by E.B. Picali
In a February 14, 2015 speech marking the 10th anniversary of the assassination of his father, Rafiq Al-Hariri, he said: "As for the repeated claims that Lebanon is part of an axis that stretches from Iran to Palestine through Syria and Lebanon, we say that Lebanon is not part of this axis or of any other axis. Most of the Lebanese people say no to this axis and to any other axis. Lebanon is not a bargaining chip in anyone's hand, and the Lebanese are not goods to be placed on anyone's table... We shall not grant Hizbullah any rights that give it precedence over the state in taking decisions of war and peace
Senior Lebanese politicians from the Lebanese March 14 Forces, chief among them former Lebanese prime minister Sa'd Al-Hariri, as well as press columnists and writers affiliated with this stream, have recently renewed their criticism against Hizbullah and its activity in Syria and the Golan. This new wave of criticism was sparked by the military escalation in the Golan and on the Lebanon-Israel border,[1] and also by Hizbullah secretary-general Hassan Nasrallah's recent statements regarding a change in the rules of the struggle with Israel and about uniting the South Lebanon and Golan fronts.[2] The critics accused Hizbullah, inter alia, of being loyal to Iran and the resistance axis rather than to Lebanon, of harming the state's authority and sovereignty and putting Lebanon at risk of another unwanted war, and of violating UNSC Resolution 1701, which bans all armed activity south of the Litani except by the Lebanese military.
At the same time, elements close to the March 14 Forces also directed internal criticism at the Al-Mustaqbal faction, which heads this camp. They accused it of ambivalence in its dealings with Hizbullah, pointing out that, on the one hand, Al-Mustaqbal condemns Hizbullah for its refusal to disarm, for its presence in Syria, and for attacking Israel from South Lebanon, but at the same time it sits with Hizbullah in a unity government and even holds a dialogue with it, thereby implicitly legitimizing its armed activity and its policies.
This report reviews the recent criticism in Lebanon against Hizbullah, and against Al-Mustaqbal for its attitude towards this organization.
A. Criticism Of Hizbullah
Sa'd Al-Hariri speaking on the 10th anniversary of the assassination of his father (Al-Liwa, Lebanon, February 19, 2015)

May Chidiac's Facebook post
E.B. Picali is a research fellow at MEMRI.Senior Lebanese politicians from the Lebanese March 14 Forces, chief among them former Lebanese prime minister Sa'd Al-Hariri, as well as press columnists and writers affiliated with this stream, have recently renewed their criticism against Hizbullah and its activity in Syria and the Golan. This new wave of criticism was sparked by the military escalation in the Golan and on the Lebanon-Israel border,[1] and also by Hizbullah secretary-general Hassan Nasrallah's recent statements regarding a change in the rules of the struggle with Israel and about uniting the South Lebanon and Golan fronts.[2] The critics accused Hizbullah, inter alia, of being loyal to Iran and the resistance axis rather than to Lebanon, of harming the state's authority and sovereignty and putting Lebanon at risk of another unwanted war, and of violating UNSC Resolution 1701, which bans all armed activity south of the Litani except by the Lebanese military.
At the same time, elements close to the March 14 Forces also directed internal criticism at the Al-Mustaqbal faction, which heads this camp. They accused it of ambivalence in its dealings with Hizbullah, pointing out that, on the one hand, Al-Mustaqbal condemns Hizbullah for its refusal to disarm, for its presence in Syria, and for attacking Israel from South Lebanon, but at the same time it sits with Hizbullah in a unity government and even holds a dialogue with it, thereby implicitly legitimizing its armed activity and its policies.
This report reviews the recent criticism in Lebanon against Hizbullah, and against Al-Mustaqbal for its attitude towards this organization.
A. Criticism Of Hizbullah
Criticism of Hizbullah's involvement in Syria was
heard from senior members of the March 14 Forces, including Sa'd
Al-Hariri, and from columnists and writers in the Lebanese press which
are affiliated with this stream.
