Saturday, March 28, 2009

Western civilization and Islam.




The West has build up its worst enemy.


So we fed a small worm called Islam with undeserved honor, gave it weapons – then, Lo and Behold, it grew into a man-eating dragon. Now it demands that it be fed a diet of human flesh as if it deserved to be fed. Once fed the dragon of Muslims may sleep for a day, or a week but then it is back again, blowing up trains, markets and, if it can, whole cities with Russian suitcase nukes yet to come.  What can we expect from Islam ? Islam claims : "Islam was the first institution ever to advocate and implement human rights as universal equality. In fact, Islam promoted the universality of the human experience over 1300 years before the United Nations." The Dragon of Islam cannot be pacified and only a Dragon Slayer can solve the problem. Discover the Islam "Human Rights" with Wafa Sultan Just open :




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