by Daniel John Sobieski
Kamala Harris is a dangerous and malevolent political opportunist who doesn’t belong in the same zip code as the White House.
So Joe Biden has picked the runt of the litter, an also-ran loser in the Democratic primaries who never one [sic] a primary, barely escaped sitting at the kiddies table, whom the voters didn’t think was qualified to be president, yet whom Biden wanted to be a heartbeat away. Or maybe his puppet masters, the voices in his earpiece, and the voices in his head picked her from a list loaded with more baggage than an airport carousel.
Biden picked a running mate who labeled him a racist opponent of school busing who cavorted and collaborated with segregationist Democrat colleagues in the Senate where Biden supported legislation leading to the incarceration of young black males. Of course, Harris did her part in incarcerating young black males with a vengeance as states attorney in San Francisco and attorney general of California.
Kamala Harris also believes Biden is a sexual predator, saying we should believe his accusers, even staffer Tara Reade, who has credibly accused him of sexual assault. Reade certainly brings more evidence to the table than Brett Kavanaugh’s accuser, whom Harris viciously attacked in one of the most unhinged attempts at character assassination we have ever seen.
The Hill reported:
“I believe them and I respect them being able to tell their story and having the courage to do it,” Harris said during a presidential campaign event in Nevada in April 2019 before Biden had officially entered the race.As PJ Media reports:
And then there’s Tara Reade, in 2019, she said that Biden used to touch her inappropriately while she was a staffer in his Senate office in 1993. “He used to put his hand on my shoulder and run his finger up my neck,” Reade said. “I would just kind of freeze and wait for him to stop doing that.” She later expanded on those allegations, claiming in March 2020 that Biden sexually assaulted her by pushing her up against the wall, kissing her and sliding his hand up her shirt and up her skirt. Reade says attempted to file a claim, but Biden was ultimately protected by loyalists on his staff. The credibility of her claims was boosted by the release of a clip of the Larry King Live show during which her mother called in anonymously asking the panel for advice on how to handle a situation with her daughter and a prominent U.S. senator. Kamala Harris may have believed Tara Reade before Joe Biden jumped in the race, but when Biden was the frontrunner and then presumptive nominee, she ignored Reade’s sexual assault allegations when they resurfaced in 2020.All Trump has to do is take clips from their debate exchanges and attacks on Biden from Kamala’s interviews and append the tag line, “I’m Donald J. Trump and I approve her message.”
Harris’ well-rehearsed attack on Joe Biden that nearly derailed his candidacy during the clown-car Democratic presidential debates should have come as no surprise to those who have watched her rise to political prominence. Never mind its relevance or accuracy. For Harris, the ends always justify the means.
For a time it looked as if Harris wasn’t even on the short list, consistently failing to make the top tier in the Democratic presidential primary debates, after being ignored in either another Biden brain cramp or deliberate snub in which he called former Illinois Sen. Carol Moseley Braun the only African-American woman to serve in the Senate, and after a heated attack from Harris during a debate regarding Biden’s record on school busing:
The debate-stage skirmish was one of the seminal moments of the Democratic primary. Harris, who is Black, said Biden made “very hurtful” comments about his past work with segregationist senators before she slammed his opposition to busing as schools began to integrate.
“There was a little girl in California who was a part of the second class to integrate her public schools, and she was bused to school every day,” she said. “And that little girl was me.”
At the time, Biden called her comments “a mischaracterization of my position.”
Biden’s pick of Harris fulfills Biden’s identity-politics decision to pick a “woman of color” although Sen. Elizabeth Warren, the fake Cherokee Indian, could have qualified. Harris is glib, if not articulate, a stark contrast to a Biden who can’t complete a sentence or remember where he is. It comes as Biden steadily slips among minority voters.
More great news for the Trump campaign. Blacks and Minority voters are at record highs for President Trump.If Trump gets just 20% of the African-American, vote it is curtains for the Democrats and a landslide for Trump. Biden’s patronizing of African-Americans is typified by his arguably racist and demeaning remark that if blacks do not vote for him, they are not in fact black.
Rasmussen Reports released their latest polling of likely black voters of President Trump’s job approval is now over 40%:
For eight years Obama-Biden did nothing while Kamala Harris, as a former California state attorney general and San Francisco district attorney, did measurable harm to the community she claims to be a leader of.
She is counting on strong support from African Americans. But many black voters are wary of her 27 years as a prosecutor enforcing laws that sent African Americans to prison…Tucker Carlson of Fox News calls Harris a corrupt and dangerous fraud who sees laws and powers only as means to punish her enemies, pursue her agenda, and get elected. As Carlson noted:
Still, her home state’s high rate of incarcerating people of color goes a long way in explaining the trouble she has had selling her candidacy to black voters nationwide. In California and many other states, racial disparities in imprisonment have intensified resentments of what many see as deeply ingrained discrimination in America’s criminal justice system…
But the prisons remain emblematic of chronic racial inequities in the justice system. African Americans make up less than 6% of California’s population but 29% of its inmates, according to the state Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation. Latinos are 39% of the population but 43% of the inmates.