Al-Hariri: Hizbullah's Involvement In Syria Is Lunacy
Al-Mustaqbal chairman and former Lebanese prime
minister Sa'd Al-Hariri came out against making Lebanon part of the
resistance axis along with the Syrian regime, Iran and Hizbullah. In a
February 14, 2015 speech marking the 10th anniversary of the
assassination of his father, Rafiq Al-Hariri, he said: "As for the
repeated claims that Lebanon is part of an axis that stretches from Iran
to Palestine through Syria and Lebanon, we say that Lebanon is not part
of this axis or of any other axis. Most of the Lebanese people say no
to this axis and to any other axis. Lebanon is not a bargaining chip in
anyone's hand, and the Lebanese are not goods to be placed on anyone's
table... We shall not grant Hizbullah any rights that give it precedence
over the state in taking decisions of war and peace – [decisions] that
transform Lebanon into a military and security arena and make a
laughingstock of the state's capabilities and of the lives of the
Lebanese in order to save the Syrian regime and defend Iranian
interests... In the past we said to Hizbullah: Entering the Syrian war
is lunacy in itself. It has brought the terrorist insanity into our
country. Today we say to it that connecting the Golan [front] with the
South [of Lebanon] is also lunacy, and another reason for us to say to
it: get out of Syria. Stop importing Syrian conflagrations into our
country, first a terrorist conflagration, then a conflagration from the
Golan, and tomorrow a conflagration from who knows where."[3]
On January 15, 2015, the day Nasrallah declared that Hizbullah had the right to respond to any Israeli operation in Syria, the Al-Mustaqbal
daily, which is owned by Al-Hariri, called Nasrallah's statements
"grave" and "unprecedented" and said that they "expose Lebanon to
additional immense and fatal dangers [only] in order to protect Bashar
Al-Assad and his criminal regime." The paper added that "the clear
meaning of Nasrallah's words is that his party's weapons are not
Lebanese and are not intended for Lebanon's defense. Rather, they are
regional weapons that belong to Iran and Assad... and are used according
to the interests of their owners, not according to the supreme national
interests [of Lebanon]."[4]
On January 29, one day after Hizbullah's attack in
the Shebaa Farms area, the paper expressed even harsher criticism: "From
the Syrian Golan to the Lebanese south, all roads lead to Iran's
aspirations... Yesterday Hizbullah had no choice but to obey Tehran's
order... to avenge the death of [the Iranian] general from the Lebanese
front... Hizbullah's role was just to form the Quneitra Martyrs' Unit
[which carried out the attack] and to press the trigger, shooting at an
Israeli military convoy in the Shebaa Farms [area]."[5]
A statement issued by Al-Mustaqbal on January 28 said: "The security of
Lebanon and wellbeing of the Lebanese must be the supreme consideration
of all parties in Lebanon." [6]
Other Lebanese Officials: Hizbullah Has Usurped The State's Prerogative To Take Decisions Of War And Peace
Lebanese officials claimed that Hizbullah had
appropriated the prerogative to take crucial decisions, such as
decisions on war and peace, behind the government's back and without
considering the opinion of large parts of the Lebanese people. Samir
Geagea, head of the Lebanese Forces party, which is part of the March
14 Forces, said at a January 29 press conference: "How come Hizbullah
allows itself to take military and security decisions that the Lebanese
do not agree on and which could have far-reaching implications for
Lebanon?... We must be blunt and say that Hizbullah has no right to
embroil the Lebanese people in a conflict with Israel."[7]
Similar criticism was heard from the head of the
Al-Mustaqbal party and former Lebanese prime minister, Fouad Al-Siniora.
One day after Nasrallah's speech in which he said that Hizbullah did
not recognize any rules in the conflict with Israel and would respond
whenever and wherever it saw fit, Al-Siniora said: "We are [all]
partners in this country with equal rights and duties, and it is neither
acceptable nor permissible for anyone to appropriate [rights and
duties] for himself... What [Nasrallah] said yesterday showed no respect
the will of the Lebanese people. It did not [respect] the logic of
coexistence or human rights, but attempted to impose the logic of
weapons, violence and hegemony. [Our] experience in Lebanon shows that
whoever takes this path ends up failing and harming himself and others
and inflicting more damage upon Lebanon and the Lebanese."[8]
MP Ahmad Fatfat, also from Al-Mustaqbal, told the Lebanese OTV channel:
"Hizbullah has again messed with Lebanon's sovereignty and security
without the permission of the state."[9]
On February 1, 2015, Mt. Lebanon mufti Sheikh
Muhammad 'Ali Al-Jozo, who is a known opponent of Hizbullah, said: "We
oppose Iran turning Lebanon into its own arena that it can use as it
pleases, and turning its people into hostages who act according to its
interests. Lebanon is not just Hizbullah and it does not belong to any
single sect. It is an independent state with its own essence and its own
people, not a province of Iran... What will be the result if we enter
