Saturday, May 18, 2024

Sen. Johnson: Recent proposals could give World Health Org. more power, threaten US sovereignty - Charlotte Hazard


by Charlotte Hazard

Earlier this month, all 49 Republican senators signed a letter and sent it to President Joe Biden, urging him to reject two international agreements that would increase WHO's power.

Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., on Friday warned that recent amendments pushed by the World Health Assembly could expand the World Health Organization's (WHO) pandemic authority and pose a threat to U.S. sovereignty. 

"I think if you need evidence that you can't trust the WHO, first look at how they handled or coddled communist China when it came to the pandemic," Johnson said on a special report titled "The Emergence of WHO: The plot to allow Chinese, UN bureaucrats to decide America’s health," hosted by John Solomon and aired on Real America's Voice. 

"They didn't press them in terms of providing us the information that they had [with] the Wuhan lab," Johnson added. "So we can't trust them from that standpoint."

The global health organization is attempting to prepare for future pandemics by creating a unified policy that would allegedly help countries respond to world-wide emergencies faster than it did for COVID-19. 

"During more than two years of intensive negotiations, WHO’s Member States have shown unwavering commitment to forging a generational agreement to protect the world from a repeat of the horrors caused by the COVID-19 pandemic,” WHO Director-General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said in a press release. “I welcome the determination that all countries have shown to continue their work and fulfill the mission on which they embarked.”

One of the most controversial aspects of the agreement, which will not be a part of the draft agreement, is a "pathogen access and benefits system." The system would codify sharing material on new viruses or strains that could potentially lead to another pandemic. In sharing the material, the negotiators hope it would ensure that all countries benefit fairly from future vaccines, drugs, and tests.

Earlier this month, all 49 Republican senators signed a letter and sent it to President Joe Biden, urging him to reject two international agreements that would increase WHO's power. 

"We strongly urge you not to join any pandemic related treaty, convention, or agreement being considered" at the 77th World Health Assembly, the letter asks. 

The senators argued that if the U.S. joined such a treaty, it would require "the concurrence of two-thirds of the Senate under Article I Section 2 of the Constitution."

"You can't trust these folks," Johnson said. "I certainly do look at their record in terms of responding to the pandemic as a miserable failure....... this is the last global group you'd want in charge of our national sovereignty or our personal health autonomy."

Johnson has been one of the leading senators demanding accountability from China and the government's response to the pandemic.

"May 27 through June 1 is when they'll be meeting in Geneva," Rep. Ralph Norman, R-S.C., said on the special. "You know, to give away the sovereignty of America at this particular time is so critical.....we came through the COVID debacle where they totally botched it."

According to Norman, wealth would be stolen from the American people if the U.S. agreed to expand the power of the WHO. 

"I would say probably the only purpose is taking the wealth from America," he said. "Primarily because we're the biggest giver to the United Nations, and in propping up these countries that are being dominated by China and other countries who want to take over their resources. Why should we be a part of that?"

Former Minnesota Rep. Michelle Bachman said that luckily, the pandemic treaty won't be ready by May 27. 

"Last Friday the negotiations fell through on the pandemic accord treaty," she said on the special. "So the people who want to have the global pandemic treaty were hoping to actually get all of their negotiations completed, even though they were about four months too late per their rules. But the good news is chaos and confusion has reigned. That's good for all of us who love freedom."

Charlotte Hazard


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