Thursday, March 2, 2023

No More Mr. Nice Guy - Mark Tapson


by Mark Tapson

How Matt Walsh exemplified the Freedom Center’s longstanding strategy.

It’s a tragic statement about the decline of the West that such a thing as a “TikTok influencer” even exists, but transgender actor Dylan Mulvaney, 26, has successfully ridden that train to the notoriety he so clearly craves, with over ten million online followers. His video series titled Days of Girlhood, in which he flounces about in a parody of girlishness so inauthentic that no one would ever mistake it for true femininity, has garnered over a billion views – another sad commentary on our civilization. He has even been invited to the White House for a sit-down interview with alleged President Joe Biden.

Recently Mulvaney posted a video, “Day 335” in his series, in which he flaunted a creepy look featuring heels, a short dress, bright red lipstick, and hair extensions that he couldn’t stop playing with. He declared that he looked so “hot” that he could steal husbands, but reassured his female audience that he would never do that to them because sisterhood or something.

In response, Daily Wire host Matt Walsh, star of the wildly popular documentary about gender madness called What is a Woman? and a fierce activist in the cause of gender sanity, posted a video in which he blasted Mulvaney for what Walsh called the TikToker’s “degrading, woman-faced minstrel show”:

You do not pass as a woman, or at a woman at all, even with fifty pounds of makeup and plastic surgery and clever lighting tricks. Even then, you still cannot escape what you really are and what you will always be…

Your femininity quotient has not increased at a rate commensurate with the loss of your masculinity. You may not be masculine, but you also are not feminine. Instead, you are weird and artificial, you are manufactured and you are lifeless, you are unearthly and eerie…

You’ll never be accepted as a woman by anyone, not even the people who pretend to accept you… Everyone who sees you will see something pitiable and bizarre, something utterly unfeminine in every way…

Check out that video clip from The Matt Walsh Show below, cued up to his segment on Mulvaney:

Needless to say, Walsh’s video predictably triggered those in the pro-trans movement who already considered him a fascist bigot whose rhetoric would cause a literal genocide of trans people. A high percentage of those attacking him seemed to be snobs sneering at Walsh’s high school education and crowing about how their post-graduate credentials in gender theory and queer studies give them the authority to reject biological fact and assert that men can be women. This wasn’t the “win” they thought it was, since it only exposed the intellectual fraudulence of today’s higher education.

But less predictably (or maybe not), he received seemingly as much pushback from fellow conservatives as from the Left. Indeed, for the next several days Walsh was occupied on social media with fending off complaints from the finger-wagging Right that he had been “mean” to Mulvaney in his commentary. He was castigated for his “divisiveness.” He was lectured that his disrespectful approach wouldn’t win us any converts from the gender ideologues. Here is a representative sample:


Walsh eventually posted a video response to his conservative critics, in which he stated, in part,

They all agree that I’m right, that what I said is factually correct. But they think it goes too far by saying it out loud. Mulvaney is running around like some cartoon of a woman passing out tampons in the women’s room and meeting with the president to defend the mutilation of children. But I went too far. You see, this is where we differ. Because in the culture war, I don’t think it’s possible to go too far by speaking truth…

You want me to lie to protect the feelings of our enemies. And make no mistake, Dylan Mulvaney is our enemy. He is an open, visible, and active, and passionate advocate for the abuse of children, the war on fundamental truth, and the destruction of human society as we know it. You wish to defeat this man in a way that will not make him feel bad about himself…

I’m not going to protect your feelings any more than I am going to protect his. You are deluding yourself. We got in this position in our culture precisely by valuing politeness over truth.

The other side is not interested in compromise. They want nothing less than your unconditional surrender. We have to meet them with that same energy or we will lose, or continue to lose…

You don’t convince people by being nice. You don’t. At least not on a cultural level. I mean, where did you get this idea? Where did you arrive at this conclusion? That the way to win the culture is being nice. Is that how the left won the culture? Have you been paying attention at all? They have seized hold our society indoctrinating an entire generation and they didn’t do it with niceness. They didn’t win these flies with honey. They did it by being bold and aggressive and by making their opposition’s arguments seen as not only wrong but utterly horrific and insane. That’s how they did it…

We moderate our tone. We seek to kill them with kindness while they recruit legions by doing exactly the opposite. Again I ask you, when will you learn?

Walsh is correct. In an ideal world, Democrats and Republicans would engage each other like Old School gentlemen with civility and mutually respectful debate. Ideally. But the political reality today is that our parties represent two utterly incompatible worldviews; the Left recognizes this and is waging total war, ruthlessly and relentlessly, to eradicate the opposition while the Right clings to the Marquess of Queensberry rules and keeps taking it on the chin.

This is why, when Donald Trump entered the political arena after the failures of a string of conservative leaders like John McCain and Mitt Romney — men who valued noble defeat over ugly victory — he so galvanized the Right and enraged the Left. The enemy was utterly unaccustomed to having a conservative opponent get down in the gutter with them and give better than he got. Trump understood – as Matt Walsh noted in his video – that you have to meet the enemy with the same (or preferably a greater) level of aggression in order to win or be trampled, and he began to make America great again.

As it happens, Matt Walsh’s winning strategy is the same one that the David Horowitz Freedom Center has been using for nearly 35 years. Horowitz came from the radical Left and understands deeply that his former fellow ideologues are not “liberals” who can ever be seduced out of their radicalism by niceness or fair play or polite debate (hence the Center’s tag line: “Inside Every Progressive Is A Totalitarian Screaming To Get Out”). He understands that they need to be confronted by the bare-knuckled truth.

In that sense, Horowitz’s Freedom Center was conceived not as a think tank, but as a battle tank in the defense of free societies whose moral, cultural, and economic foundations are under assault by radical enemies within and without. And the Center has taken the fight to those enemies unapologetically and uncompromisingly ever since.

Originally posted at Culture Warrior.


Mark Tapson


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