately half the number employed by Microsoft. Most international organizations, including ostensibly independent NGOs, are much smaller. Even with various envoys and diplomats from each participating country thrown in, it is highly unlikely that the “international community” consists of more than 500,000 people. If, for the sake of argument, we double that number to 1 million, it would constitute only 0.0125% of the global population. This may be a “community” and is certainly “international,” but it is by no means “the world.”

This tiny sect received its privileges via a series of historical anomalies. It was constructed out of the wreckage of World War II when, hoping to prevent a World War III, the victorious Allies formed the United Nations—the brainchild of progressive U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt, who hoped to realize his predecessor Woodrow Wilson’s failed vision of the League of Nations….

This perpetual farce would have been amusing but not disastrous except for the fact that the international community swiftly began to take on a very sinister form. The reasons are well-known. Put simply, most of those who made up the international community represented authoritarian or totalitarian regimes. Thus, the international community inevitably became more and more amenable to authoritarianism and totalitarianism, so long as it was practiced by the right people. Beginning in the 1970s, as terrorism became a major tool of the world’s tyrants, the international community increasingly endorsed the most horrendous atrocities and the organizations that committed them. It was inevitable that this would end in a scramble to rescue a genocidal terrorist organization from near-certain destruction….

There are more despotisms than democracies in the world, and at the UN they set the tone, determine the agenda, and command a majority of the votes. The most important of these are the Arab bloc of 22 states, and the even larger bloc of 57 Muslim states. And these blocs have turned the UN into an obsessively anti-Israel organization, where more resolutions are passed against the Jewish state than against all the other 193 member states combined. The Arabs and Muslims have prevented any effective action being taken at the UN against the terrorists belonging to the PLO, Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, PFLP, Hezbollah — which have made life so difficult for Israelis.

The “international community” may still be able to exert enough pressure on Israel — through, say, enforcing a boycott of its exports — to make the IDF stop fighting before it has totally dismantled Hamas.

The international community is not working. Because it is not working, it is killing people. It’s time for those disinclined towards terrorism, genocide, and their attendant pathologies to give up on the mad dreams of long-dead progressives. They must finally pull the curtain down on a blood-soaked and very expensive farce that has already gone on for far too long.

In other words, the world’s democracies should abandon the UN, and instead forge their own multilateral political institutions, akin to the military alliance of NATO, to replace the sullied-beyond-repair UN. This League of Democracies would consist of member states resolutely opposed to terrorism, especially the Islamic version that has in its sites not just Israel, but the entire non-Muslim world. This alliance would also establish rules to drastically limit, and ideally to halt, economic and other migration from the Third World to the First, sealing off the advanced West from those who would, if they could, flood into it by the hundreds of millions, destroying the host economies and ultimately, through demographic change, transforming — for the worse — their societies as well.

Hugh Fitzgerald


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