by Chaya Gross
On day 43 of the Counting of the Omer, that jubilant message was broadcast to Israel by IDF General Motta Gur. But since then....
It’s 55 years since that message “Har HaBayit b’Yadenu” came over the hand radio of Motte Gur obm, the Temple Mount is in our hands! It was unequivocal. In those days Jews still knew without a doubt that the Temple Mount was the home of the Holy Temple, destroyed twice and finally after almost two thousand years since its last destruction by the Romans, in 70AD it was miraculously back in our hands.
The third Jewish commonwealth was unfolding!
It was the height of the Six Day War. Another incredibly miraculous feat, to have overcome our enemies on three fronts in only six days with the war ending on the seventh...Shabbat!
And the cry of the nation?
Kol hakavod l’tsahal! Good work IDF!
Of course good work by the IDF, but clearly this was an open miracle. Incredulous!
And what was even more incredulous, was that this momentous event was lost, by those whose vision for this Holy Land, fell short of our biblical narrative.
Moshe Dayan, the Israeli par excellence, the defense minister, offered this, our holiest site back to the Jordanians, with full control by the Wakf, the Islamic religious authority!
What greater desecration of G-d’s name would be possible for a “Jewish state’s leadership”?
The lack of gratitude for this open miracle by our “leaders” has led to 55 years of humiliation on every stage globally because our right not only to the Temple Mount but to all the gains of the ‘67 war have been and are still being contested, until this day. Jerusalem is still disputed, “occupied territory”, as are Judea and Samaria and the Golan Heights.
Trump's gestures were valiant but short lived. Even recently Israel agreed to allow 50 more Wakf officials on the Temple Mount. And the US now is constantly pushing for the reopening of their embassy in East Jerusalem and the “two state solution”.
The Zionist narrative as opposed to the Biblical narrative, continues the struggle, to make sense of our reality daily. Either this Land is biblically ordained as the Holy Land, or might is right!
It can never be both.
So as the Arabs threaten jihad over the Temple Mount, our government insists that the flag parade will go on as scheduled today. Is a flag parade to determine who is the rightful custodians of the Temple Mount?
last week there was a rally at Ben Gurion University with Arab students
waving Arab flags...does that then mean Beersheba is theirs?
flags are important symbols, but those that control the Temple Mount,
control the Land and we can see that today very clearly as well. Our
governing body, the Knesset has been hijacked democratically by Arab
parties, and the Jewish parties are paralyzed because every move to
strengthen security, is being sabotaged with blackmail.
The Arabs are being allowed to build illegally, with no recourse by our government. The Bedouin are being supplied with electricity for communities, I believe 60,000 homes, that were built illegally.
All payouts so as not to bring down the government!
this week our government ceded medical sovereignty to the world health
organization. The WHO has proven itself totally incompetent and Israel
agreed to cooperate and sign their medical treaty which allows them to
take control of “handling” any future pandemic should Israel or any
signatory not comply with their dictates! Do most citizens even
understand that such an agreement has been signed?
As we celebrate, the facts on the ground are being blurred. I only pray the day passes peacefully.
Hallel? Dancing? Going to the Old City and the these things actually reflect the sentiments on the ground? I wonder.
For me it is the 43rd day of the counting of the omer. The celebrations feel premature and the dangers overwhelming. I tend to lay low.
I pray from home for the complete redemption and the rebuilding of the Temple very soon... through might of the spirit of truth, and genuine peace and understanding, that the Holy Temple is meant to be rebuilt as a House of Prayer for all people. Isaiah 56:7.
May it be immediately!

Chaya Gross feels blessed to call Jerusalem home.She
will be celebrating her 40th year since making aliyahfrom Canada, this
summer. After watching from the sidelines she has become a regular
contributor to Arutz7 so as to share her insights on life in the Holy
Land. She can be reached at
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