Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Al-Qaeda Joins Hamas in the Jihad Against Israel - Ahmed Anwar


by Ahmed Anwar

And it’s clashing with IDF forces in the Northern Gaza Strip.


[Order David Horowitz’s new book, America Betrayed, HERE.]

It turns out that a Gaza based al-Qaeda affiliated group known as Jaysh al-Ummah has joined Hamas in the jihad against Israel. On December 8, Jaysh al-Ummah published a statement saying that its fighters had been clashing with the IDF in the north of the Gaza Strip and in Sheikh Radwan in Gaza City:

It’s unclear how large this al-Qaeda affiliated group is, and whether it has formed a formal alliance with Hamas. It is most likely a small branch that was operating covertly in Gaza for a long time, but has recently decided to conduct operations more overtly, because the IDF’s military operations in Gaza have given al-Qaeda the opportunity to wage jihad against Israel and assure Muslims that al-Qaeda will not neglect its duty to wage jihad against the Jewish state.

Even if there is no actual formal alliance between al-Qaeda and Hamas, al-Qaeda has clearly been assisting Hamas by virtue of attacking IDF troops in Gaza. This benefits Hamas, because it forces the IDF to divide its attention on multiple different jihad groups, as well as buying time for Hamas.

This would not be the first time that al-Qaeda has tried to attack Israel, but as of this writing, it appears to be the most recent example of al-Qaeda doing so. This should have gotten more media coverage, because it shows that even though twenty-two years have passed since September 11, 2001, al-Qaeda is not only still active, but is participating in the Israel vs. Hamas war, and is one of the many jihad groups that are assisting Hamas.

Many might think al-Qaeda is a washed-up group that has become a spent force, because al-Qaeda doesn’t get anywhere near as much attention and media coverage as it did 20 years ago. Hamas and Hezbollah have been getting most of the media coverage and focus since October 7, but media coverage of a jihad group is not a reliable indication of its strength and activity.

Al-Qaeda is still around; it never disappeared.

Ahmed Anwar

Source: https://www.frontpagemag.com/al-qaeda-joins-hamas-in-the-jihad-against-israel/

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