Sunday, December 3, 2023

A Guide to Leftist Lies - D. Parker


by D. Parker

The far left is falling all over itself to accuse President Trump of being the next Hitler. It’s time to remind everyone what we’re dealing with


The far left’s propaganda arm is warming up for the upcoming election year and tuning up their nonsensical lies that the pro-freedom right, imbued with the precepts of individual liberty and limited government is somehow the same as overarching big government collectivist authoritarians.  The time has come to proactively start tabulating the ever-growing and long list of startling and uncomfortable ways the Democrat party emulates the Nazi Party

Lies, deceit, and deception are some of the biggest similarities between the fascist far left of today and a certain National Socialist German Workers’ Party of one hundred years ago.  It’s a commonality with all collectivist leftist authoritarians.  This is a key facet of that side of the political spectrum in that the left side prefers force to freedom to shape society.  Lies are another form of force on people’s well-being as a means of mental manipulation.

The rejoinder is that both sides lie, but there is a marked difference between the two in that the far left dominates the media and government indoctrination centers (AKA public schools).  The left can lie and get away with it, while the pro-freedom right will always be fact-checked.

This was pointed out by the newly elected president of Argentina and self-described far-right anarcho-capitalist and libertarian, Javier Milei, in talking about his disdain for the left: 

Because since to err is human, since everyone can be mistaken, they force us to be better. And ... we are getting better than them. Since we are crushing them in the cultural battle, we are not only superior economically; we are morally superior. We are better, aesthetically superior. 

We are better than them at everything. And that triggers them. And since they can’t beat us with real arguments, they just use the repressive apparatus of the state, with loads of taxpayer money to destroy us. 

And yet, they’re still losing. They had to remove the blacklist. They had to remove the blacklist. You understand they’re losing. They’re desperate. Leftists are losing the cultural battle. For the first time ever, they are cornered.

In short, we have to be better because we are always held to a much higher standard than the left, but even in that lopsided contest in the marketplace of ideas, we are winning, and it’s driving leftists insane.  Better make that more insane, because normal people noticed a long time ago that the left has lost the plot, and we have no idea where it is going next.

The problem for the fascist far left is that its lies are becoming painfully obvious to anyone who has escaped the echo chamber that is the nation’s socialist media.

Such is the case of Javier Milei, self-identifying as an anarcho-capitalist or far-right libertarian — in favor of small government for a free society.  While leftists claim that this means he’s a “fascist” or extreme-right neo-Nazi, since these collectivist ideologies favor a totalitarian central government with little freedom, it’s like the bit from Sesame Street, “One of These Things Is Not like the Others.”

Therefore, we’re going to detail the many expansive ways the fascist far left uses to deceive the public as to who leftists are and their evil intentions.  These will be listed in a general category of deception, with a separate detailing for their favorite form of falsehood of projection.  

A. Lying with language.

This must be leftists’ first love when it comes to the art of the lie. 

It started with their co-opting the terms “liberal” and “progressive,” and they’ve been going Orwellian ever since. 

They particularly love when they can come up with a totally contradictory term to shout down the truth.

“Antifa” is a prime example of this.  The far left is fascist to the core, since, as an economic system, fascism is socialism with a capitalist veneer

But with the magic of repeating the same lie for over 100 years and with all manner of conflicts within the left over ideological minutiae no one else cares about, they can flip logic on its head and lie about who they are — until it’s too late.

B. Repetitive lies.

These are lies that have been repeated so often that leftists like Lenin and Goebbels think they somehow become “the truth.”  In most cases, these will be repeated without a shred of evidence or even elucidation, such as their big lie that fascism and Nazism are “far-right.”

C. Lying with statistics.

There is an old saying attributed to Disraeli — before the age of the modern left — that there are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics.  Anti-liberty leftists love numbers because it’s easy to manipulate the data to get the result they want, and then they just repeat the fake result ad nauseam.

One of the worst examples is their fake statistic that “gun violence is leading cause of death for U.S. children and teens,” where they conflate children and adolescents at various points, later including even 18 and 19-year-olds under the definition of “children.”  

D. Label lies.

These are vague, negative phrases exploited by the left to demonize opponents.  Remember, these are folks who always focus on skin color and race, so it’s merely projection when they hurl the “racist” label. 

But with that practically worn out, they conjured up “white supremacist” as a replacement. 

Lying leftists (but that’s being redundant) love to use “denier” to demonize.  Many times, they nonsensically shorten a “denier” phrase until it doesn’t make sense, such as the term “climate denier,” as though anyone denies that the climate exists. 

E. Sloganeering lies.

These are the cute little slogans they keep repeating to maintain a certain narrative.  We’ve all heard them:

“Socialism has never been tried before.”

It’s failed in many forms and formats for more than 400 years.

“No one is talking about taking anyone’s guns.”

This is a lie, proven by the existence of unconstitutional “red flag” gun confiscation orders, and they’re talking about taking everyone’s guns.

“We need to have a national conversation about ____.”

(When we’re always talking about that subject.)

F. Gaslighting.

This takes lies to a whole new level, defined as “psychological manipulation of a person, usually over an extended period, that causes the victim to question the validity of their thoughts, perception of reality, or memories.”  Many times, it seems as though leftists lean into their lies and become crafty and creative so they not only deceive, but do it in such a way as to have those effects.

So why is all of this important?  As we stated, the far left has begun its projection onslaught of lies, and so we must push back in response. 

Leftists are liars and cannot be trusted.  As more people know that, it’s going to erode their support.  The funny thing is, once liars are exposed, they can’t regain their credibility, no matter what they say or project. 

D Parker is an engineer, inventor, wordsmith, and student of history, the director of communications for a civil rights organization, and a long-time contributor to conservative websites.  Find him on Substack.

Image: Chris Dodds via Flickr, CC BY-SA 2.0.

D. Parker


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