Thursday, September 5, 2024

The Only People Starving in Gaza Were the Jewish Hostages - Daniel Greenfield


by Daniel Greenfield

While Hamas lied about a famine, they were starving hostages.


Last month I wrote ‘UN Blocks Food Aid to Gaza to Fake a Famine’ which broke down some of the ways that a famine was faked. Even the false claims of a famine have been falling off from the usual sources. And there are no shortage of videos and photos of open restaurants and Arab Muslims in Gaza throwing away U.S. aid.

That’s not to say there weren’t people starving in Gaza. Those people were the Jewish hostages.

Eden Yerushalmi, a young woman who was one of the six hostages murdered by Hamas, weighed only 36 kilograms or 79 pounds at the time of her death. Other surviving hostages have described severe hunger in the past.

While the U.S., Israel and other countries filled Gaza with food, the hostages were the ones starving.

Hamas supporters on college campuses and in public areas held fake ‘fasts’ and ‘hunger strikes’.

Meanwhile, the terrorists they were covering for were starving their hostages.

The thing to remember about Islam and the Left, is that the things they accuse you of are the things that they either are doing to you or want to do to you.

The more they scream about famine in Gaza, the more they’re admitting that they’re the ones starving people to death.

Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.


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