Tuesday, February 20, 2024

BLM ‘Week of Action’ at School All About ‘Disrupting’ White America - Mark Tapson


by Mark Tapson

Welcome to the new Cultural Revolution.


February 5-9, 2024, was National Black Lives Matter at School Week of Action, observed by thousands of educators in public school districts across the United States. Every year, participating high schools devote a week to indoctrinating impressionable young minds with material promoting a violent, Marxist revolutionary organization and its false narrative that America is a systemically racist country committing genocide against blacks. This is not a fringe endeavor; it is so mainstream that it is promoted by the far-left National Education Association, the largest teachers union in the nation, run by President Becky Pringle, who believes America is irredeemably racist and supports all the usual radical programs such as Critical Race Theory.

The purveyors of such indoctrination openly espouse anti-white racism in a curriculum disseminated in classrooms across the country. Case in point: at Lincoln High School in the woke utopia of Seattle, Washington, students in World Literature and English Composition were given a handout during the BLM Week of Action listing and defining the “9 characteristics of white supremacy,” according to one student’s outraged father, who shared the information with the Jason Rantz Show on KTTH but asked to remain anonymous. The father had asked his son to be on the lookout for just such manner of woke brainwashing, and his son alerted him to the worksheet.

Following is the list of nine white supremacist characteristics and their definitions, as noted on the handout to students:

  1. One Right Way/Objectivity. The belief that there is one right way to do things. Connected to the belief in an objective, “perfect” that is both attainable and desirable for everyone.
  2. The cultural story that we make it on our own, without help; A toxic denial of our essential interdependence and the reality that we are all in this together.
  3. Right to Comfort. The entitlement to name what is and isn’t racism and that those with power have a right to be shielded from the stresses of antiracist work.
  4. The tendency to identify only the things that are wrong, with little ability to appreciate what is right. Making a mistake is confused with being a mistake.
  5. Denial & Defensiveness. The habit of defending against the ways in which white supremacy and racism are produced and our individual and collective participation in that system.
  6. Paternalism & Power Hoarding. The belief that an authority figure must maintain the ability to judge, punish, and redeem while also being above judgment, correction, or change.
  7. White supremacy cultures #1 strategy is to make us afraid. When we are afraid, we lose touch with our power and become more easily manipulated by the promise of illusory safety.
  8. Either/or & The Binary. Reduces the complexity of life and the nuance of our relationships with each other and all living things [to] yes or no, right or wrong ways of being.
  9. Worship of the written word. Honoring only what is written and even then only what is written to a narrow standard, full of misinformation and lies. An erasure of the wide range of ways we communicate with each other.

“I feel bad for any students who actually internalize stuff like this as it is setting them up for failure,” the Lincoln High father said, arguing that the concepts are “incoherent and cannot stand any sort of reasoned analysis.” He added that it’s set up to ensure students accept every concept without ever questioning the claims. “How is a 15-year-old kid supposed to object in class when ‘denial and defensiveness’ is itself a characteristic of white supremacy? This is truly educational malpractice.”

Educational malpractice, indeed. Deconstructing and refuting the underlying premises of all these characteristics could be a book-length project; it’s enough to note that these are all presented as negative “givens” about a “white” culture that the Black Lives Matter revolutionaries view as evil and oppressive. The end game is to “disrupt” (their term) “white” thinking, behaving, and values in order to overturn them and collapse AmeriKKKa’s white power structures from within.

For example, a related worksheet given to Lincoln High students asked students, “How do white supremacy characteristics show up in your personal lives?” Note that the question operates from the assumption that these characteristics do constitute white supremacy and that any students who exhibit such characteristics must therefore be participating in white supremacy, even if unconsciously. It leaves no room for questioning that assumption. The aim is to demonize any student who does not reject such civilizational values as objectivity, individualism, and striving for perfection, and to push students to adopt a new, virtuous alternative set of values: the 13 guiding principles of Black Lives Matter, which emphasize collectivism, restorative justice, and globalism, as well as “actively disrupting patriarchal culture” and “the narrow Western prescribed nuclear family structure.” The worksheet goes on to ask, “How can the 13 principles of Black Lives Matter work to disrupt the white supremacy characteristics?”

Another aspect of the white supremacy lesson at this Seattle school involved the showing of a 2013 video titled, “Getting Called Out: How to Apologize” from activist and YouTube personality Franchesca Ramsey. Ramsey, who is black, has built a career and media fame on her racial commentary. In this video, she offers advice on becoming an ally to marginalized groups and “doing the right thing.”

“Getting called out,” she explains, “is when you say or do something that upholds the oppression of a marginalized group of people.” She explains that you shouldn’t “get defensive” by denying you’re oppressing marginalized people, even if you’re not actually oppressing marginalized people. “What you really need to do is listen because this is where the other person is hopefully going to explain to you what you did wrong and how you can explain it.”

The explicit message here is that defending yourself against false accusations of racism is pointless, because as we saw above, denial of racist behavior is itself dismissed as racist behavior. White students are expected to shut up and be lectured about their inherent sense of racial supremacy by black supremacists. This is the exact same process brought to bear on the innocent victims of the “struggle sessions” of Mao’s brutal Cultural Revolution.

“My problem with this curriculum is that this is supposed to be a writing and literature class and lessons like these do nothing to help my kid become a better writer,” the father explained. True, but making his son or any other student a better writer is utterly irrelevant to the BLM activists pushing this racist curriculum. The Black Lives Matter Week of Action agenda is not education but openly political indoctrination. It has nothing to do with opening young minds or teaching them critical thinking or honing their communication skills; it has everything to do with not-so-subtly bullying them into accepting the racist premises of a neo-Marxist commitment to overthrow Western civilization and redistribute power and wealth to “oppressed” communities.

This hijacking of our youth – both black and white – and the twisting of their consciousness to embrace a hateful, communist worldview is evil and must be vigorously opposed by every parent in every school district in America. Perhaps it’s time for a National Western Civilization Matters Week of Action.

Follow Mark Tapson at Culture Warrior

Mark Tapson is the Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center, focusing on popular culture. He is also the host of an original podcast on Frontpage, “The Right Take With Mark Tapson”. Follow him on Substack.

Source: https://www.frontpagemag.com/blm-week-of-action-at-school-all-about-disrupting-white-america/

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