Saturday, May 11, 2024

Biden sides with terrorists over a U.S. ally *UPDATE* - Andrea Widburg


by Andrea Widburg

This is, quite simply, evil. Biden is holding Israel to a standard that no other nation in the world has ever had to meet and that no modern rules of “civilized” warfare require.


Israel is at war with Hamas. Guess which side Joe Biden has chosen to support and which side he’s chosen to undermine.

Let’s talk about the combatants in the Israel-Hamas War.


  • A nation on land that Jews have occupied continuously for around 4,000 years;*
  • A liberal democracy that extends full civil rights to all citizens, including women and the LGBTQ+ spectrum;
  • A majority Jewish nation that allows freedom of worship, including for its Arab citizens, who make up over 20% of the population;
  • A country that expends enormous sums of money to protect its civilian population; and
  • A nation that wages war with such exquisite regard for protecting enemy civilians that it puts its own troops at risk and reveals its own battle plans in advance, even while it provides supplies to those enemy civilians.


  • A designated terrorist organization that represents a people who are relatively recent arrivals in the land;**
  • An entity that has its raison d'être killing Jews;
  • A fanatic Islamic organization that kills, terrorizes, or expels Christians from territory it controls;
  • A misogynistic people who subordinate women;
  • A band of sexual sadists that recently engaged in one of the most primitive, sadistic, sexually perverse mass slaughters of civilians in modern history; and
  • A military that has deliberately intertwined its military, including its weapons storehouses, into its civilian population so that civilians become an integral part of its defense.

According to Biden, in an interview with CNN’s Erin Burnett, the problem is that the war is killing civilians in Gaza, and it’s all Israel’s fault. Israel, says Biden, may not wage an offensive war. Biden will only help it defend itself against Hamas’s attacks (which will continue indefinitely, of course, unless Hamas is destroyed):


BIDEN: Civilians have been killed in Gaza as a consequence of those bombs and other ways in which they go after population centers.

And I made it clear that, if they go into Rafah -- they haven’t gone into Rafah yet. If they go into Rafah, I’m not supplying the weapons that have been used historically to deal with Rafah, to deal with the cities, to deal with that problem.

We’re going to continue to make sure Israel is secure, in terms of Iron Dome and their ability to respond to attacks like came out of the Middle East recently.

But it’s -- it’s just wrong. We’re not going to supply the weapons and the artillery shells used -- that have been used...


BURNETT: Artillery shells as well?

BIDEN: Yes, artillery shells.

BURNETT: So, just to understand, what they’re doing right now in Rafah, is that not going into Rafah, as you define it?

BIDEN: No, they haven’t gone into the population centers. What they did is right on the border.

And it’s causing problems with -- right now, in terms of with Egypt, which I have worked very hard to make sure we have a relationship and help. But I have made it clear to Bibi and the war cabinet they’re not going to get our support if, in fact, they’re going into these population centers.

We’re not walking away from Israel’s security. We’re walking away from Israel’s ability to wage war in those areas.

Let me reiterate: Biden has just told Israel, a long-standing ally, that America will undercut it if it wages war against a designated terrorist organization because that war might kill civilians (civilians, incidentally, who provide material and moral support to Hamas).

Biden says this even though Hamas (and Hezbollah) have deliberately targeted civilians for months, not just with the October 7 slaughter but with tens of thousands of rockets that rain down daily on Israel. The only reason Israeli civilians survive is because, as I said, Israel protects its civilians while Hamas uses its civilians as part of its military defense system. Thus, Biden has just rewarded a terrorist group for hiding behind women and children.

This is, quite simply, evil. Biden is holding Israel to a standard that no other nation in the world has ever had to meet and that no modern rules of “civilized” warfare require.

The assistance that Biden is offering Hamas is to withhold sophisticated weapons from Israel...the kind of weapons that, through pinpoint targeting abilities, avoid civilian damage. He is forcing Israel to kill more civilians if it wishes to defeat Hamas in its stronghold.

In addition to revealing himself as a moral black hole, Biden is also a political coward and someone who has just qualified for impeachment under the Trump standard.

Biden is a political coward because he intentionally withheld news about his undermining Israel until after he got to give his generic speech opposing genocidal antisemitism:


Biden has also set himself up for impeachment because he has refused to expend funds that Congress specifically designated for an ally, and he’s doing that for the manifest purpose of achieving a political benefit in an election (i.e., winning Michigan by gaining the Hamas vote). We know this is impeachable because Biden said so himself:

What Biden just did is so bad that even CNN called him out:

Scott Adams had his usual pithy take on what just happened:

Indeed, it’s so bad that an ardent leftist on my Facebook page, who also happens to be Jewish, finally bestirred herself to wonder why progressives don’t like Israel. Americans are figuring out that the man in the White House a dangerous to the civilized world.

UPDATE: Not only is Biden refusing to supply Israel with myriad necessary weapons, effectively preventing her from engaging with Hamas's remaining forces, but Biden has also authorized arms sales to Qatar and Lebanon. That effectively means arms sales to Hamas because Hezbollah controls Lebanon, and Qatar is the home base for Hamas. So Biden isn't just handicapping our ally in its existential fight against a genocidal enemy, but it's also arming that same genocidal enemy. 

Image: Biden (edited). CNN screen grab.


*Jewish ties to the land existed even during to time of the Ottoman Turk’s colonization.

**The Arabs who claim eternal ties to the land mostly have roots no deeper than the 1830s or even less than that.


Andrea Widburg


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