by Ephraim D. Tepler
The Palestinian Authority shares the same religious aspirations of eradicating the Jewish State as Hamas. PA TV has featured Sheikh Yasser Mustafa Younes on a weekly basis, and he calls explicitly for Israel to disappear and for the Jews to return to the exile.
Egyptian Al-Azhar Cleric Sheikh Yasser Mustafa Younes: "Allah willing, we will all merit to reclaim Jerusalem and all of Palestine from the occupation (i.e., Israel) and the Zionist entity, Allah willing, and they will disappear."
[Official PA TV, Palestine is Not for Sale, March 8, 2025]
Egyptian Al-Azhar Cleric Sheikh Yasser Mustafa Younes: "The question on the mind of everyone currently watching us is—the conflict going on between the Palestinians and the group of Zionists: Do they actually have a right to this land, have they dwelled on this land or lived in it before, so that they can demand it? Of course, all of history says the first to dwell on Palestinian land were the Canaanites... They were Arab tribes that settled on the coast of Greater Syria…If you read the history books, the number of Jews was always small. You will always find they lived in the Jewish quarter, the Jewish street, or the Jewish town, keeping to themselves. Even when they were in exile – and [some] still are, and they will return to this state [of exile] Allah willing – their seed was few and their numbers small. In contrast, look at the Muslims."
[Official PA TV, Palestine is Not for Sale, March 1, 2025]
The PA also uses "man-on-the-street" interviews on its official television channel to ensure that its viewers regularly receive a steady stream of this sort of hate messaging.
Man from Beirut: "The promise [will be kept] and Israel will come to an end and Palestine will be liberated, Allah willing."
[Official PA TV News, March 5, 2025]
Ephraim D. Tepler
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