Saturday, August 24, 2024

Greek oil tanker set on fire by the Houthis in the Red Sea - Charlotte Hazard


by Charlotte Hazard

According to reports, this is the third ship the Iran-backed Houthi terrorists have destroyed in the Red Sea. The ship was carrying 150,000 tons of crude oil.


Houthi rebels set fire to a Greek oil tanker in the Red Sea off the coast of Yemen, footage shows. 

The video shows the tanker, called the Sounion, burning as the Iran-backed terrorists chanted, and mocked America. 

“God is the greatest; death to America; death to Israel; curse the Jews; victory to Islam,” they chanted, according to the New York Post.

The terrorists first came on small boats, approaching the tanker on Wednesday, and firing with guns and hitting the ship with four projectiles, according to the UK military’s Maritime Trade Operations Center.

On Friday, the ship was rocked by three explosions, though the source of those is unclear, according to the outlet. 

According to reports, this is the third ship the Houthis have destroyed in the Red Sea, after sinking two others. 

The ship was carrying 150,000 tons of crude oil, threatening a possible environmental disaster.

Representative Mike Waltz (R-Florida) posted the video of the explosion on X — and called it a U.S. foreign policy failure. 

“This is what Biden/Harris policy of appeasement towards Iran gets you… Houthi terrorists blowing 150,000 tons of crude oil into the Red sea,” Waltz said.

Charlotte Hazard


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