Thursday, April 22, 2010

Israel's ambassador to the UK lays out a powerful home truth in the Guardian


by  Robin Shepherd

Israeli ambassador to the UK, Ron Prosor, today has a piece in the Guardian setting out a simple but unassailable truth about the conflict in the Middle East: The key to peace is a recognition on the part of Israel’s enemies that Israel is the rightful homeland of the Jewish people.

“Jews have been indigenous to Israel for 3,000 years,” he writes. “Before 1948 the only independent sovereign state there had been the ancient Jewish kingdoms. Centuries of foreign imperial occupation followed, by Romans, the Muslim conquest, Crusaders, the Ottoman empire and the British mandate. It is fitting that as the colonial era drew to a close, Israel’s original inhabitants restored their independence.”

And so it is. Indeed, it is such a powerful message that I am surprised Israeli diplomats are not required to repeat this sort of thing as a mantra in front of the local press, morning, noon and night. For of all the most damaging pieces of ignorance surrounding Israel in Britain and Europe the notion that the Jews are imposters in the Middle East is surely the most dangerous and damaging.

If the core legitimacy of the state is neither accepted nor understood, how can that state’s right to defend itself be accepted and understood? If Jerusalem is someone else’s city, what are the Jews doing there at all, let alone building there? The list goes on.

Israel is not a temporary inconvenience to be demonised, destroyed or wished away, but the independent, legitimate and permanent nation state of the Jewish people,” says Ambassador Prosor.

Of course it is. And it is particularly well said for having been said in the the Guardian.


Robin Shepherd

Copyright - Original materials copyright (c) by the authors.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Christianity and Islam do not need a new golf course on soccer sized Israel - these are more garden variety aspirations of genocide of Europe's contineuing Jewish Problem, packaged as peace for the persecuted Palestineans at its crutch. Of course, no country can survive the demands made on Israel - which spells bravo to the clever ones.

The Muslim Palestinean myth is itself a composed weapon designed only to target Israel's existence, and now administered with terms such as apartheid, genocide, occupation, etc, etc. But the Jews have never occupied another peoples' lands in all their 4000 year history - and the name 'PALESTINEAN' was originally dumped by Europe on the Jewish sovereign homeland [Judea] - not an Islamic or Arab one!


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