by Robert Spencer
A Dutch mosque wants to stop people from associating the phrase with violence. It will be tough.

The NL Times reported Tuesday that the Blauwe Moskee in Amsterdam Nieuw-West wants to broadcast the Islamic call to prayer (the Adhan) over loudspeakers, in an attempt to “normalize Islamic traditions” in the Netherlands. The leader of the mosque, imam Yassin Elforkani, also says that if the call to prayer goes out over loudspeakers, “Amsterdam residents will get more used to the religion as something normal and unrest will disappear.” So apparently all the “unrest” comes from Dutch people not being used to Islam, right? Or could it possibly have something to do with all those Muslims screaming “Allahu akbar” while they’re killing people?
The cry of “Allahu akbar,” since it is repeated several times during the call to prayer, is at the forefront of this discussion in the Netherlands. “We do not want to provoke with this, but try to normalize Islamic traditions,” says Elforkani. “Because of international terrorism, people still associate ‘Allahu akbar’ with violence or misery, while many visitors to our mosque experience it as something meditative. The Adhan can contribute to the fact that Islam is finally seen as something normal in the Netherlands.”
How wonderful. Non-Muslims will grow accustomed to Islam, they’ll come to see it as something normal, and all will be right with the world as Muslims and non-Muslims in the Netherlands join hands and march together into the glorious multiculturalist, globalist, socialist future. What could possibly go wrong, apart from the handful of remaining racist, bigoted “Islamophobes” who haven’t yet gotten their minds right? But they aren’t really the ones who are wickedly associating the cry of “Allahu akbar” with “violence and misery.” The ones who are doing that, the real flies in the multicultural ointment who could destroy this entire exercise in “normalization,” are Yassin Elforkani’s violent-minded coreligionists.
Let’s just take the last few weeks. Xinhua reported that in France on September 7, “a 17-year-old man armed with a knife assaulted two municipal employees at a canteen in a school in Marseille.” The attacker screamed “Allahu akbar,” as well as “Christians must die.” Then, according to the New York Post ten days later, another Muslim screaming “Allahu akbar” in front of the central train station in Milan stabbed an Italian soldier in the neck with a pair of scissors. Italian police, as determinedly clueless as authorities all over the Western world, are, says the Post, investigating in order to “determine if the attack was terrorism-related.”
Then on September 20, New Zealand’s Otago Daily Times reported that “a man has admitted ramming a police car and chasing an officer down the highway on foot with a tomahawk while yelling ‘Allahu Akbar’. After giving up the pursuit, Ruairi Kern Taylor (24), of Gore, returned to the empty police car, took to it with the weapon – causing more than $30,000 of damage – and was later found wearing a police hat and jacket while yelling excerpts from the Koran.”
It’s almost enough to make people think that screaming “Allahu akbar” had something to do with violence. And that’s not all. The Muslim site 5Pillars admitted that a man who deliberately drove his car into a mosque in France on September 21 was not an “Islamophobe,” but a Muslim. The prosecutor noted that the perpetrator “was partly covered with blood on the upper part of the white tunic he wore” and that “a bloody knife was found on the scene of the arrest.” 5Pillars reports: “The prosecutor added that several witnesses heard him say ‘Allah Akbar’ many times.”
Also in France, on October 3, a convert to Islam named Mickaël Harpon, who worked at the Paris police prefecture, stabbed four of his coworkers to death. It was soon revealed that a neighbor had heard him screaming “Allahu akbar” in his apartment the night before the murders. Harpon also exchanged 33 text messages with his Muslim wife right before the attack, concluding the exchange with “Allahu akbar.”
Two days after that, Arutz Sheva reported that “a 23-year-old Syrian armed with a knife on Friday ran into a Berlin synagogue, and was arrested at the entrance. According to eyewitnesses, the Syrian yelled ‘Allahu akhbar [sic]’ and anti-Israel statements.” As so often happens in such cases, police are trying to determine his motive.
In light of all this, is the cry of “Allahu akbar” broadcast over loudspeakers from a mosque in Amsterdam really going to reassure the non-Muslim populace, or just make them nervous? Would they be “Islamophobic” for having such a reaction?
Robert Spencer
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