Kamala Harris, like Biden, support Planned Parenthood’s crimes against the unborn and takes money and endorsements from the abortion industry. One remembers her resorting to lies, falsehoods and innuendo in the Supreme Court confirmation hearing for Justice Brett Kavanaugh. Biden is dangerous because he will let others control him and run the show. Harris is worse. She will know what she’s doing and will do it with astounding relish and ruthlessness.Carlson, who called Biden's vice presidential pick the "most consequential" choice in U.S. history, disputed Sen. Kamala Harris's authenticity on her progressive positions, saying the "front-runner" only stands by issues she knows will get her ahead in the polls. He cited the California Democrat's low polling numbers at the time that she ended her own bid for the presidency and dropped out of the Democratic primary race.
"The wrap on Harris in exit polls is that she’s a fraud," Carlson said. "She doesn’t really believe in anything, she'll say whatever it takes. Of course, that is also Harris’s primary strength."
As Sen. Cory Booker’s “Spartacus moment” fizzled, Harris knew an “Elmer Gantry moment” when she saw one. As Jonathan S. Tobin noted in National Review:
She first earned notoriety in the Senate last year by demonstrating open incivility bordering on bullying when she interrogated Attorney General Jeff Sessions and the national-intelligence chiefs. Bullying witnesses and cutting them off before they have a chance to answer is her modus operandi during hearings…But Harris did more than badger, mislead, and imply in her attempt to slander Kavanaugh. Harris circulated a deceptively edited video designed to further her narrative that far from being an originalist that would apply the law fairly on any case, including those involving abortion, Kavanaugh was an active participant in the campaign to repeal Roe V. Wade. As Ashe Schow noted in the Daily Wire:
The same qualities were on display during her questioning of Kavanaugh. But while, like the other Democrats, she never succeeding in outsmarting the judge, she was the only one to momentarily flummox him by bringing up the Mueller investigation.
She started with an impossibly general and specious query about whether he had ever discussed the Mueller probe with “anyone.”…by asserting, even by implication, that Kavanaugh might somehow be part of the Russia-collusion discussion, Harris gave liberal Democrats exactly the kind of red meat they crave.
Along with her snide and disrespectful prosecutorial tone, that made her the winner of the first day of the Kavanaugh primary.
Harris’ Twitter account put out a clip that appeared to show Kavanaugh referring to birth control blanketly as “abortion-inducing drugs.”Harris was willing to falsify evidence to slander Kavanaugh and push the false narrative that Kavanaugh was just another pro-lifer waging a war on women. As she tweeted:
This is clearly deceptive, as it’s obvious this was not the beginning of one of Kavanaugh’s answers. Kavanaugh’s full sentence, which would have only required one or two extra seconds had Harris’ team started at the beginning, made it clear he was summarizing what a party in a Supreme Court case said.
Kavanaugh said, "In that case, they said filling out the form would make them complicit in the provision of the abortion-inducing drugs that they were, as a religious matter, objected to." (Emphasis added.)
Kavanaugh chooses his words very carefully, and this is a dog whistle for going after birth control. He was nominated for the purpose of taking away a woman’s constitutionally protected right to make her own health care decisions. Make no mistake - this is about punishing women.Make no mistake -- her abuse of Kavanaugh and Biden was about advancing the career of Kamala Harris. Ironically, she owes her advancement to her association with former Democratic Speaker of the California Assembly Willie Brown. As the Washington Examiner noted:
Kamala Harris’ first significant political role was an appointment by her powerful then-boyfriend Willie Brown, three decades her senior, to a California medical board that has been criticized as a landing spot for patronage jobs and kickbacks.Hey, politics makes strange bedfellows, as they say. Can we count her as a hardcore feminist then? Conservative Twitter icon James Wood has dubbed her #HeelsUpHarris, Kamala Harris is a dangerous and malevolent political opportunist who doesn’t belong in the same zip code as the White House -- and the Lincoln Bedroom.
Then 30, Harris was dating 60-year-old Willie Brown, at the time the Democratic speaker of the California State Assembly, when he placed her on the California Medical Assistance Commission in 1994. The position paid over $70,000 per year, $120,700 in current money, and Harris served on the board until 1998.
The medical commission met twice a month, and Harris, a United States senator for California since 2017 and now a 2020 Democratic presidential candidate, missed about 20% of the meetings each year…
Photo credit: YouTube screen grab (cropped).
Daniel John Sobieski is a former editorial writer for Investor’s Business Daily and freelance writer whose pieces have appeared in Human Events, Reason Magazine, and the Chicago Sun-Times among other publications.
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