by Matthew Vadum

A government watchdog’s new report takes the FBI to task for violating its own policies by continuing to work with the Muslim Brotherhood’s front group in the United States, the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR).
The report came as CAIR issued a new report denouncing the so-called “Islamophobia” of the Fox News Channel, Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin, David the Horowitz Freedom Center, and others who dare to engage in an honest discussion of Islam and the politics surrounding it. Islamophobia is a concept invented to intimidate critics of Islam and Islamic jihad by implying that any and all criticism of the Muslim religion is animated by bigotry or ethnic animus. CAIR has urged Muslims not to cooperate with the FBI, which it characterizes as corrupt.
The report from the Justice Department’s inspector general faults FBI headquarters for repeatedly providing its field offices with conflicting information and pinpoints five examples in which FBI field office special agents-in-charge ignored or deliberately defied FBI policy.
Five years ago the FBI was directed to end its working partnership with CAIR that was part of the agency’s gooey, politically correct public relations effort in Muslim communities in the United States. The ban on contact with CAIR applies only to outreach efforts. The FBI continues its normal investigatory work, looking into criminal and civil rights complaints involving Muslims and working with any organizations to which they may belong.
FBI field office resistance to the policy goes back to late 2008.
“[W]e will decide how our relationship is operated and maintained with CAIR barring some additional instruction from FBI Headquarters,” wrote the head of the FBI’s field office in Los Angeles. “Please instruct your folks at this time that [we] are not to abide by the … [policy] but that their direction in regards to CAIR will come from the LA Field Office front office.”
Congressman Frank Wolf (R-Va.). blasted the FBI for its behavior.
These violations of the contact ban with CAIR are “intolerable,” Wolf wrote in a letter to new FBI Director James Comey. He demanded that those responsible be punished and be “separat[ed] from the FBI,” the Investigative Project on Terrorism reports.
When Wolf howls, the FBI listens. He chairs the House Appropriations Committee’s subcommittee in charge of the FBI’s budget. The investigation looked only at incidents in the FBI’s field offices in Chicago, Philadelphia and New Haven, Conn., in 2010, 2011, and 2012, so there may be many more that have yet to be uncovered.
Referring to the Los Angeles incident, Wolf criticized the “unacceptable and insubordinate behavior from a senior leader of the FBI.”
The damning report was posted on the website of the Office of the Inspector General for the Department of Justice yesterday and then abruptly taken down. Sources say the OIG’s office said there was a technical problem. A few hours later, the report itself and an executive summary resurfaced on the DoJ Inspector General’s website.
While the FBI downplayed the findings of the report in its official reply to the OIG, the agency acknowledged its offices made mistakes and promised to do better.
“We note that the five incidents you reviewed are but a small fraction of the FBI’s outreach efforts with the Muslim community over the past five years,” Nancy McNamara, assistant director of the FBI’s inspection division, wrote in a Sept. 17 letter to DoJ Inspector General Michael E. Horowitz that was obtained by FrontPage Magazine.
“Outreach to the Muslim community remains critical to the FBI’s mission,” McNamara writes. “Accordingly, we will ensure our guidance on CAIR liaison is quickly updated and clarified. In that regard, the FBI agrees with your recommendations and has already taken steps to implement remedial actions.”
CAIR has been a shady operation from its creation nearly 20 years ago.
CAIR, a U.S. Muslim Brotherhood entity, is the Islamofascist organization in the United States most favored by leftists, Islamist fellow-travelers, dupes, and useful idiots. It has enjoyed remarkable success in infiltrating the American political establishment.
CAIR applauded CIA director John Brennan and President Obama for following its recommendations by avoiding the perfectly useful word Islamist. “Islamist is a stealth slur,” according to CAIR. “It exists as a piece of coded language.”
CAIR poses as a civil rights organization in order to immunize itself from criticism. “We are similar to a muslim NAACP,” says CAIR spokesman Ibrahim Hooper.
On more than one occasion CAIR has been compared to the German American Bund, a U.S.-based organization created to promote a favorable view of Nazi Germany. The Bund, like CAIR, was created with the assistance of unfriendly foreign powers.
CAIR was founded in 1994 by Nihad Awad and Omar Ahmad, both of whom worked for a pro-Palestine group established by senior Hamas operative Mousa Abu Marzook, and functioned as Hamas’ public relations and recruitment arm in the United States.
“[U]ntil we can resolve whether there continues to be a connection between CAIR or its executives and HAMAS,” wrote an FBI official in 2009, “the FBI does not view CAIR as an appropriate liaison partner.”
This latest development in the CAIR saga comes after a senior Muslim Brotherhood official who is also a member of the Clinton family’s political network was arrested in Egypt in an ongoing roundup of seditious Islamist militants. Charged with inciting violence, Gehad el-Haddad worked for the Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation from mid-2007 to mid-2012.
Gehad, incidentally, is the Egyptian version of the Arabic word Jihad.
Matthew Vadum
Copyright - Original materials copyright (c) by the authors.
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