into a new war with Israel and South [Lebanon] is destroyed again[?] Is
it not enough, what Iran has done in Syria, Iraq and Yemen? Does it also
want to destroy Lebanon all over again?"[10]
Lebanese Columnists: Hizbullah, Complying With Iran's Orders And Interests, Is Risking An Unwanted War With Israel
Columnists and writers also stressed that
Hizbullah's actions and policies did not serve Lebanon's national
interests but rather those of Iran, the Syrian regime and the resistance
axis, and could drag Lebanon, against its will, into a destructive war
with Israel. Al-Mustaqbal columnist 'Ali Noun wrote on January
29, 2015: "[Hizbullah's] resistance has one prominent unique
characteristic: it has become a sacred icon in its own right... All
national resistance comes to serve the homeland and its people, except
[in this case. Here] it is the homeland and the people that serve the
Lebanese columnist Renda Taqi Al-Din wrote in the London daily Al-Hayat:
"Hizbullah's entrance into the quagmire of Iran's and Assad's war
against the Syrian people poses a great danger to all of Lebanon –
Christians, Sunnis, Shi'ites and Druze [alike]. Hizbullah cannot defend
Assad's regime and at the same time carry out its so-called resistance
in Lebanon. True, it managed to defeat Israel in 2006, but [the cost was
that] Israel destroyed Lebanon. Hizbullah's drunken [euphoria] over its
victory had better abate, because the homeland is in danger, and it
must not be dragged into another destructive battle arena, as is
happening to Syria. Is it not time for Hizbullah to withdraw from the
fighting in Syria, which increases the burden upon [this organization]
and its young warriors, who are killed by Israel?... Common sense and
loyalty to Lebanon say that Hizbullah should withdraw from Syria. But
[Hizbullah's] ally Iran, Mr. Barack Obama's new friend, does not want
this, because it needs these bargaining chips [for its dealings] in the
bazaar of the international arena."[12]
Prominent Lebanese journalist May Chidiac, who is
affiliated with the March 14 Forces, wrote on her Facebook page on
January 19: "Many believe that what happened in Quneitra surely heralds a
turning point in the open confrontation between Hizbullah and Israel.
They say it will [now] be a direct and unprecedented conflict on Syrian
soil between the resistance and its representatives and Israeli enemy
and its representatives... Now it is our turn to ask: Will this direct
confrontation be confined to Syria, or will its sparks fly into Lebanon,
forcing the entire Lebanese people to pay a price they do not wish to
pay? Allah save us! When will we wake up?"[13]
May Chidiac's Facebook post
Hizbullah Is Violating UN Resolution 1701
Another accusation directed at Hizbullah was that
its attack on the IDF force near Shebaa, and its declaration that the
rules of the conflict with Israel had changed, were a clear violation of
UN Resolution 1701, which forbids the presence of any armed forces
south of the Litani except the Lebanese military. March 14 Forces
secretary-general Fares Sa'id called Hizbullah's attack "a miscalculated
escapade and a violation of Resolution 1701,"[14]
and a statement issued by the Al-Mustaqbal party called Nasrallah's
statements "a unilateral renouncement... of international resolutions,
in particular Resolution 1701."[15]
Conversely, two Al-Mustaqbal officials who are
known to be more lenient towards Hizbullah adopted this organization
claim that its operation against Israel was legitimate because the
Shebaa Farms area is occupied Lebanese territory.[16]
These officials were Prime Minister Tammam Salam, who said that "the
[Shebaa Farms] operation was legitimate and was carried out on occupied
Lebanese soil," [17]
and Foreign Minister Nouhad Machnouk, who said that Resolution 1701 and
the so-called blue line were irrelevant to this operation, and that
"no Lebanese would relinquish the liberation of the Shebaa Farms." [18]
The March 14 Forces secretariat, headed by a
representative of Al-Mustaqbal, tried to sidestep this controversy. In a
January 29 statement, it said: "What happened transcends the legal
debate about whether or not Hizbullah has the right to fight for
disputed territory and all the technical talk about the 'blue line.' It
goes to the heart of the question that the Lebanese have been asking
themselves since 1969, namely who takes decisions about war and peace in
Lebanon? Should the state be the exclusive sovereign body or not? And
are the interests of the Lebanese, their livelihood, their economy and
their security subjugated to the calculations of Iran, Syria and
B. Criticism Of Al-Mustaqbal, The Government And The Media: They Are Backing Hizbullah's Presence In Syria
Other voices associated with the March 14 Forces
criticized not only Hizbullah but also the Al-Mustaqbal stream itself
and the government it heads. These voices, including columnists for the
daily Al-Nahar, condemned Al-Mustaqbal for sitting in a unity
government with Hizbullah and even conducting a dialogue with it while
Hizbullah does as it pleases without consulting the government or the
Al-Mustaqbal stream at all, and without the latter holding Hizbullah
accountable for its actions.
