Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Genocide in Gaza? - Larry Estavan


by Larry Estavan

A look at the evidence.


[Order David Horowitz’s new book, America Betrayed, HERE.]

There is no evidence that there is genocide in Gaza. The daily flash updates from the Hamas controlled Ministry of Health are a mess. Daily totals of fatalities do not add up to the reported totals of children and women killed.

The only argument that apologists have is to say that there is a “lag” in the confirmation of deaths. But either way, the numbers from Hamas are not a reliable picture of the situation in Gaza.

After the collapse of the civil infrastructure, with hospitals destroyed, the Ministry of Health has turned over the collection of fatality number to the Gaza Media Office. They are just making up the numbers now.

Even the UN has finally started including a disclaimer that they are unable to independently verify the daily Hamas updates.

There is no genocide in Gaza.

Watch the video below for the real facts:

Larry Estavan


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