by Christine Douglass-Williams
The five countries where the the Muslim Brotherhood maintains an open jihad “terror-linked presence” in trying to achieve a caliphate is: Turkey, Qatar, Iraq, Sudan and the Palestinian Territories in Israel. “There is significant Islamist ideological overlap between the worldwide Muslim Brotherhood (MB) and some of the globe’s most murderous jihadi groups — the Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL) and al-Qaeda.” It is critical for Westerners to understand this point, and also that Muslim Brotherhood (MB) linked groups are operational across the West, not only in those five countries where they are more emboldened and linked up with their violent counterparts.It is very good news that “Donald Trump’s administration is considering joining the countries that have already outlawed the group as a terrorist organization
In the West, however, the MB is busy telling people that violence has nothing to do with Islam. Muslim Brotherhood operatives on Western soil look very different than how they appear in the five identified countries. In democracies, they operate under a mainstream veneer and appear to be assimilated and friendly toward the West. However, they are not. They are very manipulative and among their many stealth tactics, they routinely drive the Organization of Islamic Cooperation’s “Islamophobia” agenda as a means to shut down free speech–the cornerstone of Western democracy.
They hide their goals behind a victimology subterfuge, with an aim to achieve a caliphate, “by changing existing governments and societies from within“. This goal is well documented.
It is very good news that “Donald Trump’s administration is considering joining the countries that have already outlawed the group as a terrorist organization: Bahrain, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Saudi Arabia, Russia, and Syria.” All Muslim Brotherhood linked groups need to be marginalized and dismantled. They have already overtaken the “anti-racism” industry and have branded an us-versus-them mentality into Western democracies; all the while wielding the “islamophobia” battering ram wherever they go. They cleverly ignore however the atrocities committed by their violent co-religionists and they reel in Leftists to help them.

“5 Countries Where Muslim Brotherhood Operates to Establish Global Caliphate”, Edwin Mora, Breitbart, May 2, 2019:
There is significant Islamist ideological overlap between the worldwide Muslim Brotherhood (MB) and some of the globe’s most murderous jihadi groups — the Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL) and al-Qaeda, Breitbart News learned from the Counter Extremism Project (CEP).
All three groups maintain a shared goal of establishing an Islamic global caliphate. However, MB has the advantage of being “one of the oldest and broadest-reaching Islamist organizations in modern times,” the non-governmental organization (NGO) noted in its Muslim Brotherhood profile, citing data from various governments and news reports.
According to CEP, MB itself or some of its affiliated groups maintain an active presence in at least 18 countries primarily located across the Muslim world, namely in the Middle East and Africa.
Given its global reach, it appears the Brotherhood is closer to achieving its goal of bringing about a caliphate, by changing existing governments and societies from within, than groups like al-Qaeda and ISIS.
At one point or another, American congressional hearings and federal terrorism trials have linked MB to U.S.-based Islamic groups such as Muslim American Society (MAS), the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), Muslim Students Association (MSA), North American Islamic Trust (NAIT), Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA), and the Hamas-affiliated Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR).
Analysts such as Lorenzo Vidino of George Washington University’s Program on Extremism argue that over time some of those American groups have shed their links to MB.
Nevertheless, an MB manifesto, dubbed “Explanatory Memorandum On the General Strategic Goal for the Group in North America” and presented by the FBI as evidence in a U.S. federal case against Hamas financing, explicitly claimed that it is a “civilization jihadist” group responsible for Muslims to “present Islam as a civilization alternative, and support[ing] the global Islamic State wherever it is.”
This meant that the Brotherhood’s “work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and ‘sabotaging’ its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God’s religion is made victorious over all other religions,” CEP explained.
U.S. President Donald Trump’s administration is considering joining the countries that have already outlawed the group as a terrorist organization: Bahrain, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Saudi Arabia, Russia, and Syria. While some of the countries that house MB branches have designated the group a terrorist organization, some openly support it, namely U.S allies Turkey and Qatar.
The following are five countries where MB maintains a terror-linked presence:
Following Egyptian MB President Mohamed Morsi’s ouster, Turkey has long served as a hub for the MB international organization, granting asylum to members who were expelled and even providing the Egyptian branch with weapons and intelligence, CEP noted. Furthermore, Turkey allowed the organization to regroup on its soil to ultimately strengthen the group whose birthplace is Egypt.
Christine Douglass-Williams
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