Among these critics was Sabine Oueiss, a columnist for the Lebanese daily Al-Nahar, who
rebuked Al-Mustaqbal for opposing Hizbullah's policy in Syria, the
Golan and South Lebanon while at the same time sitting with Hizbullah in
the government and maintaining a dialogue with it outside the
She wrote: "[What] is the use of a coalition government [including both
Hizbullah and Al-Mustaqbal] if Hizbullah insists on exclusively taking
decisions on war and peace that affect Lebanon and the Lebanese before
anyone else…? Hizbullah tried to create a good impression [by] renewing
the dialogue with the Al-Mustaqbal stream, which sparked hope for some
serious and genuine progress that would bring about a breakthrough [in
resolving] the crisis. However, it soon became apparent that the
dialogue would yield no results beyond the removal of some [propaganda]
posters and a toning down of the political discourse… The question that
concerns March 14 circles and their representatives in the government is
this: What is the use of dialogue between Al-Mustaqbal and Hizbullah
if the strategic issues – primarily Hizbullah's arms, its involvement in
Syria and recently also its exclusive [unilateral] decision on
confrontation with Israel – are left out of the discussion[?]… And what
about respecting UN Security Council Resolution 1701[?] Can the
government ask Hizbullah about the commitment [it gave] a week ago to
respect this resolution…[?] Will the ministers discuss the operation and
its implications with Hizbullah's representatives [in the cabinet], and
demand an accounting for [Hizbullah's] making decisions on an exclusive
Al-Nahar columnist 'Abd Al-Wahhab Baderkhan
also criticized the Lebanese government, and implicitly Al-Mustaqbal,
which heads it, when he addressed the issue of the government's official
condemnation of the January 18 Quneitra attack. He wrote: "The problem
isn't the Lebanese government's condemnation of the Israeli attack on
Syrian soil. [The problem is] that this condemnation conveyed a [tacit]
agreement by the government to the presence of Hizbullah soldiers in the
Golan, as if [the government] is the one who sent them. Although this
organization [Hizbullah] is in the government, the government is the
last to know about its movements.[22]
Journalist May Chidiac directed her criticism at
the Lebanese media for its extensive coverage of the funeral of
Hizbullah operative Jihad Mughniyah, who was killed in the Quneitra
attack, on the grounds that this coverage granted legitimacy to
Hizbullah's presence in Syria: "I was disturbed as I flipped through the
Lebanese channels [and saw them] competing with each other in
broadcasting the funeral of Jihad 'Imad Mughniyah... [with all the calls
of] 'death to Israel, death to America' and praise for the resistance,
and vast crowds waving Hizbullah flags and shouting 'at your command,
Nasrallah, at your command, Hizbullah, at your command Khomeini'… What
does it signify that all the Lebanese channels, except for one,
broadcast the funeral live? Has Lebanon – the state and all its
political and popular components – granted legitimacy to Hizbullah's
participation in the Syrian battles?… What was the martyr [Mughniyah]
doing in Quneitra together with the Iranian IRGC commander? According to
the press, this region is 'a Syrian region situated in the burning
border-triangle between Lebanon, occupied Palestine and Syria.'
Excellent, so this is a purely Syrian region. Does the live broadcast
[mean that we have] surrendered and conceded that Lebanon, with all its
sects, has become a side in the Syrian war, part of the Syrian Ba'th
regime-Iran- Hizbullah axis? Have we buried the policy of neutrality
once and for all? Is it time to concede that Hizbullah has gradually
managed to place the Lebanese authorities and media [exactly] where it
wants them?… God help us. If we do not stand up quickly and oppose what
is happening, we will be dragged into war… When will we wake up?"[23]
* E.B. Picali is a research fellow at MEMRI.
On January 18, 2015, a convoy of Hizbullah and Iranian forces was
targeted from the air near Quneitra in the Syrian Golan, killing six
Hizbullah operatives, among them Jihad Mughniyah, as well as several
Iranian operatives from the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC),
including General 'Ali Allahdadi. Hizbullah and Iran held Israel
responsible for the attack, and 10 days later, on January 28, Hizbullah
fired rockets on an Israeli military convoy in the Shebaa Farms/Har Dov
area, killing two soldiers. On Hizbullah's and the IRGC's activity in
the Syrian Golan, see MEMRI Inquiry & Analysis No. 1138, "Following
Killing Of Hizbullah Operative Jihad Mughniyah, New Information Comes
To Light Regarding Hizbullah, Iranian Activity In Syrian Golan On
Israeli Border," January 28, 2015; MEMRI Inquiry & Analysis No. 1146, "From
The Mediterranean to the Golan, Iran Builds Active Front And Direct
Military Presence On Israel's Border To Deter Israel And Further
Ideology Of Eliminating The Zionist Regime," February 16, 2015.
