Thursday, July 11, 2024

The Iron Beam - Rafael


by Rafael

IRON BEAM is a 100kW class High Energy Laser Weapon System (HELWS) that is expected to become the first operational system in its class.



 High Energy Laser Weapon

IRON BEAM is a 100kW class High Energy Laser Weapon System (HELWS) that is expected to become the first operational system in its class. It quickly and effectively engages and neutralizes a wide array of threats from a range of hundreds of meters to several kilometers. Engaging at the speed of light, IRON BEAM has an unlimited magazine, with almost zero cost per interception, and causes minimal collateral damage. Complementing RAFAEL’s IRON DOME, it can be integrated with a range of platforms and can become part of any multilayer defense system. RAFAEL is considered a global leader in the field, developing Directed Energy systems including HEL systems for over 30 years. The company works closely with Israel’s Defense Ministry and serves as the HEL National Center for Excellence and the National Lethality Lab. 




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1 comment:

pierre said...

CNN banner headline today tell us that the South Koreans are the first country to be soon toi produce a laser system capabler of shooting down drones and maybe later missiles etc. Clearly like President Biden they are not well informed

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