by John Solomon
Comer revealed to Just the News that the Biden Treasury Department has told Congress it has more than 400 suspicious activity reports — money laundering alerts — involving the ActBlue fundraising platform connected to the Democratic Party.

House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer is taking aim at two new accountability targets, revealing that he will soon review more than 400 Treasury Department money laundering reports that raised alarm about the Democrat fundraising platform ActBlue and is already passing information to the next leaders of the Justice Department to punish bureaucrats who tried to impede investigations of the Biden family.
“Anyone who's involved in a government agency, whether it's the Securities Exchange Commission, the IRS, the FBI, the Department of Justice, anyone who was involved in obstructing an investigation or covering up criminal activity from the Biden family, they need to be held accountable,” Comer said during a wide-ranging interview Wednesday night on the "Just the News, No Noise" television show.
“They need to lose their jobs,” Comer added.
Comer said his investigators are already passing information to the next leaders under Attorney General-designate Pam Bondi, hoping to identify federal employees who should be investigated for possible crimes or administrative violations.
"I want to see accountability from the deep state, the people that were involved in the cover up and hopefully Pam Bondi and the Trump administration will work with us to see that these deep state actors are held accountable," he said.
"We're communicating with the new administration, so the ball is in their court," he added.
Roadmap of obstruction
Comer said two IRS criminal agents who blew the whistle on efforts to cover up tax and gun crimes by Hunter Biden have provided a valuable roadmap of the agencies and personnel who obstructed their efforts. He added that President Joe Biden’s recent pardon of his son Hunter won’t stop a fresh wave of accountability at the start of the second Trump administration.
Biden is reportedly considering issuing blanket pardons of government officials and others that might be targeted by Trump-era investigations, but Comer said he is doubtful such clemency will extended to federal law enforcement officials who ran interference to stop efforts to prosecute Hunter Biden and his business associates.
“I'll be very surprised that Joe Biden goes that far as to pardon all these people. They're going to be suckers, hopefully, for doing all this for the Bidens, and then, you know, Biden, at the end of the day, is only going to save his own skin, which is what's happened throughout the Biden family career,” he said.
At least 400 Suspicious Activity Reports
Comer also revealed that he received new information this week from the outgoing Biden Treasury Department about the number of Suspicious Activity Reports (SARS) filed with the U.S. government that flagged suspicious transactions involving ActBlue, the massive online platform that has raised more than $2 billion for liberal causes.
"Look, what we've been requesting on our end of this investigation is we follow bank records, and we did that during the Hunter Biden-Joe Biden influence peddling schemes. We started out with suspicious activity reports, which were bank violations that banks turn into Treasury if they feel like they have a client that that's committing some type of financial crime," he explained.
"We requested the SARS from Treasury (on ActBlue) several months ago, long before the election, and they obstructed and delayed, and they haven't given us anything," he said. "But we had a meeting this week, and they said, 'Look, this is the largest production of SARS that we've ever had to compile that's been requested.'
"And then we asked, 'Well, how many are we talking here?' And like Treasury replied, well, there's at least 400 SARs," he added. "I mean, that is a huge number of suspicious activity reports."
The request for SARs is part of larger investigation with House Administration Committee Chairman Bryan Steil, R-Wis., who revealed earlier this fall congressional investigators believe the ActBlue platform may have been used by four foreign adversaries — Iran, Russia, Venezuela and China — to route illicit monies to Democrats' campaigns through unwitting straw donations using foreign bought gift cards.
Federal law prohibits contributions, donations, expenditures (including independent expenditures) and disbursements solicited, directed, received or made directly or indirectly by or from foreign nationals in connection with any federal, state or local election.
Steil earlier this year asked attorneys general in five states to investigate thousands of suspicious donations his investigators flagged. That probe has now expanded to 19 states.
Steil told Just the News this week that ActBlue just provided his committee some stunning new evidence showing the platform only began automatically banning the use of foreign bought gift cards for donations on Sept. 9, meaning such cards may have been used for years before including the majority of the 2024 election cycle.
ActBlue also only recently began using the CVV security codes for credit cards, another fraud security protection, according to Steil and Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton.
ActBlue has broadly denied wrongdoing
Comer said Wednesday night that GOP congressional investigators' theory is that a massive rise in small online donations routed through ActBlue to Democrat candidates, especially in 2024, may have involved some fraud or illicit foreign funds.
"It's almost impossible to think that every single rich (person) or Democrat in America is sitting in their basement making $5 and $10 donations to every Democrat running for Congress every day, because that's basically what it would take if their money stream was legitimate," he said.
"It's a felony to accept foreign contribution. So anyone knows that that's involved in campaign finance, whether you're running for city council or whether you're running a multi million dollar donation platform like ActBlue," he said. "You know it's a huge felony to accept foreign donations."
Comer said congressional investigators believe the recent security changes by ActBlue may have stopped a flow of suspicious monies, but that the Treasury Department reports will help determine whether anyone associated with ActBlue "may have known that this money was coming from overseas or may have turned a blind eye, hoping that no one would would discover this."
ActBlue has broadly denied wrongdoing but says it is cooperating with the various investigations. It claims to have raised more than $2 billion in small online fundraising donations for Democrat and liberal causes since its inception in 2004.
In a recent statement on its site to users, ActBlue said it was the victim of “disinformation” and was committed to complying with the law and protecting donors’ privacy.
“We rigorously protect donors’ information by maintaining a robust security program and strict fraud prevention measures – often beyond what is required by law,” it said. “ActBlue holds itself to the highest legal and ethical standards, and all contributions made through ActBlue are disclosed in full compliance with federal, state, and local laws."
John Solomon
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