In an interview on the Lebanese channel Al-Mayadin TV, aired on January
15, 2015, three days before the Quneitra attack, Nasrallah alluded to
airstrikes on Syrian soil that were attributed to Israel, targeting
Iranian missiles intended for Hizbullah. He said that the resistance
axis at large, and not just Syria, would have the right to respond to
any future Israeli attack on Syrian soil. Al-Safir (Lebanon),
January 15, 2015. In a speech he delivered on January 30, two days after
the Shebaa Farms attack, Nasrallah declared that his organization no
longer recognized the "rules of engagement" in the confrontation with
Israel, nor the distinction between the South Lebanon front and the
Golan front. He added that Hizbullah would respond to any Israeli attack
or assassination against its troops in any place, at any time and in
any way it pleased. Al-Safir (Lebanon), January 31, 2015.
[3] Al-Mustaqbal (Lebanon), February 15, 2015.
[4] Al-Mustaqbal (Lebanon), January 15, 2015.
[5] Al-Mustaqbal (Lebanon), January 29, 2015.
[6] Al-Mustaqbal (Lebanon), January 29, 2015.
[7] Al-Mustaqbal (Lebanon), January 29, 2015.
[8] Al-Mustaqbal (Lebanon), February 1, 2015.
[9] Similar accusations were made in a statement issued by the Al-Mustaqbal party on January 28, 2015. Al-Mustaqbal (Lebanon), January 29, 2015.
[10] Al-Mustaqbal (Lebanon), February 2, 2015.
[11] Al-Mustaqbal (Lebanon), January 29, 2015.
[12] Al-Hayat (London), January 21, 2015.
[13], January 19, 2015.
[14] Al-Mustaqbal (Lebanon), January 29, 2015.
[15] Al-Mustaqbal (Lebanon), February 4, 2015.
The Shebaa Farms area, originally Syrian, was occupied by Israel in
1967 and was annexed to Israel along with the Golan in 1981. In 2000,
after Israel agreed to withdraw from South Lebanon in compliance with UN
Resolution 425, UN representatives traced the border between Israel and
Lebanon (the "blue line"), leaving the Shebaa Farms in Israel's hands
until an agreement between Israel and Syria is reached. This is contrary
to Lebanon's position, which regards the area as Lebanese soil that was
occupied first by Syria and later by Israel. UN Resolution 1701, which
ended the 2006 Lebanon war, included a clause calling on both Israel and
Lebanon to respect the blue line and calling on the UN
secretary-general to examine the issue of the Shebaa Farms and suggest
possible solutions. Since Israel's withdrawal in 2000, Hizbullah has
used the Shebaa Farms issue to justify its existence and its refusal to
disarm, claiming that there are still Lebanese lands that must be
liberated from Israeli hands by means of armed resistance.
[17] Al-Akhbar (Lebanon), January 30, 2015.
[18] Al-Mustaqbal (Lebanon), January 30, 2015.
[19] Al-Mustaqbal (Lebanon), January 30, 2015.
The Hizbullah-Al-Mustaqbal dialogue was launched on December 23, 2014
with the stated aim of easing Sunni-Shi'ite tensions in the country,
which had intensified for several reasons, including the indictment of
senior Hizbullah officials for the murder of former Lebanese Prime
Minister Rafiq Al-Hariri, Hizbullah's military involvement in Syria, and
the issue of Hizbullah's weapons. The parties to this dialogue agreed –
each from its own considerations – to discuss easing the tensions
without addressing the roots of the conflict, which are apparently
insoluble. Hizbullah wants the dialogue in order to guarantee domestic
calm while it operates outside Lebanon, and the Al-Mustaqbal stream
wants it – despite opposition from elements within the movement who
contend that it legitimizes Hizbullah – in order to check the increasing
influence of radical Islamist organizations in Lebanon who are eating
away at its power on the Sunni street.
[21] Al-Nahar (Lebanon), January 29, 2015.
[22] Al-Nahar (Lebanon), February 4, 2015.
[23], January 19, 2015.
Copyright - Original materials copyright (c) by the authors.
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